
658 lines
29 KiB

# passerelle - uniform access to multiple data sources and services
# Copyright (C) 2017 Entr'ouvert
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
import base64
import copy
import re
import unicodedata
from django.db import models
from django.template.loader import get_template
from django.utils.encoding import force_text
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from django.utils.http import urlencode
from passerelle.base.models import BaseResource
from passerelle.compat import json_loads
from passerelle.utils.api import endpoint
from passerelle.utils.jsonresponse import APIError
from passerelle.utils.conversion import to_pdf
def simplify(s):
Simplify a string, trying to transform it to lower ascii chars (a-z, 0-9)
and minimize spaces. Used to compare strings on ?q=something requests.
if not s:
return ''
s = force_text(s, 'utf-8', 'ignore')
s = force_text(unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', s).encode('ascii', 'ignore'))
s = re.sub(r'[^\w\s\'-]', '', s)
s = re.sub(r'[\s\'_-]+', ' ', s)
return s.strip().lower()
def unflat(flatten_dict, separator='_'):
Expand a "flatten" dict:
>>> unflat({'foo': 'bar', 'two_foo': 'one', 'two_bar': 'two'})
{'foo': 'bar', 'two': {'foo': 'one', 'bar': 'two'}}
dict_ = {}
for key, value in flatten_dict.items():
root = dict_
keys = [x.strip() for x in key.split(separator)]
for key in keys[:-1]: # build branch
if key not in root:
root[key] = {}
root = root[key]
root[keys[-1]] = value # add value in leaf
return dict_
def keystore_upload_to(instance, filename):
return '%s/%s/keystore/%s' % (instance.get_connector_slug(),, filename)
def trusted_cas_upload_to(instance, filename):
return '%s/%s/trusted_ca/%s' % (instance.get_connector_slug(),, filename)
class Solis(BaseResource):
service_url = models.URLField(max_length=256, blank=False,
verbose_name=_('Service URL'),
help_text=_('Solis API base URL'))
basic_auth_username = models.CharField(max_length=128, blank=True,
verbose_name=_('HTTP Basic Auth username'))
basic_auth_password = models.CharField(max_length=128, blank=True,
verbose_name=_('HTTP Basic Auth password'))
client_certificate = models.FileField(upload_to=keystore_upload_to,
null=True, blank=True,
verbose_name=_('Client certificate'),
help_text=_('Client certificate and private key (PEM format)'))
verify_cert = models.BooleanField(default=True,
verbose_name=_('Check HTTPS Certificate validity'))
trusted_certificate_authorities = models.FileField(upload_to=trusted_cas_upload_to,
null=True, blank=True,
verbose_name=_('Trusted CAs'),
help_text=_('Trusted CAs (PEM format)'))
http_proxy = models.CharField(max_length=128, blank=True,
verbose_name=_('Proxy URL'))
text_template_name = 'solis/apa_user_text.txt'
text_template_name_rsa = 'solis/rsa_user_text.txt'
category = _('Business Process Connectors')
class Meta:
verbose_name = _('Solis')
log_requests_errors = False
def request(self, endpoint, data=None, files=None):
url = self.service_url + endpoint
headers = {'Accept': 'application/json'}
if data is not None:
response =, json=data, headers=headers)
elif files is not None:
response =, files=files, headers=headers)
response = self.requests.get(url, headers=headers)
if response.status_code // 100 != 2:
json_content = response.json()
except ValueError:
json_content = None
raise APIError('error status:%s %r, content:%r' %
(response.status_code, response.reason, response.content[:1024]),
data={'status_code': response.status_code,
'json_content': json_content})
if response.status_code == 204: # 204 No Content
return None
return response.json()
except ValueError:
raise APIError('invalid JSON content:%r' % response.content[:1024])
def check_status(self):
Raise an exception if something goes wrong.
