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* The configuration of simpleSAMLphp
$casldapconfig = array (
'' => array(
'cas' => array(
'login' => '',
'validate' => '',
'ldap' => array(
'servers' => '',
'enable_tls' => false,
'searchbase' => 'dc=example,dc=org',
'searchattributes' => 'uid',
'attributes' => array('cn', 'mail'),
'' => array(
'cas' => array(
'login' => '',
'validate' => '',
'ldap' => array(
'servers' => 'ldap://',
'enable_tls' => false,
'searchbase' => 'ou=users,dc=example,dc=org',
'searchattributes' => array('uid', 'mail'), # array for being able to login with either uid or mail.
'attributes' => null,
'priv_user_dn' => 'uid=admin,ou=users,dc=example,dc=org',
'priv_user_pw' => 'xxxxx',