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/* JavaScript for the 'ICustomTheme' Plone browser layer */
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(function ($) {
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$.pfwbged = { };
$.pfwbged.prepareLinearNavigation = function () {
/* prepare for linear navigation from document page to document page */
var doc_links = $('table.listing:first').parent('.ResultsTasksTable, .ResultsTable').find('tr a').map(
function(a, b) { return $(b).attr('href'); });
var doc_tables = $('table.listing');
var i=0;
for (i; i<doc_tables.length; i++) {
var doc_table = doc_tables[i];
var links = $(doc_table).parent('.ResultsTasksTable, .ResultsTable').find('tr a').map(
function(a, b) { return $(b).attr('href'); });
if (links.length > 0) {
doc_links.push.apply(doc_links, links);
if (doc_links.length > 0) {
/* remove duplicated items */
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var val = doc_links[i];
if (doc_links_uniq.indexOf(val) == -1 || val === null) {
doc_links = doc_links_uniq;
/* write the variables to local storage */
window.localStorage.setItem('table-documents', JSON.stringify($.makeArray(doc_links)));
window.localStorage.setItem('table-documents-url', window.location.href);
$.pfwbged.doLinearNavigation = function () {
var doc_links = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('table-documents'));
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if (typeof(doc_links) != 'object') return;
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/* append a "previous" link */
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$('#content-views').append('<li id="contentview-prev" class="plain">' +
'<a href="' + url + '">Précédent</a></li>');
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/* append a "next" link */
var url = doc_links[idx+1];
$('#content-views').append('<li id="contentview-next" class="plain">' +
'<a href="' + url + '">Suivant</a></li>');
$(document).on('form-submit-validate', function(e, data, form) {
/* before the form gets submitted to the server, we disable form buttons */
$(form).find('.button-field').prop('disabled', 'disabled');
$('.target-new-tab').attr('target', '_blank');
/* watch version being selected, so menu entries can be shown/hidden */
$('#contentActionMenus .version-action').closest('li').hide();
$('.version-link').closest('tr').on('select-version', function() {
var version_href = $(this).find('.version-link').attr('href');
var version_id = version_href.substr(version_href.lastIndexOf('/')+1);
$('#contentActionMenus .version-action').closest('li').hide();
$('#contentActionMenus .version-id-' + version_id).closest('li').show();
/* highlight home folder icon when the dossiers icon is selected, as that one
* is hidden (this should probably be done earlier, when producing the HTML). */
if ($('#portaltab-dossiers.selected').length == 1) {
$(function() {
/* initialize quicklinks/favorites menu */
$('#portal-down').click(function() {
if ($('#favorites ul').length == 0) {
return false;
} else {
return false;
$('.actionicon-object_buttons-create_signed_version span').click(function() {
if (confirm("Vraiment créer la version signée ?\n(cette action est définitive)") == true) {
return true; /* this will let the event flow the <a> below */
return false;
$('.version-action-finish_without_validation span').click(function() {
if (confirm("Vraiment valider et finaliser la version ?\n(cette action est définitive)") == true) {
return true; /* this will let the event flow the <a> below */
return false;
var xhr_preview = null;
$('.ResultsTasksTable tr a, .ResultsTable tr a').hover(function() {
xhr_preview = $.getJSON($(this).attr('href') + '/@@preview',
function (data) {
xhr_preview = null;
if (xhr_preview !== null) xhr_preview.abort();
if (data.thumbnail_url) {
$('body').append('<div id="preview-doc">');
$('#preview-doc').append('<img src="' + data.thumbnail_url + '"/>');
}, function() {
if (xhr_preview !== null) xhr_preview.abort();