If OK, returns something usable by ping() endpoint.
pong = self.request('main/isAlive')
if not pong.get('response').startswith('Solis API est op'):
raise APIError('response is %r' % pong.get('response'), data=pong)
except (AttributeError, KeyError):
raise APIError('invalid response: %r' % pong, data=pong)
return {'data': 'pong', 'response': pong.get('response')}
@endpoint(name='ping', description=_('Check Solis API availability'))
def ping(self, request):
# FIXME deprecated this endpoint (replaced by 'up' endpoint)
return self.check_status()
@endpoint(name='referential', perm='can_access',
description=_('Get module/name references'),
'module': {'description': _('Referential module: asg, civi, trans'),
'example_value': 'trans'},
'name': {'description': _('Referential name in this module'),
'example_value': 'lieu'},
'codePays': {'example_value': '79'},
'codeDepartement': {'example_value': '80'},
'codeCommune': {'example_value': '21'},
'filtreSurInactivite': {'description': _('For trans/commune referential: true or false')},
'q': {'description': _('Returns only items whose text matches'),
'example_value': 'claudel'},
'id': {'description': _('Returns only items with this id (code)')},
'ignore': {'description': _('Do not return items with this id, '
'or multiple ids separated with commas'),
'example_value': '9999'},
def referential(self, request, module, name, q=None, id=None, ignore=None, **kwargs):
if (module == 'trans' and name == 'lieu' and 'codeDepartement' in kwargs
and 'codeCommune' in kwargs and q):
# use optimized endpoint for trans/lieu search
endpoint = 'referentiels/trans/nomlieu/%s/%s/%s' % (kwargs.pop('codeDepartement'),
kwargs.pop('codeCommune'), q)
q = None
endpoint = 'referentiels/%s/%s' % (module, name)
args = [(code, value) for code, value in kwargs.items() if code.startswith(('code', 'filtre'))]
if args:
endpoint += '?' + urlencode(args)
content = self.request(endpoint)
if (not isinstance(content, dict) or len(content) != 1 or
not isinstance(list(content.values())[0], list)):
raise APIError('response is not a dictionnary with only one key '
'and whose value is a list', data={'json_content': content})
items = list(content.values())[0]
if not all(isinstance(item, dict) and item.get('code') for item in items):
raise APIError('items must be dictionnaries with a "code" key',
data={'json_content': content})
for item in items:
item['id'] = item['code']
item['text'] = item.get('libelle', item['id'])
if ignore:
ignore_ids = [ignore_id.strip() for ignore_id in ignore.split(',')
if ignore_id.strip()]
if q:
q = simplify(q)
def condition(item):
if id and item['id'] != id:
return False
if ignore and item['id'] in ignore_ids:
return False
if q and q not in simplify(item['text']):
return False
return True
items = filter(condition, items)
return {'data': list(items)}
@endpoint(name='referential-item', perm='can_access',
description=_('Get an item from module/name (available only on some referentials)'),
'module': {'description': _('Referential module: asg, civi, trans'),
'example_value': 'civi'},
'name': {'description': _('Referential name in this module'),
'example_value': 'individu'},
'index': {'description': _('Item index number'),
'example_value': '4273'},
def referential_item(self, request, module, name, index):
endpoint = 'referentiels/%s/%s/%s/' % (module, name, index)
content = self.request(endpoint)
if not isinstance(content, dict):
raise APIError('response is not a dictionnary', data={'json_content': content})
return {'data': content}
# APA endpoints
def apa_token(self, user_id, code):
response = self.request('asg/apa/generationJeton', data={
'indexIndividu': user_id,
'codeConfidentiel': code,
return response.get('token')
def apa_get_information(self, information, user_id=None, code=None, token=None, index=None):
if token is None:
token = self.apa_token(user_id, code)
endpoint = 'asg/apa/' + information + '/' + token
if index:
endpoint += '/' + index
return self.request(endpoint)
@endpoint(name='apa-link', methods=['post'], perm='can_access',
description=_('Create link between name_id and '
'Solis APA. Payload: name_id, user_id, code'))
def apa_link(self, request):
data = json_loads(request.body)
except ValueError:
raise APIError('payload is not a JSON dict')
if not isinstance(data, dict):
