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# w.c.s. - web application for online forms
# Copyright (C) 2005-2023 Entr'ouvert
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import datetime
import re
import time
import unidecode
import wcs.qommon.storage
from wcs.qommon import misc
def like_escape(value):
value = value.replace('\\', '\\\\')
value = value.replace('_', '\\_')
value = value.replace('%', '\\%')
return value
def get_field_id(field):
return 'f' + str(field.id).replace('-', '_').lower()
class Criteria(wcs.qommon.storage.Criteria):
def __init__(self, attribute, value, **kwargs):
self.attribute = attribute
if '->' not in attribute:
self.attribute = self.attribute.replace('-', '_')
self.value = value
self.field = kwargs.get('field')
def format_value(self, value):
if isinstance(value, time.struct_time):
return datetime.datetime(*value[:6])
return value
def as_sql(self):
value_is_list_of_int = (
isinstance(self.value, list)
and self.value
and isinstance(self.value[0], int) # all elements are of the same type
value_is_int = isinstance(self.value, int) or value_is_list_of_int
if self.field and getattr(self.field, 'block_field', None):
# eq: EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM jsonb_array_elements(BLOCK->'data') AS datas(aa) WHERE aa->>'FOOBAR' = 'value')
# lt: EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM jsonb_array_elements(BLOCK->'data') AS datas(aa) WHERE aa->>'FOOBAR' < 'value')
# lte: EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM jsonb_array_elements(BLOCK->'data') AS datas(aa) WHERE aa->>'FOOBAR' <= 'value')
# gt: EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM jsonb_array_elements(BLOCK->'data') AS datas(aa) WHERE aa->>'FOOBAR' > 'value')
# gte: EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM jsonb_array_elements(BLOCK->'data') AS datas(aa) WHERE aa->>'FOOBAR' >= 'value')
# in: EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM jsonb_array_elements(BLOCK->'data') AS datas(aa) WHERE aa->>'FOOBAR' IN 'value')
# between: EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM jsonb_array_elements(BLOCK->'data') AS datas(aa)
# WHERE aa->>'FOOBAR' >= 'value_min' AND aa->>'FOOBAR' < 'value_max')
# with a NOT EXISTS and the opposite operator:
# ne: NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM jsonb_array_elements(BLOCK->'data') AS datas(aa) WHERE aa->>'FOOBAR' = 'value')
# note: aa->>'FOOBAR' can be written with an integer or bool cast
attribute = "aa->>'%s'" % self.field.id
if self.field.key in ['item', 'string'] and value_is_int:
# integer cast of db values
attribute = "(CASE WHEN %s~E'^\\\\d{1,9}$' THEN (%s)::int ELSE NULL END)" % (
elif self.field.key == 'bool':
# bool cast of db values
attribute = '(%s)::bool' % attribute
if isinstance(self, Between):
return (
"%s(SELECT 1 FROM jsonb_array_elements(%s->'data') AS datas(aa) WHERE %s >= %%(c%s)s AND %s < %%(c%s)s)"
% (
getattr(self, 'sql_exists', 'EXISTS'),
return "%s(SELECT 1 FROM jsonb_array_elements(%s->'data') AS datas(aa) WHERE %s %s %%(c%s)s)" % (
getattr(self, 'sql_exists', 'EXISTS'),
getattr(self, 'sql_op_exists', self.sql_op),
attribute = self.attribute
if self.field and self.field.key == 'items':
# eq: EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM UNNEST(ITEMS) bb(aa) WHERE aa = 'value')
# lt: EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM UNNEST(ITEMS) bb(aa) WHERE aa < 'value')
# lte: EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM UNNEST(ITEMS) bb(aa) WHERE aa <= 'value')
# gt: EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM UNNEST(ITEMS) bb(aa) WHERE aa > 'value')
# gte: EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM UNNEST(ITEMS) bb(aa) WHERE aa >= 'value')
# in: EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM UNNEST(ITEMS) b(b(aa) WHERE aa IN 'value')
# between: EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM UNNEST(ITEMS) bb(aa) WHERE aa >= 'value_min' AND aa < 'value_max')
# with a NOT EXISTS and the opposite operator:
# ne: NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM UNNEST(ITEMS) bb(aa) WHERE aa = 'value')
# note: ITEMS is written with an integer cast or with a COALESCE expression
if value_is_int:
# integer cast of db values
attribute = (
"CASE WHEN array_to_string(%s, '')~E'^\\\\d+$' THEN %s::int[] ELSE ARRAY[]::int[] END"
