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* Class for SAML 2 logout request messages.
* @package simpleSAMLphp
* @version $Id$
class SAML2_LogoutRequest extends SAML2_Request {
* The expiration time of this request.
* @var int|NULL
private $notOnOrAfter;
* The encrypted NameID in the request.
* If this is not NULL, the NameID needs decryption before it can be accessed.
* @var DOMElement|NULL
private $encryptedNameId;
* The name identifier of the session that should be terminated.
* @var array
private $nameId;
* The SessionIndexes of the sessions that should be terminated.
* @var array
private $sessionIndexes;
* Constructor for SAML 2 logout request messages.
* @param DOMElement|NULL $xml The input message.
public function __construct(DOMElement $xml = NULL) {
parent::__construct('LogoutRequest', $xml);
$this->sessionIndexes = array();
if ($xml === NULL) {
if ($xml->hasAttribute('NotOnOrAfter')) {
$this->notOnOrAfter = SimpleSAML_Utilities::parseSAML2Time($xml->getAttribute('NotOnOrAfter'));
$nameId = SAML2_Utils::xpQuery($xml, './saml_assertion:NameID | ./saml_assertion:EncryptedID/xenc:EncryptedData');
if (empty($nameId)) {
throw new Exception('Missing <saml:NameID> or <saml:EncryptedID> in <samlp:LogoutRequest>.');
} elseif (count($nameId) > 1) {
throw new Exception('More than one <saml:NameID> or <saml:EncryptedD> in <samlp:LogoutRequest>.');
$nameId = $nameId[0];
if ($nameId->localName === 'EncryptedData') {
/* The NameID element is encrypted. */
$this->encryptedNameId = $nameId;
} else {
$this->nameId = SAML2_Utils::parseNameId($nameId);
$sessionIndexes = SAML2_Utils::xpQuery($xml, './saml_protocol:SessionIndex');
foreach ($sessionIndexes as $sessionIndex) {
$this->sessionIndexes[] = trim($sessionIndex->textContent);
* Retrieve the expiration time of this request.
* @return int|NULL The expiration time of this request.
public function getNotOnOrAfter() {
return $this->notOnOrAfter;
* Set the expiration time of this request.
* @param int|NULL $notOnOrAfter The expiration time of this request.
public function setNotOnOrAfter($notOnOrAfter) {
assert('is_int($notOnOrAfter) || is_null($notOnOrAfter)');
$this->notOnOrAfter = $notOnOrAfter;
* Check whether the NameId is encrypted.
* @return TRUE if the NameId is encrypted, FALSE if not.
public function isNameIdEncrypted() {
if ($this->encryptedNameId !== NULL) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Encrypt the NameID in the LogoutRequest.
* @param XMLSecurityKey $key The encryption key.
public function encryptNameId(XMLSecurityKey $key) {
/* First create a XML representation of the NameID. */
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$root = $doc->createElement('root');
SAML2_Utils::addNameId($root, $this->nameId);
$nameId = $root->firstChild;
SimpleSAML_Utilities::debugMessage($nameId, 'encrypt');
/* Encrypt the NameID. */
$enc = new XMLSecEnc();
$enc->type = XMLSecEnc::Element;
$symmetricKey = new XMLSecurityKey(XMLSecurityKey::AES128_CBC);
$enc->encryptKey($key, $symmetricKey);
$this->encryptedNameId = $enc->encryptNode($symmetricKey);
$this->nameId = NULL;
* Decrypt the NameID in the LogoutRequest.
* @param XMLSecurityKey $key The decryption key.
* @param array $blacklist Blacklisted decryption algorithms.
public function decryptNameId(XMLSecurityKey $key, array $blacklist = array()) {
if ($this->encryptedNameId === NULL) {
/* No NameID to decrypt. */
$nameId = SAML2_Utils::decryptElement($this->encryptedNameId, $key, $blacklist);
SimpleSAML_Utilities::debugMessage($nameId, 'decrypt');
$this->nameId = SAML2_Utils::parseNameId($nameId);
$this->encryptedNameId = NULL;
* Retrieve the name identifier of the session that should be terminated.
* @return array The name identifier of the session that should be terminated.
public function getNameId() {
if ($this->encryptedNameId !== NULL) {
throw new Exception('Attempted to retrieve encrypted NameID without decrypting it first.');
return $this->nameId;
* Set the name identifier of the session that should be terminated.
* The name identifier must be in the format accepted by SAML2_message::buildNameId().
* @see SAML2_message::buildNameId()
* @param array $nameId The name identifier of the session that should be terminated.
public function setNameId($nameId) {
$this->nameId = $nameId;
* Retrieve the SessionIndexes of the sessions that should be terminated.
* @return array The SessionIndexes, or an empty array if all sessions should be terminated.
public function getSessionIndexes() {
return $this->sessionIndexes;
* Set the SessionIndexes of the sessions that should be terminated.
* @param array $sessionIndexes The SessionIndexes, or an empty array if all sessions should be terminated.
public function setSessionIndexes(array $sessionIndexes) {
$this->sessionIndexes = $sessionIndexes;
* Retrieve the sesion index of the session that should be terminated.
* @return string|NULL The sesion index of the session that should be terminated.
public function getSessionIndex() {
if (empty($this->sessionIndexes)) {
return NULL;
return $this->sessionIndexes[0];
* Set the sesion index of the session that should be terminated.
* @param string|NULL $sessionIndex The sesion index of the session that should be terminated.
public function setSessionIndex($sessionIndex) {
assert('is_string($sessionIndex) || is_null($sessionIndex)');
if (is_null($sessionIndex)) {
$this->sessionIndexes = array();
} else {
$this->sessionIndexes = array($sessionIndex);
* Convert this logout request message to an XML element.
* @return DOMElement This logout request.
public function toUnsignedXML() {
$root = parent::toUnsignedXML();
if ($this->notOnOrAfter !== NULL) {
$root->setAttribute('NotOnOrAfter', gmdate('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z', $this->notOnOrAfter));
if ($this->encryptedNameId === NULL) {
SAML2_Utils::addNameId($root, $this->nameId);
} else {
$eid = $root->ownerDocument->createElementNS(SAML2_Const::NS_SAML, 'saml:' . 'EncryptedID');
$eid->appendChild($root->ownerDocument->importNode($this->encryptedNameId, TRUE));
foreach ($this->sessionIndexes as $sessionIndex) {
SAML2_Utils::addString($root, SAML2_Const::NS_SAMLP, 'SessionIndex', $sessionIndex);
return $root;