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438 lines
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__author__ = 'rohe0002'
import cgi
import time
import hashlib
import hmac
from urllib import quote
from Cookie import SimpleCookie
from oic.oauth2 import rndstr
from oic.exception import UnsupportedMethod
from oic.utils import time_util
from oic.utils.aes import encrypt
from oic.utils.aes import decrypt
class Response(object):
_template = None
_status = '200 OK'
_content_type = 'text/html'
_mako_template = None
_mako_lookup = None
def __init__(self, message=None, **kwargs):
self.status = kwargs.get('status', self._status)
self.response = kwargs.get('response', self._response)
self.template = kwargs.get('template', self._template)
self.mako_template = kwargs.get('mako_template', self._mako_template)
self.mako_lookup = kwargs.get('template_lookup', self._mako_lookup)
self.message = message
self.headers = kwargs.get('headers', [])
_content_type = kwargs.get('content', self._content_type)
self.headers.append(('Content-type', _content_type))
def __call__(self, environ, start_response, **kwargs):
start_response(self.status, self.headers)
return self.response(self.message, **kwargs)
def _response(self, message="", **argv):
if self.template:
if ("Content-type", 'application/json') in self.headers:
return [message]
return [str(self.template % message)]
elif self.mako_lookup and self.mako_template:
argv["message"] = message
mte = self.mako_lookup.get_template(self.mako_template)
return [mte.render(**argv)]
return [message]
class Created(Response):
_status = "201 Created"
class Accepted(Response):
_status = "202 Accepted"
class NonAuthoritativeInformation(Response):
_status = "203 Non Authoritative Information"
class NoContent(Response):
_status = "204 No Content"
class Redirect(Response):
_template = '<html>\n<head><title>Redirecting to %s</title></head>\n' \
'<body>\nYou are being redirected to <a href="%s">%s</a>\n' \
_status = '302 Found'
def __call__(self, environ, start_response, **kwargs):
location = self.message
self.headers.append(('location', location))
start_response(self.status, self.headers)
return self.response((location, location, location))
class SeeOther(Response):
_template = '<html>\n<head><title>Redirecting to %s</title></head>\n' \
'<body>\nYou are being redirected to <a href="%s">%s</a>\n' \
_status = '303 See Other'
def __call__(self, environ, start_response, **kwargs):
location = self.message
self.headers.append(('location', location))
start_response(self.status, self.headers)
return self.response((location, location, location))
class Forbidden(Response):
_status = '403 Forbidden'
_template = "<html>Not allowed to mess with: '%s'</html>"
class BadRequest(Response):
_status = "400 Bad Request"
_template = "<html>%s</html>"
class Unauthorized(Response):
_status = "401 Unauthorized"
_template = "<html>%s</html>"
class NotFound(Response):
_status = '404 NOT FOUND'
class NotSupported(Response):
_status = '405 Not Support'
class NotAcceptable(Response):
_status = '406 Not Acceptable'
class ServiceError(Response):
_status = '500 Internal Service Error'
class InvalidCookieSign(Exception):
R2C = {
200: Response,
201: Created,
202: Accepted,
203: NonAuthoritativeInformation,
204: NoContent,
302: Redirect,
303: SeeOther,
400: BadRequest,
401: Unauthorized,
403: Forbidden,
404: NotFound,
405: NotSupported,
406: NotAcceptable,
500: ServiceError,
def factory(code, message, **kwargs):
return R2C[code](message, **kwargs)
def extract(environ, empty=False, err=False):
"""Extracts strings in form data and returns a dict.
:param environ: WSGI environ
:param empty: Stops on empty fields (default: Fault)
:param err: Stops on errors in fields (default: Fault)
formdata = cgi.parse(environ['wsgi.input'], environ, empty, err)
# Remove single entries from lists
for key, value in formdata.iteritems():
if len(value) == 1:
formdata[key] = value[0]
return formdata
def geturl(environ, query=True, path=True):
"""Rebuilds a request URL (from PEP 333).
:param query: Is QUERY_STRING included in URI (default: True)
:param path: Is path included in URI (default: True)
url = [environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] + '://']
if environ.get('HTTP_HOST'):
if environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] == 'https':
if environ['SERVER_PORT'] != '443':
url.append(':' + environ['SERVER_PORT'])
if environ['SERVER_PORT'] != '80':
url.append(':' + environ['SERVER_PORT'])
if path:
if query and environ.get('QUERY_STRING'):
url.append('?' + environ['QUERY_STRING'])
return ''.join(url)
def getpath(environ):
"""Builds a path."""
return ''.join([quote(environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME', '')),
quote(environ.get('PATH_INFO', ''))])
def _expiration(timeout, time_format=None):
if timeout == "now":
return time_util.instant(time_format)
# validity time should match lifetime of assertions
return time_util.in_a_while(minutes=timeout, time_format=time_format)
def cookie_signature(seed, *parts):
"""Generates a cookie signature."""
