
195 lines
11 KiB

{% extends "wcs/backoffice.html" %}
{% load i18n %}
{% block appbar %}{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
{% if formdef.documentation %}
<div class="bo-block documentation documentation-inspect-top"><div class="ro-documentation">{{ formdef.documentation|safe }}</div></div>
{% endif %}
<div class="pk-tabs inspect-tabs inspect-form-tabs">
<div class="pk-tabs--tab-list" role="tablist">
<button role="tab" aria-selected="true" aria-controls="inspect-infos" id="tab-infos" tabindex="0">{% trans "Information" %}</button>
<button role="tab" aria-selected="false" aria-controls="inspect-workflow" id="tab-workflow" tabindex="-1">{% trans "Workflow" %}</button>
<button role="tab" aria-selected="false" aria-controls="inspect-options" id="tab-options" tabindex="-1">{% trans "Options" %}</button>
<button role="tab" aria-selected="false" aria-controls="inspect-fields" id="tab-fields" tabindex="-1">{% trans "Fields" %}</button>
{% if not snapshots_diff and not is_carddef %}
<button role="tab" aria-selected="false" aria-controls="inspect-drafts" id="tab-drafts" tabindex="-1">{% trans "Drafts" %}</button>
{% endif %}
{% if custom_views %}
<button role="tab" aria-selected="false" aria-controls="inspect-customviews" id="tab-customviews" tabindex="-1">{% trans "Custom views" %}</button>
{% endif %}
{% if deprecations.report_lines %}
<button role="tab" aria-selected="false" aria-controls="inspect-deprecations" id="tab-deprecations" tabindex="-1">{% trans "Deprecations" %}</button>
{% endif %}
<div class="pk-tabs--container">
<div id="inspect-infos" role="tabpanel" tabindex="0" aria-labelledby="tab-info">
<li><span class="parameter">{% trans "Title" %}{% trans ":" %}</span> {{ formdef.name|default:"-" }}</li>
<li><span class="parameter">{% trans "Description" %}{% trans ":" %}</span> {{ formdef.description|default:"-"|safe }}</li>
<li><span class="parameter">{% trans "Keywords" %}{% trans ":" %}</span> {{ formdef.keywords|default:"-" }}</li>
<li><span class="parameter">{% trans "Category" %}{% trans ":" %}</span> {% if formdef.category %}<a href="{{ formdef.category.get_admin_url }}">{{ formdef.category.name }}</a>{% else %}-{% endif %}</li>
<div id="inspect-workflow" role="tabpanel" tabindex="0" aria-labelledby="tab-workflow" hidden>
<li><span class="parameter">{% trans "Workflow" %}{% trans ":" %}</span> <a href="{{ formdef.workflow.get_admin_url }}">{{ formdef.workflow.name }}</a></li>
<li><span class="parameter">{% trans "Options" %}{% trans ":" %}</span> {% if not workflow_options %}-{% else %}<ul>
{% for label, value in workflow_options.items %}
{% if value == '__title__' or value == '__subtitle__' %}<li><strong>{{ label }}</strong></li>
{% elif value == '__comment__' %}<li>{{ label }}</li>
{% else %}
<li>{{ label }} → {{ value|safe|default:"-" }}</li>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
</ul>{% endif %}</li>
{% for wf_role_id, wf_role_label, role_label in workflow_roles %}
<li><span class="parameter">{{ wf_role_label }}{% trans ":" %}</span> {{ role_label|default:"-" }}</li>
{% endfor %}
<li><span class="parameter">{% trans "User Roles" %}{% trans ":" %}</span> {{ view.get_roles_label_and_auth_context|default:"-" }}</li>
<li><span class="parameter">{% trans "Backoffice Submission Role" %}{% trans ":" %}</span> {{ backoffice_submission_roles|default:"-" }}</li>
<div id="inspect-options" role="tabpanel" tabindex="0" aria-labelledby="tab-options" hidden>
<li><span class="parameter">{% trans "Confirmation Page" %}{% trans ":" %}</span> {{ formdef.confirmation|yesno }}</li>
<li><span class="parameter">{% trans "Limit to one form" %}{% trans ":" %}</span> {{ formdef.only_allow_one|yesno }}</li>
{% if formdef.roles %}
<li><span class="parameter">{% trans "Display to unlogged users" %}{% trans ":" %}</span> {{ formdef.always_advertise|yesno }}</li>
{% endif %}
<li><span class="parameter">{% trans "Management sidebar elements" %}{% trans ":" %}</span>
{% for label in formdef.management_sidebar_items_labels %} <li>{{ label }}</li>{% endfor %}
<li><span class="parameter">{% trans "Skip from per user view" %}{% trans ":" %}</span> {{ formdef.skip_from_360_view|yesno }}</li>
<li><span class="parameter">{% trans "Tracking codes" %}{% trans ":" %}</span> {{ formdef.enable_tracking_codes|yesno }}</li>
{% if formdef.enable_tracking_codes %}
<li><span class="parameter">{% trans "Fields to check after entering the tracking code" %}{% trans ":" %}</span> {{ tracking_code_verify_fields_labels|default:"-" }}</li>
{% endif %}
<li><span class="parameter">{% trans "Lifespan of drafts (in days)" %}{% trans ":" %}</span> {{ formdef.get_drafts_lifespan }}</li>
<li><span class="parameter">{% trans "Maximum number of drafts per user" %}{% trans ":" %}</span> {{ formdef.get_drafts_max_per_user }}</li>
