backoffice: use a template to render formdef/carddef pages (#78148) #358

fpeters merged 1 commits from wip/78148-backoffice-formdef-template into main 2023-06-12 09:37:29 +02:00
6 changed files with 316 additions and 322 deletions

View File

@ -3972,14 +3972,14 @@ def test_forms_last_test_result(pub, formdef):
app = login(get_app(pub))
resp = app.get('/backoffice/forms/1/')
assert '<h2>form title</h2>' in resp.text
assert resp.pyquery('h2').text() == 'form title'
pub.site_options.set('options', 'enable-tests', 'true')
with open(os.path.join(pub.app_dir, 'site-options.cfg'), 'w') as fd:
resp = app.get('/backoffice/forms/1/')
assert '<h2>form title</h2>' in resp.text
assert resp.pyquery('h2').text() == 'form title'
test_result = TestResult()
test_result.object_type = formdef.get_table_name()
@ -3992,17 +3992,16 @@ def test_forms_last_test_result(pub, formdef):
for url in ('/backoffice/forms/1/', '/backoffice/forms/1/fields/'):
resp = app.get(url)
assert '<h2>form title <a href="%s"' % test_result.get_admin_url() in resp.text
assert 'test-success' in resp.text
assert 'test-failure' not in resp.text
assert resp.pyquery('h2 .test-success')
assert not resp.pyquery('h2 .test-failure')
test_result.success = False
for url in ('/backoffice/forms/1/', '/backoffice/forms/1/fields/'):
resp = app.get(url)
assert 'test-failure' in resp.text
assert 'test-success' not in resp.text
assert not resp.pyquery('h2 .test-success')
assert resp.pyquery('h2 .test-failure')
test_result.success = True = None
@ -4011,13 +4010,13 @@ def test_forms_last_test_result(pub, formdef):
for url in ('/backoffice/forms/1/', '/backoffice/forms/1/fields/'):
resp = app.get(url)
assert 'test-success' in resp.text
assert 'test-failure' not in resp.text
assert resp.pyquery('h2 .test-success')
assert not resp.pyquery('h2 .test-failure')
for url in ('/backoffice/forms/1/', '/backoffice/forms/1/fields/'):
resp = app.get(url)
assert '<h2>form title</h2>' in resp.text
assert resp.pyquery('h2').text() == 'form title'
def test_jump_identifiers_unicity(pub):

View File

@ -647,8 +647,7 @@ class FormDefPage(Directory):
'The form has been successfully overwritten. '
'Do note it kept its existing address and role and workflow parameters.'
readonly_message = _('This form is readonly.')
management_view_label = _('Management view')
formdef_template_name = 'wcs/backoffice/formdef.html'
inspect_template_name = 'wcs/backoffice/formdef-inspect.html'
def __init__(self, component, instance=None):
@ -686,62 +685,127 @@ class FormDefPage(Directory):
def _q_index(self):
r = TemplateIO(html=True)
get_response().filter['sidebar'] = self.get_sidebar()
['jquery.js', 'widget_list.js', 'qommon.wysiwyg.js', 'qommon.fileupload.js', 'select2.js']
['popup.js', 'widget_list.js', 'qommon.wysiwyg.js', 'qommon.fileupload.js', 'select2.js']
r += htmltext('<div id="appbar">')
r += htmltext('<h2>%s') %
r += utils.last_test_result_block(self.formdef)
r += htmltext('</h2>')
r += htmltext('<span class="actions">')
if not self.formdef.is_readonly():
r += htmltext('<a rel="popup" href="title">%s</a>') % _('change title')
r += htmltext('</span>')
r += htmltext('</div>')
r += utils.last_modification_block(obj=self.formdef)
r += get_session().display_message()
r += htmltext('<div class="bo-block">')
r += htmltext('<h3>%s</h3>') % _('Information')
r += htmltext('<ul class="biglist optionslist">')
r += self.add_option_line(
and pgettext_lazy('description', 'On')
or pgettext_lazy('description', 'None'),
user = get_request().user
context = {
'tests_enabled': get_publisher().has_site_option('enable-tests'),
'has_qrcode': bool(qrcode is not None),
'view': self,
'formdef': self.formdef,
'has_sidebar': True,
'include_management_link': bool(user.is_admin or self.formdef.is_of_concern_for_user(user)),
'options': self.get_option_lines(),
'has_captcha_option': get_publisher().has_site_option('formdef-captcha-option'),
'has_appearance_keywords': get_publisher().has_site_option('formdef-appearance-keywords'),
return template.QommonTemplateResponse(
r += self.add_option_line(
self.formdef.keywords and self.formdef.keywords or pgettext_lazy('keywords', 'None'),
r += self.add_option_line(
and self.formdef.category
or pgettext_lazy('category', 'None'),
r += htmltext('</ul>')
r += htmltext('</div>')
r += htmltext('<div class="splitcontent-left">')
r += htmltext('<div class="bo-block">')
r += htmltext('<h3>%s</h3>') % _('Workflow')
r += htmltext('<ul class="biglist optionslist">')
def snapshot_info_block(self):
return utils.snapshot_info_block(snapshot=self.formdef.snapshot_object)
def last_modification_block(self):
return utils.last_modification_block(obj=self.formdef)
def last_test_result_block(self):
return utils.last_test_result_block(self.formdef)
def errors_block(self):
return LoggedErrorsDirectory.errors_block(
def get_option_lines(self):
options = {
'description': self.add_option_line(