sha1 =, digestmod=hashlib.sha1)
for part in parts:
if part:
return sha1.hexdigest()
def make_cookie(name, load, seed, expire=0, domain="", path="", timestamp=""):
Create and return a cookie
:param name: Cookie name
:param load: Cookie load
:param seed: A seed for the HMAC function
:param expire: Number of minutes before this cookie goes stale
:param domain: The domain of the cookie
:param path: The path specification for the cookie
:param timestamp: A time stamp
:return: A tuple to be added to headers
cookie = SimpleCookie()
if not timestamp:
timestamp = str(int(time.mktime(time.gmtime())))
signature = cookie_signature(seed, load, timestamp)
cookie[name] = "|".join([load, timestamp, signature])
if path:
cookie[name]["path"] = path
if domain:
cookie[name]["domain"] = domain
if expire:
cookie[name]["expires"] = _expiration(expire,
"%a, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S GMT")
return tuple(cookie.output().split(": ", 1))
def parse_cookie(name, seed, kaka):
"""Parses and verifies a cookie value
:param seed: A seed used for the HMAC signature
:param kaka: The cookie
:return: A tuple consisting of (payload, timestamp)
if not kaka:
return None
cookie_obj = SimpleCookie(kaka)
morsel = cookie_obj.get(name)
if morsel:
parts = morsel.value.split("|")
if len(parts) != 3:
return None
# verify the cookie signature
sig = cookie_signature(seed, parts[0], parts[1])
if sig != parts[2]:
raise InvalidCookieSign()
return parts[0].strip(), parts[1]
except KeyError:
return None
return None
def cookie_parts(name, kaka):
cookie_obj = SimpleCookie(kaka)
morsel = cookie_obj.get(name)
if morsel:
return morsel.value.split("|")
return None
def get_post(environ):
# the environment variable CONTENT_LENGTH may be empty or missing
request_body_size = int(environ.get('CONTENT_LENGTH', 0))
except ValueError:
request_body_size = 0
# When the method is POST the query string will be sent
# in the HTTP request body which is passed by the WSGI server
# in the file like wsgi.input environment variable.
return environ['wsgi.input'].read(request_body_size)
def get_or_post(environ):
_method = environ["REQUEST_METHOD"]
if _method == "GET":
data = environ.get("QUERY_STRING", "")
elif _method == "POST":
data = get_post(environ)
raise UnsupportedMethod(_method)
return data
def extract_from_request(environ, kwargs={}):
request = None
request = environ["QUERY_STRING"]
except KeyError:
if not request:
request = get_post(environ)
except KeyError:
kwargs["request"] = request
# authentication information
kwargs["authn"] = environ["HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"]
except KeyError:
kwargs["cookie"] = environ["HTTP_COOKIE"]
except KeyError:
# intended audience
kwargs["requrl"] = geturl(environ)
kwargs["url"] = geturl(environ, query=False)
kwargs["baseurl"] = geturl(environ, query=False, path=False)
kwargs["path"] = getpath(environ)
return kwargs
def wsgi_wrapper(environ, start_response, func, **kwargs):
kwargs = extract_from_request(environ, kwargs)
args = func(**kwargs)
resp, argv = args
return resp(environ, start_response, **argv)
except TypeError:
resp = args
return resp(environ, start_response)
except Exception as err:
# logger.error("%s" % err)
class CookieDealer(object):
def getServer(self):
return self._srv
def setServer(self, server):
self._srv = server
srv = property(getServer, setServer)
def __init__(self, srv, ttl=5):
self.srv = None
# minutes before the interaction should be completed
self.cookie_ttl = ttl # N minutes
self.pad_chr = " "
def init_srv(self, srv):
if srv:
self.srv = srv
for param in ["seed", "iv"]:
if not getattr(srv, param, None):
setattr(srv, param, rndstr())
def delete_cookie(self, cookie_name=None):
if cookie_name is None:
cookie_name = self.srv.cookie_name
return self.create_cookie("", "", cookie_name=cookie_name, ttl=-1,
def create_cookie(self, value, typ, cookie_name=None, ttl=-1, kill=False):
if kill:
ttl = -1
elif ttl < 0:
ttl = self.cookie_ttl
if cookie_name is None:
cookie_name = self.srv.cookie_name
timestamp = str(int(time.mktime(time.gmtime())))
_msg = "::".join([value, timestamp, typ])
if self.srv.symkey:
# Pad the message to be multiples of 16 bytes in length
lm = len(_msg)
_msg = _msg.ljust(lm + 16 - lm % 16, self.pad_chr)
info = encrypt(self.srv.symkey, _msg, self.srv.iv)
info = _msg
cookie = make_cookie(cookie_name, info, self.srv.seed,
expire=ttl, domain="", path="")
return cookie
def getCookieValue(self, cookie=None, cookie_name=None):
return self.get_cookie_value(cookie, cookie_name)
def get_cookie_value(self, cookie=None, cookie_name=None):
Return information stored in the Cookie
:param cookie:
:param cookie_name: The name of the cookie I'm looking for
:return: tuple (value, timestamp, type)
if cookie is None or cookie_name is None:
return None
info, timestamp = parse_cookie(cookie_name,
self.srv.seed, cookie)
except (TypeError, AssertionError):
return None
if self.srv.symkey:
txt = decrypt(self.srv.symkey, info, self.srv.iv)
# strip spaces at the end
txt = txt.rstrip(self.pad_chr)
txt = info
value, _ts, typ = txt.split("::")
if timestamp == _ts:
return value, _ts, typ
return None