
170 lines
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# w.c.s. - web application for online forms
# Copyright (C) 2005-2017 Entr'ouvert
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import datetime
from .qommon.misc import simplify
from .qommon.xml_storage import XmlStorableObject
from wcs.formdef import FormDef
from wcs.workflows import Workflow
class LoggedError(XmlStorableObject):
_names = 'logged-errors'
_xml_tagname = 'error'
_indexes = ['tech_id']
_hashed_indexes = ['formdef_id', 'workflow_id']
summary = None
formdata_id = None
formdef_id = None
workflow_id = None
status_id = None
status_item_id = None
expression = None
expression_type = None
traceback = None
exception_class = None
exception_message = None
occurences_count = 0
first_occurence_timestamp = None
latest_occurence_timestamp = None
acked = False
# declarations for serialization
('summary', 'str'), ('traceback', 'str'),
('exception_class', 'str'), ('exception_message', 'str'),
('expression', 'str'), ('expression_type', 'str'),
('formdata_id', 'str'), ('formdef_id', 'str'), ('workflow_id', 'str'),
('status_id', 'str'), ('status_item_id', 'str'),
('occurences_count', 'int'),
('first_occurence_timestamp', 'datetime'),
('latest_occurence_timestamp', 'datetime'),
('acked', 'bool')]
def record(cls, error_summary, plain_error_msg=None, formdata=None,
formdef=None, workflow=None, status=None, status_item=None,
expression=None, expression_type=None, exception=None):
error = cls()
error.summary = error_summary
error.traceback = plain_error_msg
error.expression = expression
error.expression_type = expression_type
if exception:
error.exception_class = exception.__class__.__name__
error.exception_message = str(exception)
if formdata:
error.formdata_id = str(formdata.id)
error.formdef_id = formdata.formdef.id
error.workflow_id = formdata.formdef.workflow.id
elif formdef:
error.formdef_id = formdef.id
error.workflow_id = formdef.workflow.id
if not error.formdef_id:
# cannot attach error to formdef, don't record in journal, it will
# still be sent by email to administrators.
if not error.workflow_id:
error.workflow_id = workflow.id
if status_item:
error.status_item_id = status_item.id
if getattr(status_item, 'parent', None):
error.status_id = status_item.parent.id
if status:
error.status_id = status.id
error.first_occurence_timestamp = datetime.datetime.now()
error.id = '%s-%s' % (
existing_error = cls.get_on_index(error.tech_id, 'tech_id', ignore_errors=True)
if existing_error:
error = existing_error
error.occurences_count += 1
error.latest_occurence_timestamp = datetime.datetime.now()
return error
def record_exception(cls, error_summary, plain_error_msg, publisher):
context = publisher.substitutions.get_context_variables()
except Exception as e:
formdata_id = context.get('form_number_raw')
formdef_urlname = context.get('form_slug')
if not formdef_urlname:
# cannot attach error to formdef, don't record in journal, it will
# still be sent by email to administrators.
formdef = FormDef.get_by_urlname(formdef_urlname)
formdata = formdef.data_class().get(formdata_id, ignore_errors=True)
return cls.record(error_summary, plain_error_msg, formdata=formdata,
formdef=formdef, workflow=formdef.workflow)
def tech_id(self):
tech_id = '%s-%s-' % (self.formdef_id, self.workflow_id)
if self.status_id:
tech_id += '%s-' % self.status_id
if self.status_item_id:
tech_id += '%s-' % self.status_item_id
tech_id += '%s' % simplify(self.summary)
if self.exception_class:
tech_id += '-%s' % self.exception_class
if self.exception_message:
tech_id += '-%s' % simplify(self.exception_message)
return tech_id[:200]
def get_formdef(self):
return FormDef.get(self.formdef_id, ignore_errors=True)
def get_workflow(self):
return Workflow.get(self.workflow_id, ignore_errors=True)
def get_formdata(self):
if not self.formdata_id:
return None
return self.get_formdef().data_class().get(self.formdata_id, ignore_errors=True)
def get_status(self):
if not self.status_id:
return None
workflow = self.get_workflow()
if not workflow:
return None
for status in workflow.possible_status:
if status.id == self.status_id:
return status
return None
def get_status_item(self):
status = self.get_status()
if not status or not status.items:
return None
for status_item in status.items:
if status_item.id == self.status_item_id:
return status_item
return None