
358 lines
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# passerelle - uniform access to multiple data sources and services
# Copyright (C) 2015 Entr'ouvert
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
import base64
from datetime import datetime
import logging
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from django.db import models
from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseNotFound
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from django.utils.encoding import smart_text
from jsonfield import JSONField
from passerelle.base.models import BaseResource
from passerelle.compat import json_loads
from passerelle.soap import client_to_jsondict
from passerelle.utils.api import endpoint
from passerelle.utils.jsonresponse import APIError
from passerelle.views import WrongParameter
from . import soap
from .utils import normalize_person, normalize_invoice
logger = logging.getLogger('passerelle.contrib.teamnet_axel')
ADULT1 = '1'
ADULT2 = '2'
CHILD = '3'
DATE_IN_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'
DATE_OUT_FORMAT = '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S'
def get_name_id(request):
if 'NameID' not in request.GET:
raise WrongParameter(['NameID'], [])
return request.GET['NameID']
class TeamnetAxel(BaseResource):
wsdl_url = models.CharField(
max_length=128, blank=False,
verbose_name=_('WSDL URL'),
help_text=_('Teamnet Axel WSDL URL'))
verify_cert = models.BooleanField(
verbose_name=_('Check HTTPS Certificate validity'))
username = models.CharField(
max_length=128, blank=True,
password = models.CharField(
max_length=128, blank=True,
keystore = models.FileField(
upload_to='teamnet_axel', null=True, blank=True,
help_text=_('Certificate and private key in PEM format'))
billing_regies = JSONField(_('Mapping between regie ids and billing ids'))
category = _('Business Process Connectors')
manager_view_template_name = 'passerelle/contrib/teamnet_axel/detail.html'
class Meta:
verbose_name = _('Teamnet Axel')
def get_verbose_name(cls):
return cls._meta.verbose_name
# Axel SOAP call: getData
def get_data(self, operation, args):
# args is a XML node (ElementTree.Element)
portail = ET.Element('PORTAIL')
streamId = operation
xmlParams = smart_text(ET.tostring(portail, encoding='UTF-8'))
user = ''
logger.debug(u'getData(streamId=%s, xmlParams=%s, user=%s)', streamId, xmlParams, user)
result = soap.get_client(self).service.getData(streamId, smart_text(xmlParams), user)
logger.debug(u'getData(%s) result: %s', streamId, smart_text(result))
xml_result = ET.fromstring(result)
if xml_result.find('RESULTAT/STATUS').text != 'OK':
msg = xml_result.find('RESULTAT/COMMENTAIRES').text
raise APIError(msg)
return xml_result.find('DATA')
# Axel authentication
def authenticate(self, login, pwd):
'''return False or an AXEL user dict:
"login": "23060A",
"estidentifie": true,
"estbloque": false,
"estchangement_mdp_requis": false,
"nbechec": "0",
"idpersonne": "47747",
"idfamille": "23060",
xml_utilisateur = ET.Element('UTILISATEUR')
ET.SubElement(xml_utilisateur, 'LOGIN').text = login
ET.SubElement(xml_utilisateur, 'PWD').text = pwd
data = self.get_data('ConnexionCompteFamille', xml_utilisateur)
except APIError:
return False
data = data.find('PORTAIL/UTILISATEUR')
data = soap.xml_to_dict(data)
for key, value in data.items():
if key.startswith('est'):
data[key] = value == 'true'
if data.get('estbloque'):
return False
if not data.get('estidentifie'):
return False
return data
def get_family_id(self, request):
nameid = get_name_id(request)
links = Link.objects.filter(resource=self, nameid=nameid)
if len(links) > 1:
raise APIError('multiple links')
if not links:
return None
user = self.authenticate(links[0].login, links[0].pwd)
if not user:
raise APIError('authentication failed')
if 'idfamille' not in user:
raise APIError('user without idfamille')
return user['idfamille']
def get_family_data(self, idfamille, annee=None):
xml_famille = ET.Element('FAMILLE')
