tests: add unit tests for hobo_deploy.py (#33224)

This commit is contained in:
Nicolas Roche 2019-05-31 10:41:39 +02:00
parent cbd08f81b7
commit 7dcc824782
4 changed files with 693 additions and 0 deletions

tests/test_hobo_deploy.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,561 @@
""" unit tests (mainly for code coverage)
import StringIO
import os
import sys
import json
import pytest
from mock import call, patch, Mock
from requests import Response, exceptions
from hobo.agent.combo.management.commands.hobo_deploy import Command as ComboCommand
from hobo.agent.common.management.commands.hobo_deploy import (
replace_file, Command, CommandError)
from hobo.agent.hobo.management.commands.hobo_deploy import Command as HoboCommand
from hobo.environment.models import Variable, Combo, Hobo, Wcs
from hobo.multitenant.middleware import TenantNotFound
def fake_themes(settings, tmpdir):
"id": "alfortville",
"label": "Alfortville",
"variables": {
"css_variant": "alfortville",
"no_extra_js": false,
"theme_color": "#804697"
"overlay": "foobar"
"id": "publik",
"label": "Publik",
"variables": {
"css_variant": "publik",
"no_extra_js": false,
"theme_color": "#E80E89"
base_dir = str(tmpdir.mkdir('themes'))
settings.THEMES_DIRECTORY = base_dir
themes_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, 'publik-base')
with open(os.path.join(themes_dir, 'themes.json'), 'w') as handler:
# populate 'foobar' overlay
themes_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, 'foobar')
for part in ('static', 'templates'):
os.mkdir(os.path.join(themes_dir, part))
def test_replace_file(tmpdir):
path = str(tmpdir) + '/my_file.txt'
content = 'content of my new file'
replace_file(path, content)
with open(path, 'r') as handler:
assert handler.read() == content
content = 'new content for my file'
replace_file(path, content)
with open(path, 'r') as handler:
assert handler.read() == content
def test_handle_from_scratch():
"""API using JSON from file or from stdin"""
command = Command()
"services": [{
"service-id": "combo"
command.deploy = Mock()
EXPECTED = [call('https://combo.dev.publik.love/',
{'services': [{'service-id': 'combo'}]}, None)]
# handle from file
with patch('hobo.agent.common.management.commands.hobo_deploy.file') as mocked_open:
mocked_open.side_effect = [StringIO.StringIO(CONTENT)]
command.handle('https://combo.dev.publik.love/', 'envbof.json')
assert command.deploy.mock_calls == EXPECTED
# handle using a pipe
backup = sys.stdin
sys.stdin = StringIO.StringIO(CONTENT)
command.handle('https://combo.dev.publik.love/', '-')
sys.stdin = backup
assert command.deploy.mock_calls == EXPECTED
# JSON having syntax error
with patch('hobo.agent.common.management.commands.hobo_deploy.file') as mocked_open:
mocked_open.side_effect = [StringIO.StringIO('malformated JSON')]
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='No JSON object could be decoded'):
command.handle('https://combo.dev.publik.love/', 'env.json')
assert command.deploy.mock_calls == []
# missing args
with pytest.raises(CommandError, match='missing args'):
with pytest.raises(CommandError, match='missing args'):
def test_handle_redeploy_case(mocked_get_tenants):
"""API using JSON from previous one we put on tenant"""
command = Command()
command.deploy = Mock()
tenant = Mock()
# redeploy
ENVIRONMENT = {'services': [{'this': True,
'base_url': 'https://combo.dev.publik.love/',
'service-id': 'combo'}]}
tenant.get_hobo_json = Mock(return_value=ENVIRONMENT)
mocked_get_tenants.return_value = [tenant]
