
488 lines
18 KiB

# w.c.s. - web application for online forms
# Copyright (C) 2005-2017 Entr'ouvert
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import base64
import hashlib
import sys
import uuid
from django.utils.encoding import force_bytes
from django.utils.six.moves.urllib import parse as urllib
from quixote import redirect, get_session, get_publisher, get_request, get_session_manager
from quixote.directory import Directory
from quixote.html import htmltext, TemplateIO
from .. import _
from ..backoffice.menu import html_top
from .. import template, get_cfg, get_logger
from ..form import (Form, StringWidget, CompositeWidget, ComputedExpressionWidget,
SingleSelectWidget, WidgetListAsTable)
from ..misc import http_post_request, http_get_page, json_loads
from wcs.workflows import WorkflowStatusItem
from wcs.formdata import flatten_dict
from .base import AuthMethod
ADMIN_TITLE = N_('FranceConnect')
# XXX: make an OIDC auth method that FranceConnect would inherit from
def base64url_decode(input):
rem = len(input) % 4
if rem > 0:
input += b'=' * (4 - rem)
return base64.urlsafe_b64decode(input)
class UserFieldMappingRowWidget(CompositeWidget):
def __init__(self, name, value=None, **kwargs):
CompositeWidget.__init__(self, name, value, **kwargs)
if not value:
value = {}
fields = []
users_cfg = get_cfg('users', {})
user_formdef = get_publisher().user_class.get_formdef()
if not user_formdef or not users_cfg.get('field_name'):
fields.append(('__name', _('Name'), '__name'))
if not user_formdef or not users_cfg.get('field_email'):
fields.append(('__email', _('Email'), '__email'))
if user_formdef and user_formdef.fields:
for field in user_formdef.fields:
if field.varname:
fields.append((field.varname, field.label, field.varname))
self.add(SingleSelectWidget, name='field_varname', title=_('Field'),
options=fields, **kwargs)
self.add(ComputedExpressionWidget, name='value', title=_('Value'),
self.add(SingleSelectWidget, 'verified',
title=_('Is attribute verified'),
options=[('never', _('Never')),
('always', _('Always'))
def _parse(self, request):
if self.get('value') and self.get('field_varname') and self.get('verified'):
self.value = {
'value': self.get('value'),
'field_varname': self.get('field_varname'),
'verified': self.get('verified'),
self.value = None
class UserFieldMappingTableWidget(WidgetListAsTable):
readonly = False
def __init__(self, name, **kwargs):
super(UserFieldMappingTableWidget, self).__init__(
name, element_type=UserFieldMappingRowWidget, **kwargs)
class MethodDirectory(Directory):
_q_exports = ['login', 'logout', 'callback']
def login(self):
return FCAuthMethod().login()
def logout(self):
return FCAuthMethod().logout()
def callback(self):
return FCAuthMethod().callback()
class MethodAdminDirectory(Directory):
label = N_('Configure FranceConnect identification method')
_q_exports = ['']
'name': N_('Development citizens'),
'slug': 'dev-particulier',
'authorization_url': 'https://fcp.integ01.dev-franceconnect.fr/api/v1/authorize',
'token_url': 'https://fcp.integ01.dev-franceconnect.fr/api/v1/token',
'user_info_url': 'https://fcp.integ01.dev-franceconnect.fr/api/v1/userinfo',
'logout_url': 'https://fcp.integ01.dev-franceconnect.fr/api/v1/logout',
'name': N_('Development enterprise'),
'slug': 'dev-entreprise',
'authorization_url': 'https://fce.integ01.dev-franceconnect.fr/api/v1/authorize',
