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# passerelle - uniform access to multiple data sources and services
# Copyright (C) 2019 Entr'ouvert
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
import datetime
import isodate
from lxml import etree as ET
from zeep.utils import qname_attr
def parse_bool(boolean):
return boolean.lower() == 'true'
def parse_date(date):
if isinstance(date,
return date
return datetime.datetime.strptime('%Y-%m-%d', date).date()
XSD = ''
ns = {'xsd': XSD}
SCHEMA = ET.QName(XSD, 'schema')
ANNOTATION = ET.QName(XSD, 'annotation')
ELEMENT = ET.QName(XSD, 'element')
ATTRIBUTE = ET.QName(XSD, 'attribute')
COMPLEX_TYPE = ET.QName(XSD, 'complexType')
SIMPLE_TYPE = ET.QName(XSD, 'simpleType')
COMPLEX_CONTENT = ET.QName(XSD, 'complexContent')
EXTENSION = ET.QName(XSD, 'extension')
RESTRICTION = ET.QName(XSD, 'restriction')
SEQUENCE = ET.QName(XSD, 'sequence')
CHOICE = ET.QName(XSD, 'choice')
ALL = ET.QName(XSD, 'all')
BOOLEAN = ET.QName(XSD, 'boolean')
STRING = ET.QName(XSD, 'string')
DATE = ET.QName(XSD, 'date')
INT = ET.QName(XSD, 'int')
INTEGER = ET.QName(XSD, 'integer')
DATE_TIME = ET.QName(XSD, 'dateTime')
ANY_TYPE = ET.QName(XSD, 'anyType')
BOOLEAN: parse_bool,
STRING: str,
DATE: parse_date,
INT: int,
DATE_TIME: isodate.parse_datetime,
ANY_TYPE: lambda v: v,
class Schema:
def __init__(self):
self.types = {}
self.elements = {}
self.target_namespace = None
self.element_form_default = 'qualified'
self.attribute_form_default = 'unqualified'
self.nsmap = {}
def visit(self, root):
assert root.tag == SCHEMA
assert set(root.attrib) <= set(['targetNamespace', 'elementFormDefault', 'attributeFormDefault']), (
'unsupported schema attributes %s' % root.attrib
self.target_namespace = root.get('targetNamespace')
self.element_form_default = root.get('elementFormDefault', self.element_form_default)
self.attribute_form_default = root.get('attributeFormDefault', self.attribute_form_default)
self.nsmap = root.nsmap
self.reverse_nsmap = {value: key for key, value in self.nsmap.items()}
# first pass
for node in root:
if node.tag == COMPLEX_TYPE:
name = qname_attr(node, 'name')
assert name, 'unsupported top complexType without name'
self.types[name] = {}
elif node.tag == ELEMENT:
name = qname_attr(node, 'name')
assert name, 'unsupported top element without name'
self.elements[name] = {}
elif node.tag == SIMPLE_TYPE:
name = qname_attr(node, 'name')
assert name, 'unsupported top simpleType without name'
self.types[name] = {}
raise NotImplementedError('unsupported top element %s' % node)
# second pass
for node in root:
if node.tag == COMPLEX_TYPE:
d = self.visit_complex_type(node)
target = self.types
elif node.tag == SIMPLE_TYPE:
d = self.visit_simple_type(node)
target = self.types
elif node.tag == ELEMENT:
d = self.visit_element(node)
target = self.elements
raise NotImplementedError
if not d['name'].namespace and self.target_namespace:
d['name'] = ET.QName(self.target_namespace, d['name'].localname)
target[d['name']] = d
def visit_simple_type(self, node):
# ignore annotations
children = [child for child in node if child.tag != ANNOTATION]
d = {}
name = qname_attr(node, 'name')
if name:
d['name'] = name
assert len(children) == 1, list(node)
assert children[0].tag == RESTRICTION
xsd_type = qname_attr(children[0], 'base')
assert xsd_type == STRING
d['type'] = STRING
return d
def visit_complex_content(self, node):
d = {}
name = qname_attr(node, 'name')
if name:
d['name'] = name
assert len(node) == 1
assert node[0].tag == EXTENSION
xsd_type = qname_attr(node[0], 'base')
d['type'] = xsd_type
return d
def visit_complex_type(self, node):
# ignore annotations
children = [child for child in node if child.tag != ANNOTATION]
if children and children[0].tag in (SEQUENCE, CHOICE, ALL, COMPLEX_CONTENT):
if children[0].tag == SEQUENCE:
d = self.visit_sequence(children[0])
elif children[0].tag == CHOICE:
d = self.visit_choice(children[0])
elif children[0].tag == ALL:
d = self.visit_all(children[0])
elif children[0].tag == COMPLEX_CONTENT:
d = self.visit_complex_content(children[0])
children = children[1:]
d = {}
for child in children:
