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* Implementation of the SAML 2.0 SOAP binding.
* @author Shoaib Ali
* @package simpleSAMLphp
* @version $Id$
class SAML2_SOAPClient {
const START_SOAP_ENVELOPE = '<soap-env:Envelope xmlns:soap-env=""><soap-env:Header/><soap-env:Body>';
const END_SOAP_ENVELOPE = '</soap-env:Body></soap-env:Envelope>';
* This function sends the SOAP message to the service location and returns SOAP response
* @param SAML2_Message $m The request that should be sent.
* @param SimpleSAML_Configuration $srcMetadata The metadata of the issuer of the message.
* @param SimpleSAML_Configuration $dstMetadata The metadata of the destination of the message.
* @return SAML2_Message The response we received.
public function send(SAML2_Message $msg, SimpleSAML_Configuration $srcMetadata, SimpleSAML_Configuration $dstMetadata = NULL) {
$issuer = $msg->getIssuer();
$ctxOpts = array(
'ssl' => array(
'capture_peer_cert' => TRUE,
// Determine if we are going to do a MutualSSL connection between the IdP and SP - Shoaib
if ($srcMetadata->hasValue('saml.SOAPClient.certificate')) {
$cert = $srcMetadata->getValue('saml.SOAPClient.certificate');
if ($cert !== FALSE) {
$ctxOpts['ssl']['local_cert'] = SimpleSAML_Utilities::resolveCert($srcMetadata->getString('saml.SOAPClient.certificate'));
if ($srcMetadata->hasValue('saml.SOAPClient.privatekey_pass')) {
$ctxOpts['ssl']['passphrase'] = $srcMetadata->getString('saml.SOAPClient.privatekey_pass');
} else {
/* Use the SP certificate and privatekey if it is configured. */
$privateKey = SimpleSAML_Utilities::loadPrivateKey($srcMetadata);
$publicKey = SimpleSAML_Utilities::loadPublicKey($srcMetadata);
if ($privateKey !== NULL && $publicKey !== NULL && isset($publicKey['PEM'])) {
$keyCertData = $privateKey['PEM'] . $publicKey['PEM'];
$file = SimpleSAML_Utilities::getTempDir() . '/' . sha1($keyCertData) . '.pem';
if (!file_exists($file)) {
SimpleSAML_Utilities::writeFile($file, $keyCertData);
$ctxOpts['ssl']['local_cert'] = $file;
if (isset($privateKey['password'])) {
$ctxOpts['ssl']['passphrase'] = $privateKey['password'];
// do peer certificate verification
if ($dstMetadata !== NULL) {
$peerPublicKeys = $dstMetadata->getPublicKeys('signing', TRUE);
$certData = '';
foreach ($peerPublicKeys as $key) {
if ($key['type'] !== 'X509Certificate') {
$certData .= "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n" .
chunk_split($key['X509Certificate'], 64) .
"-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n";
$peerCertFile = SimpleSAML_Utilities::getTempDir() . '/' . sha1($certData) . '.pem';
if (!file_exists($peerCertFile)) {
SimpleSAML_Utilities::writeFile($peerCertFile, $certData);
// create ssl context
$ctxOpts['ssl']['verify_peer'] = TRUE;
$ctxOpts['ssl']['verify_depth'] = 1;
$ctxOpts['ssl']['cafile'] = $peerCertFile;
$context = stream_context_create($ctxOpts);
if ($context === NULL) {
throw new Exception('Unable to create SSL stream context');
$options = array(
'uri' => $issuer,
'location' => $msg->getDestination(),
'stream_context' => $context,
$x = new SoapClient(NULL, $options);
// Add soap-envelopes
$request = $msg->toSignedXML();
$request = self::START_SOAP_ENVELOPE . $request->ownerDocument->saveXML($request) . self::END_SOAP_ENVELOPE;
SimpleSAML_Utilities::debugMessage($request, 'out');
$action = '';
$version = '1.1';
$destination = $msg->getDestination();
/* Perform SOAP Request over HTTP */
$soapresponsexml = $x->__doRequest($request, $destination, $action, $version);
if ($soapresponsexml === NULL || $soapresponsexml === "") {
throw new Exception('Empty SOAP response, check peer certificate.');
SimpleSAML_Utilities::debugMessage($soapresponsexml, 'in');
// Convert to SAML2_Message (DOMElement)
$dom = new DOMDocument();
if (!$dom->loadXML($soapresponsexml)) {
throw new Exception('Not a SOAP response.');
$soapfault = $this->getSOAPFault($dom);
if (isset($soapfault)) {
throw new Exception($soapfault);
//Extract the message from the response
$xml = $dom->firstChild; /* Soap Envelope */
$samlresponse = SAML2_Utils::xpQuery($dom->firstChild, '/soap-env:Envelope/soap-env:Body/*[1]');
$samlresponse = SAML2_Message::fromXML($samlresponse[0]);
/* Add validator to message which uses the SSL context. */
self::addSSLValidator($samlresponse, $context);
SimpleSAML_Logger::debug("Valid ArtifactResponse received from IdP");
return $samlresponse;
* Add a signature validator based on a SSL context.
* @param SAML2_Message $msg The message we should add a validator to.
* @param resource $context The stream context.
private static function addSSLValidator(SAML2_Message $msg, $context) {
$options = stream_context_get_options($context);
if (!isset($options['ssl']['peer_certificate'])) {
//$out = '';
//openssl_x509_export($options['ssl']['peer_certificate'], $out);
$key = openssl_pkey_get_public($options['ssl']['peer_certificate']);
if ($key === FALSE) {
SimpleSAML_Logger::warning('Unable to get public key from peer certificate.');
$keyInfo = openssl_pkey_get_details($key);
if ($keyInfo === FALSE) {
SimpleSAML_Logger::warning('Unable to get key details from public key.');
if (!isset($keyInfo['key'])) {
SimpleSAML_Logger::warning('Missing key in public key details.');
$msg->addValidator(array('SAML2_SOAPClient', 'validateSSL'), $keyInfo['key']);
* Validate a SOAP message against the certificate on the SSL connection.
* @param string $data The public key that was used on the connection.
* @param XMLSecurityKey $key The key we should validate the certificate against.
public static function validateSSL($data, XMLSecurityKey $key) {
$keyInfo = openssl_pkey_get_details($key->key);
if ($keyInfo === FALSE) {
throw new Exception('Unable to get key details from XMLSecurityKey.');
if (!isset($keyInfo['key'])) {
throw new Exception('Missing key in public key details.');
if ($keyInfo['key'] !== $data) {
SimpleSAML_Logger::debug('Key on SSL connection did not match key we validated against.');
return FALSE;
SimpleSAML_Logger::debug('Message validated based on SSL certificate.');
* Extracts the SOAP Fault from SOAP message
* @param $soapmessage Soap response needs to be type DOMDocument
* @return $soapfaultstring string|NULL
private function getSOAPFault($soapmessage) {
$soapfault = SAML2_Utils::xpQuery($soapmessage->firstChild, '/soap-env:Envelope/soap-env:Body/soap-env:Fault');
if (empty($soapfault)) {
/* No fault. */
return NULL;
$soapfaultelement = $soapfault[0];
$soapfaultstring = "Unknown fault string found"; // There is a fault element but we havn't found out what the fault string is
// find out the fault string
$faultstringelement = SAML2_Utils::xpQuery($soapfaultelement, './soap-env:faultstring') ;
if (!empty($faultstringelement)) {
return $faultstringelement[0]->textContent;
return $soapfaultstring;