'token_url': 'https://fce.integ01.dev-franceconnect.fr/api/v1/token',
'user_info_url': 'https://fce.integ01.dev-franceconnect.fr/api/v1/userinfo',
'logout_url': 'https://fce.integ01.dev-franceconnect.fr/api/v1/logout',
'name': N_('Production citizens'),
'slug': 'prod-particulier',
'authorization_url': 'https://app.franceconnect.gouv.fr/api/v1/authorize',
'token_url': 'https://app.franceconnect.gouv.fr/api/v1/token',
'user_info_url': 'https://app.franceconnect.gouv.fr/api/v1/userinfo',
'logout_url': 'https://app.franceconnect.gouv.fr/api/v1/logout',
('client_id', N_('Client ID')),
('client_secret', N_('Client secret')),
('platform', N_('Platform')),
('scopes', N_('Scopes')),
('user_field_mappings', N_('User field mappings')),
('given_name', N_('first names separated by spaces')),
('family_name', N_('birth\'s last name')),
('birthdate', N_('birthdate formatted as YYYY-MM-DD')),
('gender', N_('gender \'male\' for men, and \'female\' for women')),
('birthplace', N_('INSEE code of the place of birth')),
('birthcountry', N_('INSEE code of the country of birth')),
('email', N_('email')),
('siret', N_('SIRET or SIREN number of the enterprise')),
# Note: FranceConnect website also refer to adress and phones attributes
# but we don't know what must be expected of their value.
def get_form(cls, instance={}):
form = Form(enctype='multipart/form-data')
for key, title in cls.CONFIG:
attrs = {}
default = None
hint = None
kwargs = {}
widget = StringWidget
if key == 'user_field_mappings':
widget = UserFieldMappingTableWidget
elif key == 'platform':
widget = SingleSelectWidget
kwargs['options'] = [
(platform['slug'], _(platform['name'])) for platform in cls.PLATFORMS
elif key == 'scopes':
default = 'identite_pivot address email phones'
hint = _('Space separated values among: identite_pivot, address, email, phones, '
'profile, birth, preferred_username, gender, birthdate, '
'birthcountry, birthplace')
if widget == StringWidget:
kwargs['size'] = '80'
form.add(widget, key, title=_(title), hint=hint, required=True,
value=instance.get(key, default),
attrs=attrs, **kwargs)
form.add_submit('submit', _('Submit'))
form.add_submit('cancel', _('Cancel'))
return form
def submit(self, form):
cfg = {}
for key, title in self.CONFIG:
cfg[key] = form.get_widget(key).parse()
get_publisher().cfg['fc'] = cfg
return redirect('../..')
def _q_index(self):
fc_cfg = get_cfg('fc', {})
form = self.get_form(fc_cfg)
pub = get_publisher()
if form.get_submit() == 'cancel':
return redirect('../..')
if 'submit' in get_request().form and form.is_submitted() and not form.has_errors():
return self.submit(form)
html_top('settings', title=_(self.title))
r = TemplateIO(html=True)
r += htmltext('<h2>%s</h2>') % self.title
fc_callback = pub.get_frontoffice_url() + '/ident/fc/callback'
r += htmltext('<p>')
r += _('Callback URL is %s.') % fc_callback
r += htmltext('</p>')
r += htmltext('<p>')
r += _('Logout callback URL is %s.') % get_publisher().get_frontoffice_url()
r += htmltext('</p>')
r += htmltext('<p>')
r += htmltext(_('See <a href="https://partenaires.franceconnect.gouv.fr/fcp/fournisseur-service">'
'FranceConnect partners\'site</a> for getting a client_id and '
'a client_secret.'))
r += htmltext('</p>')
r += form.render()
r += htmltext('<div><p>')
r += htmltext(_('See <a '
'href="https://partenaires.franceconnect.gouv.fr/fcp/fournisseur-service#identite-pivot" '
'>FranceConnect partners\'site</a> for more '
'informations on available scopes and attributes. Known ones '
r += htmltext('</p>')
r += htmltext('<table class="franceconnect-attrs"><thead>'
'<tr><th>%s</th><th>%s</th></tr></thead><tbody>') % (
_('Attribute'), _('Description'))
for attribute, description in self.KNOWN_ATTRIBUTES:
r += htmltext('<tr><td><code>%s</code></td><td>%s</td></tr>') % (attribute, _(description))
r += htmltext('</tbody></table></div>')
return r.getvalue()
class FCAuthMethod(AuthMethod):
key = 'fc'
description = ADMIN_TITLE
method_directory = MethodDirectory
method_admin_directory = MethodAdminDirectory
def is_ok(self):
fc_cfg = get_cfg('fc', {})
for key, title in self.method_admin_directory.CONFIG:
if not fc_cfg.get(key):
return False
return True
def login(self):
if not self.is_ok():
return template.error_page(_('FranceConnect support is not yet configured.'))
fc_cfg = get_cfg('fc', {})
pub = get_publisher()
session = get_session()
authorization_url = self.get_authorization_url()
client_id = fc_cfg.get('client_id')
state = str(uuid.uuid4())
session = get_session()
next_url = get_request().form.get('next') or pub.get_frontoffice_url()
session.extra_user_variables = session.extra_user_variables or {}
session.extra_user_variables['fc_next_url_' + state] = next_url
# generate a session id if none exists, ugly but necessary
nonce = hashlib.sha256(force_bytes(session.id)).hexdigest()
fc_callback = pub.get_frontoffice_url() + '/ident/fc/callback'
qs = urllib.urlencode({
'response_type': 'code',
'client_id': client_id,
'redirect_uri': fc_callback,
'scope': 'openid ' + fc_cfg.get('scopes', ''),
'state': state,
'nonce': nonce,
redirect_url = '%s?%s' % (authorization_url, qs)
return redirect(redirect_url)
def is_interactive(self):
return False
def get_access_token(self, code):
logger = get_logger()
session = get_session()
fc_cfg = get_cfg('fc', {})
client_id = fc_cfg.get('client_id')
client_secret = fc_cfg.get('client_secret')
redirect_uri = get_request().get_frontoffice_url().split('?')[0]
body = {
'grant_type': 'authorization_code',
'redirect_uri': redirect_uri,
'client_id': client_id,
'client_secret': client_secret,
'code': code,
response, status, data, auth_header = http_post_request(
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
if status != 200:
logger.error('status from FranceConnect token_url is not 200')
return None
result = json_loads(data)
if 'error' in result:
logger.error('FranceConnect code resolution failed: %s', result['error'])
return None
# check id_token nonce
id_token = result['id_token']
access_token = result['access_token']
header, payload, signature = id_token.split('.')
