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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of passerelle-atreal-openads - a Publik connector to openADS
# Copyright (C) 2019 Atreal
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
"""Testing utilities functions."""
import base64
import re
from django.utils.encoding import force_text
import pytest
from atreal_openads.utils import (
def test_to_dash_case():
"""Test for function 'to_dash_case()'."""
astring = 'ACamelCaseName'
assert to_dash_case(astring) == 'a-camel-case-name'
assert to_dash_case('') == ''
def test_force_encoded_string_output(): # pylint: disable=invalid-name
"""Test for function 'force_encoded_string_output()'."""
def a_str_function():
"""Return a hardcoded string 'toto'."""
return str('toto')
ret = force_encoded_string_output(a_str_function)()
assert isinstance(ret, str)
ret = force_encoded_string_output(a_str_function, 'latin1')()
assert isinstance(ret, str)
def an_unicode_function():
"""Return a hardcoded string 'toto' in unicode."""
return u'toto'
ret = force_encoded_string_output(an_unicode_function)()
assert isinstance(ret, str)
ret = force_encoded_string_output(an_unicode_function, 'latin1')()
assert isinstance(ret, str)
def test_strip_tags():
"""Test for function 'strip_tags()'."""
base_string = 'aaa b cc '
assert strip_tags(base_string) == base_string
astring = base_string + '<em>dd'
assert strip_tags(astring) == base_string + 'dd'
astring = base_string + '<em>dd</em>'
assert strip_tags(astring) == base_string + 'dd'
astring = base_string + '<em>dd</em>'
assert strip_tags(astring) == base_string + 'dd'
astring = base_string + ' 1 < 3'
assert strip_tags(astring) == base_string + ' 1 < 3'
def test_clean_spaces():
"""Test for function 'clean_spaces()'."""
astring = 'aaa b cc '
assert clean_spaces(astring) == 'aaa b cc'
astring = 'a\ta b\nb c\rc d\\n\\r\\td'
assert clean_spaces(astring) == 'a a b b c c d d'
def test_normalize():
"""Test for function 'normalize()'."""
assert normalize(None) == ''
astring = 'aaa b cc '
assert normalize(astring) == 'aaa b cc'
astring = 'a\ta b\nb c\rc d\\n\\r\\td'
assert normalize(astring) == 'a a b b c c d d'
def test_get_file_data(fake_conf):
"""Test for function 'get_file_data()'."""
assert get_file_data(fake_conf['TEST_FILE_CERFA_DIA']) == base64.b64encode(
open(fake_conf['TEST_FILE_CERFA_DIA'], 'rb').read())
assert get_file_data(fake_conf['TEST_FILE_CERFA_DIA'], b64=False) == open(
fake_conf['TEST_FILE_CERFA_DIA'], 'rb').read()
def test_get_file_digest(fake_conf):
"""Test for function 'get_file_digest()'."""
with open(fake_conf['TEST_FILE_CERFA_DIA'], 'rb') as file_pt:
assert get_file_digest(file_pt) == ('cc90a620982760fdee16a5b4fe1b5ac3'
def test_get_upload_path(forwardfile_2):
"""Test for function 'get_upload_path()'."""
regex = r"^to_openADS__%s__%s\.pdf$" % (
'[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}_[0-9]{2}h[0-9]{2}m[0-9]{2}s[0-9]+', 'ffdf')
assert, get_upload_path(forwardfile_2))
def test_get_file_extension():
"""Test for function 'get_file_extension()'."""
assert get_file_extension('afile.pdf') == '.pdf'
assert get_file_extension('afile', 'application/pdf') == '.pdf'
assert get_file_extension('') == ''
assert get_file_extension('afile') == ''
def test_trunc_str_values():
"""Test for function 'trunc_str_values()'."""
