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# passerelle - uniform access to multiple data sources and services
# Copyright (C) 2021 Entr'ouvert
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
import json
import os
import httmock
import pytest
import tests.utils
from passerelle.contrib.sigerly.models import Sigerly
TEST_BASE_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data', 'sigerly')
def connector(db):
return tests.utils.setup_access_rights(
Sigerly.objects.create(slug='test', base_url='')
def json_get_data(filename):
with open(os.path.join(TEST_BASE_DIR, "%s.json" % filename)) as fd:
return json.dumps(json.load(fd))
def get_endpoint(name):
return tests.utils.generic_endpoint_url('sigerly', name)
'status_code, content, err_desc',
(500, 'xxx', 'bad response code from API: 500'),
(400, 'xxx', 'bad response code from API: 400'),
(200, 'not json', 'invalid JSON content'),
def test_request_error(app, connector, status_code, content, err_desc):
endpoint = get_endpoint('query')
def sigerly_mock(url, request):
return httmock.response(status_code, content)
with httmock.HTTMock(sigerly_mock):
resp = app.post_json(endpoint, params={})
assert resp.json['err']
assert err_desc in resp.json['err_desc']
def test_create(app, connector):
endpoint = get_endpoint('create')
payload = {
'demandeur': 'Test webservice',
'id_typeinterv': '5',
'id_urgence': '1',
'id_qualification': '8',
'observations': 'Test webservice',
'elements': 'LIMW003D:LIMWW003C',
@httmock.urlmatch(netloc='', path='/createIntervention.php', method='POST')
def sigerly_mock(url, request):
assert request.headers['Accept'] == 'application/json'
assert json.loads(request.body)['elements'] == ['LIMW003D', 'LIMWW003C']
assert 'nom_rue' not in json.loads(request.body)
return httmock.response(200, json.dumps({'success': True, 'message': '7830'}))
with httmock.HTTMock(sigerly_mock):
resp = app.post_json(endpoint, params=payload)
assert not resp.json['err']
assert resp.json['data']['message'] == '7830' # id unusable within query endpoint
def test_create_nom_rue(app, connector):
endpoint = get_endpoint('create')
payload = {
'demandeur': 'Test webservice',
'id_typeinterv': '5',
'id_urgence': '1',
'id_qualification': '8',
'observations': 'Test webservice',
'nom_rue': 'some place',
@httmock.urlmatch(netloc='', path='/createIntervention.php', method='POST')
def sigerly_mock(url, request):
assert request.headers['Accept'] == 'application/json'
assert json.loads(request.body)['nom_rue'] == 'some place'
assert 'elements' not in json.loads(request.body)
return httmock.response(200, json.dumps({'success': True, 'message': '7830'}))
with httmock.HTTMock(sigerly_mock):
resp = app.post_json(endpoint, params=payload)
assert not resp.json['err']
assert resp.json['data']['message'] == '7830' # id unusable within query endpoint
'success, message, err_desc',
(False, 'an error message', 'an error message'),
(True, '', 'No intervention id returned'),
def test_create_error(app, connector, success, message, err_desc):
endpoint = get_endpoint('create')
payload = {
'demandeur': 'Test webservice',
'id_typeinterv': '5',
'id_urgence': '1',
'id_qualification': '8',
'observations': 'Test webservice',
'elements': 'LIMW003D:LIMWW003C',
@httmock.urlmatch(netloc='', path='/createIntervention.php', method='POST')
def sigerly_mock(url, request):
assert request.headers['Accept'] == 'application/json'
return httmock.response(200, json.dumps({'success': success, 'message': message}))
with httmock.HTTMock(sigerly_mock):
resp = app.post_json(endpoint, params=payload)
assert resp.json['err']
assert resp.json['err_desc'] == err_desc
def test_query_id(app, connector):
endpoint = get_endpoint('query')
payload = {
'id_intervention': '10914',
@httmock.urlmatch(netloc='', path='/getIntervention.php', method='POST')
def sigerly_mock(url, request):
assert request.headers['Accept'] == 'application/json'
assert json.loads(request.body) == {'id_intervention': 10914}
return httmock.response(200, json_get_data('getIntervention_1'))
with httmock.HTTMock(sigerly_mock):
resp = app.post_json(endpoint, params=payload)
assert not resp.json['err']
assert len(resp.json['data']) == 1
assert resp.json['data'][0]['id_demande_web'] == 10914
assert resp.json['data'][0]['idinterv'] == 22014
elements = resp.json['data'][0]['elements']
assert len(elements) == 2
assert [x['ident'] for x in elements] == ['LIMW003D', 'LIMW003C']
def test_query_filters(app, connector):
endpoint = get_endpoint('query')
payload = {
'date_debut_demande': '19/11/2020',
'date_fin_demande': '19/11/2020',
'insee': '::069291:::069283::',
@httmock.urlmatch(netloc='', path='/getIntervention.php', method='POST')
def sigerly_mock(url, request):
assert request.headers['Accept'] == 'application/json'
assert json.loads(request.body)['insee'] == ['069291', '069283']
return httmock.response(200, json_get_data('getIntervention_2'))
with httmock.HTTMock(sigerly_mock):
resp = app.post_json(endpoint, params=payload)
assert not resp.json['err']
assert len(resp.json['data']) == 2
assert [x['date_emission'] for x in resp.json['data']] == ['2020-11-19'] * 2
assert [x['inseecommune'] for x in resp.json['data']] == ['069291'] * 2