
295 lines
11 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2020 Entr'ouvert
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
import binascii
import json
import re
from base64 import b64decode
from datetime import datetime
from django.db import models
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.utils.text import slugify
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from requests import RequestException
from passerelle.base.models import BaseResource, HTTPResource
from passerelle.utils.api import endpoint
from passerelle.utils.jsonresponse import APIError
'type': 'object',
'$schema': '',
'title': 'Signal Arretes',
'description': 'Public Occupation Request Schema',
'required': [
'properties': {
'declarant_organisation': {
'description': _('"Individual" or enterprise name'),
'type': 'string',
'declarant_siret': {
'description': _('Entreprise SIRET number'),
'type': 'string',
'pattern': '(\\d{14})?',
'pattern_description': _('14-digits siret number'),
'declarant_quality': {
'description': _('Declarant quality'),
'type': 'string',
'enum': ['Particulier', 'Entreprise', 'Association'],
'file_number': {'description': _('Declarant reference'), 'type': 'string'},
'declarant_civility': {
'description': _('Declarant civility'),
'type': 'string',
'enum': ['MONSIEUR', 'MADAME'],
'declarant_name': {'description': _('Declarant name'), 'type': 'string'},
'declarant_surname': {'description': _('Declarant surname'), 'type': 'string'},
'declarant_address': {'description': _('Declarant address'), 'type': 'string'},
'declarant_zip': {'description': _('Declarant ZIP code'), 'type': 'string'},
'declarant_city': {'description': _('Declarant city'), 'type': 'string'},
'declarant_email': {'description': _('Declarant email address'), 'type': 'string'},
'declarant_phone': {'description': _('Declarant phone number'), 'type': 'string'},
'occupation_lane': {'description': _('Occupation lane'), 'type': 'string'},
'occupation_number': {'description': _('Occupation lane number'), 'type': 'string'},
'occupation_city': {'description': _('Occupation city'), 'type': 'string'},
'occupation_type': {'description': _('Occupation type'), 'type': 'string'},
'occupation_start_date': {
'description': _('Occupation start date'),
'type': 'string',
'format': 'date',
'occupation_end_date': {'description': _('Occupation end date'), 'type': 'string', 'format': 'date'},
'comment': {'description': _('Comment'), 'type': 'string'},
class SignalArretes(BaseResource, HTTPResource):
base_url = models.URLField(_('Base API URL'))
category = _('Business Process Connectors')
class Meta:
verbose_name = 'Signal Arrêtés ™'
def get_verbose_name(cls):
return cls._meta.verbose_name
def _call(self, endpoint, post_data=None):
url = f'{self.base_url}/CreationDemandeService.svc/{endpoint}'
response = None
if not post_data:
response = self.requests.get(url)
response =, json=post_data)
except RequestException as e:
if response is not None and response.status_code == 400:
error_msg_match =
'Le message d\'exception est \'(.*)\'\\. Pour plus d\'informations', response.text
if error_msg_match:
error_message =
raise APIError(
'An error occured during the request to Signal Arrêtés: %s' % error_message
raise APIError('An error occured during the request to Signal Arrêtés: %s' % e)
return response.json()
except ValueError:
raise APIError('Expected valid json')
def _get_value(self, endpoint, post_data=None, request_id=None):
if request_id:
url = f'{endpoint}/{request_id}'
url = endpoint
response = self._call(url, post_data=post_data)
result_key = f'{endpoint}Result'
if not isinstance(response, dict) or result_key not in response:
raise APIError('Expected a dictionary with a %s key' % result_key)
result_str = response[result_key]
return json.loads(result_str)
except ValueError:
raise APIError('Expected valid json string at %s key' % result_key)
def _get_list(self, endpoint, post_data=None, q=None, id=None):
result = self._get_value(endpoint, post_data=post_data)
if not isinstance(result, list):
raise APIError('Expected a list')
if q is not None:
q = q.lower()
result = filter(lambda it: q in it.lower(), result)
