trivial: remove unused copy of jquery.kiketable.colsizable (#43241)

This commit is contained in:
Frédéric Péters 2020-05-23 22:50:52 +02:00
parent 09725fccc6
commit 0c814a1308
4 changed files with 0 additions and 329 deletions

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@ -131,10 +131,6 @@ jQuery JavaScript Library:
# Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
jQuery kiketable.colsizable plugin:
# Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Enrique Meléndez Estrada
# Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
Tabs - jQuery plugin for accessible, unobtrusive tabs:
# Copyright (c) 2006 Klaus Hartl (
# Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:

View File

@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
jquery.event.drag.js ~ v1.4 ~ Copyright (c) 2008, Three Dub Media (
Liscensed under the MIT License ~
;(function($){ // secure $ jQuery alias
// Created: 2008-06-04 | Updated: 2009-01-26
// Events: drag, dragstart, dragend
// jquery method
$.fn.drag = function( fn1, fn2, fn3 ){
if ( fn2 ) this.bind('dragstart', fn1 ); // 2+ args
if ( fn3 ) this.bind('dragend', fn3 ); // 3 args
return !fn1 ? this.trigger('drag') // 0 args
: this.bind('drag', fn2 ? fn2 : fn1 ); // 1+ args
// local refs
var $event = $.event, $special = $event.special,
// special event configuration
drag = $special.drag = {
not: ':input', // don't begin to drag on event.targets that match this selector
distance: 0, // distance dragged before dragstart
which: 1, // mouse button pressed to start drag sequence
setup: function( data ){
data = $.extend({
distance: drag.distance,
which: drag.which,
not: drag.not
}, data || {});
data.distance = squared( data.distance ); // x² + y² = distance²
$event.add( this, "mousedown", handler, data );
teardown: function(){
$event.remove( this, "mousedown", handler );
if ( this === drag.dragging ) drag.dragging = drag.proxy = null; // deactivate element
selectable( this, true ); // enable text selection
// handle drag-releatd DOM events
function handler ( event ){
var elem = this, returned, data = || {};
// mousemove or mouseup
if ( data.elem ){
// update event properties...
elem = event.dragTarget = data.elem; // drag source element
event.dragProxy = drag.proxy || elem; // proxy element or source
event.cursorOffsetX = data.pageX - data.left; // mousedown offset
event.cursorOffsetY = data.pageY -; // mousedown offset
event.offsetX = event.pageX - event.cursorOffsetX; // element offset
event.offsetY = event.pageY - event.cursorOffsetY; // element offset
// mousedown, check some initial props to avoid the switch statement
else if ( drag.dragging || ( data.which>0 && event.which!=data.which ) ||
$( ).is( data.not ) ) return;
// handle various events
switch ( event.type ){
// mousedown, left click, is not restricted, init dragging
case 'mousedown':
$.extend( data, $( elem ).offset(), {
elem: elem, target:,
pageX: event.pageX, pageY: event.pageY
}); // store some initial attributes
$event.add( document, "mousemove mouseup", handler, data );
selectable( elem, false ); // disable text selection
return false; // prevents text selection in safari
// mousemove, check distance, start dragging
case !drag.dragging && 'mousemove':
if ( squared( event.pageX-data.pageX )
+ squared( event.pageY-data.pageY ) // x² + y² = distance²
< data.distance ) break; // distance tolerance not reached =; // force target from "mousedown" event (fix distance issue)
returned = hijack( event, "dragstart", elem ); // trigger "dragstart", return proxy element
if ( returned !== false ){ // "dragstart" not rejected
drag.dragging = elem; // activate element
drag.proxy = event.dragProxy = $( returned || elem )[0]; // set proxy
// mousemove, dragging
case 'mousemove':
if ( drag.dragging ){
returned = hijack( event, "drag", elem ); // trigger "drag"
if ( $special.drop ){ // manage drop events
$special.drop.allowed = ( returned !== false ); // prevent drop
$special.drop.handler( event ); // "dropstart", "dropend"
if ( returned !== false ) break; // "drag" not rejected, stop
event.type = "mouseup"; // helps "drop" handler behave
// mouseup, stop dragging
case 'mouseup':
$event.remove( document, "mousemove mouseup", handler ); // remove page events
if ( drag.dragging ){
if ( $special.drop ) $special.drop.handler( event ); // "drop"
hijack( event, "dragend", elem ); // trigger "dragend"
selectable( elem, true ); // enable text selection
drag.dragging = drag.proxy = data.elem = null; // deactivate element
// set event type to custom value, and handle it
function hijack ( event, type, elem ){
event.type = type; // force the event type
var result = $ elem, event );
return result===false ? false : result || event.result;
// return the value squared
function squared ( value ){ return Math.pow( value, 2 ); };
// toggles text selection attributes
function selectable ( elem, bool ){
if ( !elem ) return; // maybe element was removed ?
elem.unselectable = bool ? "off" : "on"; // IE
elem.onselectstart = function(){ return bool; }; // IE
if ( document.selection && document.selection.empty ) document.selection.empty(); // IE
if ( ) = bool ? "" : "none"; // FF
})( jQuery ); // confine scope

