This repository has been archived on 2023-02-21. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.

485 lines
21 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import cPickle
import os
import datetime
import cStringIO
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from import IIntIds
from z3c.relationfield import RelationValue
from Products.Five.browser import BrowserView
from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
from plone.dexterity.factory import DexterityFactory
from plone.dexterity.utils import addContentToContainer
from plone.namedfile.file import NamedBlobFile as NamedFile
except ImportError:
from plone.namedfile.file import NamedFile
from plone.namedfile.file import NamedBlobImage as NamedImage
except ImportError:
from plone.namedfile.file import NamedImage
from Products.CMFCore.WorkflowCore import WorkflowException
from plone.registry.interfaces import IRegistry
from zope import component
from tabellio.config.interfaces import ITabellioSettings
class Migrate(BrowserView):
def __call__(self):
self.logfile = file('/tmp/migration.log', 'a+')
if self.request['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET':
filename = self.request.form.get('filename')
if not filename:
return 'Missing filename\n'
fd = file(os.path.join('/tmp/', filename))
fd = cStringIO.StringIO(self.request.form['data'])
except KeyError:
return 'Missing data\n'
doc = cPickle.load(fd)
portal = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_url').getPortalObject()
workflow_tool = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_workflow')
plone_tool = getToolByName(self.context, 'plone_utils')
maildir = getattr(self.context, 'all')
print 'Processing', doc.get('id')
print >> self.logfile, 'I: Processing', doc.get('id')
if doc.get('meta_type') == 'PFBArbitralCourt' and doc.get('id').startswith('cour-d-arbitrage'):
print >> self.logfile, 'I: skipped, arbitral court document'
return 'Arbitral Court documents are not to be imported\n'
# first step is to create a "courrier entrant" object
typename = 'courrier_entrant'
factory = DexterityFactory(portal_type=typename)
if not hasattr(maildir, doc.get('id')):
ob = factory(id=doc.get('id'), title=doc.get('title'))
maildir._setObject(, ob)
ob = getattr(maildir, doc.get('id'))
ob.date_reception = datetime.datetime.strptime(doc.get('deliverydate'), '%Y-%m-%d').date()
ob.numero_courrier = doc.get('mailnumber')
if ob.date_reception < (
# all documents created more than three months ago are considered
# done.
doc['state'] = 'filed'
ob.fichier = NamedFile(, filename=unicode(doc.get('filename')))
ob.categorie_de_courrier = [{
'PFBActivityAndExpertReport': u'''Rapport d'activités/d'experts''',
'PFBAddressChange': u'Changement de coordonnées',
'PFBArbitralCourt': u'Relations publiques',
'PFBAuditingCommitteeCommunication': u'Communication gouvernementale',
'PFBChallenge': u'Interpellation',
'PFBCollegialNotification': u'Notifications du Collège',
'PFBCurrentEventsQuestion': u'''Question d'actualité''',
'PFBGeneralCommission': u'Commissions divers',
'PFBGeneralMail': u'Courrier général divers',
'PFBMeetingExcuses': u'Excusés',
'PFBOralRequest': u'Question orale',
'PFBProject': u'Projet',
'PFBProposal': u'Proposition',
'PFBSubventionRequest': u'Demande de subvention',
'PFBWriteAnswer': u'Réponse écrite',
'PFBWriteRequest': u'Question écrite',
if ob.categorie_de_courrier is None:
print >> self.logfile, 'W: failed to get a category'
ob.expediteur = []
shipper_id = None
if doc.get('shippers'):
for shipper in doc.get('shippers'):
shipper = unicode(shipper, 'utf-8')
shipper_id = plone_tool.normalizeString(shipper)
if not portal.contacts.has_key(shipper_id):
portal.contacts.invokeFactory('', shipper_id, title=shipper)
shipper_id = 'contact:' + shipper_id
if doc.get('meta_type') in ('PFBWriteAnswer', 'PFBProject'):