raise APIError('payload is not a JSON dict')
if 'name_id' not in data:
raise APIError('missing name_id')
if 'user_id' not in data or 'code' not in data:
raise APIError('missing user_id/code credentials')
name_id, user_id, code = data['name_id'], data['user_id'], data['code']
token = self.apa_token(user_id, code) # invalid credentials raise APIError here
information = self.apa_get_information(information='exportDonneesIndividu', token=token)
text = get_template(self.text_template_name).render(information).strip()
link, created = SolisAPALink.objects.update_or_create(resource=self, name_id=name_id,
defaults={'code': code,
'text': text})
return {'data': {'user_id': user_id,
'created': created,
'updated': not created}}
@endpoint(name='apa-unlink', methods=['post'], perm='can_access',
description=_('Delete a Solis APA link. Payload: name_id, user_id'))
def apa_unlink(self, request):
data = json_loads(request.body)
except ValueError:
raise APIError('payload is not a JSON dict')
if not isinstance(data, dict):
raise APIError('payload is not a JSON dict')
if 'name_id' not in data:
raise APIError('missing name_id')
if 'user_id' not in data:
raise APIError('missing user_id')
name_id, user_id = data['name_id'], data['user_id']
SolisAPALink.objects.filter(resource=self, name_id=name_id, user_id=user_id).delete()
return {'data': {'user_id': user_id, 'deleted': True}}
@endpoint(name='apa-links', perm='can_access',
description=_('List linked Solis APA users'),
'name_id': {
'description': _('user identifier'),
'example_value': '3eb56fc'
def apa_links(self, request, name_id):
return {'data': [{'id': link.user_id, 'text': link.text}
for link in SolisAPALink.objects.filter(resource=self, name_id=name_id)]}
@endpoint(name='apa-user-info', perm='can_access',
description=_('Get informations about a linked Solis APA user'),
'name_id': {
'description': _('user identifier'),
'example_value': '3eb56fc'
'user_id': {
'description': _('Solis APA user identifier'),
'example_value': '2345',
'information': {
'description': _('exportDonneesIndividu, consultationDeMesDroits, '
'suiviDemandeEnInstruction, suiviDemandeHistorique, '
'propositionPlanAide, demandeUnitaire'),
'example_value': 'consultationDeMesDroits',
'index': {
'description': _('mandatory if information is "demandeUnitaire"'),
'example_value': '87123'
def apa_user_info(self, request, name_id, user_id, information='exportDonneesIndividu',
if information == 'demandeUnitaire' and index is None:
raise APIError('index mandatory if information=demandeUnitaire', http_status=400)
link = SolisAPALink.objects.get(resource=self, name_id=name_id, user_id=user_id)
except SolisAPALink.DoesNotExist:
raise APIError('unknown link')
response = self.apa_get_information(information=information, user_id=user_id, code=link.code,
index=index if information == 'demandeUnitaire' else None)
if information == 'exportDonneesIndividu':
text = get_template(self.text_template_name).render(response).strip()
if text != link.text:
link.text = text
elif index is not None and information != 'demandeUnitaire':
# search index in response
for resp in response.get('demandeAsg') or []:
if str(resp.get('demande', {}).get('indexDemande')) == index:
return {'data': {'demandeAsg': resp}}
raise APIError('cannot find indexDemande=%s in demandeAsg list' % index)
return {'data': response}
@endpoint(name='apa-users', perm='can_access',
description=_('Get exportDonneesIndividu datas about all linked Solis APA users'),
'name_id': {
'description': _('user identifier'),
'example_value': '3eb56fc'
def apa_users(self, request, name_id):
users = []
template = get_template(self.text_template_name)
for link in SolisAPALink.objects.filter(resource=self, name_id=name_id):
information = self.apa_get_information(information='exportDonneesIndividu',
user_id=link.user_id, code=link.code)
except APIError:
# don't list unknown/unlinked users
text = template.render(information).strip()
if text != link.text:
link.text = text
'id': link.user_id,
'text': text,
'information': information})
return {'data': users}
@endpoint(name='apa-integration', perm='can_access', methods=['post'],
description=_('Send data to "integrationDemandeApa"'))
def apa_integration(self, request):
payload = json_loads(request.body)
except ValueError:
raise APIError('payload is not a JSON object', http_status=400)
if not isinstance(payload, dict):
raise APIError('payload is not a JSON dict', http_status=400)
# handle specific file: and del: keys
files = []
delete_keys = []
files_failed_pdf_conversion = []
for key, value in payload.items():
# extract files from payload, to send them before the request
if key.startswith('file:'):
if value is None:
filename = key[5:]
if isinstance(value, dict) and 'content' in value:
content = base64.b64decode(value['content'])
content = to_pdf(content)
except ValueError:
files.append(('files', (filename, content, 'application/pdf')))
# Solis doesn't accept somes values or dict-of-values if there are empty
# (for example is there is not "conjoint"): remove all these keys if a
# specific "del:key_prefix":true entry exists (for example "del:conjoint")
if key.startswith('del:'):
if value is True:
for k in payload.keys():
if k.startswith(key[4:]):
for key in delete_keys:
if key in payload:
del payload[key]
# prepare request data
integration_data = {'demandeApa': unflat(payload)}
# send files before request data
sendfiles = None
if files:
sendfiles = self.request('asg/apa/piecesjointes/multiple', files=files)
if not isinstance(sendfiles, dict):
raise APIError('fail to send files, response is not a dict', data=sendfiles)
if sendfiles.get('rejets') or sendfiles.get('nbFichiersAcceptes') != len(files):
raise APIError('fail to send all files', data=sendfiles)
if not sendfiles.get('id'):
raise APIError('fail to get uidPiecesJointes on sending files', data=sendfiles)
# ok, add reference id in request data
integration_data['uidPiecesJointes'] = sendfiles.get('id')
response = self.request('asg/apa/integrationDemandeApa', data=integration_data)
return {
'data': response,
'files_sent': sendfiles,
'files_failed_pdf_conversion': files_failed_pdf_conversion
# RSA endpoints
def rsa_token(self, user_id, code, dob=None):
data = {'indexIndividu': user_id, 'codeConfidentiel': code}
if dob:
data['dateNaissance'] = dob
response = self.request('referentiels/grsa/token', data=data)
return response.get('token')
def rsa_fill_with_link_content(self, link):
'''fill one or several link (_links entry in grsa referential object)'''
if isinstance(link, list):
for sublink in link:
if not isinstance(link, dict) or not link.get('href'):
href = link['href']
if href.startswith('http:') and self.service_url.startswith('https:'):
# fix scheme (reverse-proxy bug,
href = 'https:' + href[5:]
if not href.startswith(self.service_url):
endpoint = href[len(self.service_url):]
value = self.request(endpoint)
except APIError as e: # do not raise on linked informations
value = {
'err': 1,
'err_class': e.__class__.__name__,
'err_desc': force_text(e)
link['content'] = value
def rsa_get_information(self, information, user_id=None, code=None, dob=None, token=None,
index='search', links=None):
# simulate "individu" referential: get user details from civi/individu/user_id
if information == 'individu':
if not user_id:
raise APIError('missing user_id to get civi/individu')
endpoint = 'referentiels/%s/%s/%s/' % ('civi', 'individu', user_id)
content = self.request(endpoint)
if not isinstance(content, dict):
raise APIError('civi/individu response is not a dictionnary',
data={'json_content': content})
return content
if token is None:
token = self.rsa_token(user_id, code, dob)
endpoint = 'referentiels/grsa/' + information + '/' + index + '/'
args = [('token', token)]
if index.startswith('search'): # it can be "search/next" in rdvs referential
args = [('indexIndividu', user_id)] + args
endpoint += '?' + urlencode(args)
information = self.request(endpoint)
if isinstance(information, dict) and '_links' in information:
# return linked objects in non-underscored key, usable in Django template
information['rsa_links'] = copy.deepcopy(information['_links'])
if links is not None:
if not links.strip(): # links is empty: get all
links = information['rsa_links'].keys()
links = [x.strip() for x in links.split(',') if x.strip()]
links = [x for x in links if x in information['rsa_links']]
for link in links:
return information
@endpoint(name='rsa-link', methods=['post'], perm='can_access',
description=_('Create link between name_id and '
'Solis RSA. Payload: name_id, user_id, code, dob (optionnal)'))
