update of todos

This commit is contained in:
<bdauvergne@entrouvert.com> 1206640091 +0100 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +00:00
parent d6ee2168f5
commit b5b13bbf97
1 changed files with 10 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
- simplify LassoSPKitUtilsSession using generic getters/setters.
- implements id-ff 1.2 version of all functionalities.
- support full nameidmanagement protocol.
- move metadata support into LassoSPKitMetatada class.
- endpoints to retrieve metadatas.
- use LassoSPKitUtilsSession in findFederation, saveFederation et changeFederation.
- simplify LassoSPKitUtilsSession using generic getters/setters. DONE
- implements id-ff 1.2 version of all functionalities. still no endpoints...
- support full nameidmanagement protocol. DONE
- move metadata support into LassoSPKitMetatada class. DONE
- endpoints to retrieve metadatas. DONE
- use LassoSPKitUtilsSession in findFederation, saveFederation et
changeFederation. DONE
- create LassoSPKitEndpoint to share implementation between liberty and SAML 2
- when using file system as a federation database manage locks to prevent from
parkinsonian users