misc: move more of xml storage support into qommon/

This commit is contained in:
Frédéric Péters 2015-06-05 16:09:05 +02:00
parent b8d47f9f66
commit a2ccc22baa
2 changed files with 75 additions and 61 deletions

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@ -14,26 +14,25 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from quixote import get_publisher, get_response
from quixote.html import TemplateIO, htmltext
from qommon.storage import StorableObject
from qommon.misc import simplify, indent_xml
from qommon.misc import simplify
from qommon.substitution import Substitutions
from qommon.xml_storage import XmlStorableObject
class Category(XmlStorableObject):
_names = 'categories'
_xml_tagname = 'category'
name = None
url_name = None
description = None
position = None
# declarations for serialization
TEXT_ATTRIBUTES = ['name', 'url_name', 'description']
INT_ATTRIBUTES = ['position']
XML_NODES = [('name', 'str'), ('url_name', 'str'), ('description', 'str'),
('position', 'int')]
def __init__(self, name = None):
@ -82,61 +81,6 @@ class Category(XmlStorableObject):
def export_to_xml(self, include_id=False):
charset = get_publisher().site_charset
root = ET.Element('category')
if include_id and self.id:
root.attrib['id'] = str(self.id)
for text_attribute in list(self.TEXT_ATTRIBUTES):
if not hasattr(self, text_attribute) or not getattr(self, text_attribute):
ET.SubElement(root, text_attribute).text = unicode(
getattr(self, text_attribute), charset)
for int_attribute in list(self.INT_ATTRIBUTES):
if not hasattr(self, int_attribute) or not getattr(self, int_attribute):
ET.SubElement(root, int_attribute).text = str(getattr(self, int_attribute))
return root
def export_to_xml_string(self, include_id=False):
x = self.export_to_xml(include_id=include_id)
return ET.tostring(x)
def import_from_xml(cls, fd, charset=None, include_id=False):
tree = ET.parse(fd)
raise ValueError()
return cls.import_from_xml_tree(tree, charset=charset,
import_from_xml = classmethod(import_from_xml)
def import_from_xml_tree(cls, tree, include_id=False, charset=None):
if charset is None:
charset = get_publisher().site_charset
category = cls()
# if the tree we get is actually a ElementTree for real, we get its
# root element and go on happily.
if not ET.iselement(tree):
tree = tree.getroot()
if include_id and tree.attrib.get('id'):
category.id = int(tree.attrib.get('id'))
for text_attribute in list(cls.TEXT_ATTRIBUTES):
value = tree.find(text_attribute)
if value is None:
setattr(category, text_attribute, value.text.encode(charset))
for int_attribute in list(cls.INT_ATTRIBUTES):
value = tree.find(int_attribute)
if value is None:
setattr(category, int_attribute, int(value.text))
return category
import_from_xml_tree = classmethod(import_from_xml_tree)
def get_substitution_variables(self, minimal=False):
d = {
'category_name': self.name,

View File

@ -14,10 +14,16 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from quixote import get_publisher
from .misc import indent_xml
from .storage import StorableObject
class XmlStorableObject(StorableObject):
def storage_load(cls, fd):
first_byte = fd.read(1)
@ -30,3 +36,67 @@ class XmlStorableObject(StorableObject):
def storage_dumps(cls, object):
return object.export_to_xml_string(include_id=True)
def export_to_xml(self, include_id=False):
charset = get_publisher().site_charset
root = ET.Element(self._xml_tagname)
if include_id and self.id:
root.attrib['id'] = str(self.id)
for attribute in self.XML_NODES:
attribute_name, attribute_type = attribute
if not getattr(self, attribute_name, None):
element = ET.SubElement(root, attribute_name)
getattr(self, 'export_%s_to_xml' % attribute_type)(element,
attribute_name, charset=charset)
return root
def export_str_to_xml(self, element, attribute_name, charset):
element.text = unicode(getattr(self, attribute_name), charset)
def export_int_to_xml(self, element, attribute_name, charset):
element.text = str(getattr(self, attribute_name))
def export_to_xml_string(self, include_id=False):
x = self.export_to_xml(include_id=include_id)
return ET.tostring(x)
def import_from_xml(cls, fd, charset=None, include_id=False):
tree = ET.parse(fd)
raise ValueError()
return cls.import_from_xml_tree(tree, charset=charset,
import_from_xml = classmethod(import_from_xml)
def import_from_xml_tree(cls, tree, include_id=False, charset=None):
if charset is None:
charset = get_publisher().site_charset
obj = cls()
# if the tree we get is actually a ElementTree for real, we get its
# root element and go on happily.
if not ET.iselement(tree):
tree = tree.getroot()
if include_id and tree.attrib.get('id'):
obj.id = int(tree.attrib.get('id'))
for attribute in cls.XML_NODES:
attribute_name, attribute_type = attribute
element = tree.find(attribute_name)
if element is None:
setattr(obj, attribute_name,
getattr(obj, 'import_%s_from_xml' %
attribute_type)(element, charset=charset))
return obj
import_from_xml_tree = classmethod(import_from_xml_tree)
def import_str_from_xml(self, element, charset):
return element.text.encode(charset)
def import_int_from_xml(self, element, charset):
return int(element.text)