lorsqu'on normalise une recherche FTS, chercher aussi avec les valeurs d'origine (#75302) #162

bdauvergne merged 2 commits from wip/75302-Une-recherche-sur-un-numero-dans into main 2023-03-10 12:02:55 +01:00
2 changed files with 29 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -4429,6 +4429,11 @@ def test_fts_phone(pub):
formdata = formdef.data_class()()
formdata.data = {'1': None, '2': '123456789'}
assert formdef.data_class().count([FtsMatch('01 23 45 67 89')]) == 1
assert formdef.data_class().count([FtsMatch('0123456789')]) == 1
assert formdef.data_class().count([FtsMatch('+33123456789')]) == 1
@ -4437,6 +4442,7 @@ def test_fts_phone(pub):
assert formdef.data_class().count([FtsMatch('+33(0)123456789 bar')]) == 0
assert formdef.data_class().count([FtsMatch('foo +33(0)123456789')]) == 1
assert formdef.data_class().count([FtsMatch('bar +33(0)123456789')]) == 0
assert formdef.data_class().count([FtsMatch('123456789')]) == 2
formdata.data = {'1': '+32 2 345 67 89', '2': 'foo'}

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@ -437,22 +437,42 @@ class ILike(Criteria):
class FtsMatch(Criteria):
def __init__(self, value, extra_normalize=True):
# make Criteria.__repr__ works
self.attribute = 'fts'
self.value = self.get_fts_value(value)
if extra_normalize:
phone_match = re.match(r'.*?(?P<phone>\b\+?[-\(\)\d\.\s/]{6,20}\b)', self.value)
if phone_match and not re.match(r'^\d+-\d+$', phone_match.group('phone').strip()):
if phone_match:
# if it looks like a phone number, normalize it to its
# "international/E164" format to match what's stored in the
# database.
phone_value = misc.normalize_phone_number_for_fts(phone_match.group('phone').strip())
self.value = self.value.replace(phone_match.group('phone').strip(), phone_value)
self.value = [self.value, self.value.replace(phone_match.group('phone').strip(), phone_value)]
def get_fts_value(cls, value):
return unidecode.unidecode(value)
def as_sql(self):
return 'fts @@ plainto_tsquery(%%(c%s)s)' % id(self.value)
if isinstance(self.value, list):
parts = []
for value in self.value:
parts.append('(%s)' % self.as_sql_part(value))
return '(%s)' % ' or '.join(parts)
return self.as_sql_part(self.value)
def as_sql_part(self, value):
return 'fts @@ plainto_tsquery(%%(%s)s)' % self.value_to_identifier(value)
def value_to_identifier(self, value):
return 'c%s' % id(value)
def as_sql_param(self):
if isinstance(self.value, list):
return {self.value_to_identifier(value): value for value in self.value}
return {self.value_to_identifier(self.value): self.value}
class ElementEqual(Criteria):