View File

@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
* jQuery kiketable.colsizable plugin
* Version 1.1 (20-MAR-2009)
* @requires jQuery v1.3.2 or later (
* @requires jquery.event.drag-1.4.js (
* Examples at:
* Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Enrique Meléndez Estrada
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
$.fn.kiketable_colsizable = function(o) {
// default parameters, properties or settings
o = $.extend({}, $.fn.kiketable_colsizable.defaults, o);
o.dragProxy = (o.dragProxy === "line" ) ? false : true;
.filter("table:not(."+o.namespace+")") // only for "virgin" html table(s)
o.renderTime = new Date().getTime();
// global variables
var oTable = this,
$Table = $(this),
_Cols = oTable.getElementsByTagName("col");
_Cols.length && $(o.dragCells,this)
if (!$(this).hasClass('kiketable-th'))
$(this).addClass('kiketable-th').wrapInner('<div class="kiketable-th-text"></div>');
$('<div class="'+o.classHandler+'" title="'+ o.title+'"></div>')
// global properties
// = this.parentNode; // alias for TD / CELL of this, if jerarchy changes in future, only depends on this var
this.$td = $(;
this.col = _Cols[];
.dblclick( function() {
// if loading fast, only once...
if (this.wtd == null){
this.wtd = this.col.offsetWidth;
this.wtd0= this.wtd;
// change column width
var minimized = this.wtd == o.minWidth;
this.wtd = (minimized) ? this.wtd0 : o.minWidth; = this.wtd + "px";
// change table width (if not fixed)
var d = this.wtd0-o.minWidth; = $Table.width()+((minimized)?d:-d)+"px";
// bind a dragstart event, return the proxy element
.bind( 'dragstart', function(e){
this.cell_width = this.$td.width();
this.table_width = $Table.width();
this.left0 = e.offsetX;
this.d1 = this.cell_width - this.left0; // precalc for drag event
this.d2 = o.minWidth - this.d1; // precalc for drag event
return $(this)
top: this.$td.offset().top,
left: this.$td.offset().left,
width: this.cell_width
top: this.$td.offset().top,
left: e.offsetX
.addClass( (o.dragProxy)? o.classDragArea : o.classDragLine)
// bind a drag event, update proxy position
.bind( 'drag', (o.dragMove || o.dragProxy)? function(e){
var w = e.offsetX + this.d1;
if(w - this.d2 - this.d1 >= 0){ = w + "px"; //$(e.dragProxy).css({width: w}) ;
if (o.dragMove){ = w +"px"; // cell width
if(!o.fixWidth){ = (this.table_width - this.cell_width+ w) + "px";
}: function(e){
var x = e.offsetX;
if (x - this.d2 >= 0) = x+"px"; //$(e.dragProxy).css({left: e.offsetX});
// bind a dragend event, remove proxy
.bind( 'dragend', function(e){
if (!o.dragMove){
var delta = parseInt( - this.left0; = (o.dragProxy) ? : (this.cell_width + delta)+"px"; // cell width
// change table width (if not fixed)
if(!o.fixWidth) = ((o.dragProxy) ? this.table_width - this.cell_width + parseInt( : this.table_width + delta)+"px";
$(e.dragProxy)[o.fxHide](o.fxSpeed, function(){$(this).remove()});
.bind('minimized', function(e){
$(this.col)[(parseInt( <= o.minWidth) ? "addClass":"removeClass"](o.classMinimized)
o.renderTime = new Date().getTime() - o.renderTime;
return this;
$.fn.kiketable_colsizable.defaults = {
dragCells : "tr:first > *",// cells for allocating column sizing handlers (by default: all cells of first row)
dragMove : true, // see column moving its width? (true/false)
dragProxy : "line", // Shape of dragging ghost ("line"/"area")
dragOpacity : .3, // Opacity for dragging ghost (0 - 1)
minWidth : 8, // width for minimized column (px)
fixWidth : false, // table with fixed width? (true/false)
fxHide : "fadeOut", // effect for hiding (fadeOut/hide/slideUp)
fxSpeed: 200, // speed for hiding (miliseconds)
namespace : "kiketable-colsizable",
classHandler : "kiketable-colsizable-handler",
classDragLine : "kiketable-colsizable-dragLine",
classDragArea : "kiketable-colsizable-dragArea",
classMinimized: "kiketable-colsizable-minimized",
title : 'Expand/Collapse this column',
renderTime : 0,
onLoad : function(){}
}) (jQuery);

View File

@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
table-layout: fixed;
width : 100%;
.kiketable-colsizable td,
.kiketable-colsizable th{
overflow : hidden;
/* Don't set "position: relative" in IE */
white-space: nowrap !important; /* Only works for THs in IE */
text-align: left;
height: 18px; /* value safe to change */
height: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
float: right;
cursor: e-resize;
height: 100%;
border-left:2px outset white;
border-right:2px inset white;
position: relative;
right: -2px;
html > body .kiketable-colsizable-handler{
border-right:1px outset white;
position: absolute;
width: 2px;
cursor: e-resize;
background-color: red; /* value safe to change */
position: absolute;
cursor: e-resize;
background-color:red; /* value safe to change */
background-color: #000;
background-color: #ffd; /* value safe to change */
color: #bbb; /* value safe to change */