misc: apply double-quote-string-fixer (#79788)

This commit is contained in:
Valentin Deniaud 2023-08-16 11:53:27 +02:00
parent fbe7c53f0c
commit a50f8ffacb
1 changed files with 80 additions and 80 deletions

View File

@ -35,31 +35,31 @@ JOURNALD_IGNORED_ERRORS = {
registry = CollectorRegistry()
eo_errors = Gauge("eo_errors", "failed tests", ["ctn"], registry=registry)
eo_certificates = Gauge("eo_certificates", "certificates", ["ctn", "name"], registry=registry)
eo_debian = Gauge("eo_debian", "debian os", ["ctn"], registry=registry)
eo_etckeeper = Gauge("eo_etckeeper", "etckeeper", ["ctn", "name"], registry=registry)
eo_exim = Gauge("eo_exim", "exim", ["ctn", "name"], registry=registry)
eo_harakiri = Gauge("eo_harakiri", "harakiri", ["ctn", "name", "unit"], registry=registry)
eo_journal = Gauge("eo_journal", "journald", ["ctn", "name"], registry=registry)
eo_local_changes = Gauge("eo_local_changes", "", ["ctn"], registry=registry)
eo_mailboxes = Gauge("eo_mailboxes", "emails in local mailboxes", ["ctn", "name"], registry=registry)
eo_munin = Gauge("eo_munin", "munin", ["ctn", "name"], registry=registry)
eo_nginx = Gauge("eo_nginx", "nginx", ["ctn", "name"], registry=registry)
eo_errors = Gauge('eo_errors', 'failed tests', ['ctn'], registry=registry)
eo_certificates = Gauge('eo_certificates', 'certificates', ['ctn', 'name'], registry=registry)
eo_debian = Gauge('eo_debian', 'debian os', ['ctn'], registry=registry)
eo_etckeeper = Gauge('eo_etckeeper', 'etckeeper', ['ctn', 'name'], registry=registry)
eo_exim = Gauge('eo_exim', 'exim', ['ctn', 'name'], registry=registry)
eo_harakiri = Gauge('eo_harakiri', 'harakiri', ['ctn', 'name', 'unit'], registry=registry)
eo_journal = Gauge('eo_journal', 'journald', ['ctn', 'name'], registry=registry)
eo_local_changes = Gauge('eo_local_changes', '', ['ctn'], registry=registry)
eo_mailboxes = Gauge('eo_mailboxes', 'emails in local mailboxes', ['ctn', 'name'], registry=registry)
eo_munin = Gauge('eo_munin', 'munin', ['ctn', 'name'], registry=registry)
eo_nginx = Gauge('eo_nginx', 'nginx', ['ctn', 'name'], registry=registry)
eo_postgresql = Gauge(
"eo_postgresql", "postgresql", ["ctn", "version", "cluster", "context", "name"], registry=registry
'eo_postgresql', 'postgresql', ['ctn', 'version', 'cluster', 'context', 'name'], registry=registry
eo_rabbitmq = Gauge("eo_rabbitmq", "rabbitmq", ["ctn"], registry=registry)
eo_threads = Gauge("eo_threads", "system threads", ["ctn"], registry=registry)
eo_units = Gauge("eo_units", "systemd units", ["ctn", "name", "state"], registry=registry)
eo_packages = Gauge("eo_packages", "packages", ["ctn", "state"], registry=registry)
eo_kernel = Gauge("eo_kernel", "kernel update", ["ctn"], registry=registry)
eo_rabbitmq = Gauge('eo_rabbitmq', 'rabbitmq', ['ctn'], registry=registry)
eo_threads = Gauge('eo_threads', 'system threads', ['ctn'], registry=registry)
eo_units = Gauge('eo_units', 'systemd units', ['ctn', 'name', 'state'], registry=registry)
eo_packages = Gauge('eo_packages', 'packages', ['ctn', 'state'], registry=registry)
eo_kernel = Gauge('eo_kernel', 'kernel update', ['ctn'], registry=registry)
def run(cmd):
m = shlex.split(cmd)
p = subprocess.Popen(m, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
return "\n".join([l.decode().rstrip() for l in p.stdout.readlines()])
return '\n'.join([l.decode().rstrip() for l in p.stdout.readlines()])
def debian(ctn):
@ -74,9 +74,9 @@ def debian(ctn):
def etckeeper(ctn):
rep = Repo("/etc")
eo_etckeeper.labels(ctn, "dirty").set(int(rep.is_dirty()))
eo_etckeeper.labels(ctn, "untracked").set(len(rep.untracked_files))
rep = Repo('/etc')
eo_etckeeper.labels(ctn, 'dirty').set(int(rep.is_dirty()))
eo_etckeeper.labels(ctn, 'untracked').set(len(rep.untracked_files))
def exim(ctn):
@ -84,16 +84,16 @@ def exim(ctn):
with open('/var/log/exim4/mainlog', 'rb') as fh:
for line in fh.readlines():
if b" ** " in line and not (
if b' ** ' in line and not (
b'benjamin.dauvergne+eo@gmail.com' in line and b'support.google.com' in line
eo_exim.labels(ctn, "errors").inc()
deferred = int(run("exim -bpc"))
eo_exim.labels(ctn, "deferred").set(deferred)
eo_exim.labels(ctn, 'errors').inc()
deferred = int(run('exim -bpc'))
eo_exim.labels(ctn, 'deferred').set(deferred)
def certificates(ctn):
certs = ["/etc/exim4/exim.crt"]
certs = ['/etc/exim4/exim.crt']
for cert in certs:
