This repository has been archived on 2023-02-21. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.

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fileSize_js_core = meta.fileSize( dirs.lib.min + '/picker.js') ).gzip
fileSize_js_date = meta.fileSize( dirs.lib.min + '/') ).gzip
fileSize_js_time = meta.fileSize( dirs.lib.min + '/picker.time.js') ).gzip
fileSize_css_core = meta.fileSize( dirs.themes.min + '/default.css') ).gzip
fileSize_css_date = meta.fileSize( dirs.themes.min + '/') ).gzip
fileSize_css_time = meta.fileSize( dirs.themes.min + '/default.time.css') ).gzip
fileSize_js = fileSize_js_core + fileSize_js_date + fileSize_js_time
fileSize_js = (fileSize_js/1024).toFixed(0)
fileSize_css = fileSize_css_core + fileSize_css_date + fileSize_css_time
fileSize_css = (fileSize_css/1024).toFixed(0)
languagesCount = grunt.file.expand(dirs.translations.min + '/*.js').length
<section class="section">
<div class="section__block section__block--scoped">
<h2 class="heading heading--one heading--divide heading--divide-first"><span class="heading__text">Demo<a class="heading__anchor" name="demo" href="#demo">&sect;</a></span></h2>
<pre class="pre--demo"><code data-language="javascript">// The date picker (<a href="date.htm">read the docs</a>)
<fieldset class="fieldset fieldset--demo"><div class="fieldset__wrapper"><input class="fieldset__input js__datepicker" type="text" placeholder="Try me&hellip;"></div></fieldset>
<pre class="pre--demo"><code data-language="javascript">// The time picker (<a href="time.htm">read the docs</a>)
<fieldset class="fieldset fieldset--demo"><div class="fieldset__wrapper"><input class="fieldset__input js__timepicker" type="text" placeholder="Try me&hellip;"></div></fieldset>
<div class="heading--three">
<p>Theres a tonne of options to customize the <a href="date.htm">date</a> and <a href="time.htm">time</a> pickers, such as month/year selectors, time intervals, etc.</p>
<p>Theres also a rich <a href="api.htm">API</a> to extend the functionality of the picker. Some examples are <a href="">displayed on Codepen</a>.</p>
<div class="section__block section__block--notification">
<p>When using the “classic” theme, it is important to have a wrapper <code>div</code> with <code>position: relative</code> around the source <code>input</code> to ensure the picker is sized according to the <code>input</code> element it is bound to.</p>
</div> <!-- .section__block -->
<div class="section__block section__block--scoped">
<h2 class="heading heading--one heading--divide"><span class="heading__text">Features<a class="heading__anchor" name="features" href="#features">&sect;</a></span></h2>
<div class="heading--three">
<ul class="list list--checked">
<li>Supports <a href="">jQuery</a> 1.7 and up.</li>
<li>Is ARIA-enabled to be WCAG 2.0 compliant. <small class="text-dimmed">(added in v3.4)</small></li>
<li>Leaves a tiny footprint of {%= fileSize_js %}kb JS and {%= fileSize_css %}kb CSS. <small class="text-dimmed">(minified and gzipped)</small></li>
<li>Comes with translations for {%= languagesCount %} languages.</li>
<li>Has touch &amp; keyboard friendliness.</li>
<li>Follows <a href="">BEM</a> style class naming.</li>
<li>Utilizes <a href="">LESS</a> based stylesheets.</li>
<li>Includes a <a href="">Grunt</a> based build system.</li>
</div> <!-- .section__block -->
<div class="section__block section__block--scoped">
<h2 class="heading heading--one heading--divide"><span class="heading__text">Browser Support<a class="heading__anchor" name="browser-support" href="#browser-support">&sect;</a></span></h2>
<p class="heading--three">Supports all modern browsers and IE8+.</p>
<p>Specifically, v3 has been tested with <a href="">Chrome</a> <small class="text-dimmed text-tiny">MWA</small>, <a href="">Firefox</a> <small class="text-dimmed text-tiny">MWA</small>, <a href="">Opera</a> <small class="text-dimmed text-tiny">MWA</small>, <a href="">Safari</a> <small class="text-dimmed text-tiny">Mi</small>, <a href="">Internet Explorer</a> <small class="text-dimmed text-tiny">W</small>, <a href="">Blackberry</a> 6.0+ and <a href="">Android</a> 3.2+ browsers.</p>
<small class="text-dimmed text-tiny">
<p>M = Mac, W = Windows, A = Android, i = iOS</p>
<div class="section__block section__block--notification">
<p>Make sure to also include the <code>legacy.js</code> file along for the oldie&nbsp;browsers.</p>
</div> <!-- .section__block -->
<div class="section__block section__block--scoped">
<h2 class="heading heading--one heading--divide"><span class="heading__text">Community<a class="heading__anchor" name="community" href="#community">&sect;</a></span></h2>
<p class="heading--three"><i><b>pickadate</b>.js</i> is an open source project, shared under an <a href="{%= pkg.licenses.url %}">MIT license</a>. All <a href="{%= meta.gitrepo_url %}">code</a> and <a href="{%= pkg.bugs %}">discussions</a> are hosted on Github.</p>
<p>Contributions are very welcome <a href="{%= meta.gitrepo_url %}/blob/gh-pages/">please read these pointers</a> before submitting a bug report or feature request.</p>
<p>If you find this library useful and would like to see further development, consider <a href="">supporting it</a>.</p>
</div> <!-- .section__block -->
</section> <!-- .section -->