<li><span class="parameter">{% trans "Templates" %}</span>
<li><span class="parameter">{% trans "Digest" %}{% trans ":" %}</span> {{ formdef.default_digest_template|default:"-" }}</li>
<li><span class="parameter">{% trans "Lateral Block" %}{% trans ":" %}</span> {{ formdef.lateral_template|default:"-" }}</li>
<li><span class="parameter">{% trans "Submission Lateral Block" %}{% trans ":" %}</span> {{ formdef.submission_lateral_template|default:"-" }}</li>
<li><span class="parameter">{% trans "Disable access to form" %}{% trans ":" %}</span> {{ formdef.disabled|yesno }}</li>
<li><span class="parameter">{% trans "Redirection when disabled" %}{% trans ":" %}</span> {{ formdef.disabled_redirection|default:"-" }}</li>
<li><span class="parameter">{% trans "Publication date" %}{% trans ":" %}</span> {{ formdef.publication_date|default:"-" }}</li>
<li><span class="parameter">{% trans "Expiration date" %}{% trans ":" %}</span> {{ formdef.expiration_date|default:"-" }}</li>
<div id="inspect-fields" role="tabpanel" tabindex="0" aria-labelledby="tab-fields" hidden>
<div class="pk-information page-field-counters"><p>
{% blocktrans count page_count=formdef.page_count %}{{ page_count }} page{% plural %}{{ page_count }} pages{% endblocktrans %},
{% blocktrans count fields_count=formdef.fields|count %}{{ fields_count }} field{% plural %}{{ fields_count }} fields{% endblocktrans %}.
{% for field in formdef.fields %}
{% include "wcs/backoffice/includes/inspect-field.html" with path=formdef.get_admin_url|add:"fields/" %}
{% endfor %}
{% if not snapshots_diff and not is_carddef %}
<div id="inspect-drafts" role="tabpanel" tabindex="0" aria-labelledby="tab-drafts" hidden>
{% if total_drafts %}
<h2>{% trans "Key indicators on existing drafts" %}</h2>
<div class="infonotice">
{% blocktrans trimmed with count=formdef.get_drafts_lifespan %}
Covered period: last {{ count }} days.
{% endblocktrans %}
<h3>{% trans "Rate for in-progress forms, by page" %}</h3>
<table class="stats" data-table-id="rate-among-drafts">
{% for page_drafts in drafts %}
{% include "wcs/backoffice/includes/inspect-draft-by-page.html" with page_id=page_drafts.0 field=page_drafts.1.field percent=page_drafts.1.percent num=page_drafts.1.total den=total_drafts %}
{% endfor %}
<h3>{% trans "Completion rate: count of submitted forms, against count of drafts" %}</h2>
<table class="stats completion-rate">
<td class="label"></td>
<td class="percent">{{ percent_submitted_formdata|floatformat }}{% trans "%" %}</td>
<td class="total">({{ total_formdata|subtract:total_drafts }}/{{ total_formdata }})</td>
<td class="bar" colspan="3">
<span style="width: {{ percent_submitted_formdata|floatformat:"3u" }}%"></span>
{% else %}
<p>{% trans "There are currently no drafts for this form." %}</p>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<div id="inspect-customviews" role="tabpanel" tabindex="0" aria-labelledby="tab-customviews" hidden>
{% for custom_view in custom_views %}
<h4>{{ custom_view.title }}</h4>
<span class='parameter'>{% trans "Visibility" %}{% trans ":" %}</span>
{% if custom_view.visibility == 'any' %}
{% trans "to any users" %}
{% elif custom_view.visibility == 'datasource' %}
{% trans "as data source" %}
{% elif custom_view.visibility == 'role' %}
{% trans "to role" %} ({{ custom_view.role|default:'-' }})
{% endif %}</li>
<li><span class='parameter'>{% trans "Default view" %}{% trans ":" %}</span> {{ custom_view.is_default|yesno }}</li>
<li><span class='parameter'>{% trans "Digest" %}{% trans ":" %}</span> {{ custom_view.digest_template|default:'-' }}</li>
<li><span class='parameter'>{% trans "Columns" %}{% trans ":" %}</span> {{ custom_view.columns|default:'-' }}</li>
<li><span class='parameter'>{% trans "Filters" %}{% trans ":" %}</span> {{ custom_view.filters|default:'-' }}</li>
<li><span class='parameter'>{% trans "Order by" %}{% trans ":" %}</span> {{ custom_view.order_by|default:'-' }}</li>
{% if custom_view.visibility == 'datasource' %}
<li><span class='parameter'>{% trans "Group by" %}{% trans ":" %}</span> {{ custom_view.group_by|default:'-' }}</li>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if deprecations %}
<div id="inspect-deprecations" role="tabpanel" tabindex="0" aria-labelledby="tab-deprecations" hidden>
{% regroup deprecations.report_lines by category as category_report_lines %}
{% for category in category_report_lines %}
<h4>{{ deprecation_titles|get:category.grouper }}</h4>
<div class="section--{{ category.grouper }}">
{% for report_line in category.list %}
<li class="{{ report_line.css_class|default:"" }}"><a href="{{ report_line.url }}"
>{{ report_line.location_label }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block sidebar-content %}
{{ view.snapshot_info_inspect_block|safe }}
{% endblock %}