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Modern email handling in python.
- HTML-email message abstraction
- Method to transform html body:
- css inlining (using peterbe's premailer)
- image inlining
- DKIM signature
- Message loaders
- Send directly or via django email backend
Create message:
import emails
message = emails.html(html=open('letter.html'),
subject='Friday party',
mail_from=('Company Team', ''))
Attach files or inline images:
message.attach(data=open('event.ics'), filename='Event.ics')
message.attach(data=open('image.png'), filename='image.png',
Use templates:
from emails.template import JinjaTemplate as T
message = emails.html(subject=T('Payment Receipt No.{{ billno }}'),
html=T('<p>Dear {{ name }}! This is a receipt...'),
mail_from=('ABC', ''))
message.send(to=('John Brown', ''),
render={'name': 'John Brown', 'billno': '141051906163'})
Add DKIM signature:
message.dkim(key=open('my.key'), domain='', selector='newsletter')
Generate email.message or rfc822 string:
m = message.as_message()
s = message.as_string()
Send and get response from smtp server:
r = message.send(to=('John Brown', ''),
smtp={'host':'', 'port': 465, 'ssl': True})
assert r.status_code == 250
Or send via Django email backend:
from django.core.mail import get_connection
from emails.message import DjangoMessageProxy
c = django.core.mail.get_connection()
c.send_messages([DjangoMessageProxy(message), ])
HTML transformer
Message HTML body can be modified with 'transformer' object:
>>> message = emails.Message(html="<img src='promo.png'>")
>>> message.transformer.apply_to_images(func=lambda src, **kw: 'http://mycompany.tld/images/'+src)
>>> message.html
u'<html><body><img src="http://mycompany.tld/images/promo.png"></body></html>'
Code example to make images inline:
>>> message = emails.Message(html="<img src='promo.png'>")
>>> message.attach(filename='promo.png', data=open('promo.png'))
>>> message.attachments['promo.png'].is_inline = True
>>> message.transformer.synchronize_inline_images()
>>> message.html
u'<html><body><img src="cid:promo.png"></body></html>'
python-emails ships with couple of loaders.
Load message from url:
import emails.loader
message = emails.loader.from_url(url="")
Load from zipfile or directory:
message = emails.loader.from_zipfile(open(''))
message = emails.loader.from_directory('/home/user/design_pack')
Zipfile and directory loaders require at least one html file (with "html" extension).
Install from pypi:
$ [sudo] pip install emails
Install on Ubuntu from PPA:
$ [sudo] add-apt-repository ppa:lavrme/python-emails-ppa
$ [sudo] apt-get update
$ [sudo] apt-get install python-emails
- Documentation
- 100% test coverage
- More accurate smtp session handling
- ESP integration: Amazon SES, SendGrid, ...
- deb package (ubuntu package almost done)
- rpm package
- Patch pydkim for performance (i.e. preload key once, not each time)
- Flask extension
How to Help
Library is under development and contributions are welcome!
1. Open an issue to start a discussion around a bug or a feature.
2. Fork the repository on GitHub and start making your changes to a new branch.
3. Write a test which shows that the bug was fixed.
4. Send a pull request. Make sure to add yourself to AUTHORS.
See also
There are plenty other python email-around libraries:
- premailer
- pyzmail
- ...
.. image::