J'ai pris l'option de conserver (au moins pour le moment) la définition des lignes d'option au niveau du python.

J'ai pris l'option de conserver (au moins pour le moment) la définition des lignes d'option au niveau du python.
and pgettext_lazy('description', 'On')
or pgettext_lazy('description', 'None'),
'keywords': self.add_option_line(
self.formdef.keywords and self.formdef.keywords or pgettext_lazy('keywords', 'None'),
'category': self.add_option_line(
and self.formdef.category
or pgettext_lazy('category', 'None'),
'user_roles': self.add_option_line(
'roles', _('User Roles'), self.get_roles_label_and_auth_context()
'backoffice_submission_roles': self.add_option_line(
_('Backoffice Submission Role'),
'confirmation': self.add_option_line(
_('Confirmation Page'),
and pgettext_lazy('confirmation page', 'Enabled')
or pgettext_lazy('confirmation page', 'Disabled'),
'only_allow_one': self.add_option_line(
_('Limit to one form'),
and pgettext_lazy('limit to one', 'Enabled')
or pgettext_lazy('limit to one', 'Disabled'),
'always_advertise': self.add_option_line(
_('Display to unlogged users'),
and pgettext_lazy('display to unlogged', 'Enabled')
or pgettext_lazy('display to unlogged', 'Disabled'),
'management': self.add_option_line(
if (self.formdef.skip_from_360_view or self.formdef.include_download_all_button)
else _('Default'),
'tracking_code': self.add_option_line(
_('Tracking Code'),
and pgettext_lazy('tracking code', 'Enabled')
or pgettext_lazy('tracking code', 'Disabled'),
'captcha': self.add_option_line(
_('CAPTCHA for anonymous users'),
and pgettext_lazy('captcha', 'Enabled')
or pgettext_lazy('captcha', 'Disabled'),
'appearance': self.add_option_line(
and self.formdef.appearance_keywords
or pgettext_lazy('appearance', 'Standard'),
unknown_wf = == Workflow.get_unknown_workflow().id
if get_publisher().get_backoffice_root().is_accessible('workflows') and not unknown_wf:
# custom option line to also include a link to the workflow itself.
r += htmltext(
options['workflow'] = htmltext(
'<li><a rel="popup" href="%(link)s">'
'<span class="label">%(label)s</span> '
'<span class="value offset">%(current_value)s</span>'
@ -757,98 +821,27 @@ class FormDefPage(Directory):
r += self.add_option_line(
options['workflow'] = self.add_option_line(
'workflow', _('Workflow'), self.formdef.workflow and or '-'
options['workflow_options'] = ''
if self.formdef.workflow_id:
pristine_workflow = Workflow.get(self.formdef.workflow_id, ignore_errors=True)
if pristine_workflow and pristine_workflow.variables_formdef:
r += self.add_option_line('workflow-variables', _('Options'), '')
options['workflow_options'] = self.add_option_line('workflow-variables', _('Options'), '')
elif self.formdef.workflow_options:
# there are no variables defined but there are some values
# in workflow_options, this is probably the legacy stuff.
if any(x for x in self.formdef.workflow_options if '*' in x):
r += self.add_option_line('workflow-options', _('Options'), '')
options['workflow_options'] = self.add_option_line('workflow-options', _('Options'), '')
options['workflow_roles_list'] = []
if self.formdef.workflow.roles:
for wf_role_id, wf_role_label, role_label in self.get_workflow_roles_elements():
r += self.add_option_line('role/%s' % wf_role_id, wf_role_label, role_label)
r += self.add_option_line('roles', _('User Roles'), self.get_roles_label_and_auth_context())
r += self.add_option_line(
_('Backoffice Submission Role'),
r += htmltext('</ul>')
r += htmltext('</div>')
r += htmltext('</div>')
r += htmltext('<div class="splitcontent-right">')
r += htmltext('<div class="bo-block">')
r += htmltext('<h3>%s</h3>') % _('Options')
r += htmltext('<ul class="biglist optionslist">')
r += self.add_option_line(
_('Confirmation Page'),
and pgettext_lazy('confirmation page', 'Enabled')
or pgettext_lazy('confirmation page', 'Disabled'),
r += self.add_option_line(
_('Limit to one form'),
and pgettext_lazy('limit to one', 'Enabled')
or pgettext_lazy('limit to one', 'Disabled'),