payload = json_loads(base64url_decode(force_bytes(payload)))
nonce = hashlib.sha256(force_bytes(session.id)).hexdigest()
if payload['nonce'] != nonce:
logger.error('FranceConnect returned nonce did not match')
return None
return access_token, id_token
def get_user_info(self, access_token):
logger = get_logger()
response, status, data, auth_header = http_get_page(
'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % access_token,
if status != 200:
logger.error('status from FranceConnect user_info_url is not 200 but %s and data is'
' %s', status. data[:100])
return None
return json_loads(data)
def get_platform(self):
fc_cfg = get_cfg('fc', {})
slug = fc_cfg.get('platform')
for platform in self.method_admin_directory.PLATFORMS:
if platform['slug'] == slug:
return platform
raise KeyError('platform %s not found' % slug)
def get_authorization_url(self):
return self.get_platform()['authorization_url']
def get_token_url(self):
return self.get_platform()['token_url']
def get_user_info_url(self):
return self.get_platform()['user_info_url']
def get_logout_url(self):
return self.get_platform()['logout_url']
def fill_user_attributes(self, user, user_info):
fc_cfg = get_cfg('fc', {})
user_field_mappings = fc_cfg.get('user_field_mappings', [])
user_formdef = get_publisher().user_class.get_formdef()
form_data = user.form_data or {}
user.verified_fields = user.verified_fields or []
for user_field_mapping in user_field_mappings:
field_varname = user_field_mapping['field_varname']
value = user_field_mapping['value']
verified = user_field_mapping['verified']
field_id = None
value = WorkflowStatusItem.compute(value, context=user_info)
except Exception as e:
get_publisher().notify_of_exception(sys.exc_info(), context='[FC-user-compute]')
if field_varname == '__name':
user.name = value
elif field_varname == '__email':
user.email = value
field_id = 'email' # special value for verified email field
for field in user_formdef.fields:
if field_varname == field.varname:
field_id = str(field.id)
form_data[field.id] = value
# Update verified fields
if field_id:
if verified == 'always' and field_id not in user.verified_fields:
elif verified != 'always' and field_id in user.verified_fields:
user.form_data = form_data
if user.form_data:
'access_denied': N_('user did not authorize login'),
def callback(self):
if not self.is_ok():
return template.error_page(_('FranceConnect support is not yet configured.'))
pub = get_publisher()
request = get_request()
session = get_session()
logger = get_logger()
state = request.form.get('state', '')
next_url = ((session.extra_user_variables or {}).pop('fc_next_url_' + state, '')
or pub.get_frontoffice_url())
if 'code' not in request.form:
error = request.form.get('error')
# if no error parameter, we stay silent
if error:
# we log only errors whose user is not responsible
logger.error(_('FranceConnect authentication failed: %s'),
_(msg) if msg else error)
return redirect(next_url)
access_token, id_token = self.get_access_token(request.form['code'])
if not access_token:
return redirect(next_url)
user_info = self.get_user_info(access_token)
if not user_info:
return redirect(next_url)
# Store user info in session
flattened_user_info = user_info.copy()
session_var_fc_user = {}
for key in flattened_user_info:
session_var_fc_user['fc_' + key] = flattened_user_info[key]
session_var_fc_user['fc_access_token'] = access_token
session_var_fc_user['fc_id_token'] = id_token
# Lookup or create user
sub = user_info['sub']
user = None
for user in pub.user_class.get_users_with_name_identifier(sub):
if not user:
user = pub.user_class(sub)
user.name_identifiers = [sub]
self.fill_user_attributes(user, user_info)
if not (user.name and user.email):
# we didn't get useful attributes, forget it.
logger.error('failed to get name and/or email attribute from FranceConnect')
return redirect(next_url)
session.extra_user_variables = session_var_fc_user
return redirect(next_url)
def logout(self):
session = get_session()
id_token = session.extra_user_variables['fc_id_token']
logout_url = self.get_logout_url()
post_logout_redirect_uri = get_publisher().get_frontoffice_url()
logout_url += '?' + urllib.urlencode({
'id_token_hint': id_token,
'post_logout_redirect_uri': post_logout_redirect_uri,
return redirect(logout_url)