
182 lines
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# w.c.s. - web application for online forms
# Copyright (C) 2005-2010 Entr'ouvert
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import os
from quixote import get_publisher, get_response, redirect
from quixote.directory import Directory
from quixote.html import TemplateIO, htmltext
from wcs.qommon import _, ezt, get_cfg
from wcs.qommon.form import Form, WysiwygTextWidget
from wcs.qommon.template import Template
class TextsDirectory(Directory):
texts_dict = {}
_q_exports = ['']
def get_html_text(cls, key, vars=None):
texts_cfg = get_cfg('texts', {})
text = texts_cfg.get('text-' + key)
if not text:
default = cls.texts_dict.get(key, {}).get('default')
if not default:
filepath = os.path.join(get_publisher().DATA_DIR, 'texts', '%s.html' % key)
if os.path.exists(filepath):
with open(filepath) as fd:
return htmltext(fd.read())
return ''
text = str(default) # make sure translation is applied
if not text.startswith('<'):
text = '<p>%s</p>' % text
subst_vars = get_publisher().substitutions.get_context_variables()
if vars:
text = Template(text, ezt_format=ezt.FORMAT_HTML).render(subst_vars)
return htmltext('<div class="text-%s">%s</div>' % (key, text))
def register(cls, key, description, hint=None, default=None, wysiwyg=True, category=None, condition=None):
# the wysiwyg is not actually used, it's always considered True, it's
# kept for backward compatibility with callers.
if key in cls.texts_dict:
cls.texts_dict[key] = {
'description': description,
'hint': hint,
'default': default,
'category': category,
'condition': condition,
def _q_index(self):
r = TemplateIO(html=True)
r += htmltext('<h2>%s</h2>') % _('Custom Texts')
texts_dict = {x: y for x, y in self.texts_dict.items() if not y.get('condition') or y['condition']()}
categories = {}
for k, v in texts_dict.items():
if v.get('category'):
translated_category = v.get('category')
translated_category = _('Miscellaneous')
if translated_category not in categories:
categories[translated_category] = []
for category_key in sorted(categories.keys()):
if len(categories) > 1:
r += htmltext('<h3>%s</h3>') % category_key
keys = categories.get(category_key)
keys.sort(key=lambda x: texts_dict[x]['description'])
r += htmltext('<ul>')
for text_key in keys:
text_values = texts_dict[text_key]
r += htmltext('<li><a href="%s">%s</a></li>') % (text_key, text_values['description'])
r += htmltext('</ul>')
r += htmltext('<p>')
r += htmltext('<a href="..">%s</a>') % _('Back')
r += htmltext('</p>')
return r.getvalue()
def text(self, text_key, text_label, hint=None, check_template=None):
texts_cfg = get_cfg('texts', {})
cfg_key = 'text-%s' % text_key
default_text = self.texts_dict.get(text_key, {}).get('default')
if not default_text:
filepath = os.path.join(get_publisher().DATA_DIR, 'texts', '%s.html' % text_key)
if os.path.exists(str(filepath)):
with open(str(filepath)) as fd:
default_text = fd.read()
displayed_text = texts_cfg.get(cfg_key) or default_text
form = Form(enctype='multipart/form-data')
WysiwygTextWidget, cfg_key, title=text_label, value=displayed_text, cols=80, rows=10, hint=hint
form.add_submit('submit', _('Submit'))
if displayed_text != default_text:
form.add_submit('restore-default', _('Restore default text'))
form.add_submit('cancel', _('Cancel'))
if form.get_submit() == 'cancel':
return redirect('.')
if form.get_submit() == 'restore-default':
self.text_submit(None, text_key)
return redirect('.')
if form.is_submitted() and not form.has_errors():
if self.text_submit(form, text_key, check_template):
return redirect('.')
form.set_error(cfg_key, _('Invalid template'))
get_response().breadcrumb.append((text_key, text_label))
r = TemplateIO(html=True)
r += htmltext('<h2>%s - %s</h2>') % (_('Text'), text_label)
r += form.render()
r += get_publisher().substitutions.get_substitution_html_table(
intro=_('The text can reference variables from the table below:')
return r.getvalue()
def text_submit(self, form, text_key, check_template=None):
texts_cfg = get_cfg('texts', {})
cfg_key = 'text-%s' % text_key
default_text = self.texts_dict.get(text_key, {}).get('default')
texts_cfg = get_cfg('texts', {})
if form:
template = form.get_widget(cfg_key).parse()
if check_template and not check_template(template):
return False
if template != default_text:
texts_cfg[str(cfg_key)] = template
texts_cfg[str(cfg_key)] = None
texts_cfg[str(cfg_key)] = None
get_publisher().cfg['texts'] = texts_cfg
return True
def _q_lookup(self, component):
if component not in self.texts_dict:
return None
hint = self.texts_dict[component]['hint']
return self.text(component, self.texts_dict[component]['description'], hint)
def _q_traverse(self, path):
get_response().breadcrumb.append(('texts/', _('Texts')))
return Directory._q_traverse(self, path)