assert child.tag == ATTRIBUTE, 'unsupported complexType with child %s' % child
name = qname_attr(child, 'name')
assert name, 'attribute without a name %s' % ET.tostring(child)
assert set(child.attrib) <= set(['use', 'type', 'name']), child.attrib
attributes = d.setdefault('attributes', {})
xsd_type = qname_attr(child, 'type')
attributes[name] = {
'name': name,
'use': child.get('use', 'optional'),
'type': xsd_type,
name = qname_attr(node, 'name')
if name:
d['name'] = name
return d
def visit_element(self, node, top=False):
# ignore annotations
assert set(node.attrib.keys()) <= set(['name', 'type', 'minOccurs', 'maxOccurs']), node.attrib
children = [child for child in node if child.tag != ANNOTATION]
# we handle elements with a name and one child, an anonymous complex type
# or element without children referencing a complex type
name = qname_attr(node, 'name')
assert name is not None
min_occurs = node.attrib.get('minOccurs') or 1
max_occurs = node.attrib.get('maxOccurs') or 1
d = {
'name': name,
'min_occurs': int(min_occurs),
'max_occurs': max_occurs if max_occurs == 'unbounded' else int(max_occurs),
if len(children) == 1:
ctype_node = children[0]
assert ctype_node.tag == COMPLEX_TYPE
assert ctype_node.attrib == {}
return d
elif len(children) == 0:
xsd_type = qname_attr(node, 'type')
if xsd_type is None:
xsd_type = STRING
d['type'] = xsd_type
return d
raise NotImplementedError('unsupported element with more than one children %s' % list(node))
def visit_sequence(self, node):
assert set(node.attrib) <= set(['maxOccurs']), node.attrib
sequence = []
for element_node in node:
assert element_node.tag in (
), 'unsupported sequence with child not an element or a choice %s' % ET.tostring(element_node)
if element_node.tag == ELEMENT:
elif element_node.tag == CHOICE:
d = {
'sequence': sequence,
if 'maxOccurs' in node.attrib:
d['max_occurs'] = node.get('maxOccurs', 1)
return d
def visit_all(self, node):
return self.visit_sequence(node)
def visit_choice(self, node):
assert node.attrib == {}, 'unsupported choice with attributes %s' % node.attrib
choice = []
for element_node in node:
assert element_node.tag == ELEMENT, 'unsupported sequence with child not an element %s' % node
return {'choice': choice}
def qname_display(self, name):
if name.namespace in self.reverse_nsmap:
name = '%s:%s' % (self.reverse_nsmap[name.namespace], name.localname)
return str(name)
def paths(self):
roots = sorted(self.elements.keys())
def helper(path, ctype, is_type=False):
name = None
if 'name' in ctype:
name = ctype['name']
max_occurs = ctype.get('max_occurs', 1)
max_occurs = 3 if max_occurs == 'unbounded' else max_occurs
if 'type' in ctype:
if name and not is_type:
path = path + [name]
xsd_type = ctype['type']
if xsd_type in self.types:
sub_type = self.types[xsd_type]
for subpath in helper(path, sub_type, is_type=True):
yield subpath
if max_occurs > 1:
for i in range(max_occurs):
yield path[:-1] + [
ET.QName(name.namespace, name.localname + '_%d' % (i + 1))
], xsd_type
yield path, xsd_type
for extension in (
[''] if max_occurs == 1 else [''] + ['_%s' % i for i in list(range(1, max_occurs + 1))]
new_path = path
if name and not is_type:
new_path = new_path + [ET.QName(name.namespace, name.localname + extension)]
if 'sequence' in ctype:
for sub_ctype in ctype['sequence']:
for subpath in helper(new_path, sub_ctype):
yield subpath
elif 'choice' in ctype:
for sub_ctype in ctype['choice']:
for subpath in helper(new_path, sub_ctype):
yield subpath
for root in roots:
for path in helper([], self.elements[root]):
yield path
class Path:
def __init__(self, path, xsd_type):
assert path
self.path = path
self.xsd_type = xsd_type
self.caster = TYPE_CASTER[xsd_type]
except KeyError:
raise KeyError(str(xsd_type))
def resolve(self, root):
def helper(node, path):
if not path:
return node
for child in node:
if child.tag == path[0]:
return helper(child, path[1:])
if root.tag != self.path[0]:
return None
child = helper(root, self.path[1:])
if child is not None and child.text and not list(child):
return self.caster(child.text)
def __str__(self):
return '.'.join(str(name) for name in self.path)