assert command.deploy.mock_calls == [ # ignore_timestamp is set to True
call('https://combo.dev.publik.love/', ENVIRONMENT, True)]
# redeploy having wrong JSON content: no 'base_url' entry
tenant.get_hobo_json = Mock(return_value=
{'services': [{'service-id': 'combo', 'this': True}]})
mocked_get_tenants.return_value = [tenant]
with pytest.raises(KeyError, match='base_url'):
assert command.deploy.mock_calls == []
# redeploy having wrong JSON content: 'this' entry not found
tenant.get_hobo_json = Mock(return_value={'services': [{'service-id': 'combo'}]})
mocked_get_tenants.return_value = [tenant]
assert command.deploy.mock_calls == []
# IOError
tenant.get_hobo_json = Mock(side_effect=IOError)
mocked_get_tenants.return_value = [tenant]
assert command.deploy.mock_calls == []
def test_deploy(mocked_get_tenant_by_hostname, tmpdir):
command = Command()
command.deploy_specifics = Mock()
tenant = Mock()
tenant.get_directory = Mock(return_value=str(tmpdir))
base_url = 'https://combo.dev.publik.love/'
tenant_hobo_json = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'hobo.json')
ENVIRONMENT = {'services': [{'service-id': 'combo', 'base_url': base_url}],
'timestamp': '001'}
def assert_deployed():
assert mocked_get_tenant_by_hostname.mock_calls[0] == call('combo.dev.publik.love')
assert command.deploy_specifics.mock_calls == [
call({'services': [{'base_url': 'https://combo.dev.publik.love/',
'service-id': 'combo',
'this': True,}],
'timestamp': '001'},
with open(tenant_hobo_json, 'r') as handler: # hobo.json file
content = json.load(handler)
assert ENVIRONMENT['services'][0]['this'] is True # new entry added
assert json.dumps(content, sort_keys=True), json.dumps(ENVIRONMENT, sort_keys=True)
# create tenant first
mocked_get_tenant_by_hostname.side_effect = [TenantNotFound, tenant]
with patch('hobo.agent.common.management.commands.hobo_deploy.call_command'
) as mocked_call_command:
command.deploy(base_url, ENVIRONMENT, None)
assert mocked_call_command.mock_calls == [
call('create_tenant', 'combo.dev.publik.love')]
# already there (timestamp do not change)
mocked_get_tenant_by_hostname.side_effect = [tenant]
command.deploy(base_url, ENVIRONMENT, None)
assert command.deploy_specifics.mock_calls == []
# force re-deploy
mocked_get_tenant_by_hostname.side_effect = [tenant]
command.deploy(base_url, ENVIRONMENT, True)
# early exit, we don't redeploy secondary services
env = dict(ENVIRONMENT)
env['services'][0]['secondary'] = True
command.deploy(base_url, env, None)
assert command.deploy_specifics.mock_calls == []
def test_deploy_specific():
"""stupid test"""
command = Command()
command.generate_saml_keys = Mock()
command.configure_service_provider = Mock()
command.configure_theme = Mock()
command.configure_template = Mock()
command.deploy_specifics('my_hobo_env', 'my_tenant')
assert command.generate_saml_keys.mock_calls == [call('my_tenant', prefix='sp-')]
assert command.configure_service_provider.mock_calls == [call('my_hobo_env', 'my_tenant')]
assert command.configure_theme.mock_calls == [call('my_hobo_env', 'my_tenant')]
assert command.configure_template.mock_calls == [call('my_hobo_env', 'my_tenant')]
def test_generate_saml_keys(tmpdir):
"""create an RSA key and its x509 certificate"""
command = Command()
tenant = Mock()
tenant.get_directory = Mock(return_value=str(tmpdir))
tenant.domain_url = 'combo.dev.publik.love'
with open('%s/saml.key' % str(tmpdir), 'r') as handler:
key = handler.read()
with open('%s/saml.crt' % str(tmpdir), 'r') as handler:
crt = handler.read()
# if files exist don't regenerate them
with open('%s/saml.key' % str(tmpdir), 'r') as handler:
