saml2/provider.c: add new function lasso_saml20_provider_get_endpoint_url() for retrieving endpoint locations using the new endpoints list

This commit is contained in:
Benjamin Dauvergne 2013-09-08 23:39:33 +02:00
parent 3dc786380a
commit cfdd3daf20
2 changed files with 60 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -780,6 +780,63 @@ lasso_saml20_provider_get_assertion_consumer_service_url_by_binding(LassoProvide
return NULL;
* lasso_saml20_provider_get_endpoint_url:
* @provider: a #LassoProvider object
* @role: the role of the given provider,
* @kind: the endpoint kind, ex. AssertionConsumerService
* @bindings:(allow-none): a list of string, giving binding to match, if needed,
* @is_response: TRUE if the URL will be user for returning a response
* @is_default: TRUE if we are looking for the default endpoint
* @idx: if >= 0 look for the endpoint with the given index
* Return the best URL for reaching the given endpoint
const gchar*
lasso_saml20_provider_get_endpoint_url(LassoProvider *provider,
LassoProviderRole role, const char *kind, GSList *bindings, gboolean is_response,
gboolean is_default, int idx)
EndpointType* endpoint_type = NULL;
GList *t = NULL;
if (! LASSO_IS_PROVIDER(provider) || !kind)
return NULL;
lasso_foreach(t, provider->private_data->endpoints) {
endpoint_type = (EndpointType*) t->data;
if (! endpoint_type)
if (! endpoint_type->binding)
if (endpoint_type->role != role)
if (! lasso_strisequal(endpoint_type->kind, kind))
/* endpoints are already properly ordered so that the first matching one is the
* default one */
if (is_default)
else if (idx >= 0) {
if (endpoint_type->index == idx)
} else {
/* if all else fails return the first matching one or the first matching our
* list of bindings */
if (!bindings || g_slist_find_custom(bindings, endpoint_type->binding, (GCompareFunc)g_strcmp0))
endpoint_type = NULL;
if (! endpoint_type)
return NULL;
if (is_response && endpoint_type->return_url)
return endpoint_type->return_url;
return endpoint_type->url;
lasso_saml20_provider_get_artifact_resolution_service_index(LassoProvider *provider, unsigned short *index)

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@ -55,6 +55,9 @@ const gchar* lasso_saml20_provider_get_assertion_consumer_service_binding_by_url
LassoProvider *provider, const char *url);
lasso_error_t lasso_saml20_provider_get_artifact_resolution_service_index(LassoProvider *provider,
unsigned short *index);
const gchar* lasso_saml20_provider_get_endpoint_url(LassoProvider *provider, LassoProviderRole role,
const char *kind, GSList *bindings, gboolean is_response, gboolean is_default,
int idx);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */