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import os.path
from zope.interface import implements
from zope.component.interfaces import IFactory
from zope.component import getUtility, queryUtility, getAllUtilitiesRegisteredFor
from zope.event import notify
from import IPermission
from zope.lifecycleevent import modified
from import getSiteManager
from zope.i18nmessageid import Message
from plone.supermodel import loadString, loadFile
from plone.supermodel.model import Model
from plone.supermodel.utils import syncSchema
from plone.dexterity.interfaces import IDexterityFTI
from plone.dexterity.interfaces import IDexterityFTIModificationDescription
from plone.dexterity import utils
from plone.dexterity.factory import DexterityFactory
from Acquisition import aq_base
from AccessControl import getSecurityManager
from Products.CMFCore.interfaces import ISiteRoot
from Products.CMFDynamicViewFTI import fti as base
import plone.dexterity.schema
from plone.dexterity.schema import SchemaInvalidatedEvent
class DexterityFTIModificationDescription(object):
def __init__(self, attribute, oldValue):
self.attribute = attribute
self.oldValue = oldValue
class DexterityFTI(base.DynamicViewTypeInformation):
"""A Dexterity FTI
meta_type = "Dexterity FTI"
_properties = base.DynamicViewTypeInformation._properties + (
{ 'id': 'add_permission',
'type': 'selection',
'select_variable': 'possiblePermissionIds',
'mode': 'w',
'label': 'Add permission',
'description': 'Permission needed to be able to add content of this type'
{ 'id': 'klass',
'type': 'string',
'mode': 'w',
'label': 'Content type class',
'description': 'Dotted name to the class that contains the content type'
{ 'id': 'behaviors',
'type': 'lines',
'mode': 'w',
'label': 'Behaviors',
'description': 'Named of enabled behaviors type'
{ 'id': 'schema',
'type': 'string',
'mode': 'w',
'label': 'Schema',
'description': "Dotted name to the interface describing content type's schema. " +
"This does not need to be given if model_source or model_file are given, " +
"and either contains an unnamed (default) schema."
{ 'id': 'model_source',
'type': 'text',
'mode': 'w',
'label': 'Model source',
'description': "XML source for the type's model. Note that this takes " +
"precedence over any model file."
{ 'id': 'model_file',
'type': 'string',
'mode': 'w',
'label': 'Model file',
'description': "Path to file containing the schema model. This can be " +
"relative to a package, e.g. 'my.package:myschema.xml'."
{ 'id': 'schema_policy',
'type': 'string',
'mode': 'w',
'label': 'Content type schema policy',
'description': 'Name of the schema policy.'
default_aliases = {'(Default)': '(dynamic view)',
'view': '(selected layout)',
'edit': '@@edit',
'sharing': '@@sharing',}
default_actions = [{'id': 'view',
'title': 'View',
'action': 'string:${object_url}',
'permissions': ('View',)},
{'id': 'edit',
'title': 'Edit',
'action': 'string:${object_url}/edit',
'permissions': ('Modify portal content',)},
immediate_view = 'view'
default_view = 'view'
view_methods = ('view',)
add_permission = 'cmf.AddPortalContent'
behaviors = []
klass = 'plone.dexterity.content.Item'
model_source = """\
<model xmlns="">
<field name="title" type="zope.schema.TextLine">
<field name="description" type="zope.schema.Text">
model_file = u""
schema = u""
schema_policy = u"dexterity"
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(DexterityFTI, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if 'aliases' not in kwargs:
if 'actions' not in kwargs:
for action in self.default_actions:
permission=action.get('permissions', ()),
category=action.get('category', 'object'),
visible=action.get('visible', True))
# Default factory name to be the FTI name
if not self.factory:
self.factory = self.getId()
