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<legend>Caching Settings</legend>
<label>Cache expiration time</label><%= text_field_tag 'settings[cache_seconds]', @settings['cache_seconds'] %> seconds
Enter zero to disable caching. Make sure to configure cache_store if you use the value &gt; 0.
Configuration example for ActiveSupport::Cache::FileStore, config/environments/production.rb file:<br/>
config.action_controller.cache_store = :file_store, &quot;#{Rails.root}/cache&quot;<br/>
Note: use 'fragment_cache_store' instead of 'cache_store' for Redmine 0.8.x.
Current cache settings are:<br/>
<%= h ActionController::Base.perform_caching ? "true" : "false" %><br/>
<% cache_store = ActionController::Base.respond_to?('cache_store=') ? ActionController::Base.cache_store : ActionController::Base.cache_store %>
ActionController::Base.cache_store = <%= h cache_store.inspect %>