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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of passerelle-atreal-openads - a Publik connector to openADS
# Copyright (C) 2019 Atreal
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
"""Tests for connector AtrealOpenads."""
# pylint: disable=too-many-lines
import base64
import datetime
import json
import os
import re
import magic
import mock
import pytest
from requests import Response
from django.http import Http404
from django.http.request import HttpRequest, QueryDict
from django.http.response import JsonResponse
from django.core.files import File
from django.core.files.base import ContentFile
#from django.db.models.query import QuerySet
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from passerelle.utils.jsonresponse import APIError
from passerelle.base.models import Job
from atreal_openads.utils import (
from atreal_openads.models import (
CONNECTOR_NAME = 'atreal-openads'
OPENADS_API_LOGIN = 'publik-passerelle'
OPENADS_API_PASSWORD = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(os.urandom(20))
OPENADS_API_URL = 'http://openads.api/'
FAKE_COOKIE_CRSF = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(os.urandom(20))
FAKE_NUMERO_DOSSIER = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(os.urandom(10))
TESTS_DIR = os.path.dirname(__file__)
RESOURCES_DIR = os.path.join(TESTS_DIR, 'resources')
TEST_FILE_CERFA_DIA = os.path.join(RESOURCES_DIR, 'cerfa_10072-02.pdf')
TEST_FILE_PLAN_CADASTRAL = os.path.join(RESOURCES_DIR, 'plancadastral.pdf')
# pylint: disable=unused-argument,invalid-name
def atreal_openads(db):
"""Return an instance of a connector AtrealOpenads."""
return AtrealOpenads.objects.create(
# pylint: disable=unused-argument,redefined-outer-name,invalid-name
def collectivite_1(db, atreal_openads):
"""Return an instance of a 'Collectivite'."""
return Collectivite.objects.create( # pylint: disable=no-member
# pylint: disable=unused-argument,redefined-outer-name,invalid-name
def collectivite_1_guichet(db, atreal_openads, collectivite_1):
"""Return an instance of a 'Guichet'."""
return Guichet.objects.create( # pylint: disable=no-member
ouverture_jour_h=datetime.time(9, 0),
fermeture_jour_h=datetime.time(17, 0),
ouverture_sem_d=1, # Lundi
fermeture_sem_d=5, # Vendredi
ouverture_sem_h=datetime.time(8, 30),
fermeture_sem_h=datetime.time(12, 15)
def build_forwardfile_from_path(connecteur, path, numero_dossier, type_fichier):
"""Convert a file path to a ForwardFile."""
if path:
rand_id = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(os.urandom(6))
fwd_file = ForwardFile()
fwd_file.connecteur = connecteur
fwd_file.numero_demande = rand_id
fwd_file.numero_dossier = numero_dossier
fwd_file.type_fichier = type_fichier
fwd_file.orig_filename = os.path.basename(path)
fwd_file.content_type = magic.from_file(path, mime=True)
with open(path, 'r') as file_pt:
fwd_file.file_hash = get_file_digest(file_pt)
fwd_file.upload_file = File(open(path, 'r'))
fwd_file.upload_status = 'pending'
return fwd_file
return None
# pylint: disable=unused-argument,redefined-outer-name
def test_forward_file(atreal_openads):
"""Test ForwardFile object methods."""
forwardfile = ForwardFile(
# pylint: disable=no-member,
assert repr(forwardfile) == (
',demande=%s,dossier=%s,type=%s,filename=%s,status=%s)' % (, unicode(forwardfile.connecteur), None, # pylint: disable=no-member
forwardfile.numero_demande, forwardfile.numero_dossier,
forwardfile.type_fichier, forwardfile.orig_filename, forwardfile.upload_status
assert str(forwardfile) == '%s[%s]' % (trunc_str_values(forwardfile.orig_filename, 20),
assert unicode(forwardfile) == u'%s[%s]' % (trunc_str_values(forwardfile.orig_filename, 20),
assert forwardfile.get_status() == 'Pending'
assert forwardfile.get_status('invalid') == 'invalid'
params = forwardfile.get_url_params()
assert params['connecteur'] == atreal_openads.slug
assert forwardfile.upload_file is not None
assert forwardfile.upload_file.size > 0
assert forwardfile.size == forwardfile.upload_file.size
assert forwardfile.file_hash == ('811588016518eedeb4507f3e4c41be95'
forwardfile.content_type = 'application/pdf'
forwardfile.upload_status = 'success'
assert forwardfile.upload_status == 'success'
assert forwardfile.get_status() == 'Success'
assert forwardfile.content_type == 'application/pdf'
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exception:
forwardfile.upload_file.size # pylint: disable=pointless-statement
assert unicode(exception.value) == "The 'upload_file' attribute has no file associated with it."
