
289 lines
11 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import json
import mock
import pytest
from webtest import Upload
from wcs.qommon.ident.password_accounts import PasswordAccount
from wcs.formdef import FormDef
from wcs.categories import Category
from wcs import fields
from wcs.wf.register_comment import RegisterCommenterWorkflowStatusItem
from utilities import get_app, login, create_temporary_pub, clean_temporary_pub
def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc):
if 'pub' in metafunc.fixturenames:
metafunc.parametrize('pub', ['pickle', 'sql', 'pickle-templates', 'pickle-lazy'], indirect=True)
def pub(request, emails):
pub = create_temporary_pub(
sql_mode=bool('sql' in request.param),
templates_mode=bool('templates' in request.param),
lazy_mode=bool('lazy' in request.param),
pub.cfg['identification'] = {'methods': ['password']}
pub.cfg['language'] = {'language': 'en'}
open(os.path.join(pub.app_dir, 'site-options.cfg'), 'w').write('''
label = remote storage
class = wcs.qommon.upload_storage.RemoteOpaqueUploadStorage
ws = https://crypto.example.net/ws1/
label = remote storage backoffice only
class = wcs.qommon.upload_storage.RemoteOpaqueUploadStorage
ws = https://crypto.example.net/ws2/
frontoffice_redirect = false
crypto.example.net = 1234
crypto.example.net = 1234
return pub
def teardown_module(module):
def create_formdef():
formdef = FormDef()
formdef.name = 'test'
formdef.fields = [
fields.FileField(id='0', label='file', varname='file'),
fields.FileField(id='1', label='remote file', varname='remote_file')
return formdef
def create_user_and_admin(pub):
user = pub.user_class()
user.email = 'foo@localhost'
account = PasswordAccount(id='foo')
account.user_id = user.id
admin = pub.user_class()
admin.email = 'admin@localhost'
admin.is_admin = True
account = PasswordAccount(id='admin')
account.user_id = admin.id
return user, admin
def test_form_file_field_upload_storage(wscall, pub):
formdef = create_formdef()
assert formdef.fields[0].storage == formdef.fields[1].storage == 'default'
assert 'remote' in pub.get_site_storages()
formdef.fields[1].storage = 'remote'
assert formdef.fields[0].storage == 'default'
assert formdef.fields[1].storage == 'remote'
wscall.return_value = None, 200, json.dumps(
{"err": 0, "data": {"redirect_url": "https://crypto.example.net/"}})
image_content = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
'image-with-gps-data.jpeg'), 'rb').read()
upload_0 = Upload('file.jpg', image_content, 'image/jpeg')
upload_1 = Upload('remote.jpg', image_content, 'image/jpeg')
resp = get_app(pub).get('/test/')
resp.forms[0]['f0$file'] = upload_0
resp.forms[0]['f1$file'] = upload_1
resp = resp.forms[0].submit('submit')
assert 'Check values then click submit.' in resp.text
resp = resp.forms[0].submit('submit')
assert resp.status_int == 302
resp = resp.follow()
assert 'The form has been recorded' in resp.text
assert 'download?f=0&thumbnail=1' in resp.text
assert 'download?f=1&thumbnail=1' not in resp.text # no thumbnail for remote storage
assert 'href="download?f=0"' in resp.text
assert 'href="download?f=1"' in resp.text
resp = resp.click('remote.jpg')
assert resp.location.startswith('https://crypto.example.net/')
assert '&signature=' in resp.location
# no links, via webservice
wscall.return_value = None, 200, json.dumps(
{"err": 0, "data": {
"redirect_url": "https://crypto.example.net/",
"backoffice_redirect_url": None,
"frontoffice_redirect_url": None,
resp = get_app(pub).get('/test/')
resp.forms[0]['f0$file'] = upload_0
resp.forms[0]['f1$file'] = upload_1
resp = resp.forms[0].submit('submit')
resp = resp.forms[0].submit('submit')
resp = resp.follow()
assert 'The form has been recorded' in resp.text
assert 'download?f=0&thumbnail=1' in resp.text
assert 'download?f=1&thumbnail=1' not in resp.text
assert 'href="download?f=0"' in resp.text
assert 'href="download?f=1"' not in resp.text # no link on frontoffice
admin_app = login(get_app(pub), username='admin', password='admin')
resp = admin_app.get('/backoffice/management/test/2/')
assert 'download?f=0&thumbnail=1' in resp.text
assert 'download?f=1&thumbnail=1' not in resp.text
assert 'href="download?f=0"' in resp.text
assert 'href="download?f=1"' not in resp.text # no link on backoffice
admin_app.get('/backoffice/management/test/2/download?f=1', status=404) # cannot access
# link only on backoffice, via site-options
formdef.fields[1].storage = 'remote-bo'
wscall.return_value = None, 200, json.dumps(
{"err": 0, "data": {"redirect_url": "https://crypto.example.net/"}})
resp = get_app(pub).get('/test/')
resp.forms[0]['f0$file'] = upload_0
resp.forms[0]['f1$file'] = upload_1
resp = resp.forms[0].submit('submit')
resp = resp.forms[0].submit('submit')
