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# w.c.s. - web application for online forms
# Copyright (C) 2005-2013 Entr'ouvert
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import base64
import datetime
import hashlib
import hmac
import random
import urllib.parse
from django.utils.encoding import force_bytes, force_str
from quixote import get_publisher, get_request
from .api_access import ApiAccess
from .qommon.errors import AccessForbiddenError, HttpResponse401Error, UnknownNameIdAccessForbiddenError
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from .qommon.misc import simplify
def is_url_signed(utcnow=None, duration=DEFAULT_DURATION):
if not get_request():
return False
if get_request().signed:
return True
query_string = get_request().get_query()
if not query_string:
return False
signature = get_request().form.get('signature')
if not isinstance(signature, str):
return False
signature = force_bytes(signature)
# verify signature
orig = get_request().form.get('orig')
if not isinstance(orig, str):
raise AccessForbiddenError('missing/multiple orig field')
key = ApiAccess.get_access_key(orig) or get_publisher().get_site_option(orig, 'api-secrets')
if not key:
raise AccessForbiddenError('invalid orig')
algo = get_request().form.get('algo')
if not isinstance(algo, str):
raise AccessForbiddenError('missing/multiple algo field')
if algo not in hashlib.algorithms_guaranteed:
raise AccessForbiddenError('invalid algo')
algo = getattr(hashlib, algo)
except AttributeError:
raise AccessForbiddenError('invalid algo')
if signature != base64.standard_b64encode(
2019-11-13 00:29:31 +01:00
force_bytes(key), force_bytes(query_string[: query_string.find('&signature=')]), algo
raise AccessForbiddenError('invalid signature')
timestamp = get_request().form.get('timestamp')
if not isinstance(timestamp, str):
raise AccessForbiddenError('missing/multiple timestamp field')
timestamp = datetime.datetime.strptime(timestamp, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
except ValueError as e:
raise AccessForbiddenError('invalid timestamp field; %s' % e)
delta = (utcnow or datetime.datetime.utcnow()).replace(tzinfo=None) - timestamp
if abs(delta) > datetime.timedelta(seconds=duration):
period = 'past'
if delta.total_seconds() < 0:
delta = abs(delta)
period = 'future'
raise AccessForbiddenError(f'timestamp is more than {duration} seconds in the {period}: {delta}')
# check nonce
nonce = get_request().form.get('nonce')
2018-11-13 15:24:27 +01:00
if nonce:
# normalize nonce
nonce = simplify(nonce[:128]).replace('/', '-')
dummy, created = get_publisher().token_class.get_or_create(
type='nonce', id=nonce, expiration_delay=duration
if not created:
raise AccessForbiddenError('nonce already used')
get_request().signed = True
return True
def check_http_basic_auth(api_name):
auth_header = get_request().get_header('Authorization', '')
if not auth_header.startswith('Basic '):
# we do not handle other authentication schemes
raise HttpResponse401Error(api_name, 'unhandled authorization header')
auth_header = auth_header.split(' ', 1)[1]
username, password = force_str(base64.decodebytes(force_bytes(auth_header))).split(':', 1)
except ValueError: # invalid base64 or not enough values to unpack
raise HttpResponse401Error(api_name, 'invalid authorization header')
configured_password = get_publisher().get_site_option(username, section='api-http-auth-%s' % api_name)
if configured_password != password:
raise HttpResponse401Error(api_name, 'invalid authorization')
def get_user_from_api_query_string(api_name=None):
# check signature or auth header
if not is_url_signed():
user = getattr(get_request(), 'user', None)
if user and user.is_api_user:
return user
if api_name:
return None
# check access restriction defined in API access object
orig = get_request().form.get('orig')
if orig:
api_access = ApiAccess.get_by_identifier(orig)
if api_access and api_access.get_roles():
return api_access.get_as_api_user()
# get user reference from query string
user = None
if get_request().form.get('email'):
email = get_request().form.get('email')
if not isinstance(email, str):
raise AccessForbiddenError('multiple email field')
users = list(get_publisher().user_class.get_users_with_email(email))
if users:
user = users[0]
raise AccessForbiddenError('unknown email')
elif get_request().form.get('NameID'):
ni = get_request().form.get('NameID')
if not isinstance(ni, str):
raise AccessForbiddenError('multiple NameID field')
users = list(get_publisher().user_class.get_users_with_name_identifier(ni))
if users:
user = users[0]
raise UnknownNameIdAccessForbiddenError('unknown NameID')
elif 'email' in get_request().form or 'NameID' in get_request().form:
# email or NameID were given as empty to the query string, this maps
# the anonymous user case.
return False
return user
def sign_url(url, key, algo='sha256', timestamp=None, nonce=None):
parsed = urllib.parse.urlparse(url)
new_query = sign_query(parsed.query, key, algo, timestamp, nonce)
return urllib.parse.urlunparse(parsed[:4] + (new_query,) + parsed[5:])
def sign_query(query, key, algo='sha256', timestamp=None, nonce=None):
if timestamp is None:
timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
timestamp = timestamp.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
if nonce is None:
# rstrip('L') for py2/3 compatibility, as py2 formats number as 0x...L, and py3 as 0x...
nonce = hex(random.getrandbits(128))[2:].rstrip('L')
new_query = query
if new_query:
new_query += '&'
new_query += urllib.parse.urlencode((('algo', algo), ('timestamp', timestamp), ('nonce', nonce)))
signature = base64.b64encode(sign_string(new_query, key, algo=algo))
new_query += '&signature=' + urllib.parse.quote(signature)
return new_query
def sign_string(s, key, algo='sha256', timedelta=30):
digestmod = getattr(hashlib, algo)
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hash = hmac.HMAC(force_bytes(key), digestmod=digestmod, msg=force_bytes(s))
return hash.digest()
class MissingSecret(Exception):
def get_secret_and_orig(url):
frontoffice_url = get_publisher().get_frontoffice_url()
orig = urllib.parse.urlparse(frontoffice_url).netloc.rsplit('@', 1)[-1].rsplit(':', 1)[0]
target_orig = urllib.parse.urlparse(url).netloc.rsplit('@', 1)[-1].rsplit(':', 1)[0]
secret = get_publisher().get_site_option(target_orig, 'wscall-secrets')
if not secret:
raise MissingSecret()
return secret, orig
def sign_url_auto_orig(url):
signature_key, orig = get_secret_and_orig(url)
except MissingSecret:
return url
parsed = urllib.parse.urlparse(url)
querystring = urllib.parse.parse_qsl(parsed.query)
querystring.append(('orig', orig))
querystring = urllib.parse.urlencode(querystring)
url = urllib.parse.urlunparse(parsed[:4] + (querystring,) + parsed[5:6])
return sign_url(url, signature_key)
def get_query_flag(flag, default=False):
value = get_request().form.get(flag)
if value in (True, 'True', 'true', 'on', '1'):
return True
if value in (False, 'False', 'false', 'off', '0'):
return False
return default