assert forwardfile.size > 0
assert forwardfile.file_hash == ('811588016518eedeb4507f3e4c41be95'
forwardfile.file_hash = ''
assert forwardfile.file_hash == ''
assert forwardfile.content_type == ''
forwardfile.orig_filename = ''
with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as exception:
assert len(exception.value.messages) == 1
assert '__all__' in exception.value.message_dict
assert unicode(exception.value.message_dict['__all__'][0]) == (
u"A %s cannot have all the following fields empty: %s." % (
['file_hash', 'orig_filename', 'upload_file']))
# pylint: disable=unused-argument,redefined-outer-name
def test_collectivite(collectivite_1, collectivite_1_guichet):
"""Test Collectivite object methods."""
col = collectivite_1
assert repr(col) == (
u'Collectivite(id=%s,name=%s,connecteur=%s,openADS_id=%s,guichet=%s)' % (
1, unicode(, unicode(col.connecteur), col.openADS_id,
unicode(col.guichet) if hasattr(col, 'guichet') else None
assert str(col) =='utf-8')
assert unicode(col) ==
class_fields = Collectivite.get_fields()
assert len(class_fields) == 6
assert class_fields[0].name == 'id'
assert class_fields[1].name == 'name'
assert class_fields[2].name == 'connecteur'
assert class_fields[3].name == 'openADS_id'
assert class_fields[4].name == 'guichet'
assert class_fields[5].name == 'forward_file'
instance_fields = col.get_fields_kv()
assert len(instance_fields) == 6
assert instance_fields[0][0].name == 'id'
assert instance_fields[1][0].name == 'name'
assert instance_fields[2][0].name == 'connecteur'
assert instance_fields[3][0].name == 'openADS_id'
assert instance_fields[4][0].name == 'guichet'
assert instance_fields[5][0].name == 'forward_file'
assert instance_fields[0][1] ==
assert instance_fields[1][1] ==
assert instance_fields[2][1] is col.connecteur
assert instance_fields[3][1] == col.openADS_id
assert instance_fields[4][1] is col.guichet
assert instance_fields[5][1] is None # shouldn't it be QuerySet?
params = col.get_url_params()
assert params['connecteur'] == col.connecteur.slug
# pylint: disable=unused-argument,redefined-outer-name
def test_guichet(collectivite_1_guichet):
"""Test Guichet object methods."""
guichet = collectivite_1_guichet
assert repr(guichet) == (
u'Guichet(id=%s,collectivite=%s,%s)' % (
1, unicode(guichet.collectivite), unicode(guichet)
assert str(guichet) == u'Monday 08:30 -> Friday 12:15 [09:00/17:00]'.encode('utf-8')
assert unicode(guichet) == u'Monday 08:30 -> Friday 12:15 [09:00/17:00]'
params = guichet.get_url_params()
assert params['collectivite'] ==
with pytest.raises(Exception) as exception:
assert unicode(exception.value) == u"Guichet:get_list_url() method should not be called"
# pylint: disable=unused-argument,redefined-outer-name
def test_guichet_is_open(collectivite_1_guichet): # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
"""Test the method Guichet.is_open()."""
guichet = collectivite_1_guichet
dt_fmt = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'
d_monday = '2019-07-29'
d_sunday = '2019-07-28'
d_saturday = '2019-07-27'
d_friday = '2019-07-26'
d_thursday = '2019-07-25'
d_wednesday = '2019-07-24'
d_tuesday = '2019-07-22'
t_open = '10:44'
t_closed_before = '6:33'
t_closed_after = '20:08'
for date_str in [d_monday, d_tuesday, d_wednesday, d_thursday, d_friday]:
for time_and_cond in [(t_open, True), (t_closed_before, False), (t_closed_after, False)]:
date_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_str + ' ' + time_and_cond[0], dt_fmt)
assert guichet.is_open(date_time) == time_and_cond[1]
date_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(d_friday + ' 16:12', dt_fmt)
assert not guichet.is_open(date_time)
for date_str in [d_saturday, d_sunday]:
for time_str in [t_open, t_closed_before, t_closed_after]:
date_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_str + ' ' + time_str, dt_fmt)
assert not guichet.is_open(date_time)
with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exception:
guichet.is_open('invalid datetime')
assert unicode(exception.value) == u"is_open() expect a datetime object (not a %s)" % type('')
assert not guichet.is_open(None)
# pylint: disable=unused-argument,redefined-outer-name
def test_log_json_payload(atreal_openads):
"""Test the logging of JSON payload."""