# shipper is a ministry
if doc.get('authors'):
for author in doc.get('authors'):
shipper_id = self.get_ministry(author)
print >> self.logfile, 'W: document without an author'
elif doc.get('meta_type') in ('PFBChallenge',
'PFBCurrentEventsQuestion', 'PFBOralRequest',
'PFBProposal', 'PFBWriteRequest'):
# shipper is a deputy
if doc.get('authors'):
for author in doc.get('authors'):
shipper_id = self.get_deputy(author)
print >> self.logfile, 'W: document without an author'
if doc.get('type'):
ob.sous_categorie_de_courrier = {
'proj_decret': u'Projet de décret',
'proj_reglement': u'Projet de règlement',
'prop_decret': u'Proposition de décret',
'prop_reglement': u'Proposition de règlement',
'prop_resolution': u'Proposition de résolution',
'prop_modif_regl': u'Proposition de modification du Règlement du PFB',
'prop_modif_statut': u'Proposition de modification du statut du personnel'
if doc.get('state') in ('filed', 'preDocumented'):
workflow_tool.doActionFor(ob, 'publish')
except WorkflowException:
except Exception, e:
print >> self.logfile, 'E: Exception %r' % e
second_object_typename = {
'PFBChallenge': 'interpellationD',
'PFBWriteAnswer': 'reponse_a_question_ecriteD',
'PFBWriteRequest': 'Question_ecriteD',
'PFBCurrentEventsQuestion': 'questionactualiteD',
'PFBOralRequest': 'QuestionoraleD',
'PFBProject': 'ProjetD',
'PFBProposal': 'PropositionD',
if not doc.get('authors') and doc.get('state') == 'initial':
# this document was not completed, do not create a secondary object
second_object_typename = None
if second_object_typename and not ob.numero_courrier:
# if there's no mailnumber, do not create a secondary object
print >> self.logfile, 'W: document without a mail number'
second_object_typename = None
if second_object_typename:
docdir = getattr(self.context.aq_parent, 'documents-diffusables')
docdir = getattr(docdir, 'all')
if not hasattr(docdir, doc.get('id')):
factory = DexterityFactory(portal_type=second_object_typename)
ob2 = factory(id=doc.get('id'), title=doc.get('title'))
docdir._setObject(, ob2)
ob2 = getattr(docdir, doc.get('id'))
ob2.date_reception = datetime.datetime.strptime(doc.get('deliverydate'), '%Y-%m-%d').date()
ob2.mail_ref_id = ob.numero_courrier
ob2.session = doc.get('session')
if second_object_typename == 'reponse_a_question_ecriteD':
if doc.get('authors'):
if len(doc.get('authors')) > 1:
print >> self.logfile, 'W: answer to written question with more than one author'
ob2.ministre_auteur_reponse = self.get_ministry(doc.get('authors')[0])
elif second_object_typename in ('interpellationD', 'Question_ecriteD',
'questionactualiteD', 'QuestionoraleD'):
if doc.get('authors'):
ob2.auteur = [self.get_deputy(x) for x in doc.get('authors')]
if doc.get('recipients'):
ob2.ministres_concernes = [self.get_ministry(x) for x in doc.get('recipients')]
elif second_object_typename == 'ProjetD':
ob2.type_de_projet = ob.sous_categorie_de_courrier
if doc.get('authors'):
if len(doc.get('authors')) > 1:
print >> self.logfile, 'W: project with more than one author'
ob2.auteur = [self.get_ministry(x) for x in doc.get('authors')][0]
elif second_object_typename == 'PropositionD':
ob2.type_de_proposition = ob.sous_categorie_de_courrier
if doc.get('authors'):
ob2.auteurs = [self.get_deputy(x) for x in doc.get('authors')]
if False and doc.get('state') in ('filed', 'preDocumented'):
workflow_tool.doActionFor(ob2, 'publish')
except WorkflowException:
except Exception, e:
print >> self.logfile, 'E: Exception(b) %r' % e
return u'→ OK\n'
def get_ministry(self, author):
if not author:
return None
plone_tool = getToolByName(self.context, 'plone_utils')
portal = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_url').getPortalObject()
author = unicode(author, 'utf-8')
author = {
u'de Donn\xe9a Fran\xe7ois-Xavier': u'de Donn\xe9a, Fran\xe7ois-Xavier',