ET.SubElement(xml_famille, 'IDFAMILLE').text = idfamille
if annee:
ET.SubElement(xml_famille, 'ANNEE').text = annee
data = self.get_data('DonneesFamille', xml_famille)
xml_individus = data.findall('PORTAIL/INDIVIDUS')
if not xml_individus:
raise APIError('PORTAIL/INDIVIDUS is empty')
individus = [dict((k.lower(), v) for k, v in i.attrib.items()) for i in xml_individus]
for individu in individus:
individu['id'] = individu['idindividu']
individu['text'] = '%(prenom)s %(nom)s' % individu
adults = [normalize_person(i) for i in individus if i['indtype'] in (ADULT1, ADULT2)]
children = [normalize_person(i) for i in individus if i['indtype'] == CHILD]
return {'family': idfamille, 'adults': adults, 'children': children}
def ping(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
client = soap.get_client(self)
except (Exception, ) as exc:
raise APIError('Client Error: %s' % exc)
res = {'ping': 'pong'}
if 'debug' in request.GET:
res['client'] = client_to_jsondict(client)
return {'data': res}
def auth(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
login = request.GET.get('login')
pwd = request.GET.get('pwd')
return {'data': self.authenticate(login, pwd)}
@endpoint(name='family', perm='can_access')
def family_data(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
idfamille = self.get_family_id(request)
if not idfamille:
return {'data': None}
data = self.get_family_data(idfamille)
return {'data': data}
@endpoint(name='family', perm='can_access', pattern='^adults/$')
def family_adults(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
idfamille = self.get_family_id(request)
if not idfamille:
return {'data': None}
data = self.get_family_data(idfamille)
return {'data': data.get('adults')}
@endpoint(name='family', perm='can_access', pattern='^children/$')
def family_children(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
idfamille = self.get_family_id(request)
if not idfamille:
return {'data': None}
data = self.get_family_data(idfamille)
return {'data': data.get('children')}
@endpoint(name='family', perm='can_access', pattern='^link/$')
def family_link(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
nameid = get_name_id(request)
login = request.GET.get('login')
pwd = request.GET.get('password')
user = self.authenticate(login, pwd)
if not user:
raise APIError('authentication failed')
if 'idfamille' not in user:
raise APIError('user without idfamille')
famille = self.get_family_data(user['idfamille'])
resource=self, nameid=nameid, defaults={'login': login, 'pwd': pwd})
user['_famille'] = famille
user['_nameid'] = nameid
return {'data': user}
@endpoint(name='family', perm='can_access', pattern='^unlink/$')
def family_unlink(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
nameid = get_name_id(request)
logins = [v['login'] for v in Link.objects.filter(resource=self, nameid=nameid).values('login')]
Link.objects.filter(resource=self, nameid=nameid).delete()
if logins:
return {'data': {'login_was': logins}}
return {'data': None}
def get_teamnet_payable_invoices(self, regie_id, family_id):
operation = 'FacturesApayerRegie'
xml_invoices = ET.Element('LISTFACTURE')
ET.SubElement(xml_invoices, 'IDREGIE').text = regie_id
ET.SubElement(xml_invoices, 'IDFAMILLE').text = family_id
data = self.get_data(operation, xml_invoices)
xml_invoices = data.findall('PORTAIL/FACTURES')
payable_invoices = {}
if xml_invoices:
for i in xml_invoices:
payable_invoices.update(normalize_invoice(i.attrib, family_id))
return payable_invoices
@endpoint(name='regie', pattern='^(?P<regie_id>\w+)/invoices/$')
def active_invoices(self, request, regie_id, **kwargs):
family_id = self.get_family_id(request)
if not family_id:
return {'data': []}
invoices = self.get_teamnet_payable_invoices(regie_id, family_id)
invoices = sorted([p for i, p in invoices.items()], key=lambda i: i['created'], reverse=True)
return {'data': invoices}
def get_teamnet_historical_invoices(self, regie_id, family_id):
returns historical invoices for a given regie.