% (attribute, attribute)
# for none values
attribute = 'COALESCE(%s, ARRAY[]::text[])' % attribute
if isinstance(self, Between):
return '%s(SELECT 1 FROM UNNEST(%s) bb(aa) WHERE aa >= %%(c%s)s AND aa < %%(c%s)s)' % (
getattr(self, 'sql_exists', 'EXISTS'),
return '%s(SELECT 1 FROM UNNEST(%s) bb(aa) WHERE aa %s %%(c%s)s)' % (
getattr(self, 'sql_exists', 'EXISTS'),
getattr(self, 'sql_op_exists', self.sql_op),
if self.field:
if self.field.key == 'computed':
attribute = "%s->>'data'" % self.attribute
elif self.field.key in ['item', 'string'] and value_is_int:
# integer cast of db values
attribute = "(CASE WHEN %s~E'^\\\\d{1,9}$' THEN %s::int ELSE NULL END)" % (
if isinstance(self, Between):
return '%s %s %%(c%s)s AND %s %s %%(c%s)s' % (
return '%s %s %%(c%s)s' % (attribute, self.sql_op, id(self.value))
def as_sql_param(self):
return {'c%s' % id(self.value): self.format_value(self.value)}
def get_referenced_varnames(self, formdef):
from wcs.fields import Field
value = getattr(self, 'value', None)
if isinstance(value, (tuple, list, set)):
for sub_value in value:
yield from Field.get_referenced_varnames(formdef, sub_value)
elif isinstance(value, str):
yield from Field.get_referenced_varnames(formdef, value)
class Less(Criteria):
sql_op = '<'
class Greater(Criteria):
sql_op = '>'
class Equal(Criteria):
sql_op = '='
def as_sql(self):
if self.value in ([], ()):
return 'ARRAY_LENGTH(%s, 1) IS NULL' % self.attribute
return super().as_sql()
class LessOrEqual(Criteria):
sql_op = '<='
class GreaterOrEqual(Criteria):
sql_op = '>='
class Between(Criteria):
# min value is included, max value is excluded
def as_sql_param(self):
return {
'c%s' % id(self.value[0]): self.format_value(self.value[0]),
'c%s' % id(self.value[1]): self.format_value(self.value[1]),
class NotEqual(Criteria):
sql_op = '!='
# in case of block field, we want to write this clause:
# NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM jsonb_array_elements(BLOCK->'data') AS datas(aa) WHERE aa->>'FOOBAR' = 'value')
# and not:
# EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM jsonb_array_elements(BLOCK->'data') AS datas(aa) WHERE aa->>'FOOBAR' != 'value')
sql_exists = 'NOT EXISTS'
sql_op_exists = '='
def as_sql(self):
if self.field and getattr(self.field, 'block_field', None):
return super().as_sql()
return '(%s is NULL OR %s)' % (self.attribute, super().as_sql())
class StrictNotEqual(Criteria):
sql_op = '!='
class Contains(Criteria):
sql_op = 'IN'
def as_sql(self):
if not self.value:
return 'FALSE'
return super().as_sql()
def as_sql_param(self):
return {'c%s' % id(self.value): tuple(self.format_value(v) for v in self.value)}
class NotContains(Contains):
sql_op = 'NOT IN'
def as_sql(self):
if not self.value:
return 'TRUE'
return super().as_sql()
class ArrayContains(Contains):
sql_op = '@>'
def as_sql_param(self):
return {'c%s' % id(self.value): self.value}
class NotNull(Criteria):
sql_op = 'IS NOT NULL'
def __init__(self, attribute, **kwargs):
super().__init__(attribute, value=None, **kwargs)
def as_sql(self):
return '%s %s' % (self.attribute, self.sql_op)
def as_sql_param(self):
return {}
class Null(Criteria):
sql_op = 'IS NULL'
def __init__(self, attribute, **kwargs):
super().__init__(attribute, value=None, **kwargs)
def as_sql(self):
return '%s %s' % (self.attribute, self.sql_op)
def as_sql_param(self):
return {}
class Or(Criteria):
def __init__(self, criterias, **kwargs):
self.criterias = []
for element in criterias:
if isinstance(element, Criteria):
sql_element = element
sql_class = globals().get(element.__class__.__name__)
sql_element = sql_class(**element.__dict__)
def as_sql(self):
if not self.criterias:
return '( FALSE )'
return '( %s )' % ' OR '.join([x.as_sql() for x in self.criterias])
def as_sql_param(self):
d = {}
for criteria in self.criterias:
return d
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s (%r)>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.criterias)
class And(Or):
def as_sql(self):
return '( %s )' % ' AND '.join([x.as_sql() for x in self.criterias])
class Not(Criteria):
def __init__(self, criteria, **kwargs):
sql_class = globals().get(criteria.__class__.__name__)
sql_element = sql_class(**criteria.__dict__)
self.criteria = sql_element
def as_sql(self):
return 'NOT ( %s )' % self.criteria.as_sql()
def as_sql_param(self):
return self.criteria.as_sql_param()
def get_referenced_varnames(self, formdef):
yield from self.criteria.get_referenced_varnames(formdef)
class Intersects(Criteria):
def as_sql(self):
if not self.value:
return 'ARRAY_LENGTH(%s, 1) IS NULL' % self.attribute
return '%s && %%(c%s)s' % (self.attribute, id(self.value))
def as_sql_param(self):
return {'c%s' % id(self.value): list(self.value)}
class ILike(Criteria):
def __init__(self, attribute, value, **kwargs):
super().__init__(attribute, value, **kwargs)
self.value = '%' + like_escape(self.value) + '%'
def as_sql(self):
return '%s ILIKE %%(c%s)s' % (self.attribute, id(self.value))
class FtsMatch(Criteria):
def __init__(self, value, extra_normalize=True, **kwargs):
# make Criteria.__repr__ works
self.attribute = 'fts'
self.value = self.get_fts_value(value)
if extra_normalize:
phone_match = re.match(
r'''.*?(?P<phone> # a phone number
((\+[1-9])|(\b0)) # starting with an international prefix, or 0
[-\(\)\d\.\s/]{6,20} # then a bunch of numbers/symbols
\b) # till the end of the "word"''',
if phone_match and not re.match(r'^\d+-\d+$', phone_match.group('phone').strip()):
# if it looks like a phone number, normalize it to its
# "international/E164" format to match what's stored in the
# database.
phone_value = misc.normalize_phone_number_for_fts(phone_match.group('phone').strip())
self.value = self.value.replace(phone_match.group('phone').strip(), phone_value)
def get_fts_value(cls, value):
return unidecode.unidecode(value)
def as_sql(self):
return 'fts @@ plainto_tsquery(%%(c%s)s)' % id(self.value)
class WcsFtsMatch(FtsMatch):
def as_sql(self):
return 'fts @@ wcs_tsquery(%%(c%s)s)' % id(self.value)
class ElementEqual(Criteria):
def __init__(self, attribute, key, value, **kwargs):
super().__init__(attribute, value)
self.key = key
def as_sql(self):
return "%s->>'%s' = %%(c%s)s" % (self.attribute, self.key, id(self.value))
class ElementILike(ElementEqual):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.value = '%' + like_escape(self.value) + '%'
def as_sql(self):
return "%s->>'%s' ILIKE %%(c%s)s" % (self.attribute, self.key, id(self.value))
class ElementIntersects(ElementEqual):
def as_sql(self):
if not self.value:
return 'FALSE'
if not isinstance(self.value, (tuple, list, set)):
self.value = [self.value]
self.value = list(self.value)
return "EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM jsonb_array_elements_text(%s->'%s') foo WHERE foo = ANY(%%(c%s)s))" % (
class Nothing(Criteria):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.attribute = None
self.value = None
def as_sql(self):
return 'FALSE'
def as_sql_param(self):
return {}
class Distance(Criteria):
def __init__(self, point, distance, **kwargs):
self.point = point # {'lat': ..., 'lon': ...}
self.distance = distance # in meters
def as_sql(self):
# simplest distance approximation <https://www.mkompf.com/gps/distcalc.html>
return f'''(111300 * SQRT(POWER((auto_geoloc[0] - {self.point['lon']}) *
COS((auto_geoloc[1] + {self.point['lat']}) / 2 * 0.01745), 2)
+ POWER(auto_geoloc[1] - {self.point['lat']}, 2)))
< {self.distance}'''
def as_sql_param(self):
return {}
class StatusReachedTimeoutCriteria(Criteria):
Criteria to check a timeout against a status change in the evolution table.
For this criteria to match, there must be at least one row older than the given duration (in days).
def __init__(self, formdef, statuses, duration, **kwargs):
# Note : no attribute, we will use an EXISTS, status as value, duration will go straight in...
super().__init__('', statuses, **kwargs)
self.formdef = formdef
self.duration = duration
def as_sql(self):
duration = int(self.duration)
statuses = 'c%s' % id(self.value)
formdef_table = self.formdef._table_name
formdef_evolution_table = self.formdef._table_name + '_evolutions'
return f'''EXISTS(
SELECT 1 FROM {formdef_evolution_table}
WHERE {formdef_evolution_table}.formdata_id = {formdef_table}.id
AND {formdef_evolution_table}.status = ANY(%({statuses})s)
AND {formdef_evolution_table}.time <= NOW() - {duration} * interval '1 day')'''
class ArrayPrefixMatch(Criteria):
def __init__(self, attribute, value, **kwargs):
value = value + '%'
super().__init__(attribute, value, **kwargs)
def as_sql(self):
return '''exists (select 1 from unnest(%s) v where v LIKE %%(c%s)s)''' % (