
626 B

0.7.0 (2017-02-14)

feat: update to http-ece 0.7.0 (with draft-06 support) feat: Allow empty payloads for send() feat: Add python3 classfiers & python3.6 travis tests feat: Add README.rst bug: change long to int to support python3

0.4.0 (2016-06-05)

feat: make python 2.7 / 3.5 polyglot

0.3.4 (2016-05-17)

bug: make header keys case insenstive

0.3.3 (2016-05-17)

bug: force key string encoding to utf8

0.3.2 (2016-04-28)

bug: fix issues

0.3 (2016-04-27)

feat: added travis, normalized directories

0.2 (2016-04-27)

feat: Added tests, restructured code

0.1 (2016-04-25)

Initial release