if self.formdef.roles:
r += self.add_option_line(
_('Display to unlogged users'),
and pgettext_lazy('display to unlogged', 'Enabled')
or pgettext_lazy('display to unlogged', 'Disabled'),
r += self.add_option_line(
if (self.formdef.skip_from_360_view or self.formdef.include_download_all_button)
else _('Default'),
r += self.add_option_line(
_('Tracking Code'),
and pgettext_lazy('tracking code', 'Enabled')
or pgettext_lazy('tracking code', 'Disabled'),
if get_publisher().has_site_option('formdef-captcha-option'):
r += self.add_option_line(
_('CAPTCHA for anonymous users'),
and pgettext_lazy('captcha', 'Enabled')
or pgettext_lazy('captcha', 'Disabled'),
if get_publisher().has_site_option('formdef-appearance-keywords'):
r += self.add_option_line(
and self.formdef.appearance_keywords
or pgettext_lazy('appearance', 'Standard'),
self.add_option_line('role/%s' % wf_role_id, wf_role_label, role_label)
if (
@ -858,7 +851,9 @@ class FormDefPage(Directory):
template_status = pgettext_lazy('template', 'Custom')
template_status = pgettext_lazy('template', 'None')
r += self.add_option_line('options/templates', _('Templates'), template_status, popup=False)
options['templates'] = self.add_option_line(
'options/templates', _('Templates'), template_status, popup=False
online_status = pgettext_lazy('online status', 'Active')
if self.formdef.disabled:
@ -869,22 +864,10 @@ class FormDefPage(Directory):
elif self.formdef.is_disabled():
# disabled by date
online_status = pgettext_lazy('online status', 'Inactive by date')
r += self.add_option_line('options/online_status', _('Online Status'), online_status)
r += htmltext('</ul>')
r += htmltext('</div>')
r += htmltext('</div>')
r += htmltext('<div class="bo-block clear">')
r += htmltext(
'<h3 class="clear">%s <span class="change"><a class="pk-button" href="fields/">%s</a></span></h3>'
) % (
options['online_status'] = self.add_option_line(
'options/online_status', _('Online Status'), online_status
r += self.get_preview()
r += htmltext('</div>')
return r.getvalue()
return options
def get_workflow_roles_elements(self):
if not self.formdef.workflow_roles:
@ -934,47 +917,6 @@ class FormDefPage(Directory):
return value
def get_sidebar(self):
r = TemplateIO(html=True)
if self.formdef.is_readonly():
r += htmltext('<div class="infonotice"><p>%s</p></div>') % self.readonly_message
r += utils.snapshot_info_block(snapshot=self.formdef.snapshot_object)
return r.getvalue()
r += htmltext('<ul id="sidebar-actions">')
r += htmltext('<li><a href="delete" rel="popup">%s</a></li>') % _('Delete')
r += htmltext('<li><a href="duplicate" rel="popup">%s</a></li>') % _('Duplicate')
r += htmltext('<li><a rel="popup" href="overwrite">%s</a></li>') % _('Overwrite with new import')
r += htmltext('<li><a href="export">%s</a></li>') % _('Export')
if get_publisher().snapshot_class:
r += htmltext('<li><a rel="popup" href="history/save">%s</a></li>') % _('Save snapshot')
r += htmltext('<li><a href="history/">%s</a></li>') % _('History')
r += htmltext('<li><a href="inspect">%s</a></li>') % _('Inspector')
if get_publisher().has_site_option('enable-tests'):
r += htmltext('<li><a href="tests/">%s</a></li>') % _('Tests')
r += htmltext('</ul>')
r += htmltext('<ul>')
if self.formdef_class == FormDef:
if self.formdef.is_disabled():
r += htmltext('<li><a href="%s">%s</a></li>') % (
_('Preview Online'),
r += htmltext('<li><a href="%s">%s</a></li>') % (self.formdef.get_url(), _('Display Online'))
r += htmltext('<li><a href="public-url" rel="popup">%s</a></li>') % _('Display public URL')
if qrcode is not None:
r += htmltext('<li><a href="qrcode" rel="popup">%s</a></li>') % _('Display QR Code')
user = get_request().user
if user.is_admin or self.formdef.is_of_concern_for_user(user):
r += htmltext('<li><a href="%s">%s</a></li>') % (
r += htmltext('</ul>')
r += LoggedErrorsDirectory.errors_block(formdef_class=self.formdef_class,
return r.getvalue()
def public_url(self):
get_response().breadcrumb.append(('public-url', _('Public URL')))

View File

@ -14,10 +14,9 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see <>.
from quixote import get_publisher, get_request, get_response, get_session, redirect
from quixote import get_publisher, get_request, get_response, redirect
from quixote.html import TemplateIO, htmltext
from wcs.admin import utils
from wcs.admin.categories import CardDefCategoriesDirectory
from wcs.admin.forms import (
@ -30,7 +29,6 @@ from wcs.admin.forms import (
from wcs.carddef import CardDef, get_cards_graph
from wcs.categories import CardDefCategory
from wcs.sql_criterias import Null, StrictNotEqual
from wcs.workflows import Workflow
from ..qommon import _, pgettext_lazy
@ -71,6 +69,7 @@ class CardDefPage(FormDefPage):
options_directory_class = CardDefOptionsDirectory
fields_directory_class = CardFieldsDirectory
formdef_template_name = 'wcs/backoffice/carddef.html'
delete_message = _('You are about to irrevocably delete this card model.')
delete_title = _('Deleting Card Model:')
duplicate_title = _('Duplicate Card Model')
@ -79,144 +78,28 @@ class CardDefPage(FormDefPage):
'The card model has been successfully overwritten. '
'Do note it kept its existing address and role and workflow parameters.'
readonly_message = _('This card model is readonly.')
management_view_label = _('List of cards')
def _q_index(self):
r = TemplateIO(html=True)
get_response().filter['sidebar'] = self.get_sidebar()
get_response().add_javascript(['jquery.js', 'widget_list.js', 'qommon.wysiwyg.js'])
r += htmltext('<div id="appbar">')
r += htmltext('<h2>%s</h2>') %
if not self.formdef.is_readonly():
r += htmltext('<span class="actions">')
r += htmltext('<a rel="popup" href="title">%s</a>') % _('change title')
r += htmltext('</span>')
r += htmltext('</div>')
r += utils.last_modification_block(obj=self.formdef)
r += get_session().display_message()
r += htmltext('<div class="bo-block">')
r += htmltext('<h3>%s</h3>') % _('Information')
r += htmltext('<ul class="biglist optionslist">')
r += self.add_option_line(
and self.formdef.category
or pgettext_lazy('category', 'None'),
r += htmltext('</ul>')
r += htmltext('</div>')
r += htmltext('<div class="splitcontent-left">')
r += htmltext('<div class="bo-block">')
r += htmltext('<h3>%s</h3>') % _('Workflow')
r += htmltext('<ul class="biglist optionslist">')
unknown_wf = == Workflow.get_unknown_workflow().id
if get_publisher().get_backoffice_root().is_accessible('workflows') and not unknown_wf:
# custom option line to also include a link to the workflow itself.
r += htmltext(
'<li><a rel="popup" href="%(link)s">'
'<span class="label">%(label)s</span> '
'<span class="value offset">%(current_value)s</span>'
'<a class="extra-link" title="%(title)s" href="%(workflow_url)s">↗</a>'
% {
'link': 'workflow',
'label': _('Workflow'),
'title': _('Open workflow page'),
