
203 lines
6.6 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import io
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import pytest
from utilities import clean_temporary_pub, create_temporary_pub, get_app, login
from webtest import Upload
from wcs.qommon.http_request import HTTPRequest
from wcs.wscalls import NamedWsCall
from .test_all import create_superuser
def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc):
if 'pub' in metafunc.fixturenames:
metafunc.parametrize('pub', ['pickle', 'sql', 'pickle-templates'], indirect=True)
def pub(request):
pub = create_temporary_pub(
sql_mode=bool('sql' in request.param), templates_mode=bool('templates' in request.param)
req = HTTPRequest(None, {'SCRIPT_NAME': '/', 'SERVER_NAME': 'example.net'})
pub.cfg['identification'] = {'methods': ['password']}
pub.cfg['language'] = {'language': 'en'}
return pub
def teardown_module(module):
def wscall():
wscall = NamedWsCall(name='xxx')
wscall.description = 'description'
wscall.notify_on_errors = True
wscall.record_on_errors = True
wscall.request = {
'url': 'http://remote.example.net/json',
'request_signature_key': 'xxx',
'qs_data': {'a': 'b'},
'method': 'POST',
'post_data': {'c': 'd'},
return wscall
@pytest.mark.parametrize('value', [True, False])
def test_wscalls_new(pub, value):
app = login(get_app(pub))
# go to the page and cancel
resp = app.get('/backoffice/settings/wscalls/')
resp = resp.click('New webservice call')
resp = resp.forms[0].submit('cancel')
assert resp.location == 'http://example.net/backoffice/settings/wscalls/'
# go to the page and add a webservice call
resp = app.get('/backoffice/settings/wscalls/')
resp = resp.click('New webservice call')
assert resp.form['notify_on_errors'].value is None
assert resp.form['record_on_errors'].value == 'yes'
resp.form['name'] = 'a new webservice call'
resp.form['description'] = 'description'
resp.form['notify_on_errors'] = value
resp.form['record_on_errors'] = value
resp.form['request$url'] = 'http://remote.example.net/json'
resp = resp.form.submit('submit')
assert resp.location == 'http://example.net/backoffice/settings/wscalls/'
resp = resp.follow()
assert 'a new webservice call' in resp.text
resp = resp.click('a new webservice call')
assert 'Webservice Call - a new webservice call' in resp.text
resp = resp.click('Edit')
assert 'Edit webservice call' in resp.text
assert NamedWsCall.get('a_new_webservice_call').name == 'a new webservice call'
assert NamedWsCall.get('a_new_webservice_call').notify_on_errors == value
assert NamedWsCall.get('a_new_webservice_call').record_on_errors == value
def test_wscalls_view(pub, wscall):
app = login(get_app(pub))
resp = app.get('/backoffice/settings/wscalls/%s/' % wscall.id)
assert 'http://remote.example.net/json' in resp.text
def test_wscalls_edit(pub, wscall):
app = login(get_app(pub))
resp = app.get('/backoffice/settings/wscalls/xxx/')
resp = resp.click(href='edit')
assert resp.form['name'].value == 'xxx'
assert resp.form['notify_on_errors'].value == 'yes'
assert resp.form['record_on_errors'].value == 'yes'
assert 'slug' in resp.form.fields
resp.form['description'] = 'bla bla bla'
resp.form['notify_on_errors'] = False
resp.form['record_on_errors'] = False
resp = resp.form.submit('submit')
assert resp.location == 'http://example.net/backoffice/settings/wscalls/xxx/'
resp = resp.follow()
assert NamedWsCall.get('xxx').description == 'bla bla bla'
assert NamedWsCall.get('xxx').notify_on_errors is False
assert NamedWsCall.get('xxx').record_on_errors is False
resp = app.get('/backoffice/settings/wscalls/xxx/')
resp = resp.click(href='edit')
assert resp.form['name'].value == 'xxx'
assert resp.form['notify_on_errors'].value is None
assert resp.form['record_on_errors'].value is None
assert 'slug' in resp.form.fields
resp.form['slug'] = 'yyy'
resp = resp.form.submit('submit')
assert resp.location == 'http://example.net/backoffice/settings/wscalls/yyy/'
def test_wscalls_delete(pub, wscall):
app = login(get_app(pub))
resp = app.get('/backoffice/settings/wscalls/xxx/')
resp = resp.click(href='delete')
resp = resp.form.submit('cancel')
assert resp.location == 'http://example.net/backoffice/settings/wscalls/'
resp = app.get('/backoffice/settings/wscalls/xxx/')
resp = resp.click(href='delete')
resp = resp.form.submit('submit')
assert resp.location == 'http://example.net/backoffice/settings/wscalls/'
assert NamedWsCall.count() == 0
def test_wscalls_export(pub, wscall):
app = login(get_app(pub))
resp = app.get('/backoffice/settings/wscalls/xxx/')
resp = resp.click(href='export')
xml_export = resp.text
ds = io.StringIO(xml_export)
wscall2 = NamedWsCall.import_from_xml(ds)
assert wscall2.name == 'xxx'
def test_wscalls_import(pub, wscall):
wscall.slug = 'foobar'
wscall_xml = ET.tostring(wscall.export_to_xml(include_id=True))
assert NamedWsCall.count() == 0
app = login(get_app(pub))
resp = app.get('/backoffice/settings/wscalls/')
resp = resp.click(href='import')
resp.forms[0]['file'] = Upload('wscall.wcs', wscall_xml)
resp = resp.forms[0].submit()
assert NamedWsCall.count() == 1
assert set([wc.slug for wc in NamedWsCall.select()]) == set(['foobar'])
# check slug
resp = app.get('/backoffice/settings/wscalls/')
resp = resp.click(href='import')
resp.forms[0]['file'] = Upload('wscall.wcs', wscall_xml)
resp = resp.forms[0].submit()
assert NamedWsCall.count() == 2
assert set([wc.slug for wc in NamedWsCall.select()]) == set(['foobar', 'xxx'])
resp = app.get('/backoffice/settings/wscalls/')
resp = resp.click(href='import')
resp.forms[0]['file'] = Upload('wscall.wcs', wscall_xml)
resp = resp.forms[0].submit()
assert NamedWsCall.count() == 3
assert set([wc.slug for wc in NamedWsCall.select()]) == set(['foobar', 'xxx', 'xxx_1'])
# import an invalid file
resp = app.get('/backoffice/settings/wscalls/')
resp = resp.click(href='import')
resp.form['file'] = Upload('wscall.wcs', b'garbage')
resp = resp.form.submit()
assert 'Invalid File' in resp.text