rewrite... based on artifica css

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Thomas NOËL 2013-10-13 15:00:03 +02:00
parent c6e5482713
commit a270906031
72 changed files with 52908 additions and 1376 deletions

artifica.css Normal file

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<author>Serghei Mihai</author>
<desc>Teleservices Orleans</desc>

fonts/Rokkitt-webfont.eot Normal file

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fonts/Rokkitt-webfont.svg Normal file
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Designer : vernon adams
Foundry : vernon adams
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<span class="title">La mairie d'Orléans</span><div class="rteContent"><p>1 place de l'Étape<br>45040 Orléans Cedex 1<br><strong>02 38 79 22 22</strong></p></div></div>
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