add phone calls connector (#29829)

This commit is contained in:
Thomas NOËL 2019-01-16 15:36:13 +01:00
parent da4e91d4a0
commit 154e689b3b
6 changed files with 412 additions and 0 deletions

View File

View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Generated by Django 1.11.17 on 2019-01-21 14:14
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from django.db import migrations, models
import django.db.models.deletion
import jsonfield.fields
class Migration(migrations.Migration):
initial = True
dependencies = [
('base', '0010_loggingparameters_trace_emails'),
operations = [
('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
('callee', models.CharField(max_length=64)),
('caller', models.CharField(max_length=64)),
('start_timestamp', models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)),
('end_timestamp', models.DateTimeField(default=None, null=True)),
('details', jsonfield.fields.JSONField(default={})),
'ordering': ['-start_timestamp'],
'verbose_name': 'Phone Call',
('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
('title', models.CharField(max_length=50, verbose_name='Title')),
('description', models.TextField(verbose_name='Description')),
('slug', models.SlugField(unique=True, verbose_name='Identifier')),
('max_call_duration', models.PositiveIntegerField(default=120, help_text='Each hour, too long calls are closed.', verbose_name='Maximum duration of a call, in minutes.')),
('data_retention_period', models.PositiveIntegerField(default=60, help_text='Each day, old calls are removed.', verbose_name='Data retention period, in days.')),
('users', models.ManyToManyField(blank=True, to='base.ApiUser')),
'verbose_name': 'Phone Calls',
field=models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='phonecalls.PhoneCalls'),

View File

@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
# passerelle - uniform access to multiple data sources and services
# Copyright (C) 2019 Entr'ouvert
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
from django.db import models
from django.utils.timezone import now, timedelta, make_naive
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from jsonfield import JSONField
from passerelle.base.models import BaseResource
from passerelle.utils.api import endpoint
class PhoneCalls(BaseResource):
category = _('Telephony')
max_call_duration = models.PositiveIntegerField(
_('Maximum duration of a call, in minutes.'),
help_text=_('Each hour, too long calls are closed.'),
data_retention_period = models.PositiveIntegerField(
_('Data retention period, in days.'),
help_text=_('Each day, old calls are removed.'),
class Meta:
verbose_name = _('Phone Calls')
'callee': {'description': _('Callee number'),
'example_value': '142'},
'caller': {'description': _('Caller number'),
'example_value': '0143350135'},
def call_start(self, request, callee, caller, **kwargs):
existing_call = Call.objects.filter(resource=self,
callee=callee, caller=caller,
if existing_call:
existing_call.details = kwargs
return {'data': existing_call.json()}
new_call = Call(resource=self, callee=callee, caller=caller, details=kwargs)
return {'data': new_call.json()}
'callee': {'description': _('Callee number'),
'example_value': '142'},
'caller': {'description': _('Caller number'),
'example_value': '0143350135'},
def call_stop(self, request, callee, caller, **kwargs):
# close all current callee/caller calls
data = []
for current_call in Call.objects.filter(resource=self,
callee=callee, caller=caller,
current_call.end_timestamp = now()
return {'data': data}
'callee': {'description': _('Callee number'),
'example_value': '142'},
'limit': {'description': _('Maximal number of results')},
def calls(self, request, callee=None, caller=None, limit=30):
calls = Call.objects.filter(resource=self)
if callee:
calls = calls.filter(callee=callee)
if caller:
calls = calls.filter(caller=caller)
def json_list(calls):
return [call.json() for call in calls[:limit]]
return {
'data': {
'current': json_list(calls.filter(end_timestamp__isnull=True)),
'past': json_list(calls.filter(end_timestamp__isnull=False)),
def hourly(self):
super(PhoneCalls, self).hourly()
# close unfinished long calls
maximal_time = now() - timedelta(minutes=self.max_call_duration)
Call.objects.filter(resource=self, end_timestamp=None,
def daily(self):
super(PhoneCalls, self).daily()
# remove finished old calls
maximal_time = now() - timedelta(days=self.data_retention_period)
Call.objects.filter(resource=self, end_timestamp__isnull=False,
class Call(models.Model):
resource = models.ForeignKey(PhoneCalls)
callee = models.CharField(blank=False, max_length=64)
caller = models.CharField(blank=False, max_length=64)
start_timestamp = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
end_timestamp = models.DateTimeField(null=True, default=None)
details = JSONField(default={})
class Meta:
verbose_name = _('Phone Call')
ordering = ['-start_timestamp']
def json(self):
# We use make_naive to send localtime, because this API will be used
# by javascript, which will not be comfortable with UTC datetimes
if self.end_timestamp:
is_current = False
end_timestamp = make_naive(self.end_timestamp)
is_current = True
end_timestamp = None
return {
'caller': self.caller,
'callee': self.callee,
'start': make_naive(self.start_timestamp),
'end': end_timestamp,
'is_current': is_current,
'details': self.details,