def rsa_link(self, request):
data = json_loads(request.body)
except ValueError:
raise APIError('payload is not a JSON dict')
if not isinstance(data, dict):
raise APIError('payload is not a JSON dict')
if not data.get('name_id'):
raise APIError('missing name_id')
if not data.get('user_id') or not data.get('code'):
raise APIError('missing user_id/code credentials')
name_id, user_id, code = data['name_id'], data['user_id'], data['code']
dob = data.get('dob')
self.rsa_token(user_id, code, dob) # invalid credentials raise APIError here
information = self.rsa_get_information('individu', user_id, code, dob)
text = get_template(self.text_template_name_rsa).render(information).strip()
link, created = SolisRSALink.objects.update_or_create(resource=self, name_id=name_id,
defaults={'code': code,
'dob': dob,
'text': text})
return {'data': {'user_id': user_id,
'text': text,
'created': created,
'updated': not created}}
@endpoint(name='rsa-unlink', methods=['post'], perm='can_access',
description=_('Delete a Solis RSA link. Payload: name_id, user_id'))
def rsa_unlink(self, request):
data = json_loads(request.body)
except ValueError:
raise APIError('payload is not a JSON dict')
if not isinstance(data, dict):
raise APIError('payload is not a JSON dict')
if not data.get('name_id'):
raise APIError('missing name_id')
if not data.get('user_id'):
raise APIError('missing user_id')
name_id, user_id = data['name_id'], data['user_id']
SolisRSALink.objects.filter(resource=self, name_id=name_id, user_id=user_id).delete()
return {'data': {'user_id': user_id, 'deleted': True}}
@endpoint(name='rsa-links', perm='can_access',
description=_('List linked Solis RSA users'),
'name_id': {
'description': _('user identifier'),
'example_value': '3eb56fc'
def rsa_links(self, request, name_id):
return {'data': [{'id': link.user_id, 'text': link.text}
for link in SolisRSALink.objects.filter(resource=self, name_id=name_id)]}
@endpoint(name='rsa-user-info', perm='can_access',
description=_('Get informations about a linked Solis RSA user'),
'name_id': {
'description': _('user identifier'),
'example_value': '3eb56fc'
'user_id': {
'description': _('Solis RSA user identifier'),
'example_value': '4273',
'information': {
'description': _('individu, actions, allocataires, engagements, '
'evaluations, evenements, indus, menages, presences, rdvs'),
'example_value': 'allocataires',
'index': {
'description': _('get a specific item, if applicable'),
'links': {
'description': _('get linked informations (comma separated list, empty for all)'),
'example_value': 'etatCivil,conjoint',
'filters': {
'description': _('filter response (list), ex: idStructure=399 or '
def rsa_user_info(self, request, name_id, user_id, information='individu',
index='search', links=None, filters=None):
link = SolisRSALink.objects.get(resource=self, name_id=name_id, user_id=user_id)
except SolisRSALink.DoesNotExist:
raise APIError('unknown link')
response = self.rsa_get_information(information=information,
user_id=user_id, code=link.code, dob=link.dob,
index=index, links=links)
if information == 'individu':
text = get_template(self.text_template_name_rsa).render(response).strip()
if text != link.text:
link.text = text
if filters and isinstance(response, list):
for filter_ in filters.split(','):
key, value = filter_.split('=')
if key.endswith('!'):
response = [item for item in response
if str(item.get(key[:-1])) != value]
response = [item for item in response
if str(item.get(key)) == value]
return {'data': response}
class SolisAPALink(models.Model):
resource = models.ForeignKey(Solis, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
name_id = models.CharField(blank=False, max_length=256)
user_id = models.CharField(blank=False, max_length=64)
code = models.CharField(blank=False, max_length=64)
text = models.CharField(blank=False, max_length=256)
class SolisRSALink(models.Model):
resource = models.ForeignKey(Solis, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
name_id = models.CharField(blank=False, max_length=256)
user_id = models.CharField(blank=False, max_length=64)
code = models.CharField(blank=False, max_length=64)
dob = models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=64, null=True)
text = models.CharField(blank=False, max_length=256)