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from Acquisition import aq_parent
from persistent.dict import PersistentDict
from DateTime import DateTime
from zope.annotation.interfaces import IAnnotations
import collective.documentviewer.convert
import collective.documentviewer.settings
import collective.documentviewer.views
from Products.Five.browser.resource import DirectoryResource
import plone.namedfile.utils
from . import documents
# Monkeypatching of various collective.documentviewer parts
def patched_publishTraverse(self, request, name):
# don't check permissions for tabellio thumbnails; this would otherwise
# require the objects to have a stable UID and to be registered in the
# catalog.
if name.endswith('-noisrev-tabellio'):
fi = DirectoryResource.publishTraverse(self, request, name)
return fi
return self._old_publishTraverse(request, name)
def patched_base_init(self, context):
# for our transient files we cannot store documentviewer information in
# the object annotations so we have to create them under varying names
# in the DocumentsFolder object.
if isinstance(context, documents.TabellioDmsFile):
self.context = context
tabellio_folder = aq_parent(aq_parent(context))
annotations = IAnnotations(tabellio_folder)
# store metadata in top tabellio folder
self._metadata = annotations.get('collective.documentviewer-%s' %, None)
if self._metadata is None:
self._metadata = PersistentDict()
self._metadata['last_updated'] = DateTime('1901/01/01').ISO8601()
self.storage_version = collective.documentviewer.settings.STORAGE_VERSION
annotations['collective.documentviewer-%s' %] = self._metadata
def patchDocumentViewer():
collective.documentviewer.convert.Converter.isIndexationEnabled = lambda x: True
# avoid streaming files as the blob hack breaks this
plone.namedfile.utils.filestream_iterator = None