'workflow_url': self.formdef.workflow.get_admin_url(),
'current_value': or '-',
r += self.add_option_line(
'workflow', _('Workflow'), self.formdef.workflow and or '-'
if self.formdef.workflow_id:
pristine_workflow = Workflow.get(self.formdef.workflow_id, ignore_errors=True)
if pristine_workflow and pristine_workflow.variables_formdef:
r += self.add_option_line('workflow-variables', _('Options'), '')
r += self.add_option_line(
def get_option_lines(self):
options = super().get_option_lines()
options['backoffice_submission_roles'] = self.add_option_line(
_('Creation Role'),
if self.formdef.workflow.roles:
if not self.formdef.workflow_roles:
self.formdef.workflow_roles = {}
for wf_role_id, wf_role_label in self.formdef.workflow.roles.items():
role_id = self.formdef.workflow_roles.get(wf_role_id)
if role_id:
role = get_publisher().role_class.get(role_id)
role_label =
except KeyError:
# removed role ?
role_label = _('Unknown role (%s)') % role_id
role_label = '-'
r += self.add_option_line('role/%s' % wf_role_id, wf_role_label, role_label)
r += htmltext('</ul>')
r += htmltext('</div>')
r += htmltext('</div>')
r += htmltext('<div class="splitcontent-right">')
r += htmltext('<div class="bo-block">')
r += htmltext('<h3>%s</h3>') % _('Options')
r += htmltext('<ul class="biglist optionslist">')
if (
or self.formdef.lateral_template
or self.formdef.submission_lateral_template
template_status = pgettext_lazy('template', 'Custom')
template_status = pgettext_lazy('template', 'None')
r += self.add_option_line('options/templates', _('Templates'), template_status, popup=False)
if self.formdef.user_support == 'optional':
user_support_status = pgettext_lazy('user_support', 'Optional')
user_support_status = pgettext_lazy('user_support', 'No')
r += self.add_option_line('options/user_support', _('User support'), user_support_status)
r += htmltext('</ul>')
r += htmltext('</div>')
r += htmltext('</div>')
r += htmltext('<div class="bo-block clear">')
r += htmltext('<h3 class="clear">%s <span class="change">(<a href="fields/">%s</a>)</span></h3>') % (
options['user_support'] = self.add_option_line(
'options/user_support', _('User support'), user_support_status
r += self.get_preview()
r += htmltext('</div>')
return options
def get_sorted_usage_in_formdefs(self):
formdefs = list(self.formdef.usage_in_formdefs())
if formdefs:
formdefs.sort(key=lambda x:
r += htmltext('<div class="bo-block">')
r += htmltext('<h3>%s</h3>') % _('Forms')
r += htmltext('<p>%s ') % _('This card model is used as data source in the following forms:')
r += htmltext(', ').join(
[htmltext('<a href="%s">%s</a>') % (x.get_admin_url(), for x in formdefs]
r += htmltext('</p>')
r += htmltext('</div>')
return r.getvalue()
formdefs.sort(key=lambda x:
return formdefs
def duplicate_submit(self, form):
response = super().duplicate_submit(form)