u'Doulkeridis Christos': u'Doulkeridis, Christos',
}.get(author, author)
author_id = plone_tool.normalizeString(author)
if author_id == 'college':
return 'ministry:college'
if not portal.ministres.has_key(author_id):
workflow_tool = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_workflow')
lastname, firstname = author.split(',')
except ValueError:
print >> self.logfile, 'E: ministry??? (%r)' % author
portal.ministres.invokeFactory('themis.datatypes.ministry', author_id,
ministry = getattr(portal.ministres, author_id)
workflow_tool.doActionFor(ministry, 'publish')
except WorkflowException:
return 'ministry:'+author_id
def get_deputy(self, author):
plone_tool = getToolByName(self.context, 'plone_utils')
portal = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_url').getPortalObject()
author = unicode(author, 'utf-8')
author = {
u'Brotchi Jacques': u'Brotchi, Jacques',
u'De Bock Emmanuel': u'De Bock, Emmanuel',
u'Defoss\xe9 Jean-Claude': u'Defoss\xe9, Jean-Claude',
u"d'Ursel Anne Charlotte": u"d'Ursel, Anne Charlotte",
u'El Khannouss Ahmed': u'El Khannouss, Ahmed',
u'Ikazban Jamal': u'Ikazban, Jamal',
u'Lurquin Vincent': u'Lurquin, Vincent',
u'Mandaila Gis\xe8le': u'Mandaila, Gis\xe8le',
u'Maron Alain': u'Maron, Alain',
u'Migisha Pierre': u'Migisha, Pierre',
u'Morel Jacques': u'Morel, Jacques',
u'Mouhssin Ahmed': u'Mouhssin, Ahmed',
u'Moureaux Catherine': u'Moureaux, Catherine',
u'Ouriaghli Mohamed': u'Ouriaghli, Mohamed',
u'Ozdemir Mahinur': u'Ozdemir, Mahinur',
u'Pinxteren Arnaud': u'Pinxteren, Arnaud',
u'Sessler Patrick': u'Sessler, Patrick',
u'Sidibe Fatoumata': u'Sidibe, Fatoumata',
u'Trachte Barbara': u'Trachte, Barbara',
u'Van Goidsenhoven Ga\xebtan': u'Van Goidsenhoven, Ga\xebtan',
u'Vanhalewyn Vincent': u'Vanhalewyn, Vincent',
u'Willame Boonen Magdeleine': u'Willame Boonen, Magdeleine',
u'Govers, Pascale, ': u'Govers, Pascale',
}.get(author, author)
author_id = plone_tool.normalizeString(author)
if not portal.deputes.has_key(author_id):
workflow_tool = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_workflow')
lastname, firstname = author.split(',')
except ValueError:
print >> self.logfile, 'E: deputy??? (%r)' % author
portal.deputes.invokeFactory('themis.datatypes.deputy', author_id,
deputy = getattr(portal.deputes, author_id)
workflow_tool.doActionFor(deputy, 'publish')
except WorkflowException:
return 'deputy:'+author_id
class ImportDeputies(BrowserView):
def __call__(self):
self.settings = component.getUtility(IRegistry).forInterface(ITabellioSettings, False)
self.portal = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_url').getPortalObject()
self.plone_utils = getToolByName(self.context, 'plone_utils')
self.portal_workflow = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_workflow')
self.intids = component.getUtility(IIntIds)
self.portal_types = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_types')
path = self.request.form.get('path')
if not path:
path = '/tmp/Datas_pertinentes_sitePFBactu.xml'
base_picdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(path), 'pictures')
plone_tool = getToolByName(self.context, 'plone_utils')
doc = ET.parse(path)
# get mapping for political groups
polgroups = {}
for d in doc.findall('groupesPolitiques'):
polgroup_id = d.find('grpPolId').text
polgroup_name = d.find('grpPolName').text
polgroups[polgroup_id] = polgroup_name
for d in self.deputies_folder.objectValues(): = False
# import deputies
for d in doc.findall('parlementaires'):
firstname = d.find('parlFirstName').text
lastname = d.find('parlLastName').text
parlname = u'%s %s' % (lastname, firstname)
parl_id = plone_tool.normalizeString(parlname)
if not hasattr(self.deputies_folder, parl_id):
print 'Created deputy:', firstname, lastname
parl_id, firstname=firstname, lastname=lastname)
