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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import datetime
from zope import schema
from zope.interface import implements
from Products.Five.browser import BrowserView
from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
from Acquisition import aq_parent
from zope.i18n.locales import locales
from plone.directives import form, dexterity
from plone.dexterity.content import Item
from import RichText
from tabellio.agenda.interfaces import MessageFactory as _
from utils import MonthlyView
class IBaseEvent(form.Schema):
title = schema.TextLine(title=_(u'Title'))
description = schema.Text(title=_(u'Description'), required=False)
place = schema.TextLine(title=_(u'Place'))
start = schema.Datetime(title=_(u'Start'))
end = schema.Datetime(title=_(u'End'), required=False)
text = RichText(title=_(u'Text'), required=False)
class IEvent(IBaseEvent):
class BaseEvent(Item):
def longdatetime(self):
# unfortunately this forces the locale
formatter = locales.getLocale('fr').dates.getFormatter('dateTime', 'medium')
if self.start.hour == 0 and self.start.minute == 0:
formatter.setPattern(u'EEEE d MMMM yyyy')
formatter.setPattern(u'EEEE d MMMM yyyy à HH:mm')
return formatter.format(self.start)
longdatetime = property(longdatetime)
def shortdatetime(self):
# unfortunately this forces the locale
formatter = locales.getLocale('fr').dates.getFormatter('dateTime', 'medium')
formatter.setPattern(u'd MMMM yyyy')
return formatter.format(self.start)
shortdatetime = property(shortdatetime)
def longenddate(self):
# unfortunately this forces the locale
formatter = locales.getLocale('fr').dates.getFormatter('dateTime', 'medium')
formatter.setPattern(u'EEEE d MMMM yyyy')
return formatter.format(self.end)
longenddate = property(longenddate)
def multidays(self):
if not self.end:
return False
return (self.start.timetuple()[:3] != self.end.timetuple()[:3])
def start_month(self):
formatter = locales.getLocale('fr').dates.getFormatter('dateTime', 'medium')
return formatter.format(self.start)
def start_hour(self):
if self.start.hour == 0 and self.start.minute == 0:
return ''
return '%dh%02d' % (self.start.hour, self.start.minute)
def end_hour(self):
return '%dh%02d' % (self.end.hour, self.end.minute)
def agenda_url(self):
parent = aq_parent(self)
if parent.portal_type == 'tabellio.agenda.folder':
return parent.absolute_url()
catalog = getToolByName(self, 'portal_catalog')
return catalog(portal_type='tabellio.agenda.folder')[0].getURL()
except IndexError:
return '#'
def is_now(self):
now =
if now < self.start:
return False
if self.end and now > self.end:
return False
return True
def todayclass(self):
if self.start.timetuple()[:3] ==[:3]:
return 'today'
return ''
def preview(self):
n = 3
def nth_position(string, sub, n, pos = 0):
if n:
sliced_from = string.find(sub) + len(sub)
return pos + nth_position(string[sliced_from:],
sub, n-1, sliced_from)
return pos
return self.text.output[:nth_position(self.text.output, '</p>', n)]
class Event(BaseEvent):
def klass(self):
return 'generic-event'
class EventBaseView:
def next_event_url(self, portal_type=None):
# do not go more than 100 days in the future
end = self.context.start + datetime.timedelta(100)
start = self.context.start
if portal_type is None:
portal_type = ('tabellio.agenda.parlevent',
monthly_view = MonthlyView(self.context, init_calendar=True)
serie_of_events = monthly_view.get_events_from_catalog(
start, end, portal_type=portal_type)
for i, event in enumerate(serie_of_events):
event_id = ((type(event.getId) is str) and event.getId or event.getId())
if event_id ==
return serie_of_events[i+1].getURL()
except IndexError:
return None
return None
def previous_event_url(self, portal_type=None):
end = self.context.start
# do not go back more than 100 days in the past
start = self.context.start - datetime.timedelta(100)
if portal_type is None:
portal_type = ('tabellio.agenda.event',
monthly_view = MonthlyView(self.context, init_calendar=True)
serie_of_events = monthly_view.get_events_from_catalog(
start, end, portal_type=portal_type)
for i, event in enumerate(serie_of_events):
event_id = ((type(event.getId) is str) and event.getId or event.getId())
if event_id ==
if i == 0:
return None
return serie_of_events[i-1].getURL()
return None