dic = {}
assert trunc_str_values(dic, 10) == dic
dic = {'a': '123456789'}
assert trunc_str_values(dic, 0) == {'a': u''}
dic = {'a': '123456789'}
assert trunc_str_values(dic, 1) == {'a': u'1…'}
dic = {'a': '123456789'}
assert trunc_str_values(dic, 2) == {'a': u'12…'}
dic = {'a': '123456789'}
assert trunc_str_values(dic, 5) == {'a': u'12345…'}
dic = {'a': '123456789'}
assert trunc_str_values(dic, 8) == {'a': u'12345678…'}
dic = {'a': '123456789'}
assert trunc_str_values(dic, 9) == {'a': u'123456789'}
dic = {'a': '123456789'}
assert trunc_str_values(dic, 10) == dic
dic = {'a': '123456789', 'b123456789': '987654321'}
assert trunc_str_values(dic, 5) == {'a': u'12345…', 'b123456789': u'98765…'}
dic = {'a': '123456789', 'b123456789': '987654321', 'c': {'c1': 'ABCDEFGHIJK'}}
assert trunc_str_values(dic, 5) == {'a': u'12345…', 'b123456789': u'98765…',
'c': {'c1': u'ABCDE…'}}
dic = {'a': '123456789', 'b123456789': '987654321', 'c': {'c1': 'ABCDEFGHIJK'},
'd': ['123456789']}
assert trunc_str_values(dic, 5) == {'a': u'12345…', 'b123456789': u'98765…',
'c': {'c1': u'ABCDE…'}, 'd': [u'12345…']}
dic = {'a': '123456789', 'b123456789': '987654321', 'c': {'c1': 'ABCDEFGHIJK'},
'd': ['123456789', {'eeeeeeeeee': '132456789'}]}
assert trunc_str_values(dic, 5) == {'a': u'12345…', 'b123456789': u'98765…',
'c': {'c1': u'ABCDE…'},
'd': [u'12345…', {'eeeeeeeeee': u'13245…'}]}
def test_dict_dumper():
"""Test for methods of class 'DictDumper'."""
dic = {}
dumped = DictDumper(dic, use_json_dumps=False)
assert repr(dumped) == (u'DictDumper(dic=%r,max_str_len=%r,use_json_dumps=%r)' % (
dic, dumped.max_str_len, dumped.use_json_dumps))
assert str(dumped) == '{}'
assert force_text(dumped) == u'{}'
assert dic == dumped.dic
assert force_text(dic) == force_text(dumped)
dumped = DictDumper(dic, 0, use_json_dumps=False)
assert dic == dumped.dic
assert force_text(dic) == force_text(dumped)
dic = {'a': '123456789'}
dumped = DictDumper(dic, 10, use_json_dumps=False)
assert dic == dumped.dic
assert force_text(dic) == force_text(dumped)
dumped = DictDumper(dic, 5, use_json_dumps=False)
assert dic == dumped.dic
assert force_text(dumped) == force_text({'a': u'12345…'})
dumped = DictDumper(dic, 5, use_json_dumps=True)
assert dic == dumped.dic
assert force_text(dumped) == u'{"a": "12345\\u2026"}'
# pylint: disable=unused-argument,redefined-outer-name
def test_base_model(fake_conf, atreal_openads, collectivite_1, collectivite_1_guichet,
"""Test for methods of class 'BaseModel' through instance of a ForwardFile."""
assert forwardfile_1.get_verbose_name() == 'Forward File'
assert forwardfile_1.get_verbose_name_plural() == 'Forward Files'
assert forwardfile_1.get_class_name() == 'ForwardFile'
assert forwardfile_1.get_class_name_plural() == 'ForwardFiles'
assert forwardfile_1.get_class_name_dash_case() == 'forward-file'
assert forwardfile_1.get_class_name_plural_dash_case() == 'forward-files'
assert forwardfile_1.get_class_name_title() == 'Forward File'
assert forwardfile_1.get_class_name_plural_title() == 'Forward Files'
assert forwardfile_1.get_url_name('list', plural=True) == 'list-forward-files'
assert forwardfile_1.get_absolute_url() == '/manage/atreal-openads/atreal/forward-file/%s' %
assert forwardfile_1.get_edit_url() == '/manage/atreal-openads/atreal/edit-forward-file/%s' %
assert forwardfile_1.get_delete_url() == '/manage/atreal-openads/atreal/delete-forward-file/%s' %
assert forwardfile_1.get_list_url() == '/manage/atreal-openads/atreal/forward-files'
assert atreal_openads.get_class_name_plural() == 'AtrealOpenads'
assert atreal_openads.get_url_name('view') == 'view-connector'
params = atreal_openads.get_url_params(True)
assert params['connector'] == 'atreal-openads'
assert params['slug'] == atreal_openads.slug
with pytest.raises(Exception) as exception:
assert force_text(exception.value) == u"AtrealOpenads:get_list_url() method should not be called"
# TODO add more collectivite test cases
with pytest.raises(Exception) as exception:
assert force_text(exception.value) == u"Guichet:get_list_url() method should not be called"