assert key == handler.read()
with open('%s/saml.crt' % str(tmpdir), 'r') as handler:
assert crt == handler.read()
def test_configure_service_provider(mocked_get, tmpdir):
"""create TENANT/idp-metadata-ID.xml file"""
command = Command()
tenant = Mock()
tenant.get_directory = Mock(return_value=str(tmpdir))
response1 = Response()
response1._content = 'my saml idp metadata (1)'
response1.status_code = 200
response2 = Response()
response2._content = 'my saml idp metadata (2)'
response2.status_code = 200
tenant_idp_metadata = '%s/idp-metadata-%s.xml' % (str(tmpdir), '1')
ENVIRONMENT = {'services': [
{'service-id': 'combo',
'saml-idp-metadata-url': 'https://combo.dev.publik.love/accounts/mellon/metadata/',
'id': 1},
{'service-id': 'wcs',
'saml-idp-metadata-url': 'https://wcs.dev.publik.love/saml/metadata',
'id': 1},
# normal case (stop when configuration on a service success for this tenant)
mocked_get.side_effect = [response1]
command.configure_service_provider(ENVIRONMENT, tenant)
with open(tenant_idp_metadata, 'r') as handler:
assert handler.read() == 'my saml idp metadata (1)'
# no 'idp_url' JSON entry
env = {'services': [{'service-id': 'combo', 'id': 1}]}
command.configure_service_provider(env, tenant)
with pytest.raises(IOError, match='No such file or directory'):
open(tenant_idp_metadata, 'r')
# idp not available
response1.status_code = 500
mocked_get.side_effect = [exceptions.RequestException, response1]
command.configure_service_provider(ENVIRONMENT, tenant)
with pytest.raises(IOError, match='No such file or directory'):
open(tenant_idp_metadata, 'r')
# case when idp is becoming available
mocked_get.side_effect = [response1, response2]
command.configure_service_provider(ENVIRONMENT, tenant)
with open(tenant_idp_metadata, 'r') as handler:
assert handler.read() == 'my saml idp metadata (2)'
def test_get_theme(fake_themes):
"""return the service's theme"""
COMBO = {'service-id': 'combo'}
WCS = {'service-id': 'hobo', 'variables': {'theme': 'alfortville'}}
HOBO = {'service-id': 'hobo', 'variables': {'theme': 'unknown_theme'}}
ENVIRONMENT = {'services': [COMBO, WCS, HOBO], 'variables': {'theme': 'publik'}}
command = Command()
# main case
command.me = COMBO
assert command.get_theme(ENVIRONMENT)['id'] == 'publik'
# service having theme overloaded
command.me = WCS
assert command.get_theme(ENVIRONMENT)['id'] == 'alfortville'
# theme not specified
command.me = COMBO
assert command.get_theme({'services': [COMBO, WCS, HOBO]}) is None
# unknown theme
command.me = HOBO
assert command.get_theme(ENVIRONMENT) is None
# can't test last return case as it could never append
# if not theme.get('module'): # TODO: dead code to remove
def test_configure_theme(fake_themes, tmpdir):
"""make symlink for TENANT/theme
and TENANT/static, TENANT/templates on overlay
COMBO = {'service-id': 'combo'}
WCS = {'service-id': 'hobo', 'variables': {'theme': 'alfortville'}} # overlay on fixture
HOBO = {'service-id': 'hobo', 'variables': {'theme': 'unknown_theme'}}
ENVIRONMENT = {'services': [COMBO, WCS, HOBO], 'variables': {'theme': 'publik'}}
command = Command()
command.me = COMBO
tenant = Mock()
tenant.get_directory = Mock(return_value=str(tmpdir))
theme_path = '%s/theme' % str(tmpdir)
static_path = '%s/static' % str(tmpdir)
templates_path = '%s/templates' % str(tmpdir)
# main case: (remove 'static' and/or 'templates' links and empty directories too)
os.symlink(str(tmpdir), templates_path)
command.configure_theme(ENVIRONMENT, tenant)
assert os.path.islink(theme_path)