resp = resp.follow()
assert 'The form has been recorded' in resp.text
assert 'download?f=0&thumbnail=1' in resp.text
assert 'download?f=1&thumbnail=1' not in resp.text # no thumbnail for remote storage
assert 'href="download?f=0"' in resp.text
assert 'href="download?f=1"' not in resp.text # no link on frontoffice
# go to backoffice
resp = admin_app.get('/backoffice/management/test/3/')
assert 'download?f=0&thumbnail=1' in resp.text
assert 'download?f=1&thumbnail=1' not in resp.text # no thumbnail for remote storage
assert 'href="download?f=0"' in resp.text
assert 'href="download?f=1"' in resp.text # link is present on backoffice
# file size limit verification
formdef.fields[1].max_file_size = '1ko'
wscall.return_value = None, 200, json.dumps(
{"err": 0, "data": {"redirect_url": "https://crypto.example.net/"}})
resp = get_app(pub).get('/test/')
resp.forms[0]['f0$file'] = upload_0
resp.forms[0]['f1$file'] = upload_1
resp = resp.forms[0].submit('submit')
assert 'over file size limit (1ko)' in resp.text
# api access (json export)
resp = admin_app.get('/api/forms/test/1/', status=200)
assert resp.json['fields']['file']['content'].startswith('/9j/4AAQSkZJRg')
assert 'storage' not in resp.json['fields']['file']
assert resp.json['fields']['remote_file']['content'] == ''
assert resp.json['fields']['remote_file']['storage'] == 'remote'
assert resp.json['fields']['remote_file']['storage_attrs'] == {
'redirect_url': 'https://crypto.example.net/',
'file_size': 1834
resp = admin_app.get('/api/forms/test/2/', status=200)
assert resp.json['fields']['remote_file']['content'] == ''
assert resp.json['fields']['remote_file']['storage'] == 'remote'
assert resp.json['fields']['remote_file']['storage_attrs'] == {
'redirect_url': 'https://crypto.example.net/',
'frontoffice_redirect_url': None,
'backoffice_redirect_url': None,
'file_size': 1834
resp = admin_app.get('/api/forms/test/3/', status=200)
assert resp.json['fields']['remote_file']['content'] == ''
assert resp.json['fields']['remote_file']['storage'] == 'remote-bo'
assert resp.json['fields']['remote_file']['storage_attrs'] == {
'redirect_url': 'https://crypto.example.net/',
'file_size': 1834
def test_remoteopaque_in_attachmentevolutionpart(wscall, pub):
formdef = create_formdef()
formdef.fields[1].storage = 'remote-bo'
wscall.return_value = None, 200, json.dumps(
{"err": 0, "data": {"redirect_url": "https://crypto.example.net/"}})
image_content = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
'image-with-gps-data.jpeg'), 'rb').read()
upload_0 = Upload('local-file.jpg', image_content, 'image/jpeg')
upload_1 = Upload('remote-file.jpg', image_content, 'image/jpeg')
user_app = login(get_app(pub), username='foo', password='foo')
admin_app = login(get_app(pub), username='admin', password='admin')
resp = user_app.get('/test/')
resp.forms[0]['f0$file'] = upload_0
resp.forms[0]['f1$file'] = upload_1
resp = resp.forms[0].submit('submit')
assert 'Check values then click submit.' in resp.text
resp = resp.forms[0].submit('submit')
assert resp.status_int == 302
resp = resp.follow()
assert 'The form has been recorded' in resp.text
# register a comment = create a AttachmentEvolutionPart
formdata = formdef.data_class().select()[0]
item = RegisterCommenterWorkflowStatusItem()
item.attachments = ['form_var_file_raw', 'form_var_remote_file_raw']
item.comment = 'text in form history'
# links on frontoffice: no link to remote file
resp = user_app.get('/test/%s/' % formdata.id)
assert resp.text.count('<p class="wf-attachment"><a href="attachment?f=') == 1
assert resp.text.count('<p class="wf-attachment"><a href="attachment?f=uuid-') == 0
# links on backoffice: links to local and remote file
resp = admin_app.get('/backoffice/management/test/%s/' % formdata.id)
assert resp.text.count('<p class="wf-attachment"><a href="attachment?f=') == 2
assert resp.text.count('<p class="wf-attachment"><a href="attachment?f=uuid-') == 1
local_file = formdata.evolution[-1].parts[0]
local_file_id = os.path.basename(local_file.filename)
remote_file = formdata.evolution[-1].parts[1]
remote_file_id = remote_file.filename
assert not local_file_id.startswith('uuid-')
assert remote_file_id.startswith('uuid-')
# clic on remote file in frontoffice: redirect... but forbidden
resp = user_app.get('/test/%s/attachment?f=%s' % (formdata.id, remote_file_id))
assert resp.status_int == 302
resp = resp.follow(status=404)
# clic in backoffice, redirect to decryption system
resp = admin_app.get('/backoffice/management/test/%s/attachment?f=%s' % (formdata.id, remote_file_id))
assert resp.status_int == 302
resp = resp.follow()
assert resp.location.startswith('https://crypto.example.net/')
assert '&signature=' in resp.location