# In CMF (2.2+, but we've backported it) the property add_view_expr is
# used to construct an action in the 'folder/add' category. The
# portal_types tool loops over all FTIs and lets them provide such
# actions.
# By convention, the expression is string:${folder_url}/++add++my.type
# The ++add++ traverser will find the FTI with name my.type, and then
# looks up an adapter for (context, request, fti) with a name equal
# to fti.factory, falling back on an unnamed adapter. The result is
# assumed to be an add view.
# Dexterity provides a default (unnamed) adapter for any IFolderish
# context, request and IDexterityFTI that can construct an add view
# for any Dexterity schema.
if not self.add_view_expr:
add_view_expr = kwargs.get('add_view_expr', "string:${folder_url}/++add++%s" % self.getId())
self._setPropValue('add_view_expr', add_view_expr)
# Set the content_meta_type from the klass
klass = utils.resolveDottedName(self.klass)
if klass is not None:
self.content_meta_type = getattr(klass, 'meta_type', None)
def Title(self):
if self.title and self.i18n_domain:
return Message(self.title.decode('utf8'), self.i18n_domain)
return self.title or self.getId()
def Description(self):
if self.description and self.i18n_domain:
return Message(self.description.decode('utf8'), self.i18n_domain)
return self.description
def Metatype(self):
if self.content_meta_type:
return self.content_meta_type
# BBB - this didn't use to be set
klass = utils.resolveDottedName(self.klass)
if klass is not None:
self.content_meta_type = getattr(klass, 'meta_type', None)
return self.content_meta_type
def hasDynamicSchema(self):
return not(self.schema)
def lookupSchema(self):
# If a specific schema is given, use it
if self.schema:
schema = utils.resolveDottedName(self.schema)
if schema is None:
raise ValueError(u"Schema %s set for type %s cannot be resolved" % (self.schema, self.getId()))
return schema
# Otherwise, look up a dynamic schema. This will query the model for
# an unnamed schema if it is the first time it is looked up.
# See
schemaName = utils.portalTypeToSchemaName(self.getId())
return getattr(plone.dexterity.schema.generated, schemaName)
def lookupModel(self):
if self.model_source:
return loadString(self.model_source, policy=self.schema_policy)
elif self.model_file:
model_file = self._absModelFile()
return loadFile(model_file, reload=True, policy=self.schema_policy)
elif self.schema:
schema = self.lookupSchema()
return Model({u"": schema})
raise ValueError("Neither model source, nor model file, nor schema is specified in FTI %s" % self.getId())
# Base class overrides
# Make sure we get an event when the FTI is modified
def _updateProperty(self, id, value):
"""Allow property to be updated, and fire a modified event. We do this
on a per-property basis and invalidate selectively based on the id of
the property that was changed.
oldValue = getattr(self, id, None)
super(DexterityFTI, self)._updateProperty(id, value)
new_value = getattr(self, id, None)
if oldValue != new_value:
modified(self, DexterityFTIModificationDescription(id, oldValue))
# Update meta_type from klass
if id == 'klass':
klass = utils.resolveDottedName(new_value)
if klass is not None:
self.content_meta_type = getattr(klass, 'meta_type', None)
# Allow us to specify a particular add permission rather than rely on ones
# stored in meta types that we don't have anyway
def isConstructionAllowed(self, container):
if not self.add_permission:
return False
permission = queryUtility(IPermission, name=self.add_permission)
if permission is None:
return False
return getSecurityManager().checkPermission(permission.title, container)
# Helper methods
def possiblePermissionIds(self):
"""Get a vocabulary of Zope 3 permission ids
permission_names = set()
for permission in getAllUtilitiesRegisteredFor(IPermission):
return sorted(permission_names)
def _absModelFile(self):
colons = self.model_file.count(':')
model_file = self.model_file
# We have a package and not an absolute Windows path
if colons == 1 and self.model_file[1:3] != ':\\':
package, filename = self.model_file.split(':')
mod = utils.resolveDottedName(package)
# let / work as path separator on all platforms
filename = filename.replace('/', os.path.sep)
model_file = os.path.join(os.path.split(mod.__file__)[0], filename)
if not os.path.isabs(model_file):