object = getattr(self.deputies_folder, parl_id)
day, month, year = d.find('parlBirthday').text.split('-') = True
object.birthdate = datetime.datetime(int(year), int(month), int(day))
object.birthplace = d.find('parlLocBirthDay').text
object.polgroup = RelationValue(self.get_polgroup_intid(
pic_filename = d.find('parlPicture').text
pic_filepath = os.path.join(base_picdir, pic_filename)
if os.path.exists(pic_filepath):
fd = file(pic_filepath)
object.picture = NamedImage(, filename=unicode(pic_filename))
_polgroups_folder = None
def polgroups_folder(self):
if self._polgroups_folder:
return self._polgroups_folder
path = self.settings.polgroupsPath
self._polgroups_folder = self.get_folder_at_path(path)
return self._polgroups_folder
polgroups_folder = property(polgroups_folder)
_polgroups_intids = None
def get_polgroup_intid(self, title):
if not self._polgroups_intids:
self._polgroups_intids = {}
if title in self._polgroups_intids:
return self._polgroups_intids.get(title)
polgroup_id = self.plone_utils.normalizeString(title)
if not hasattr(self.polgroups_folder, polgroup_id):
self.polgroups_folder.invokeFactory('themis.datatypes.polgroup', polgroup_id, title=title)
self.portal_workflow.doActionFor(getattr(self.polgroups_folder, polgroup_id), 'publish')
except WorkflowException:
polgroup_intid = self.intids.getId(getattr(self.polgroups_folder, polgroup_id))
self._polgroups_intids[title] = polgroup_intid
return polgroup_intid
_deputies_folder = None
def deputies_folder(self):
if self._deputies_folder:
return self._deputies_folder
path = self.settings.deputiesPath
self._deputies_folder = self.get_folder_at_path(path)
return self._deputies_folder
deputies_folder = property(deputies_folder)
def get_folder_at_path(self, path):
current = self.portal
for part in path.split('/'):
if not part:
current = getattr(current, part)
return current
class FixDeputies(BrowserView):
def __call__(self):
self.settings = component.getUtility(IRegistry).forInterface(ITabellioSettings, False)
self.from_id = self.request.form.get('from')
self.to_id = self.request.form.get('to')
catalog = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_catalog')
for brain in catalog({'auteurs': self.from_id}):
obj = brain.getObject()
for attr in ('orateurs', 'orateurs_en_commission', 'auteurs',
'rapporteurs', 'orateurs_seance_reponse_orale',
'auteur', 'expediteur'):
if hasattr(obj, attr) and type(getattr(obj, attr)) is list:
setattr(obj, attr, self.replace_in_list(getattr(obj, attr)))
for attr in ('auteur',):
if hasattr(obj, attr) and type(getattr(obj, attr)) is str:
if getattr(obj, attr) == self.from_id:
setattr(obj, attr, self.to_id)
def replace_in_list(self, oldlist):
newlist = []
for item in oldlist:
if item == self.from_id:
return newlist
_documents_folder = None
def documents_folder(self):
if self._documents_folder:
return self._documents_folder
path = self.settings.documentsPath
self._documents_folder = self.get_folder_at_path(path)
return self._documents_folder
documents_folder = property(documents_folder)
class FixRelatedDocs(BrowserView):
def __call__(self):
catalog = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_catalog')
for brain in{'review_state': 'pending'}):
object = brain.getObject()
for attr in ("bulletin_des_travaux",
v = getattr(object, attr)
except AttributeError:
if v is None:
if type(v) is list:
setattr(object, attr, [v])
class UpdateToBlobs(BrowserView):
def __call__(self):
catalog = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_catalog')
for brain in{'portal_type': ['bqrD', 'bulletintravauxD']}):
object = brain.getObject()
for attr in ("fichier", "document_imprime"):
v = getattr(object, attr)
except AttributeError:
if v is None:
print 'transforming file in',
newv = NamedFile(, filemane=v.filename)
setattr(object, attr, newv)