# TODO implement
assert True
# change the debug file path
# check that the function log to it
# check that what was is logged is correct
# pylint: disable=unused-argument,redefined-outer-name
def test_get_files_from_payload(atreal_openads):
"""Test the method AtrealOpenads.get_files_from_payload()."""
title = 'payload'
assert atreal_openads.get_files_from_payload({'files':[{'a':'file'}]}) == [{'a':'file'}]
with pytest.raises(APIError) as exception:
assert unicode(exception.value) == u"Expecting '%s' key in JSON %s" % ('files', title)
with pytest.raises(APIError) as exception:
atreal_openads.get_files_from_payload({'files': 'invalid'})
assert unicode(exception.value) == u"Expecting '%s' value in JSON %s to be a %s (not a %s)" % (
'files', title, 'list', type(''))
with pytest.raises(APIError) as exception:
atreal_openads.get_files_from_payload({'files': {'i':'invalid'}})
assert unicode(exception.value) == u"Expecting '%s' value in JSON %s to be a %s (not a %s)" % (
'files', title, 'list', type({}))
with pytest.raises(APIError) as exception:
atreal_openads.get_files_from_payload({'files': []})
assert unicode(exception.value) == u"Expecting non-empty '%s' value in JSON %s" % (
'files', title)
# pylint: disable=unused-argument,redefined-outer-name
def test_check_file_dict(atreal_openads):
"""Test the method AtrealOpenads.check_file_dict()."""
title = 'payload'
dic = {
'content': get_file_data(TEST_FILE_CERFA_DIA, b64=False),
'filename': os.path.basename(TEST_FILE_CERFA_DIA),
'content_type': 'application/pdf'
d64 = {
'b64_content': get_file_data(TEST_FILE_CERFA_DIA, b64=True),
'filename': os.path.basename(TEST_FILE_CERFA_DIA),
'content_type': 'application/pdf'
assert atreal_openads.check_file_dict(dic, b64=False) is None
assert atreal_openads.check_file_dict(d64) is None
dic['filename'] = {'a', 'filename'}
with pytest.raises(APIError) as exception:
atreal_openads.check_file_dict(dic, b64=False)
assert unicode(exception.value) == (
u"Expecting '%s' value in JSON %s in file dict to be a %s (not a %s)" % (
'file.filename', title, 'string', type(dic['filename'])))
dic['content'] = {'a', 'filename'}
with pytest.raises(APIError) as exception:
atreal_openads.check_file_dict(dic, b64=False)
assert unicode(exception.value) == (
u"Expecting '%s' value in JSON %s in file dict to be a %s (not a %s)" % (
'file.content', title, 'string', type(dic['content'])))
del dic['content']
with pytest.raises(APIError) as exception:
atreal_openads.check_file_dict(dic, b64=False)
assert unicode(exception.value) == u"Expecting 'file.%s' key in JSON %s" % ('content', title)
del d64['b64_content']
with pytest.raises(APIError) as exception:
atreal_openads.check_file_dict(dic, b64=True)
assert unicode(exception.value) == (
u"Expecting 'file.%s' key in JSON %s" % ('b64_content', title))
# pylint: disable=unused-argument,redefined-outer-name
def test_get_first_file_from_payload(atreal_openads): # pylint: disable=invalid-name
"""Test the method AtrealOpenads.get_first_file_from_payload()."""
title = 'payload'
dic = {
'files': [{
'content': get_file_data(TEST_FILE_CERFA_DIA, b64=False),
'filename': os.path.basename(TEST_FILE_CERFA_DIA),
'content_type': 'application/pdf'
assert atreal_openads.get_first_file_from_payload(
dic, title, ensure_content=True, b64=False) == dic['files'][0]
# pylint: disable=unused-argument,redefined-outer-name
def test_check_status(atreal_openads):
"""Test the method AtrealOpenads.check_status()."""
fake_resp_json = {
'message': 'Service online'
fake_resp = JsonResponse(fake_resp_json)
with mock.patch('passerelle.utils.Request.get') as requests_get:
requests_get.return_value = mock.Mock(content=fake_resp, status_code=200)
jresp = atreal_openads.check_status(None)
assert jresp['response'] == 200
# pylint: disable=unused-argument,redefined-outer-name
# pylint: disable=too-many-statements,too-many-locals
def test_create_dossier(atreal_openads, collectivite_1, collectivite_1_guichet):
"""Test the method AtrealOpenads.create_dossier()."""
fake_req_json = {
"fields": {
# proprietaire
"proprietaire" : "Non",
"proprietaire_raw": "Non",
# mandataire
"mandataire_prenom" : "John",
"mandataire_nom" : "Man",
"mandataire_email" : "mandataire_email@domain.example",
"mandataire_qualite" : "Une personne morale",
"mandataire_qualite_raw" : "Une personne morale",
"mandataire_denomination" : "SELARL",
"mandataire_raison_sociale" : "Super Juriste",
"mandataire_numero_voie": "808",
"mandataire_nom_voie" : "Avenue de l'argent",
"mandataire_lieu_dit" : "geoisbour",
"mandataire_code_postal": "13004",
"mandataire_localite" : "Marseille",
# petitionnaire
"prenom": "Toto",
"nom" : "Loulou",
"email" : "petitionnaire_email@domain.example",
"qualite" : "Un particulier",
"qualite_raw": "Un particulier",
"numero_voie": "52",
"nom_voie" : "Avenue de la Blaque",
"lieu_dit" : "tierquar",
"code_postal": "13004",
"localite" : "Marseille",
# terrain
"terrain_numero_voie": "23",
"terrain_nom_voie" : "Boulevard de la République",
"terrain_lieu_dit" : "Leecorne",
"terrain_code_postal": "13002",
"terrain_localite" : "Marseille",
# références cadastrales
"reference_cadastrale" : [["999", "Z", "0010"]],
"autres_parcelles" : True,
"references_cadastrales": [["123", "D", "9874"]],
# user attached files
"cerfa": {
"content" : get_file_data(TEST_FILE_CERFA_DIA),
"content_type": "invalid/content type",
"field_id" : "50",
"filename" : os.path.basename(TEST_FILE_CERFA_DIA)
"plan_cadastral_1": {
"content" : get_file_data(TEST_FILE_PLAN_CADASTRAL),
"content_type": "application/pdf",
"filename" : os.path.basename(TEST_FILE_PLAN_CADASTRAL)
"plan_cadastral_2": {
"content" : get_file_data(TEST_FILE_PLAN_CADASTRAL),
"content_type": "application/pdf",
#"filename" : 'plan_cad'
"pouvoir_mandat": {
"content" : get_file_data(TEST_FILE_CERFA_DIA),
"content_type": "application/pdf",
"filename" : 'mandat'
req = HttpRequest()
req._body = json.dumps(fake_req_json) # pylint: disable=protected-access
req.path = '/test'
req.method = 'POST'
req.encoding = 'utf-8'
req.GET = QueryDict(mutable=True) # required because of encoding setter
req.POST = QueryDict(mutable=True) # required because of encoding setter
req.content_type = 'application/json'
req.content_params = None
req.COOKIES = {}
req.META = {}
req._read_started = False # pylint: disable=protected-access
fake_resp_bad = Response()
fake_resp_bad.status_code = 502
fake_resp_bad.reason = 'Bad gateway'
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exception:
with mock.patch('') as requests_post:
requests_post.return_value = fake_resp_bad
atreal_openads.create_dossier(req, 'DIA', collectivite='not an integer')
assert unicode(exception.value) == "invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'not an integer'"
# guichet is open from Monday/8:30 to Friday/12:15, between 9:00 and 17:00
now_open = datetime.datetime(2019, 8, 7, 14, 0, 0) # wednesday
now_closed = datetime.datetime(2019, 8, 10, 16, 0, 0) # saturday
with pytest.raises(APIError) as exception:
with mock.patch('') as requests_post:
requests_post.return_value = fake_resp_bad
atreal_openads.create_dossier(req, 'DIA', collectivite_1.openADS_id, now=now_open)
assert unicode(exception.value) == "HTTP error: 502"
# TODO update the code and return message when it will be
# correctly implemented in the openADS.API side.
fake_resp_404 = Response()
fake_resp_404.status_code = 404
fake_resp_404.reason = 'Page not found'
with pytest.raises(APIError) as exception:
with mock.patch('') as requests_post:
requests_post.return_value = fake_resp_404
atreal_openads.create_dossier(req, 'DIA', collectivite=999)
assert unicode(exception.value) == "HTTP error: 404"
jresp = atreal_openads.create_dossier(req, 'DIA', collectivite_1.openADS_id, now_closed)
assert jresp is not None
assert len(jresp) == 1
assert 'message' in jresp
assert jresp['message'] == u"Guichet closed for collectivite '%s'" % collectivite_1
now_str_fmt = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
now_closed_str = now_closed.strftime(now_str_fmt)
jresp = atreal_openads.create_dossier(req, 'DIA', collectivite_1.openADS_id, now_closed_str)
assert jresp is not None
assert len(jresp) == 1
assert 'message' in jresp
assert jresp['message'] == u"Guichet closed for collectivite '%s'" % collectivite_1
now_invalid = {'invalid': 'type'}
with pytest.raises(APIError) as exception:
jresp = atreal_openads.create_dossier(req, 'DIA', collectivite_1.openADS_id, now_invalid)
assert unicode(exception.value) == (
u"Invalid value of type '%s' for now argument of endpoint '%s' (must be: %s)" % (
"datetime or string formatted to '%s'" % now_str_fmt))
fake_resp_json = {
'numero_dossier' : FAKE_NUMERO_DOSSIER,
'files': [{
'b64_content' : get_file_data(TEST_FILE_CERFA_DIA),
'content_type' : 'text/plain',
'filename' : 'recepisse_depot_%s.pdf' % FAKE_NUMERO_DOSSIER,
fake_resp = Response()
fake_resp.status_code = 200
fake_resp.headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
fake_resp.encoding = 'utf-8'
fake_resp.reason = 'OK'
fake_resp._content = json.dumps(fake_resp_json) # pylint: disable=protected-access
with mock.patch('') as requests_post:
requests_post.return_value = fake_resp
jresp = atreal_openads.create_dossier(req, 'DIA', collectivite_1.openADS_id, now=now_open)
assert jresp['numero_dossier'] == fake_resp_json['numero_dossier']
assert jresp['recepisse']['b64_content'] == fake_resp_json['files'][0]['b64_content']
assert jresp['recepisse']['content_type'] == 'application/pdf'
assert jresp['recepisse']['filename'] == fake_resp_json['files'][0]['filename']
fake_resp_json['numero_dossier'] = {'a':'invalid type'}
fake_resp._content = json.dumps(fake_resp_json) # pylint: disable=protected-access
with pytest.raises(APIError) as exception:
with mock.patch('') as requests_post:
requests_post.return_value = fake_resp
atreal_openads.create_dossier(req, 'DIA', collectivite_1.openADS_id, now=now_open)
assert unicode(exception.value) == (
u"Expecting '%s' value in JSON response to be a %s (not a %s)" % (
'numero_dossier', 'string', type({})))
del fake_resp_json['numero_dossier']
fake_resp._content = json.dumps(fake_resp_json) # pylint: disable=protected-access
with pytest.raises(APIError) as exception:
with mock.patch('') as requests_post:
requests_post.return_value = fake_resp
atreal_openads.create_dossier(req, 'DIA', collectivite_1.openADS_id, now=now_open)
assert unicode(exception.value) == u"Expecting 'numero_dossier' key in JSON response"
fake_resp_json['files'][0]['b64_content'] = 'invalid_;{[content}'
fake_resp._content = json.dumps(fake_resp_json) # pylint: disable=protected-access
with pytest.raises(APIError) as exception:
with mock.patch('') as requests_post:
requests_post.return_value = fake_resp
atreal_openads.create_dossier(req, 'DIA', collectivite_1.openADS_id, now=now_open)
assert unicode(exception.value) == u'Failed to decode recepisse content from base 64'
fake_resp._content = 'df[{gfd;g#vfd' # pylint: disable=protected-access
with pytest.raises(APIError) as exception:
with mock.patch('') as requests_post:
requests_post.return_value = fake_resp
atreal_openads.create_dossier(req, 'DIA', collectivite_1.openADS_id, now=now_open)
# pylint: disable=protected-access
assert unicode(exception.value) == u'No JSON content returned: %r' % fake_resp._content
job = Job.objects.filter(natural_id=FAKE_NUMERO_DOSSIER).last() # pylint: disable=no-member
assert job
job_id =
assert job.status == 'registered'
assert job.method_name == 'upload_user_files'
assert job.natural_id == FAKE_NUMERO_DOSSIER
assert job.parameters is not None
assert len(job.parameters) == 4
assert 'file_ids' in job.parameters
assert len(job.parameters['file_ids']) == 4
file_ids = job.parameters['file_ids']
forwardfiles = ForwardFile.objects.filter(id__in=file_ids) # pylint: disable=no-member
for forwardfile in forwardfiles:
assert forwardfile.numero_demande
assert forwardfile.numero_dossier == FAKE_NUMERO_DOSSIER
assert forwardfile.file_hash
assert forwardfile.upload_status == 'pending'
fake_resp_json = "You want add some files on %s " % FAKE_NUMERO_DOSSIER
fake_resp = Response()
fake_resp.status_code = 200
fake_resp.headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
fake_resp.encoding = 'utf-8'
fake_resp.reason = 'OK'
fake_resp._content = json.dumps(fake_resp_json)
with mock.patch('') as requests_post:
requests_post.return_value = fake_resp
job = Job.objects.get(id=job_id) # pylint: disable=no-member
assert job.status == 'completed'
forwardfiles = ForwardFile.objects.filter(id__in=file_ids) # pylint: disable=no-member
for forwardfile in forwardfiles:
assert forwardfile.upload_status == 'success'
# pylint: disable=unused-argument,redefined-outer-name
def test_get_dossier(atreal_openads):
"""Test the method AtrealOpenads.get_dossier()."""
fake_resp_bad = Response()
fake_resp_bad.status_code = 502
fake_resp_bad.reason = 'Bad gateway'
with pytest.raises(APIError) as exception:
with mock.patch('passerelle.utils.Request.get') as requests_get:
requests_get.return_value = fake_resp_bad
atreal_openads.get_dossier(None, 'DIA', FAKE_NUMERO_DOSSIER)
assert unicode(exception.value) == "HTTP error: 502"
fake_resp_json = {
'etat' : u"Non préemption en cours",
'date_depot' : "24/04/2019",
'date_decision' : "",
'decision' : "",
'date_limite_instruction': "24/06/2019"
fake_resp = Response()
fake_resp.status_code = 200
fake_resp.headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
fake_resp.encoding = 'utf-8'
fake_resp.reason = 'OK'
fake_resp._content = json.dumps(fake_resp_json) # pylint: disable=protected-access
with mock.patch('passerelle.utils.Request.get') as requests_get:
requests_get.return_value = fake_resp
jresp = atreal_openads.get_dossier(None, 'DIA', FAKE_NUMERO_DOSSIER)
assert jresp['etat'] == fake_resp_json['etat']
assert jresp['date_depot'] == fake_resp_json['date_depot']
assert jresp['date_decision'] == fake_resp_json['date_decision']
assert jresp['decision'] == fake_resp_json['decision']
assert jresp['date_limite_instruction'] == fake_resp_json['date_limite_instruction']
fake_resp._content = 'df[{gfd;g#vfd' # pylint: disable=protected-access
with pytest.raises(APIError) as exception:
with mock.patch('passerelle.utils.Request.get') as requests_get:
requests_get.return_value = fake_resp
atreal_openads.get_dossier(None, 'DIA', FAKE_NUMERO_DOSSIER)
# pylint: disable=protected-access
assert unicode(exception.value) == u'No JSON content returned: %r' % fake_resp._content
fake_resp_json = {
'errors' : [{
'location' : 'path',
'name' : 'Invalid Type',
'description' : '"invalid_type" is not one of DIA, PC, DP, AT, PD'
fake_resp.status_code = 404
fake_resp.reason = 'Resource not found'
fake_resp._content = json.dumps(fake_resp_json) # pylint: disable=protected-access
with pytest.raises(APIError) as exception:
with mock.patch('passerelle.utils.Request.get') as requests_get:
requests_get.return_value = fake_resp
atreal_openads.get_dossier(None, 'invalid_type', FAKE_NUMERO_DOSSIER)
assert unicode(exception.value) == (u"HTTP error: 404, [path] (Invalid Type) "
"\"invalid_type\" is not one of DIA, PC, DP, AT, PD")
# pylint: disable=unused-argument,redefined-outer-name
def test_get_fwd_files(atreal_openads):
"""Test the method AtrealOpenads.get_fwd_files()."""
with pytest.raises(APIError) as exception:
atreal_openads.get_fwd_files(None, FAKE_NUMERO_DOSSIER, fichier_id='not an integer')
assert unicode(exception.value) == u"fichier_id must be an integer"
with pytest.raises(Http404) as exception:
atreal_openads.get_fwd_files(None, FAKE_NUMERO_DOSSIER, fichier_id=18)
assert unicode(exception.value) == (
u"No file matches 'numero_dossier=%s' and 'id=%s'." % (FAKE_NUMERO_DOSSIER, 18))
resp_empty = atreal_openads.get_fwd_files(None, FAKE_NUMERO_DOSSIER, fichier_id=None)
assert resp_empty is not None
assert not resp_empty
forwardfile = build_forwardfile_from_path(atreal_openads,
assert isinstance(forwardfile, ForwardFile)
jresp = atreal_openads.get_fwd_files(None, FAKE_NUMERO_DOSSIER, fichier_id=None)
assert jresp is not None
assert len(jresp) == 1
assert jresp[0]['id'] == # pylint: disable=no-member
for attr in ['numero_dossier', 'type_fichier', 'file_hash', 'orig_filename', 'content_type',
'upload_status', 'upload_msg']:
assert jresp[0][attr] == getattr(forwardfile, attr)
# pylint: disable=no-member
assert jresp[0]['content_size'] == len(get_file_data(forwardfile.upload_file.path, b64=False))
assert jresp[0]['last_update_datetime'] == forwardfile.last_update_datetime
# pylint: disable=no-member
jresp = atreal_openads.get_fwd_files(None, FAKE_NUMERO_DOSSIER,
assert jresp is not None
assert len(jresp) == 1
assert jresp[0]['id'] == # pylint: disable=no-member
for attr in ['numero_dossier', 'type_fichier', 'file_hash', 'orig_filename', 'content_type',
'upload_status', 'upload_msg']:
assert jresp[0][attr] == getattr(forwardfile, attr)
assert jresp[0]['content_size'] == len(get_file_data(forwardfile.upload_file.path, b64=False))
assert jresp[0]['last_update_datetime'] == forwardfile.last_update_datetime
# pylint: disable=unused-argument,redefined-outer-name
def test_get_fwd_files_status(atreal_openads):
"""Test the method AtrealOpenads.get_fwd_files_status()."""
with pytest.raises(Http404) as exception:
atreal_openads.get_fwd_files_status(None, FAKE_NUMERO_DOSSIER, fichier_id=18)
assert"^No file matches 'numero_dossier=[^']+' and 'id=[^']+'.$",
forwardfile = build_forwardfile_from_path(atreal_openads,
assert isinstance(forwardfile, ForwardFile)
jresp = atreal_openads.get_fwd_files_status(None, FAKE_NUMERO_DOSSIER, fichier_id=None)
assert jresp is not None
assert not jresp['all_forwarded']
# pylint: disable=no-member
status_msg = '[%s] %s => %s' % (, forwardfile.orig_filename,
assert len(jresp['pending']) == 1
assert jresp['pending'][0] == status_msg
assert not jresp['uploading']
assert not jresp['success']
assert not jresp['failed']
# pylint: disable=no-member
jresp = atreal_openads.get_fwd_files_status(None, FAKE_NUMERO_DOSSIER,
assert jresp is not None
assert not jresp['all_forwarded']
# pylint: disable=no-member
status_msg = '[%s] %s => %s' % (, forwardfile.orig_filename,
assert len(jresp['pending']) == 1
assert jresp['pending'][0] == status_msg
assert not jresp['uploading']
assert not jresp['success']
assert not jresp['failed']
# pylint: disable=unused-argument,redefined-outer-name
def test_get_courrier(atreal_openads):
"""Test the method AtrealOpenads.get_courrier()."""
lettre_type = 'dia_renonciation_preempter'
fake_resp_bad = Response()
fake_resp_bad.status_code = 502
fake_resp_bad.reason = 'Bad gateway'
with pytest.raises(APIError) as exception:
with mock.patch('passerelle.utils.Request.get') as requests_get:
requests_get.return_value = fake_resp_bad
atreal_openads.get_courrier(None, 'DIA', FAKE_NUMERO_DOSSIER, lettre_type)
assert unicode(exception.value) == "HTTP error: 502"
fake_resp_json = {
'files': [{
'filename' : "instruction_4.pdf",
'content_type' : "text/plain",
'b64_content' : get_file_data(TEST_FILE_CERFA_DIA)
fake_resp = Response()
fake_resp.status_code = 200
fake_resp.headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
fake_resp.encoding = 'utf-8'
fake_resp.reason = 'OK'
fake_resp._content = json.dumps(fake_resp_json) # pylint: disable=protected-access
with mock.patch('passerelle.utils.Request.get') as requests_get:
requests_get.return_value = fake_resp
jresp = atreal_openads.get_courrier(None, 'DIA', FAKE_NUMERO_DOSSIER, lettre_type)
assert jresp['courrier']['filename'] == fake_resp_json['files'][0]['filename']
assert jresp['courrier']['content_type'] == fake_resp_json['files'][0]['content_type']
assert jresp['courrier']['b64_content'] == fake_resp_json['files'][0]['b64_content']
fake_resp_json['files'][0]['b64_content'] = 'invalid_;{[content}'
fake_resp._content = json.dumps(fake_resp_json) # pylint: disable=protected-access
with pytest.raises(APIError) as exception:
with mock.patch('passerelle.utils.Request.get') as requests_get:
requests_get.return_value = fake_resp
atreal_openads.get_courrier(None, 'DIA', FAKE_NUMERO_DOSSIER, lettre_type)
assert unicode(exception.value) == u'Failed to decode courrier content from base 64'
fake_resp._content = 'df[{gfd;g#vfd' # pylint: disable=protected-access
with pytest.raises(APIError) as exception:
with mock.patch('passerelle.utils.Request.get') as requests_get:
requests_get.return_value = fake_resp
atreal_openads.get_courrier(None, 'DIA', FAKE_NUMERO_DOSSIER, lettre_type)
# pylint: disable=protected-access
assert unicode(exception.value) == u'No JSON content returned: %r' % fake_resp._content
# pylint: disable=unused-argument,redefined-outer-name
def test_get_response_error(atreal_openads):
"""Test the method AtrealOpenads.get_response_error()."""
fake_resp_json = {
'errors': [
'location' : '',
'name' : 'constraint',
'description': 'Must start with an uppercase letter'
fake_resp = Response()
fake_resp.status_code = 404
fake_resp.headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
fake_resp.encoding = 'utf-8'
fake_resp.reason = 'Not Found'
fake_resp._content = json.dumps(fake_resp_json) # pylint: disable=protected-access
error_msg = atreal_openads.get_response_error(fake_resp)
expected_msg = u'[%s] (%s) %s' % (
assert error_msg == u"HTTP error: %s, %s" % (fake_resp.status_code, ','.join([expected_msg]))
fake_resp._content = 'invalid_;{[content}' # pylint: disable=protected-access
error_msg = atreal_openads.get_response_error(fake_resp)
# pylint: disable=protected-access
assert error_msg == u"HTTP error: %s, %s" % (fake_resp.status_code, fake_resp._content)
# pylint: disable=unused-argument,redefined-outer-name
# pylint: disable=too-many-statements
def test_upload_user_files(atreal_openads):
"""Test the method AtrealOpenads.upload_user_files()."""
