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# w.c.s. - web application for online forms
# Copyright (C) 2005-2022 Entr'ouvert
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from collections import defaultdict
from quixote import get_publisher
from wcs.categories import CommentTemplateCategory
from wcs.qommon import _, get_logger
from wcs.qommon.form import OptGroup
from wcs.qommon.xml_storage import XmlStorableObject
class CommentTemplate(XmlStorableObject):
_names = 'comment-templates'
xml_root_node = 'comment-template'
backoffice_class = 'wcs.admin.comment_templates.CommentTemplatePage'
verbose_name = _('Comment template')
verbose_name_plural = _('Comment templates')
name = None
slug = None
description = None
comment = None
attachments = []
category_id = None
# declarations for serialization
('name', 'str'),
('slug', 'str'),
('description', 'str'),
('comment', 'str'),
('attachments', 'str_list'),
def __init__(self, name=None):
self.name = name
def category(self):
return CommentTemplateCategory.get(self.category_id, ignore_errors=True)
def category(self, category):
if category:
self.category_id = category.id
elif self.category_id:
self.category_id = None
def get_admin_url(self):
base_url = get_publisher().get_backoffice_url()
return '%s/workflows/comment-templates/%s/' % (base_url, self.id)
def store(self, comment=None, *args, **kwargs):
assert not self.is_readonly()
if self.slug is None:
# set slug if it's not yet there
self.slug = self.get_new_slug()
super().store(*args, **kwargs)
if get_publisher().snapshot_class:
get_publisher().snapshot_class.snap(instance=self, comment=comment)
def get_places_of_use(self):
from wcs.workflows import Workflow
for workflow in Workflow.select(ignore_errors=True, ignore_migration=True):
for item in workflow.get_all_items():
if item.key != 'register-comment':
if item.comment_template == self.slug:
yield workflow
def is_in_use(self):
return any(self.get_places_of_use())
def get_as_options_list(cls):
def get_option(mt):
option = [mt.slug, mt.name, mt.slug]
if get_publisher().get_backoffice_root().is_accessible('workflows'):
option.append({'data-goto-url': mt.get_admin_url()})
return option
comment_templates_by_category_names = defaultdict(list)
for comment_template in cls.select(order_by='name'):
name = ''
if comment_template.category:
name = comment_template.category.name
category_names = list(comment_templates_by_category_names.keys())
if len(category_names) == 1 and category_names[0] == '':
# no category found
return [get_option(mt) for mt in comment_templates_by_category_names['']]
options = []
# sort categories
category_names = sorted(category_names)
# comment template without categories at the end
if category_names[0] == '':
category_names = category_names[1:] + ['']
# group by category name
for name in category_names:
options.append(OptGroup(name or _('Without category')))
options.extend([get_option(mt) for mt in comment_templates_by_category_names[name]])
return options
def get_by_slug(cls, slug, ignore_errors=True):
comment_template = super().get_by_slug(slug, ignore_errors=ignore_errors)
if comment_template is None:
get_logger().warning("comment template '%s' does not exist" % slug)
return comment_template
def export_to_xml(self, include_id=False):
root = super().export_to_xml(include_id=include_id)
CommentTemplateCategory.object_category_xml_export(self, root, include_id=include_id)
return root
def import_from_xml_tree(cls, tree, include_id=False, **kwargs):
comment_template = super().import_from_xml_tree(tree, include_id=include_id, **kwargs)
CommentTemplateCategory.object_category_xml_import(comment_template, tree, include_id=include_id)
return comment_template