assert os.path.exists(static_path) is False
assert os.path.exists(templates_path) is False
# overlay provided: build links to the 'overlay' directory
os.symlink(str(tmpdir), static_path)
command.me = WCS
command.configure_theme(ENVIRONMENT, tenant)
assert os.readlink(static_path) == '%s/themes/foobar/static' % str(tmpdir)
assert os.readlink(templates_path) == '%s/themes/foobar/templates' % str(tmpdir)
# retrieve on error (if server hangs during 'atomic_symlink')
os.symlink(str(tmpdir), theme_path + '.tmp')
command.configure_theme(ENVIRONMENT, tenant)
assert os.path.islink(theme_path)
assert os.path.islink(static_path) # to compare with result we get bellow
# do not 'overlay' non-empty 'static' and/or 'templates' true directories
os.mkdir(os.path.join(static_path, 'some_dir'))
command.configure_theme(ENVIRONMENT, tenant)
assert os.path.isdir(static_path)
# no theme provided
command.me = HOBO
command.configure_theme(ENVIRONMENT, tenant)
assert os.path.exists(theme_path) is False
def test_configure_template(mocked_call_command, mocked_get_commands):
command = Command()
ENVIRONMENT = {'services': [{'service-id': 'combo',
'template_name': 'my_template',
'this': True}]}
# import_template.py located into hobo/agent/common: always belongs to command object
# TODO: dead condition
mocked_get_commands.return_value = ['import_template', '...']
# main case
command.configure_template(ENVIRONMENT, 'unused') # TODO: dead tenant parameter
assert mocked_call_command.mock_calls == [call('import_template', 'my_template')]
# no template_name entry provided
del ENVIRONMENT['services'][0]['template_name']
command.configure_template(ENVIRONMENT, 'unused')
assert mocked_call_command.mock_calls == []
def test_combo_get_theme(fake_themes):
# IMHO, JSON's 'this' entry can't miss
# cf: hobo/agent/common/management/commands/hobo_deploy.py::configure_template
# cf: hobo/agent/hobo/management/commands/hobo_deploy.py::deploy_specifics
# TODO: dead file (I mean it should be removed)
COMBO = {'service-id': 'combo', 'this': True}
ENVIRONMENT = {'services': [COMBO], 'variables': {'theme': 'publik'}}
command = ComboCommand()
# main case
assert command.get_theme(ENVIRONMENT)['id'] == 'publik'
def test_hobo_deploy_specifics_alone(mocked_tenant_context, mocked_super, db):
"""build database content used later to generate hobo.json.
tests using tenants are located into tests_multipublik/test_multipublik.py
command = HoboCommand()
ENVIRONMENT = {'services': [{'service-id': 'hobo',
'slug': 'hobo',
'title': 'Hobo',
'base_url': 'https://hobo.dev.publik.love/',
'this': True},
{'service-id': 'combo',
'slug': 'portal',
'title': 'Compte citoyen',
'base_url': 'https://combo.dev.publik.love/'},
{'service-id': 'wcs',
'slug': 'eservices',
'title': 'D\u00e9marches',
'base_url': 'wcs.dev.publik.love'},
{'service-id': 'wrong id',
'base_url': 'https://wrong.dev.publik.love/'}]}
command.deploy_specifics(ENVIRONMENT, 'tenant')
assert mocked_super.mock_calls == [call(ENVIRONMENT, 'tenant')]
assert len(Hobo.objects.all()) == 0
assert len(Combo.objects.all()) == 1
assert len(Wcs.objects.all()) == 1
combo = Combo.objects.all()[0]
assert combo.base_url == 'https://combo.dev.publik.love/'
assert combo.slug == '_interco_portal'
# define global variables (twice)
ou_label = Variable.objects.get(name='ou-label')
ou_slug = Variable.objects.get(name='ou-slug')
assert ou_label.value == 'Hobo'
assert ou_slug.value == 'hobo'
assert ou_label.service_pk is None
assert ou_slug.service_pk is None
def test_hobo_deploy_specifics_primary(mocked_tenant_context, mocked_super, db):