if id is not None:
result = list(filter(lambda it: slugify(it) == id, result))
return {'data': [{'id': slugify(it), 'text': it} for it in result]}
description=_('Get cities available in Signal Arrêtés'),
'id': {
'description': _('Get exactly one city from it\'s id'),
'example_value': 'base-de-vie',
'q': {'description': _('Search text'), 'example_value': 'Angou'},
def cities(self, request, q=None, id=None, **kwargs):
return self._get_list('GetCommunes', post_data=None, q=q, id=id)
description=_('Get lanes available in Signal Arrêtés'),
'city': {'description': _('Get lanes for this city')},
'id': {
'description': _('Get exactly one lane from it\'s id'),
'example_value': 'rue-nicolas-appert',
'q': {'description': _('Search text'), 'example_value': 'Rue Nic'},
def lanes(self, request, city, q=None, id=None):
return self._get_list('GetVoies', {'Commune': city}, q=q, id=id)
description=_('Get available occupation types in Signal Arrêtés'),
'id': {
'description': _('Get exactly one occupation type from it\'s id'),
'example_value': 'base-de-vie',
'q': {'description': _('Search text'), 'example_value': 'Base de'},
def occupation_types(self, request, q=None, id=None):
return self._get_list('GetNaturesOccupation', q=q, id=id)
description=_('Create a public domain occupation request'),
post={'request_body': {'schema': {'application/json': REQUEST_SCHEMA}}},
def create_request(self, request, post_data):
def _format_date(date_string):
return datetime.strptime(date_string, '%d/%m/%Y').strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
query_data = {
'organisationDeclarante': post_data['declarant_organisation'],
'qualite': post_data['declarant_quality'],
'SIRET': post_data['declarant_siret'],
'numeroDossier': post_data['file_number'],
'commentaire': post_data['comment'],
'contact': {
'civilite': post_data['declarant_civility'],
'nom': post_data['declarant_name'],
'prenom': post_data['declarant_surname'],
'email': post_data['declarant_email'],
'adresseLigne1': post_data['declarant_address'],
'CP': post_data['declarant_zip'],
'ville': post_data['declarant_city'],
'telephone': post_data['declarant_phone'],
'localisation': {
'nomVoie': post_data['occupation_lane'],
'commune': post_data['occupation_city'],
'natureOccupation': post_data['occupation_type'],
'dateDebut': datetime.strptime(post_data['occupation_start_date'], '%d/%m/%Y').strftime(
'dateFin': datetime.strptime(post_data['occupation_end_date'], '%d/%m/%Y').strftime(
'numeroVoie': post_data['occupation_number'],
query_data = {k: v for k, v in query_data.items() if v}
query_data['contact'] = {k: v for k, v in query_data['contact'].items() if v}
query_data['localisation'] = {k: v for k, v in query_data['localisation'].items() if v}
result_string = self._call('CreationDODP', query_data)
if not isinstance(result_string, str):
raise APIError('Expected a string')
result = json.loads(result_string)
except ValueError:
raise APIError('Returned string should be valid json')
if not isinstance(result, dict) or len(result) != 1:
raise APIError('Expected a dictionary with one element')
return {'request_id': list(result.keys())[0], 'request_status': list(result.values())[0]}
description=_('Get status of given request in Signal Arrêtés'),
'request_id': {'description': _('The occupation request id returned by create_request')},
def request_status(self, request, request_id):
return {'request_status': self._get_value('GetStatutDemande', request_id=request_id)}
description=_('Get document associated with given request in Signal Arrêtés'),
'request_id': {'description': _('The occupation request id returned by create_request')},
def request_document(self, request, request_id):
result = self._get_value('GetDocumentDemande', request_id=request_id)
if isinstance(result, str):
raise APIError(result)
filename = result['name']
content_type = result['contentType']
content = b64decode(result['content'], validate=True)
except binascii.Error as e:
raise APIError(f'Corrupted base64 content {e}')
response = HttpResponse(content, content_type=content_type)
response['Content-Disposition'] = f'attachment; filename="{filename}"'
return response