View File

@ -138,6 +138,7 @@ INSTALLED_APPS = (

tests/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
import pytest
import utils
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.utils.timezone import now, timedelta
from passerelle.apps.phonecalls.models import PhoneCalls, Call
from passerelle.base.models import ApiUser, AccessRight
def phonecalls(db):
phonecalls = PhoneCalls.objects.create(slug='test')
apikey = ApiUser.objects.create(username='all', keytype='API', key='123')
obj_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(phonecalls)
AccessRight.objects.create(codename='can_access', apiuser=apikey,
return phonecalls
def test_phonecalls_start_stop(app, phonecalls):
start_endpoint = utils.generic_endpoint_url('phonecalls', 'call-start',
assert start_endpoint == '/phonecalls/test/call-start'
stop_endpoint = utils.generic_endpoint_url('phonecalls', 'call-stop',
assert stop_endpoint == '/phonecalls/test/call-stop'
calls_endpoint = utils.generic_endpoint_url('phonecalls', 'calls',
assert calls_endpoint == '/phonecalls/test/calls'
resp = app.get(start_endpoint, status=403)
assert resp.json['err'] == 1
assert resp.json['err_class'] == 'django.core.exceptions.PermissionDenied'
resp = app.get(stop_endpoint, status=403)
assert resp.json['err'] == 1
assert resp.json['err_class'] == 'django.core.exceptions.PermissionDenied'
resp = app.get(calls_endpoint, status=403)
assert resp.json['err'] == 1
assert resp.json['err_class'] == 'django.core.exceptions.PermissionDenied'
resp = app.get(start_endpoint, params={'apikey': '123'}, status=400)
assert resp.json['err'] == 1
assert resp.json['err_class'] == 'passerelle.views.WrongParameter'
assert 'missing parameters' in resp.json['err_desc']
resp = app.get(stop_endpoint, params={'apikey': '123'}, status=400)
assert resp.json['err'] == 1
assert resp.json['err_class'] == 'passerelle.views.WrongParameter'
assert 'missing parameters' in resp.json['err_desc']
resp = app.get(start_endpoint, status=200, params={'apikey': '123',
'callee': '42',
'caller': '0612345678'})
assert resp.json['err'] == 0
assert resp.json['data']['callee'] == '42'
assert resp.json['data']['caller'] == '0612345678'
assert 'start' in resp.json['data']
assert resp.json['data']['end'] is None
assert resp.json['data']['is_current'] is True
assert resp.json['data']['details'] == {}
assert Call.objects.count() == 1
call = Call.objects.first()
assert call.callee == '42'
assert call.caller == '0612345678'
assert call.end_timestamp is None
assert call.details == {}
json_start = resp.json['data']['start']
start = call.start_timestamp
# same call, do nothing
resp = app.get(start_endpoint, status=200, params={'apikey': '123',
'callee': '42',
'caller': '0612345678'})
assert resp.json['err'] == 0
assert resp.json['data']['callee'] == '42'
assert resp.json['data']['caller'] == '0612345678'
assert resp.json['data']['start'] == json_start
assert resp.json['data']['end'] is None
assert resp.json['data']['is_current'] is True
assert Call.objects.count() == 1
call = Call.objects.first()
assert call.callee == '42'
assert call.caller == '0612345678'
assert call.end_timestamp is None
assert call.start_timestamp == start
assert call.details == {}
resp = app.get(start_endpoint, status=200, params={'apikey': '123',
'callee': '42',
'caller': '0612345678',
'foo': 'bar'}) # add details
assert resp.json['err'] == 0
assert resp.json['data']['callee'] == '42'
assert resp.json['data']['caller'] == '0612345678'
assert resp.json['data']['start'] == json_start
assert resp.json['data']['end'] is None
assert resp.json['data']['is_current'] is True
assert resp.json['data']['details'] == {'foo': 'bar'}
assert Call.objects.count() == 1
call = Call.objects.first()
assert call.callee == '42'
assert call.caller == '0612345678'
assert call.end_timestamp is None
assert call.start_timestamp == start
assert call.details == {'foo': 'bar'}
resp = app.get(calls_endpoint, status=200, params={'apikey': '123'})
assert resp.json['err'] == 0
assert len(resp.json['data']['current']) == 1
assert len(resp.json['data']['past']) == 0
resp = app.get(calls_endpoint, status=200, params={'apikey': '123', 'callee': '42'})
assert resp.json['err'] == 0
assert len(resp.json['data']['current']) == 1
assert len(resp.json['data']['past']) == 0
resp = app.get(calls_endpoint, status=200, params={'apikey': '123', 'callee': '43'})
assert resp.json['err'] == 0
assert len(resp.json['data']['current']) == 0
assert len(resp.json['data']['past']) == 0
resp = app.get(start_endpoint, status=200, params={'apikey': '123',
'callee': '43',
'caller': '0687654321'})
assert resp.json['err'] == 0
assert resp.json['data']['callee'] == '43'
assert resp.json['data']['caller'] == '0687654321'
assert Call.objects.count() == 2
assert Call.objects.filter(end_timestamp__isnull=True).count() == 2
resp = app.get(calls_endpoint, status=200, params={'apikey': '123', 'callee': '42'})
assert resp.json['err'] == 0
assert len(resp.json['data']['current']) == 1
assert len(resp.json['data']['past']) == 0
resp = app.get(calls_endpoint, status=200, params={'apikey': '123', 'callee': '43'})
assert resp.json['err'] == 0
assert len(resp.json['data']['current']) == 1
assert len(resp.json['data']['past']) == 0
resp = app.get(stop_endpoint, status=200, params={'apikey': '123',
'callee': '43',
'caller': '0687654321'})
assert resp.json['err'] == 0
assert len(resp.json['data']) == 1
assert resp.json['data'][0]['callee'] == '43'
assert resp.json['data'][0]['caller'] == '0687654321'
assert resp.json['data'][0]['start'] is not None
assert resp.json['data'][0]['end'] is not None
assert resp.json['data'][0]['is_current'] is False
assert Call.objects.count() == 2
assert Call.objects.filter(end_timestamp__isnull=True).count() == 1
assert Call.objects.filter(end_timestamp__isnull=False).count() == 1
# calls by callee
resp = app.get(calls_endpoint, status=200, params={'apikey': '123', 'callee': '42'})
assert resp.json['err'] == 0
assert len(resp.json['data']['current']) == 1
assert len(resp.json['data']['past']) == 0
resp = app.get(calls_endpoint, status=200, params={'apikey': '123', 'callee': '43'})
assert resp.json['err'] == 0
assert len(resp.json['data']['current']) == 0
assert len(resp.json['data']['past']) == 1
resp = app.get(calls_endpoint, status=200, params={'apikey': '123'})
assert resp.json['err'] == 0
assert len(resp.json['data']['current']) == 1
assert len(resp.json['data']['past']) == 1
resp = app.get(calls_endpoint, status=200, params={'apikey': '123', 'callee': 'foo'})
assert resp.json['err'] == 0
assert len(resp.json['data']['current']) == 0
assert len(resp.json['data']['past']) == 0
# calls by caller
resp = app.get(calls_endpoint, status=200, params={'apikey': '123',
'caller': '0612345678'})
assert resp.json['err'] == 0
assert len(resp.json['data']['current']) == 1
assert len(resp.json['data']['past']) == 0
resp = app.get(calls_endpoint, status=200, params={'apikey': '123',
'caller': '0687654321'})
assert resp.json['err'] == 0
assert len(resp.json['data']['current']) == 0
assert len(resp.json['data']['past']) == 1
resp = app.get(calls_endpoint, status=200, params={'apikey': '123',
'caller': 'foo'})
assert resp.json['err'] == 0
assert len(resp.json['data']['current']) == 0
assert len(resp.json['data']['past']) == 0
# create a "too long" current call (> 120 minutes == phonecalls.max_call_duration)
assert Call.objects.count() == 2
assert Call.objects.filter(end_timestamp__isnull=True).count() == 1
assert Call.objects.filter(end_timestamp__isnull=False).count() == 1
current_call = Call.objects.filter(end_timestamp__isnull=True).first()
current_call.start_timestamp = now() - timedelta(minutes=200)
# close too long calls
assert Call.objects.count() == 2
assert Call.objects.filter(end_timestamp__isnull=True).count() == 0
assert Call.objects.filter(end_timestamp__isnull=False).count() == 2
# create a "too old" call (> 60 days == phonecalls.data_retention_period)
old_call = Call.objects.first()
old_call.start_timestamp = old_call.start_timestamp - timedelta(days=100)
old_call.end_timestamp = old_call.end_timestamp - timedelta(days=100)
# remove old calls
assert Call.objects.count() == 1
assert Call.objects.filter(end_timestamp__isnull=True).count() == 0
assert Call.objects.filter(end_timestamp__isnull=False).count() == 1