if os.path.isfile(cert):
c = x509.load_pem_x509_certificate(open(cert).read().encode(), default_backend())
@ -115,11 +115,11 @@ def journald(ctn):
fifteen = time.time() - 15 * 60
eo_journal.labels(ctn, "critical").set(len(list(j)))
eo_journal.labels(ctn, 'critical').set(len(list(j)))
for e in j:
msg = e["MESSAGE"]
msg = e['MESSAGE']
ignored_message = False
ignored_strings = (
@ -130,13 +130,13 @@ def journald(ctn):
if ignored_message:
eo_journal.labels(ctn, "error").inc()
if "Connected -> NetworkFailure" in msg or "task nfsd" in msg:
eo_journal.labels(ctn, "network_failure").inc()
eo_journal.labels(ctn, 'error').inc()
if 'Connected -> NetworkFailure' in msg or 'task nfsd' in msg:
eo_journal.labels(ctn, 'network_failure').inc()
def local_changes(ctn):
f = "/var/log/check-local-changes.log"
f = '/var/log/check-local-changes.log'
if os.path.isfile(f):
n = len(open(f).readlines())
@ -144,32 +144,32 @@ def local_changes(ctn):
def munin(ctn):
since = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(hours=1)
since_str = since.strftime("%Y/%m/%d-%H:%M:%S")
since_str = since.strftime('%Y/%m/%d-%H:%M:%S')
count = 0
for filename in ["/var/log/munin/munin-node.log", "/var/log/munin/munin-node.log.1"]:
for filename in ['/var/log/munin/munin-node.log', '/var/log/munin/munin-node.log.1']:
if os.path.isfile(filename):
count += len(
for x in open(filename).readlines()
if x > since_str and "exited with status" in x
if x > since_str and 'exited with status' in x
# do not report for known broken graphs
and not ("containers_cpu" in x or "containers_io" in x or "containers_memory" in x)
and not ('containers_cpu' in x or 'containers_io' in x or 'containers_memory' in x)
eo_munin.labels(ctn, "errors").set(count)
eo_munin.labels(ctn, 'errors').set(count)
def nginx(ctn):
r = requests.get("http://localhost/nginx_status")
r = requests.get('http://localhost/nginx_status')
except (requests.exceptions.SSLError, requests.exceptions.ConnectionError):
if r.ok:
for line in r.text.splitlines():
if "Active connections" in line:
if 'Active connections' in line:
n = int(line.split(':')[1].strip())
eo_nginx.labels(ctn, "connections").set(n)
eo_nginx.labels(ctn, 'connections').set(n)
def packages(ctn):
@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ def packages(ctn):
for pkg in cache.packages:
if pkg.current_ver is not None and not depcache.marked_install(pkg) and depcache.is_upgradable(pkg):
n += 1
eo_packages.labels(ctn, "upgradable").set(n)
eo_packages.labels(ctn, 'upgradable').set(n)
def mailboxes(ctn):
@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ def mailboxes(ctn):
# skip servers where dovecot is installed as it's expected to have
# mailboxes there.
boxes = glob.glob("/var/spool/mail/*")
boxes = glob.glob('/var/spool/mail/*')
days_ago = time.time() - 30 * 86400
for m in boxes:
if not os.path.isfile(m):
@ -198,58 +198,58 @@ def mailboxes(ctn):
if not os.stat(m).st_mtime > days_ago:
# skip mailboxes that didn't change for a long time
n = m.split("/")[-1]
n = m.split('/')[-1]
c = len(mailbox.mbox(m))
eo_mailboxes.labels(ctn, n).set(c)
def postgresql(ctn):
if not os.path.exists("/usr/bin/pg_lsclusters"):
if not os.path.exists('/usr/bin/pg_lsclusters'):
clusters = json.loads(run("pg_lsclusters --json"))
clusters = json.loads(run('pg_lsclusters --json'))
for cluster in clusters:
version = cluster["version"]
name = cluster["cluster"]
eo_postgresql.labels(ctn, version, name, "", "running").set(cluster["running"])
if cluster["running"]:
version = cluster['version']
name = cluster['cluster']
eo_postgresql.labels(ctn, version, name, '', 'running').set(cluster['running'])
if cluster['running']:
# check the archiver status
archiver_failures = run(
"sudo -u postgres psql -p %s -tAc 'select failed_count from pg_stat_archiver;'"
% cluster["port"]
% cluster['port']
eo_postgresql.labels(ctn, version, name, "", "archive_failed").set(int(archiver_failures))
eo_postgresql.labels(ctn, version, name, '', 'archive_failed').set(int(archiver_failures))
if "recovery" in cluster and cluster["recovery"]:
if 'recovery' in cluster and cluster['recovery']:
# we are on a standby, check it's connected to a master
receiver_statuses = run(
"sudo -u postgres psql -p %s -tAc 'select status from pg_stat_wal_receiver ;'"
% cluster["port"]
% cluster['port']
eo_postgresql.labels(ctn, version, name, "", "replicating").set(0)
