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import json
import urllib
import urlparse
import uuid
import logging
import requests
import base64
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from urlparse import parse_qs
from oic.utils.authn.user import UserAuthnMethod
from oic.utils.http_util import Redirect
from oic.utils.http_util import Unauthorized
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# This class handles user authentication with CAS.
class CasAuthnMethod(UserAuthnMethod):
# Standard login url for a CAS server.
CONST_CASLOGIN = "/cas/login?"
#Standard URL for validation of a ticket for a CAS server.
CONST_CAS_VERIFY_TICKET = "/serviceValidate"
#Standard name for the parameter containing a CAS ticket.
CONST_TICKET = "ticket"
#Standard name for the parameter containing the service url (callback url).
CONST_SERVICE = "service"
#A successful verification of a ticket against a CAS service will contain
# this XML element.
CONST_AUTHSUCCESS = "authenticationSuccess"
#If a success full verification of a CAS ticket has been perform, the uid
# will be containd in a XML element
#with this name.
CONST_USER = "user"
#Used for preventing replay attacks.
CONST_NONCE = "nonce"
#Parameter name for queries to be sent back on the URL, after successful
# authentication.
CONST_QUERY = "query"
#The name for the CAS cookie, containing query parameters and nonce.
CONST_CAS_COOKIE = "cascookie"
def __init__(self, srv, cas_server, service_url, return_to,
Constructor for the class.
:param srv: Usually none, but otherwise the oic server.
:param cas_server: Base URL to the cas server.
:param service_url: BASE url to the service that will use CAS. In
this case the oic server's verify URL.
:param return_to: The URL to return to after a successful
UserAuthnMethod.__init__(self, srv)
self.cas_server = cas_server
self.service_url = service_url
self.return_to = return_to
self.extra_validation = extra_validation
def create_redirect(self, query):
Performs the redirect to the CAS server.
:rtype : Response
:param query: All query parameters to be added to the return_to URL
after successful authentication.
:return: A redirect response to the CAS server.
req = urlparse.parse_qs(query)
acr = req['acr_values'][0]
except KeyError:
acr = None
nonce = uuid.uuid4().get_urn()
service_url = urllib.urlencode(
{self.CONST_SERVICE: self.get_service_url(nonce, acr)})
cas_url = self.cas_server + self.CONST_CASLOGIN + service_url
cookie = self.create_cookie(
'{"' + self.CONST_NONCE + '": "' + base64.b64encode(
nonce) + '", "' +
self.CONST_QUERY + '": "' + base64.b64encode(query) + '"}',
return Redirect(cas_url, headers=[cookie])
def handle_callback(self, ticket, service_url):
Handles the callback from the CAS server.
:rtype : String
:param ticket: Onetime CAS ticket to be validated.
:param service_url: The URL the CAS server redirected to.
:return: Uid if the login was successful otherwise None.
data = {self.CONST_TICKET: ticket, self.CONST_SERVICE: service_url}
resp = requests.get(self.cas_server + self.CONST_CAS_VERIFY_TICKET,
root = ET.fromstring(resp.content)
for l1 in root:
if self.CONST_AUTHSUCCESS in l1.tag:
for l2 in l1:
if self.CONST_USER in l2.tag:
if self.extra_validation is not None:
if self.extra_validation(l2.text):
return l2.text
return None
return l2.text
return None
def __call__(self, query, *args, **kwargs):
return self.create_redirect(query)
def get_service_url(self, nonce, acr):
Creates the service url for the CAS server.
:rtype : String
:param nonce: The nonce to be added to the service url.
:return: A service url with a nonce.
if acr is None:
acr = ""
return self.service_url + "?" + self.CONST_NONCE + "=" + nonce + \
"&acr_values=" + acr
def verify(self, request, cookie, **kwargs):
Verifies if the authentication was successful.
:rtype : Response
:param request: Contains the request parameters.
:param cookie: Cookies sent with the request.
:param kwargs: Any other parameters.
:return: If the authentication was successful: a redirect to the
return_to url. Otherwise a unauthorized response.
:raise: ValueError
logger.debug("verify(%s)" % request)
if isinstance(request, basestring):
_dict = parse_qs(request)
elif isinstance(request, dict):
_dict = request
raise ValueError("Wrong type of input")
cas_cookie, _ts, _typ = self.getCookieValue(cookie,
data = json.loads(cas_cookie)
nonce = base64.b64decode(data[self.CONST_NONCE])
if nonce != _dict[self.CONST_NONCE][0]:
'Someone tried to login without a correct nonce!')
return Unauthorized("You are not authorized!")
acr = None
acr = _dict["acr_values"][0]
except KeyError:
uid = self.handle_callback(_dict[self.CONST_TICKET],
self.get_service_url(nonce, acr))
if uid is None or uid == "":'Someone tried to login, but was denied by CAS!')
return Unauthorized("You are not authorized!")
cookie = self.create_cookie(uid, "casm")
return_to = self.generate_return_url(self.return_to, uid)
if '?' in return_to:
return_to += "&"
return_to += "?"
return_to += base64.b64decode(data[self.CONST_QUERY])
return Redirect(return_to, headers=[cookie])
logger.fatal('Metod verify in had a fatal exception.',
return Unauthorized("You are not authorized!")