View File

@ -704,6 +704,12 @@ class FormDef(StorableObject):
base_url = get_publisher().get_backoffice_url()
return '%s/forms/%s/' % (base_url,
def get_backoffice_url(self):
return self.get_url(backoffice=True)
def get_preview_url(self):
return self.get_url(preview=True)
def get_field_admin_url(self, field):
return self.get_admin_url() + 'fields/%s/' %

View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
{% extends "wcs/backoffice/formdef.html" %}
{% load i18n %}
{% block body %}
{{ view.last_modification_block|safe }}
{{ publisher.get_request.session.display_message|safe }}
<div class="bo-block">
<h3>{% trans "Information" %}</h3>
<ul class="biglist optionslist">
{{ options.category|safe }}
<div class="splitcontent-left">
<div class="bo-block">
<h3>{% trans "Workflow" %}</h3>
<ul class="biglist optionslist">
{{ options.workflow|safe }}
{{ options.workflow_options|safe }}
{% for workflow_role_line in options.workflow_roles_list %}{{ workflow_role_line|safe }}{% endfor %}
{{ options.backoffice_submission_roles|safe }}
<div class="splitcontent-right">
<div class="bo-block">
<h3>{% trans "Options" %}</h3>
<ul class="biglist optionslist">
{{ options.templates|safe }}
{{ options.user_support|safe }}
<div class="bo-block clear">
<h3 class="clear">{% trans "Fields" %}
<span class="change"><a class="pk-button" href="fields/">{% trans "edit" %}</a></span></h3>
{{ view.get_preview|safe }}
{% with usage_in_formdefs=view.get_sorted_usage_in_formdefs %}
{% if usage_in_formdefs %}
<div class="bo-block">
<h3>{% trans "Forms" %}</h3>
<p>{% trans "This card model is used as data source in the following forms:" %}
{% for usage in usage_in_formdefs %}
<a href="{{ usage.get_admin_url }}">{{ }}</a>{% if not forloop.last %}, {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endwith %}
{% endblock %}
{% block sidebar-content-readonly-message %}
{% trans "This card model is readonly." %}
{% endblock %}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
{% extends "wcs/backoffice.html" %}
{% load i18n %}
{% block appbar-title %}{{ }} {{ view.last_test_result_block|safe }}{% endblock %}
{% block appbar-actions %}
{% if not formdef.is_readonly %}
<a rel="popup" href="title">{% trans "change title" %}</a>
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block body %}
{{ view.last_modification_block|safe }}
{{ publisher.get_request.session.display_message|safe }}
<div class="bo-block">
<h3>{% trans "Information" %}</h3>
<ul class="biglist optionslist">
{{ options.description|safe }}
{{ options.keywords|safe }}
{{ options.category|safe }}
<div class="splitcontent-left">
<div class="bo-block">
<h3>{% trans "Workflow" %}</h3>
<ul class="biglist optionslist">
{{ options.workflow|safe }}
{{ options.workflow_options|safe }}
{% for workflow_role_line in options.workflow_roles_list %}{{ workflow_role_line|safe }}{% endfor %}
{{ options.workflow_roles|safe }}
{{ options.user_roles|safe }}
{{ options.backoffice_submission_roles|safe }}
<div class="splitcontent-right">
<div class="bo-block">
<h3>{% trans "Options" %}</h3>
<ul class="biglist optionslist">
{{ options.confirmation|safe }}
{{ options.only_allow_one|safe }}
{% if formdef.roles %}{{ options.always_advertise|safe }}{% endif %}
{{|safe }}
{{ options.tracking_code|safe }}
{% if has_captcha_option %}{{ options.captcha|safe }}{% endif %}
{% if has_appearance_keywords %}{{ options.appearance|safe }}{% endif %}
{{ options.templates|safe }}
{{ options.online_status|safe }}
<div class="bo-block clear">
<h3 class="clear">{% trans "Fields" %}
<span class="change"><a class="pk-button" href="fields/">{% trans "edit" %}</a></span></h3>
{{ view.get_preview|safe }}
{% endblock %}
{% block sidebar-content %}
{% if formdef.is_readonly %}
<div class="infonotice">
{% block sidebar-content-readonly-message %}
{% trans "This form is readonly." %}
{% endblock %}
{{ view.snapshot_info_block|safe }}
{% else %}
<ul id="sidebar-actions">
<li><a href="delete" rel="popup">{% trans "Delete" %}</a></li>
<li><a href="duplicate" rel="popup">{% trans "Duplicate" %}</a></li>
<li><a rel="popup" href="overwrite">{% trans "Overwrite with new import" %}</a></li>
<li><a href="export">{% trans "Export" %}</a></li>
<li><a rel="popup" href="history/save">{% trans "Save snapshot" %}</a></li>
<li><a href="history/">{% trans "History" %}</a></li>
<li><a href="inspect">{% trans "Inspector" %}</a></li>
{% if tests_enabled %}
<li><a href="tests/">{% trans "Tests" %}</a></li>
{% endif %}
{% block sidebar-links %}
{% if formdef.is_disabled %}
<li><a href="{{ formdef.get_preview_url }}">{% trans "Preview Online" %}</a></li>
{% else %}
<li><a href="{{ formdef.get_url }}">{% trans "Display Online" %}</a></li>
{% endif %}
<li><a href="public-url" rel="popup">{% trans "Display public URL" %}</a></li>
{% if has_qrcode %}
<li><a href="qrcode" rel="popup">{% trans "Display QR Code" %}</a></li>
{% endif %}
{% if include_management_link %}
<li><a href="{{ formdef.get_backoffice_url }}">{% trans "Management view" %}</a></li>
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{{ view.errors_block|safe }}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}