The list contains also payable invoices.
operation = 'HistoriqueFacturesRegie'
xml_invoices = ET.Element('LISTFACTURE')
ET.SubElement(xml_invoices, 'IDREGIE').text = regie_id
ET.SubElement(xml_invoices, 'IDFAMILLE').text = family_id
ET.SubElement(xml_invoices, 'NBMOIS').text = '12'
data = self.get_data(operation, xml_invoices)
xml_invoices = data.findall('PORTAIL/FACTURES')
historical_invoices = {}
if xml_invoices:
for i in xml_invoices:
historical_invoices.update(normalize_invoice(i.attrib, family_id, historical=True))
return historical_invoices
@endpoint(name='regie', perm='can_access', pattern='^(?P<regie_id>\w+)/invoices/history/$')
def invoices_history(self, request, regie_id, **kwargs):
family_id = self.get_family_id(request)
if not family_id:
return {'data': []}
payable = self.get_teamnet_payable_invoices(regie_id, family_id)
historical = self.get_teamnet_historical_invoices(regie_id, family_id)
historical = [v for i, v in historical.items() if i not in payable]
invoices = sorted(historical, key=lambda i: i['created'], reverse=True)
return {'data': invoices}
@endpoint(name='regie', perm='can_access',
def get_invoice_details(self, request, regie_id, invoice_id, **kwargs):
family_id, i = invoice_id.split('-', 1)
payable = self.get_teamnet_payable_invoices(regie_id, family_id)
if invoice_id in payable:
return {'data': payable[invoice_id]}
historical = self.get_teamnet_historical_invoices(regie_id, family_id)
if invoice_id in historical:
return {'data': historical[invoice_id]}
return {'data': None}
@endpoint(name='regie', perm='can_access',
def invoice_pdf(self, request, regie_id, invoice_id, **kwargs):
family_id, invoice = invoice_id.split('-', 1)
invoice_xml = ET.Element('FACTUREPDF')
ET.SubElement(invoice_xml, 'IDFAMILLE').text = family_id
ET.SubElement(ET.SubElement(invoice_xml, 'FACTURES'), 'NOFACTURE').text = invoice
data = self.get_data('FacturesPDF', invoice_xml)
pdf = data.find('PORTAIL/PDF')
b64content = base64.b64decode(pdf.get('FILE'))
if not b64content:
return HttpResponseNotFound()
response = HttpResponse(content_type='application/pdf')
response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="%s.pdf"' % invoice_id
return response
@endpoint(name='regie', methods=['post'],
perm='can_access', pattern='^(?P<regie_id>\w+)/invoice/(?P<invoice_id>[\w,-]+)/pay/$')
def pay_invoice(self, request, regie_id, invoice_id, **kwargs):
data = json_loads(request.body)
transaction_id = data.get('transaction_id')
transaction_date = data.get('transaction_date')
email = data.get('email')
family_id, invoice = invoice_id.split('-', 1)
payable_invoices = self.get_teamnet_payable_invoices(regie_id, family_id)
if invoice_id not in payable_invoices:
return {'data': False}
invoice_to_pay = payable_invoices[invoice_id]
t_date = datetime.strptime(transaction_date, DATE_IN_FORMAT)
payment_xml = ET.Element('PAIEMENT')
ET.SubElement(payment_xml, 'IDDEMANDE')
ET.SubElement(payment_xml, 'IDFAMILLE').text = family_id
ET.SubElement(payment_xml, 'IDREGIEENC').text = self.billing_regies.get(regie_id)
ET.SubElement(payment_xml, 'MODEREGLEMENT').text = 'PAY'
ET.SubElement(payment_xml, 'MONTANT').text = str(invoice_to_pay['amount'])
ET.SubElement(payment_xml, 'URL')
if email:
ET.SubElement(payment_xml, 'COURRIEL').text = email
ET.SubElement(payment_xml, 'COURRIEL')
ET.SubElement(payment_xml, 'REFPAIEMENT').text = transaction_id
ET.SubElement(payment_xml, 'DATEENVOI').text = t_date.strftime(DATE_OUT_FORMAT)
ET.SubElement(payment_xml, 'DATERETOUR').text = t_date.strftime(DATE_OUT_FORMAT)
ET.SubElement(payment_xml, 'CODERETOUR')
ET.SubElement(ET.SubElement(payment_xml, 'FACTURE'), 'NOFACTURE').text = invoice
self.get_data('PaiementFactures', payment_xml)
return {'data': True}
class Link(models.Model):
resource = models.ForeignKey(TeamnetAxel, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
nameid = models.CharField(blank=False, max_length=256)
login = models.CharField(blank=False, max_length=128)
pwd = models.CharField(blank=False, max_length=128)