"""first deployement: do nothing for secondary hobo-services
same behaviour as previous 'alone' test
command = HoboCommand()
wcs_url = 'https://wcs.dev.publik.love/'
ENVIRONMENT = {'services': [{'service-id': 'hobo',
'slug': 'hobo',
'title': 'Hobo primary',
'base_url': 'https://hobo1.dev.publik.love/',
'this': True},
{'service-id': 'combo',
'slug': 'portal',
'title': 'Compte citoyen',
'base_url': 'https://combo.dev.publik.love/'},
{'service-id': 'wcs',
'slug': 'eservices',
'title': 'skipped as url already in use',
'base_url': wcs_url},
{'service-id': 'hobo',
'slug': 'hobo',
'title': 'Hobo secondary',
'base_url': 'https://hobo2.dev.publik.love/',
'secondary': True}]}
# make the wcs service already deployed
Wcs.objects.get_or_create(base_url=wcs_url, secondary=False)
command.deploy_specifics(ENVIRONMENT, 'tenant')
assert mocked_super.mock_calls == [call(ENVIRONMENT, 'tenant')]
assert len(Hobo.objects.all()) == 0
assert len(Combo.objects.all()) == 1
assert len(Wcs.objects.all()) == 1 # the wcs service already set upper
combo = Combo.objects.all()[0]
assert combo.base_url == 'https://combo.dev.publik.love/'
assert combo.slug == '_interco_portal'
# define global variables
ou_label = Variable.objects.get(name='ou-label')
ou_slug = Variable.objects.get(name='ou-slug')
assert ou_label.value == 'Hobo primary'
assert ou_slug.value == 'hobo'
assert ou_label.service_pk is None
assert ou_slug.service_pk is None
def test_hobo_deploy_specifics_secondary(mocked_tenant_context, mocked_super, db):
"""next deployements: skip generic tasks and add 'ou' variables
command = HoboCommand()
ENVIRONMENT = {'services': [{'service-id': 'hobo',
'slug': 'hobo',
'title': 'Hobo primary',
'base_url': 'https://hobo1.dev.publik.love/'},
{'service-id': 'combo',
'slug': 'portal',
'title': 'Compte citoyen',
'base_url': 'https://combo.dev.publik.love/'},
{'service-id': 'hobo',
'slug': 'hobo',
'title': 'Hobo secondary',
'base_url': 'https://hobo2.dev.publik.love/',
'secondary': True,
'this': True}],
'variables': {'ou-label': 'my ou-label',
'ou-slug': 'my ou-slug'}}
# assert primary hobo is wanted
command.deploy_specifics(ENVIRONMENT, 'tenant')
assert len(Combo.objects.all()) == 0
# make primary hobo already deployed
Hobo.objects.get_or_create(base_url='hobo1.dev.publik.love', secondary=False)
command.deploy_specifics(ENVIRONMENT, 'tenant')
assert mocked_super.mock_calls == []
assert len(Hobo.objects.all()) == 1 # primary hobo set upper
assert len(Combo.objects.all()) == 1
combo = Combo.objects.all()[0]
assert combo.base_url == 'https://combo.dev.publik.love/'
assert combo.slug == '_my ou-slug_portal'
# variables are added to the services
ou_label = Variable.objects.get(name='ou-label')
ou_slug = Variable.objects.get(name='ou-slug')
assert ou_label.value == 'my ou-label'
assert ou_slug.value == 'my ou-slug'
assert ou_label.service_pk == combo.id
assert ou_slug.service_pk == combo.id
# Can't write test_authentic2_deploy_specifics as cannot import A2Command here:
#from hobo.agent.authentic2.management.commands.hobo_deploy import Command as A2Command
# -> tests_authentic/test_hobo_deploy.py

tests_schemas/env.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
"services": [
"service-id": "chrono",
"base_url": "https://chrono.dev.publik.love/",
"slug": "agendas",
"title": "CHRONO",
"secret_key": "123",
"template_name": "import_me.txt"
"service-id": "wcs",
"base_url": "https://wcs.dev.publik.love/",
"slug": "eservices",
"title": "WCS"
"service-id": "hobo",
"base_url": "https://hobo.dev.publik.love/",
