
118 lines
3.6 KiB

# Example of an undefined singleton, usable with eval() functions to limit
# possibility of NameError exceptions.
# Use with a namespace decorator like :
# class NoNameErrorNamespace:
# def __init__(self, ns):
# self.ns = ns
# def __getitem__(self, name):
# try:
# return self.ns[name]
# except KeyError:
# return Undefined()
# def __setitem__(self, name, value):
# self.ns[name] = value
# eval('x - 1')
class Undefined:
def __str__(self):
return 'Undefined'
def __getattr__(self, name):
return self
def __neq__(self, other):
return True
self = lambda self, *args, **kwargs: self
true = lambda *args: True
false = lambda *args: False
__eq__ = self
__lt__ = false
__gt__ = false
__le__ = false
__ge__ = false
# Arithmetic operators
for op in ['__add__', '__sub__', '__mul__', '__matmul__', '__truediv__',
'__floordiv__', '__mod__', '__divmod__', '__pow__',
'__lshift__', '__rshift__', '__and__', '__xor__', '__or__']:
locals()[op] = self
locals()[op.replace('__', '__r', 1)] = self
locals()[op.replace('__', '__i', 1)] = self
__call__ = self
__getitem__ = self
__bool__ = false
__abs__ = self
__neg__ = self
__pos__ = self
__invert__ = self
__contains__ = self
__reversed__ = self
__length_hint__ = lambda: 0
__hash__ = lambda self: id(self)
__instance = None
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
if cls.__instance is None:
cls.__instance = super().__new__(cls)
return cls.__instance
import operator
import inspect
import pytest
def test():
assert Undefined().__lt__(1) is False
assert Undefined() is Undefined()
assert Undefined().x is Undefined()
assert Undefined()['a'] is Undefined()
assert Undefined()() is Undefined()
assert Undefined().x('a', 1, x=3) is Undefined()
assert not Undefined()
assert not bool(Undefined())
assert (Undefined() - 1) is Undefined()
assert (1 - Undefined()) is Undefined()
ops = [op for key, op in operator.__dict__.items() if callable(op) and key.startswith('__')]
@pytest.mark.parametrize('obj', [1, '', [], (), {}, dict()], ids=['integer', 'string', 'list', 'tuple', 'set', 'dict'])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('op', ops, ids=[op.__name__ for op in ops])
def test_op(op, obj):
if isinstance(op, type):
name = op.__name__.strip('_').strip('0')
if name in ['index', 'concat', 'countOf', 'delitem', 'indexOf', 'setitem', 'attrgetter', 'iconcat']:
args_len = len([p for p in inspect.signature(op).parameters.values() if p.default is p.empty])
if args_len == 0:
pytest.skip('no arg')
result = Undefined()
if name in ['lt', 'gt', 'le', 'ge', 'truth', 'is', 'contains']:
result = False
if name in ['ne', 'not', 'is_not']:
result = True
if name in ['length_hint']:
result = 0
result_reversed = result
if name in ['imod', 'mod'] and obj == '':
result_reversed = ''
if args_len == 1:
assert op(Undefined()) is result, f'failed with {op}'
elif args_len == 2:
assert op(Undefined(), obj) is result, f'failed with {op}'
if name not in ['contains', 'getitem'] or (name == 'ctonains' and obj != '' and hasattr(obj, '__contains__')) or (name == 'getitem' and hasattr(obj, '__getitem__') and obj != '' and obj != [] and obj != () and obj != {}):
assert op(obj, Undefined()) is result_reversed, f'failed with reversed {op}'
raise NotImplementedError(f'{op} {args_len}')