eo_postgresql.labels(ctn, version, name, '', 'replicating').set(0)
for status in receiver_statuses.splitlines():
if status == "streaming":
eo_postgresql.labels(ctn, version, name, "", "replicating").inc()
if status == 'streaming':
eo_postgresql.labels(ctn, version, name, '', 'replicating').inc()
# we are on a primary... check the slots are good
slots = run(
"sudo -u postgres psql -p %s -tAc 'select active, slot_name, pg_wal_lsn_diff(pg_current_wal_lsn() , restart_lsn) from pg_replication_slots where active;'"
% cluster["port"]
% cluster['port']
active_slot_count = 0
for slot in slots.splitlines():
active, slot_name, delta = slot.split("|")
eo_postgresql.labels(ctn, version, name, slot_name, "slot-active").set(active == 't')
eo_postgresql.labels(ctn, version, name, slot_name, "slot-delta").set(int(delta))
active, slot_name, delta = slot.split('|')
eo_postgresql.labels(ctn, version, name, slot_name, 'slot-active').set(active == 't')
eo_postgresql.labels(ctn, version, name, slot_name, 'slot-delta').set(int(delta))
if active == 't':
active_slot_count += 1
eo_postgresql.labels(ctn, version, name, "", "active-slot-count").set(active_slot_count)
eo_postgresql.labels(ctn, version, name, '', 'active-slot-count').set(active_slot_count)
def rabbitmq(ctn):
rabbitmqctl = "/usr/sbin/rabbitmqctl"
rabbitmqctl = '/usr/sbin/rabbitmqctl'
if os.path.isfile(rabbitmqctl):
for i in run("%s list_queues messages" % rabbitmqctl):
for i in run('%s list_queues messages' % rabbitmqctl):
if i.isdigit():
@ -261,23 +261,23 @@ def threads(ctn):
def units(ctn):
bus = dbus.SystemBus()
s = bus.get_object("org.freedesktop.systemd1", "/org/freedesktop/systemd1")
manager = dbus.Interface(s, "org.freedesktop.systemd1.Manager")
s = bus.get_object('org.freedesktop.systemd1', '/org/freedesktop/systemd1')
manager = dbus.Interface(s, 'org.freedesktop.systemd1.Manager')
units = manager.ListUnits()
n = len([u for u in units if u[3] == "failed" and not u[0].startswith("user@")])
n = len([u for u in units if u[3] == 'failed' and not u[0].startswith('user@')])
name = [
u[0].replace('dbus.String', '') for u in units if u[3] == "failed" and not u[0].startswith("user@")
u[0].replace('dbus.String', '') for u in units if u[3] == 'failed' and not u[0].startswith('user@')
if name:
eo_units.labels(ctn, name, "failed").set(n)
eo_units.labels(ctn, name, 'failed').set(n)
eo_units.labels(ctn, "", "failed").set(n)
eo_units.labels(ctn, '', 'failed').set(n)
def run_in_machines(ctn):
for machine in login.machine_names():
r = run(
"systemd-run --wait --pipe -q --machine %s /usr/bin/prometheus-system-exporter.py --ctn %s"
'systemd-run --wait --pipe -q --machine %s /usr/bin/prometheus-system-exporter.py --ctn %s'
% (machine, machine)
current_metrics = text_string_to_metric_families(r)
@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ def run_in_machines(ctn):
def check_kernel_version(ctn):
# no check if no kernel installed (aka container)
if not os.path.exists("/vmlinuz"):
if not os.path.exists('/vmlinuz'):
uname = os.uname()
@ -297,26 +297,26 @@ def check_kernel_version(ctn):
current_release = uname.release
# first check, simple : verify that the current release match /vmlinuz
next_boot_release = os.path.basename(os.readlink("/vmlinuz"))
if next_boot_release != "vmlinuz-%s" % current_release:
next_boot_release = os.path.basename(os.readlink('/vmlinuz'))
if next_boot_release != 'vmlinuz-%s' % current_release:
# second check, a bit harder : verify that the current version matches the package
current_version_extract = current_version.split(" ")[3]
for line in subprocess.check_output(["dpkg", "--status", "linux-image-" + current_release]).split(b"\n"):
if line.startswith(b"Version: "):
if line != b"Version: " + current_version_extract.encode("ascii"):
current_version_extract = current_version.split(' ')[3]
for line in subprocess.check_output(['dpkg', '--status', 'linux-image-' + current_release]).split(b'\n'):
if line.startswith(b'Version: '):
if line != b'Version: ' + current_version_extract.encode('ascii'):
if __name__ == "__main__":
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--test", action="store_true", help="raise errors")
parser.add_argument("--ctn", default="")
parser.add_argument('--test', action='store_true', help='raise errors')
parser.add_argument('--ctn', default='')
args = parser.parse_args()
for test in [