agent/authentic2: batch the provisionning of agents (#52620)

This commit is contained in:
Benjamin Dauvergne 2021-04-01 13:21:57 +02:00
parent 0132005608
commit 9b5e4dde2e
2 changed files with 48 additions and 37 deletions

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
from itertools import chain, islice
import json
from django.utils.six.moves.urllib.parse import urljoin
import threading
@ -26,6 +27,15 @@ RoleParenting = get_role_parenting_model()
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def batch(iterable, size):
"""Batch an iterable as an iterable of iterables of at most size element
sourceiter = iter(iterable)
for first in sourceiter:
yield chain([first], islice(sourceiter, size - 1))
class Provisionning(threading.local):
__slots__ = ['threads']
@ -166,8 +176,10 @@ class Provisionning(threading.local):
if roles_with_attributes:
for ou, users in ous.items():
for service, audience in self.get_audience(ou):
for user in users:'provisionning user %s to %s', user, audience)
for batched_users in batch(users, 500):
batched_users = list(batched_users)
for user in batched_users:'provisionning user %s to %s', user, audience)
'@type': 'provision',
'issuer': issuer,
@ -175,7 +187,7 @@ class Provisionning(threading.local):
'full': False,
'objects': {
'@type': 'user',
'data': [user_to_json(ou, service, user, user_roles)],
'data': [user_to_json(ou, service, user, user_roles) for user in batched_users],

View File

@ -278,41 +278,40 @@ def test_provision_user(transactional_db, tenant, caplog):
assert notify_agents.call_count == 3
assert notify_agents.call_count == 2
assert notify_agents.call_args_list[0][0][0]['objects']['@type'] == 'role'
for arg in notify_agents.call_args_list[1:]:
assert arg == call(ANY)
arg = arg[0][0]
assert isinstance(arg, dict)
assert set(arg.keys()) == set([
'issuer', 'audience', '@type', 'objects', 'full'])
assert arg['issuer'] == \
'http://%s/idp/saml2/metadata' % tenant.domain_url
assert arg['audience'] == ['']
assert arg['@type'] == 'provision'
assert arg['full'] is False
objects = arg['objects']
assert isinstance(objects, dict)
assert set(objects.keys()) == set(['data', '@type'])
assert objects['@type'] == 'user'
data = objects['data']
assert isinstance(data, list)
assert len(data) == 1
for o in data:
assert set(o.keys()) >= set(['uuid', 'username', 'first_name',
'is_superuser', 'last_name', 'email', 'roles'])
assert o['uuid'] in users
user = users[o['uuid']]
assert o['uuid'] == user.uuid
assert o['username'] == user.username
assert o['first_name'] == user.first_name
assert o['last_name'] == user.last_name
assert o['email'] ==
assert o['roles'] == [{'name':, 'slug': r.slug, 'uuid': r.uuid} for r in
assert o['is_superuser'] is (user == user1)
assert len(set(arg[0][0]['objects']['data'][0]['uuid'] for arg in
notify_agents.call_args_list[1:])) == 2
arg = notify_agents.call_args_list[1]
assert arg == call(ANY)
arg = arg[0][0]
assert isinstance(arg, dict)
assert set(arg.keys()) == set([
'issuer', 'audience', '@type', 'objects', 'full'])
assert arg['issuer'] == \
'http://%s/idp/saml2/metadata' % tenant.domain_url
assert arg['audience'] == ['']
assert arg['@type'] == 'provision'
assert arg['full'] is False
objects = arg['objects']
assert isinstance(objects, dict)
assert set(objects.keys()) == set(['data', '@type'])
assert objects['@type'] == 'user'
data = objects['data']
assert isinstance(data, list)
assert len(data) == 2
for o in data:
assert set(o.keys()) >= set(['uuid', 'username', 'first_name',
'is_superuser', 'last_name', 'email', 'roles'])
assert o['uuid'] in users
user = users[o['uuid']]
assert o['uuid'] == user.uuid
assert o['username'] == user.username
assert o['first_name'] == user.first_name
assert o['last_name'] == user.last_name
assert o['email'] ==
assert o['roles'] == [{'name':, 'slug': r.slug, 'uuid': r.uuid} for r in
assert o['is_superuser'] is (user == user1)
assert len(set(x['uuid'] for x in notify_agents.call_args_list[1][0][0]['objects']['data'])) == 2
with provisionning: