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# passerelle - uniform access to multiple data sources and services
# Copyright (C) 2021 Entr'ouvert
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
import base64
import json
2021-05-07 11:53:34 +02:00
import httmock
import pytest
from Cryptodome.Cipher import DES
from Cryptodome.Util.Padding import pad, unpad
from django.utils.encoding import force_bytes
import tests.utils
from passerelle.apps.esirius.models import ESirius
from passerelle.utils.jsonresponse import APIError
from tests.test_manager import login
'beginDate': '2021-02-24',
'beginTime': '16:40',
'endDate': '2021-02-24',
'endTime': '17:00',
'comment': 'commentaire',
'isoLanguage': 'fr',
'needsConfirmation': 'False',
'rdvChannel': 'WEBSERVICES',
'receptionChannel': 'WS',
'serviceId': '9',
'siteCode': 'site1',
'resources/id': '1',
'resources/key': '17',
'resources/type': 'STATION',
"beginDate" : "2021-02-26",
"beginTime" : "16:40",
"codeRDV" : "94PEP4",
"comment" : "coucou",
"endDate" : "2021-02-26",
"endTime" : "17:00",
"idSys" : 108840,
"isoLanguage" : "fr",
"motives" : [],
"needsConfirmation" : false,
"rdvChannel" : "EAPP0",
"receptionChannel" : "WS",
"resources" : {
"id" : 29,
"key" : "46",
"name" : "C1",
"type" : "STATION"
"serviceId" : "39",
"siteCode" : "site1",
"siteIdSys" : 5,
"user" : {
"additionalPersonalIdentity" : [],
"address" : {},
"civility" : "",
"idSys" : "95897"
def connector(db):
return tests.utils.setup_access_rights(
slug='test', secret_id='xxx', secret_key='yyy', base_url=''
def get_endpoint(name):
return tests.utils.generic_endpoint_url('esirius', name)
@pytest.mark.freeze_time('2021-01-26 15:13:6.880') # epoch + 1611673986.88 s
def test_token(connector):
connector.secret_id = 'eAppointment'
connector.secret_key = 'ES2I Info Caller Http Encryption Key'
def esirius_mock(url, request):
assert (
== b'yM4zYAxT67Qvjd20riG3j0eu0t0Ku+HLlttj17Gul7zkruFaXX1J8BJ6sV2Ldgw40axfWh+ESAY='
return httmock.response(200)
with httmock.HTTMock(esirius_mock):
connector.request('an/uri/', method='get', params="somes")
@pytest.mark.parametrize('secret_key', ['yyy', ''])
def test_pre_request(connector, secret_key):
@httmock.urlmatch(netloc='', path='/an/uri/', method='GET')
def esirius_mock(url, request):
assert request.headers['Accept'] == 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
assert bool(request.headers.get('token_info_caller')) == bool(secret_key)
if secret_key:
des_key = pad(force_bytes(secret_key), 8)[:8]
cipher =, DES.MODE_ECB)
msg = cipher.decrypt(base64.b64decode(request.headers['token_info_caller']))
token = json.loads(unpad(msg, 8))
assert set(token) == {'caller', 'createInfo'}
assert token['caller'] == connector.secret_id
return httmock.response(200)
connector.secret_key = secret_key
with httmock.HTTMock(esirius_mock):
connector.request('an/uri/', method='get', params="somes")
'status_code, content, a_dict',
(400, '{"message": "help"}', {'message': 'help'}),
(500, 'not json', None),
def test_post_request(connector, status_code, content, a_dict):
@httmock.urlmatch(netloc='', path='/an/uri/', method='GET')
def esirius_mock(url, request):
return httmock.response(status_code, content)
with pytest.raises(APIError) as exc:
with httmock.HTTMock(esirius_mock):
connector.request('an/uri/', params="somes")
assert exc.value.err
assert['status_code'] == status_code
assert['json_content'] == a_dict
@pytest.mark.parametrize('status_code, is_up', [(200, True), (500, False), (503, False)])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('content', ['wathever', '{"message": "help"}'])
def test_check_status(app, connector, status_code, is_up, content):
def esirius_mock(url, request):
return httmock.response(status_code, content)
if is_up:
with httmock.HTTMock(esirius_mock):
with pytest.raises(APIError):
with httmock.HTTMock(esirius_mock):
def test_create_appointment(app, connector):
endpoint = get_endpoint('create-appointment')
@httmock.urlmatch(netloc='', path='/appointments/', method='POST')
def esirius_mock(url, request):
assert json.loads(request.body)['resources'] == {'id': '1', 'key': '17', 'type': 'STATION'}
return httmock.response(200, b'94PEP4')
with httmock.HTTMock(esirius_mock):
resp = app.post_json(endpoint, params=CREATE_APPOINTMENT_PAYLOAD)
assert not resp.json['err']
assert resp.json['data'] == {'id': '94PEP4', 'created': True}
def test_create_appointment_error_404(app, connector):
endpoint = get_endpoint('create-appointment')
# payload not providing or providing an unconfigured serviceId
del payload['serviceId']
@httmock.urlmatch(netloc='', path='/appointments/', method='POST')
def esirius_mock(url, request):
return httmock.response(
'code': 'Not Found',
'type': 'com.es2i.planning.api.exception.NoService4RDVException',
'message': "Le rendez-vous {0} n'a pas créé",
with httmock.HTTMock(esirius_mock):
resp = app.post_json(endpoint, params=payload)
assert resp.json['err']
assert resp.json['data']['status_code'] == 404
assert resp.json['data']['json_content'] == {
'code': 'Not Found',
'type': 'com.es2i.planning.api.exception.NoService4RDVException',
'message': "Le rendez-vous {0} n'a pas créé",
def test_create_appointment_error_500(app, connector):
endpoint = get_endpoint('create-appointment')
# payload not providing beginTime
payload = {'beginDate': '2021-02-23'}
@httmock.urlmatch(netloc='', path='/appointments/', method='POST')
def esirius_mock(url, request):
return httmock.response(500, 'java stack')
with httmock.HTTMock(esirius_mock):
resp = app.post_json(endpoint, params=payload)
assert resp.json['err']
assert resp.json['err_class'] == 'passerelle.utils.jsonresponse.APIError'
assert resp.json['err_desc'] == "error status:500 None, content:'java stack'"
assert resp.json['data']['status_code'] == 500
assert resp.json['data']['json_content'] is None
def test_update_appointment(app, connector):
endpoint = get_endpoint('update-appointment')
@httmock.urlmatch(netloc='', path='/appointments', method='PUT')
def esirius_mock(url, request):
assert 'codeRDV' in json.loads(request.body).keys()
return httmock.response(200, b'')
with httmock.HTTMock(esirius_mock):
resp = app.post_json(endpoint + '?id=94PEP4', params=CREATE_APPOINTMENT_PAYLOAD)
assert not resp.json['err']
assert resp.json['data'] == {'id': '94PEP4', 'updated': True}
def test_update_appointment_error(app, connector):
endpoint = get_endpoint('update-appointment')
payload['idSys'] = 42
@httmock.urlmatch(netloc='', path='/appointments', method='PUT')
def esirius_mock(url, request):
raise ResourceWarning
with httmock.HTTMock(esirius_mock):
resp = app.post_json(endpoint + '?id=94PEP4', params=payload, status=400)
assert resp.json['err']
assert resp.json['err_class'] == 'passerelle.utils.jsonresponse.APIError'
assert resp.json['err_desc'] == "idSys: 42 is not of type 'string'"
def test_get_appointment(app, connector):
endpoint = get_endpoint('get-appointment')
@httmock.urlmatch(netloc='', path='/appointments/94PEP4/', method='GET')
def esirius_mock(url, request):
return httmock.response(200, GET_APPOINTMENT_RESPONSE)
with httmock.HTTMock(esirius_mock):
resp = app.get(endpoint + '?id=94PEP4')
assert not resp.json['err']
assert resp.json['data']['codeRDV'] == '94PEP4'
assert resp.json['data'] == json.loads(GET_APPOINTMENT_RESPONSE)
def test_get_appointment_error(app, connector):
endpoint = get_endpoint('get-appointment')
@httmock.urlmatch(netloc='', path='/appointments/42OUPS/', method='GET')
def esirius_mock(url, request):
return httmock.response(404, '{"code":"Not Found", "message":"Le rendez-vous {0} n\'existe pas"}')
with httmock.HTTMock(esirius_mock):
resp = app.get(endpoint + '?id=42OUPS')
assert resp.json['err']
assert resp.json['err_class'] == 'passerelle.utils.jsonresponse.APIError'
assert resp.json['data']['status_code'] == 404
assert resp.json['data']['json_content'] == {
"code": "Not Found",
"message": "Le rendez-vous {0} n'existe pas",
def test_delete_appointment(app, connector):
endpoint = get_endpoint('delete-appointment')
@httmock.urlmatch(netloc='', path='/appointments/94PEP4/', method='DELETE')
def esirius_mock(url, request):
return httmock.response(200, b'')
with httmock.HTTMock(esirius_mock):
resp = app.delete(endpoint + '?id=94PEP4')
assert not resp.json['err']
assert resp.json['data'] == {'id': '94PEP4', 'deleted': True}
def test_delete_appointment_error(app, connector):
endpoint = get_endpoint('delete-appointment')
@httmock.urlmatch(netloc='', path='/appointments/42OUPS/', method='DELETE')
def esirius_mock(url, request):
return httmock.response(304, b'')
with httmock.HTTMock(esirius_mock):
resp = app.delete(endpoint + '?id=42OUPS')
assert resp.json['err']
assert resp.json['err_desc'] == 'Appointment not found'
def test_manager(db, app, admin_user, connector):
url = '/%s/%s/' % (connector.get_connector_slug(), connector.slug)
connector.title = 'Test'
connector.description = 'Test eSirius'
resp = app.get(url)
resp ='Edit')
assert resp.html.find('div', {'id': 'id_secret_key_p'}).input['value'] == 'yyy'
resp = resp.form.submit()
assert (
'DES key must be 8 bytes long'
in resp.html.find('div', {'id': 'id_secret_key_p'}).find('div', {'class': 'error'}).text
resp.form['secret_key'] = '8 bytes!'
resp = resp.form.submit()
assert ESirius.objects.get().secret_key == '8 bytes!'
# accept an empty key
resp = app.get(url)
resp ='Edit')
assert resp.html.find('div', {'id': 'id_secret_key_p'}).input['value'] == '8 bytes!'
resp.form['secret_key'] = ''
resp = resp.form.submit()
assert ESirius.objects.get().secret_key == ''