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# welco - multichannel request processing
# Copyright (C) 2020 Entr'ouvert
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from unittest import mock
2021-07-13 11:41:18 +02:00
import httmock
import pytest
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.core.files.base import ContentFile
from welco.qualif.models import Association
from welco.sources.mail.models import Mail
def login(app, username='toto', password='toto'):
login_page = app.get('/login/')
login_form = login_page.forms[0]
login_form['username'] = username
login_form['password'] = password
resp = login_form.submit()
assert resp.status_int == 302
return app
def logged_app(app, user):
return login(app)
def test_unlogged_access(app):
# connect while not being logged in
assert app.get('/', status=302).location.endswith('/login/?next=/')
def test_no_channel_access(logged_app):
logged_app.get('/', status=403)
def test_access(logged_app, mail_group):
resp = logged_app.get('/', status=302)
assert resp.location == 'mail/'
def test_logout(logged_app):
app = logged_app
assert app.get('/', status=302).location.endswith('/login/?next=/')
@mock.patch('welco.views.get_idps', return_value=[{'METADATA': '...'}])
@mock.patch('welco.views.resolve_url', return_value='foo-url')
def test_mellon_idp_redirections(mocked_resolv_url, mocked_get_idps, app):
resp = app.get('/login/', status=302)
assert resp.location == 'foo-url'
resp = app.get('/login/?next=http://foo/?bar', status=302)
assert resp.location == 'foo-url?next=http%3A//foo/%3Fbar'
resp = app.get('/logout/', status=302)
assert resp.location == 'foo-url'
def test_mail_view(app, user, mail_group):
resp = app.get('/mail/', status=302)
assert resp.location == '/login/?next=/mail/'
resp = app.get('/mail/', status=200)
assert resp.html.find('h2').text == 'Mails'
def test_no_channel_access_on_mail_view(app, user):
app.get('/mail/', status=403)
def test_phone_view(app, user, phone_group):
resp = app.get('/phone/', status=302)
assert resp.location == '/login/?next=/phone/'
resp = app.get('/phone/', status=200)
assert resp.html.find('h2').text == 'Phone Call'
def test_counter_view(app, user, counter_group):
resp = app.get('/counter/', status=302)
assert resp.location == '/login/?next=/counter/'
resp = app.get('/counter/', status=200)
assert resp.html.find('h2').text == 'Counter'
def test_kb_view(app, user, kb_group):
resp = app.get('/kb/', status=302)
assert resp.location == '/login/?next=/kb/'
resp = app.get('/kb/', status=200)
assert resp.html.find('h2').text == 'Knowledge Base'
def test_wcs_summary_view(app, mail_group, user):
mail = Mail.objects.create(content=ContentFile('foo', name='bar.txt'))
source_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(Mail).pk
resp = app.get('/ajax/summary/%s/%s/?callback=spam' % (source_type, mail.pk), status=302)
assert resp.location.startswith('/login/?next=')
resp = app.get('/ajax/summary/%s/%s/?callback=spam' % (source_type, mail.pk), status=200)
assert resp.content_type == 'application/javascript'
assert 'bar' in resp.text
assert resp.text.startswith('spam({')
def test_remove_association_view(app, mail_group, user):
mail = Mail.objects.create(content=ContentFile('foo', name='bar.txt'))
source_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(Mail).pk
association = Association.objects.create(
source_type=ContentType.objects.get(id=source_type), source_pk=mail.pk
assert Association.objects.filter(id=association.pk).count() == 1
resp = app.get('/ajax/remove-association/%s' % association.pk, status=302)
assert resp.location.startswith('/login/?next=')
resp = app.get('/ajax/remove-association/%s' % association.pk, status=302)
assert resp.location == '/'
assert Association.objects.filter(id=association.pk).count() == 0
def test_create_formdata_view(settings, app, mail_group, user):
settings.KNOWN_SERVICES = {
'wcs': {
'demarches': {
'url': 'http://wcs.example.net/',
mail = Mail.objects.create(content=ContentFile('foo', name='bar.txt'))
source_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(Mail).pk
association = Association.objects.create(
source_type=ContentType.objects.get(id=source_type), source_pk=mail.pk
resp = app.get('/ajax/create-formdata/%s' % association.pk, status=302)
assert resp.location.startswith('/login/?next=')
resp = app.get('/ajax/create-formdata/%s' % association.pk, status=200)
assert resp.content_type == 'application/json'
assert resp.json == {'err': 1}
resp = app.post('/ajax/create-formdata/%s' % association.pk, status=200)
assert resp.json == {'err': 1, 'msg': "'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split'"}
association.formdef_reference = 'demarches:bar'
@httmock.urlmatch(netloc='wcs.example.net', path='/api/formdefs/bar/schema', method='GET')
def response_get(url, request):
headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'}
content = {}
return httmock.response(200, content, headers)
@httmock.urlmatch(netloc='wcs.example.net', path='/api/formdefs/bar/submit', method='POST')
def response_post(url, request):
headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'}
content = {
'err': 0,
'data': {
'id': 42,
'backoffice_url': 'http://example.net',
2021-01-11 20:10:12 +01:00
return httmock.response(200, content, headers)
with httmock.HTTMock(response_get, response_post):
resp = app.post('/ajax/create-formdata/%s' % association.pk, status=200)
assert resp.content_type == 'application/json'
assert resp.json == {
'result': 'ok',
'url': 'http://wcs.example.net/backoffice/management/bar/42/',
def test_menu_json_view(app, user, mail_group, phone_group, counter_group, kb_group):
resp = app.get('/menu.json', status=302)
assert resp.location.startswith('/login/?next=')
resp = app.get('/menu.json', status=200)
assert resp.content_type == 'application/json'
assert sorted(x['label'] for x in resp.json) == ['Call Center', 'Counter', 'Knowledge Base', 'Mails']
resp = app.get('/menu.json?callback=foo', status=200)
assert resp.content_type == 'application/javascript'
assert resp.text.startswith('foo([{')