"slug": "hobo",
"title": "HOBO",
"secret_key": "123"
"service-id": "combo",
"base_url": "https://combo.dev.publik.love/",
"slug": "portal",
"title": "COMBO",
"secret_key": "123",
"template_name": "import_me.txt"
"service-id": "authentic",
"base_url": "https://authentic.dev.publik.love/",
"slug": "idp",
"title": "A2",
"secret_key": "123"

View File

@ -12,3 +12,4 @@ DATABASE_ROUTERS = ('tenant_schemas.routers.TenantSyncRouter',)
INSTALLED_APPS = ('hobo.multitenant', 'hobo') + INSTALLED_APPS INSTALLED_APPS = ('hobo.multitenant', 'hobo') + INSTALLED_APPS
PROJECT_NAME = 'testing'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
import os
import mock
from django.core.management import call_command, get_commands, load_command_class
from hobo.environment.models import Variable
from hobo.multitenant.middleware import TenantMiddleware
from tenant_schemas.utils import tenant_context
def assert_deployed(domain):
tenant = TenantMiddleware.get_tenant_by_hostname(domain)
tenant_hobo_json = os.path.join(tenant.get_directory(), 'hobo.json')
assert os.path.exists(tenant_hobo_json)
def test_import_template(mocked_get_commands, mocked_call_command, db):
"""check 'hobo-deploy' result in '$ chrono-manage import_template' call
$ chrono-manage hobo_deploy env.json # simulate this bash query
this test must be the first one executed else 'get_commands' fails to be mocked
command = load_command_class('hobo.agent.common', 'hobo_deploy')
domain = 'chrono.dev.publik.love'
def my_call_command(command, parameter):
if command == 'import_template':
my_call_command.import_template_was_called = True
call_command(command, parameter)
mocked_get_commands.return_value = ['import_template']
mocked_call_command.side_effect = my_call_command
my_call_command.import_template_was_called = False
command.handle('https://%s/' % domain, 'tests_schemas/env.json')
# assert the 'import_template' command was called
assert my_call_command.import_template_was_called is True
def test_deploy_on_common_agent(db):
"""deploy basic case (for chrono here):
$ chrono-manage hobo_deploy env.json # simulate this bash query
command = load_command_class('hobo.agent.common', 'hobo_deploy')
domain = 'chrono.dev.publik.love'
command.handle('https://%s/' % domain, 'tests_schemas/env.json')
def test_deploy_specifics_on_hobo_agent(db):
"""overloaded case for hobo:
$ hobo-manage hobo-deploy env.json # simulate this bash query
command = load_command_class('hobo.agent.hobo', 'hobo_deploy')
domain = 'hobo.dev.publik.love'
command.handle('https://%s/' % domain, 'tests_schemas/env.json')
# reach deploy_specifics() in hobo/agent/hobo/management/commands/hobo_deploy.py
tenant = TenantMiddleware.get_tenant_by_hostname(domain)
with tenant_context(tenant):
assert Variable.objects.get(name='ou-label').value == 'HOBO'
# fails to simulate call from authentic2 agent, that overload deploy_specifics()
# $ authentic-multitenant-manage hobo-deploy
# here, because this agent need to import authentic2 modules
# fails to simulate call from bijoe agent, that overload deploy_specifics()
# $ bijoe-mange hobo-deploy
# here, because this code is not implemented here
def test_get_theme_on_combo_agent(db):
"""overloaded case for combo:
$ combo-manage hobo-deploy env.json # simulate this bash query
command = load_command_class('hobo.agent.combo', 'hobo_deploy')
domain = 'combo.dev.publik.love'
command.handle('https://%s/' % domain, 'tests_schemas/env.json')
# lack an assert statement proving we do reach
# get_theme() in hobo/agent/combo/management/commands/hobo_deploy.py