req = HttpRequest()
req._body = '' # pylint: disable=protected-access
req.path = '/upload_user_files'
req.method = 'GET'
req.encoding = 'utf-8'
req.GET = QueryDict(mutable=True) # required because of encoding setter
req.POST = QueryDict(mutable=True) # required because of encoding setter
req.content_type = 'application/json'
req.content_params = None
req.COOKIES = {}
req.META = {}
req._read_started = False # pylint: disable=protected-access
with pytest.raises(ForwardFile.DoesNotExist) as exception: # pylint: disable=no-member
atreal_openads.upload_user_files(req, 'DIA', FAKE_NUMERO_DOSSIER, file_ids=[999])
assert unicode(exception.value) == u"The following ForwardFile IDs were not found: %s." % [999]
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exception:
atreal_openads.upload_user_files(req, 'DIA', FAKE_NUMERO_DOSSIER,
file_ids='invalid string')
assert unicode(exception.value) == (
u"invalid literal for int() with base 10: '%s'" % 'invalid string')
with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exception:
atreal_openads.upload_user_files(req, 'DIA', FAKE_NUMERO_DOSSIER,
assert unicode(exception.value) == (
u"Invalid 'file_ids' argument type '%s' (must be string or list)" % (
forwardfile = build_forwardfile_from_path(atreal_openads,
assert isinstance(forwardfile, ForwardFile)
assert forwardfile.upload_status == 'pending'
file_id = # pylint: disable=no-member
assert file_id
fake_resp_bad = Response()
fake_resp_bad.status_code = 502
fake_resp_bad.reason = 'Bad gateway'
with pytest.raises(APIError) as exception:
with mock.patch('') as requests_post:
requests_post.return_value = fake_resp_bad
atreal_openads.upload_user_files(req, 'DIA', FAKE_NUMERO_DOSSIER,
assert unicode(exception.value) == u'HTTP error: 502'
ffup = ForwardFile.objects.get(id=file_id) # pylint: disable=no-member
assert isinstance(ffup, ForwardFile)
for k in ['numero_dossier', 'type_fichier', 'file_hash', 'orig_filename', 'content_type']:
assert getattr(ffup, k) == getattr(forwardfile, k)
assert ffup.upload_attempt == 1
assert ffup.upload_status == 'failed'
assert ffup.upload_msg == "HTTP error: 502"
ffup.upload_status = 'pending'
fake_resp = Response()
fake_resp.status_code = 200
fake_resp.headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
fake_resp.encoding = 'utf-8'
fake_resp.reason = 'OK'
fake_resp._content = 'invalid_;{[content}' # pylint: disable=protected-access
with pytest.raises(APIError) as exception:
with mock.patch('') as requests_post:
requests_post.return_value = fake_resp
atreal_openads.upload_user_files(req, 'DIA', FAKE_NUMERO_DOSSIER, file_ids=[file_id])
assert unicode(exception.value) == u'No JSON content returned: %r' % fake_resp.content
ffup = ForwardFile.objects.get(id=file_id) # pylint: disable=no-member
assert isinstance(ffup, ForwardFile)
for k in ['numero_dossier', 'type_fichier', 'file_hash', 'orig_filename', 'content_type']:
assert getattr(ffup, k) == getattr(forwardfile, k)
assert ffup.upload_attempt == 2
assert ffup.upload_status == 'failed'
# pylint: disable=protected-access
assert ffup.upload_msg == u'No JSON content returned: %r' % fake_resp._content
jresp = atreal_openads.upload_user_files(req, 'DIA', FAKE_NUMERO_DOSSIER)
assert jresp == {'message': 'no file to transfer'}
ffup = ForwardFile.objects.get(id=file_id) # pylint: disable=no-member
ffup.upload_status = 'pending'
fake_resp_json = "You want add some files on %s " % FAKE_NUMERO_DOSSIER
fake_resp._content = json.dumps(fake_resp_json) # pylint: disable=protected-access
with mock.patch('') as requests_post:
requests_post.return_value = fake_resp
jresp = atreal_openads.upload_user_files(req, 'DIA', FAKE_NUMERO_DOSSIER)
assert jresp == {'message': 'all files transfered successfully'}
ffup = ForwardFile.objects.get(id=file_id) # pylint: disable=no-member
assert isinstance(ffup, ForwardFile)
for k in ['numero_dossier', 'type_fichier', 'file_hash', 'orig_filename', 'content_type']:
assert getattr(ffup, k) == getattr(forwardfile, k)
assert ffup.upload_attempt == 3
assert ffup.upload_status == 'success'
assert ffup.upload_msg == 'uploaded successfuly'