raise ValueError(u"Model file name %s is not an absolute path and does not contain a package name in %s" % (model_file, self.getId(),))
if not os.path.isfile(model_file):
raise ValueError(u"Model file %s in %s cannot be found" % (model_file, self.getId(),))
return model_file
def _fixProperties(class_, ignored=['product', 'content_meta_type']):
"""Remove properties with the given ids, and ensure that later properties
override earlier ones with the same id
properties = []
processed = set()
for item in reversed(class_._properties):
item = item.copy()
if item['id'] in processed:
# Ignore some fields
if item['id'] in ignored:
class_._properties = tuple(reversed(properties))
# Event handlers
def register(fti):
"""Helper method to:
- register an FTI as a local utility
- register a local factory utility
- register an add view
fti = aq_base(fti) # remove acquisition wrapper
site = getUtility(ISiteRoot)
site_manager = getSiteManager(site)
portal_type = fti.getId()
fti_utility = queryUtility(IDexterityFTI, name=portal_type)
if fti_utility is None:
site_manager.registerUtility(fti, IDexterityFTI, portal_type, info='plone.dexterity.dynamic')
factory_utility = queryUtility(IFactory, name=fti.factory)
if factory_utility is None:
site_manager.registerUtility(DexterityFactory(portal_type), IFactory, fti.factory, info='plone.dexterity.dynamic')
def unregister(fti, old_name=None):
"""Helper method to:
- unregister the FTI local utility
- unregister any local factory utility associated with the FTI
- unregister any local add view associated with the FTI
site = queryUtility(ISiteRoot)
if site is None:
site_manager = getSiteManager(site)
portal_type = old_name or fti.getId()
site_manager.unregisterUtility(provided=IDexterityFTI, name=portal_type)
unregister_factory(fti.factory, site_manager)
def unregister_factory(factory_name, site_manager):
"""Helper method to unregister factories when unused by any dexterity
utilities = list(site_manager.registeredUtilities())
# Do nothing if an FTI is still using it
if factory_name in [f.component.factory for f in utilities
if (f.provided, == (IDexterityFTI, 'plone.dexterity.dynamic')]:
# If a factory with a matching name exists, remove it
if [f for f in utilities
if (f.provided,, == (IFactory, factory_name, 'plone.dexterity.dynamic')]:
site_manager.unregisterUtility(provided=IFactory, name=factory_name)
def ftiAdded(object, event):
"""When the FTI is created, install local components
if not IDexterityFTI.providedBy(event.object):
def ftiRemoved(object, event):
"""When the FTI is removed, uninstall local coponents
if not IDexterityFTI.providedBy(event.object):
def ftiRenamed(object, event):
"""When the FTI is modified, ensure local components are still valid
if not IDexterityFTI.providedBy(event.object):
if event.oldParent is None or event.newParent is None or event.oldName == event.newName:
unregister(event.object, event.oldName)
def ftiModified(object, event):
"""When an FTI is modified, re-sync and invalidate the schema, if
if not IDexterityFTI.providedBy(event.object):
fti = event.object
portal_type = fti.getId()
mod = {}
for desc in event.descriptions:
if IDexterityFTIModificationDescription.providedBy(desc):
mod[desc.attribute] = desc.oldValue
# If the factory utility name was modified, we may get an orphan if one
# was registered as a local utility to begin with. If so, remove the
# orphan.
if 'factory' in mod:
old_factory = mod['factory']
site = getUtility(ISiteRoot)
site_manager = getSiteManager(site)
# Remove previously registered factory, if no other type uses it.
unregister_factory(old_factory, site_manager)
# Register a new local factory if one doesn't exist already
new_factory_utility = queryUtility(IFactory, name=fti.factory)
if new_factory_utility is None:
site_manager.registerUtility(DexterityFactory(portal_type), IFactory, fti.factory, info='plone.dexterity.dynamic')
# Determine if we need to invalidate the schema at all
if 'behaviors' in mod or 'schema' in mod or 'model_source' in mod or 'model_file' in mod:
# Determine if we need to re-sync a dynamic schema
if (fti.model_source or fti.model_file) and ('model_source' in mod or 'model_file' in mod):
schemaName = utils.portalTypeToSchemaName(portal_type)
schema = getattr(plone.dexterity.schema.generated, schemaName)
model = fti.lookupModel()
syncSchema(model.schema, schema, overwrite=True)