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import random
import ldap
from qommon.publisher import utf82sitecharset, sitecharset2utf8
from qommon import get_logger
from quixote import get_response
import authentic.identities
from authentic.identities import Field, get_pwd_length, PasswordAccount, \
import callback
class IdentitiesStoreIFEF(authentic.identities.IdentitiesStoreLdap):
label = N_('IFEF Ldap Directory')
fields = [
# Identification
Field('personalTitle', N_('Personal Title'),
on_register = False,
required = False, size = 4, widget_class = 'SingleSelectWidget',
options = [(None, None, '0'),
('Mme', N_('Madame'), '2'),
('Mlle', N_('Mademoiselle'), '3'),
('M.', N_('Monsieur'), '1'),]),
Field('sn', N_('Nom'), required = True, admin_required = True),
Field('givenName', N_('Prenom'), required = True, admin_required = True),
Field('dateOfBirth', N_('Date de naissance'), hint = _('jj/mm/aaaa'),
on_register = False, widget_class = 'DateWidget', jquery = False),
Field('placeOfBirth', N_('Lieu de naissance')),
# Contact
Field('email', N_('Adresse email'),
hint = _("exemple:"), required=True,
admin_required = True,
unique = True),
# Addresses postales
Field('street', N_('Adresse'), required = True),
Field('postalCode', N_('Code postal'), widget_class = 'ValidatedStringWidget',
regex = r'[0-9]{5}', required = True, hint = _('Ce champ doit contenir cinq chiffres')),
Field('l', N_('Ville pro'), required = True),
Field('st', N_('Region pro'), on_register = False),
Field('department', N_('Departement pro'), on_register = False),
Field('homeStreetAddress', N_('Adresse perso'), on_register = False),
Field('homePostalCode', N_('Code postal perso'), widget_class = 'ValidatedStringWidget',
regex = r'[0-9]{5}', on_register = False, hint = _('Ce champ doit contenir cinq chiffres')),
Field('homeLocalityName', N_('Ville perso'), on_register = False),
Field('homeStateOrProvinceName', N_('Region perso'), on_register = False),
Field('homeDepartment', N_('Departement perso'),
on_register = False),
Field('userClass', N_('Classe d\'utilisateur'), read_only = True, value = ['GRAND.PUBLIC'],
admin_required = True, size = 4, widget_class = 'SingleSelectWidget',
'INDIV.PART', 'SAL.IFEF' ], multivalued = True),
# Telephone
Field('mobile', N_('Telephone mobile'),
hint = _('Ce champ ne doit contenir que des chiffres, des points ou des espaces.'),
widget_class = 'ValidatedStringWidget',
regex = r'^ *(|[0-9][0-9. ]*) *$', on_register = False),
Field('homePhone', N_('Telephone perso'),
hint = _('Ce champ ne doit contenir que des chiffres, des points ou des espaces.'),
widget_class = 'ValidatedStringWidget',
regex = r'^ *(|[0-9][0-9. ]*) *$'),
Field('telephoneNumber', N_('Telephone pro'),
hint = _('Ce champ ne doit contenir que des chiffres, des points ou des espaces.'),
widget_class = 'ValidatedStringWidget',
regex = r'^ *(|[0-9][0-9. ]*) *$', on_register = False),
# Web
Field('microBlogURL', N_('Adresse de micro-blogging'),
hint = _("exemple: twitter, identica, etc.")),
Field('socialNetworkURL', N_('Adresse de reseau social'),
hint = _("exemple: compte facebook, linkedin, viadeo, etc.")),
Field('labeledURI', N_('Page web'),
hint = _("votre page web personnelle")),
Field('voipURI', N_("Adresse telephonie IP"),
hint = _("exemple: skype, sip, gtalk"),
on_register = False),
# Attributs specificiques IFEF
Field('numeroPassFormaAssMat', N_('Numero de pass assistante maternelle'),
read_only = True, on_register = False,
hint = _('Entrez un nombre decimal'),
widget_class = 'ValidatedStringWidget',
regex = r'^[0-9]*$'),
Field('numeroPassFormaSPE', N_('Numero de pass SPE'), read_only = True,
on_register = False,
hint = _('Entrez un nombre decimal'),
widget_class = 'ValidatedStringWidget',
regex = r'^[0-9]*$'),
Field('numeroURSSAF', N_('Numero URSSAF'), read_only = True,
on_register = False,
hint = _('Entrez un nombre decimal'),
widget_class = 'ValidatedStringWidget',
regex = r'^[0-9]*$'),
Field('numeroPAJE', N_('Numero PAJE'), read_only = True,
on_register = False,
hint = _('Entrez un nombre decimal'),
widget_class = 'ValidatedStringWidget',
regex = r'^[0-9]*$'),
Field('numeroIRCEM', N_('Numero IRCEM'), read_only = True,
on_register = False,
hint = _('Entrez un nombre decimal'),
widget_class = 'ValidatedStringWidget',
regex = r'^[0-9]*$'),
Field('orgDn', N_('DN de l\'organisme d\'affiliation'), read_only =
True, multivalued = True, invisible = True, widget_class =
on_register = False),
def init(self):
# Allow login using:
# uid
# mail
# numeroPassFormaAssMat
# numeroPassFormaSPE
self.uid_request_str = '(&(|(%(uid)s=%%(username)s)(mail=%%(username)s)(numeroPassFormaAssMat=%%(username)s)(numeroPassFormaSPE=%%(username)s))(objectclass=%(oc)s))' % {
'uid': self.ldap_object_uid, 'oc': self.ldap_object_class }
self.alpha_request_str = '(&(uid=%%s*)(objectclass=%(oc)s))' % \
{ 'oc': self.ldap_object_class }
def save(self, identity):
res =, identity)
response = get_response()
if response and res:
id = identity.accounts[0].username
action = callback.XmlRpcAction.create_ldap_update(
callback.XmlRpcAction.TYPE_PERSONNE, id)
response.add_after_job('''Send use information update to Ofbiz, \
id: %r''' % id, callback.BatchJob(action))
except Exception, e:
return res
def remove(self, identity):
'''Call the parent method and notify Ofbiz'''
id = identity.accounts[0].username
action = callback.XmlRpcAction.create_ldap_update(
callback.XmlRpcAction.TYPE_DELETE, id)
response = get_response()
response.add_after_job('''Send removal to Ofbiz of account \
id: %r''' % id, callback.BatchJob(action))
return authentic.identities.IdentitiesStoreLdap.remove(self, identity)
# Utilise seulement des majuscules et des chiffres, sauf i,l et 1, O et 0
pwd_alphabet = 'ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRSTUVWXYZ23456789'
def create_password(self,for_account='inconnu'):
pwd_length = get_pwd_length()
password = ''.join([random.choice(self.pwd_alphabet)
for x in range(pwd_length)])
get_logger().debug('Generated new password %r for account %r' % (password, for_account))
return password
def get_identity_for_account(self, account):
if not isinstance(account, PasswordAccount):
escaped_username = ldap.filter.escape_filter_chars(account.username)
result = self.ldap_conn.search_s(self.ldap_base,
self.uid_request_str % { 'username': escaped_username } )
if not result:
uid = result[0][0]
self.ldap_conn.simple_bind_s(uid, account.password)
self.ldap_conn.simple_bind_s(uid, account.password.upper())
except ldap.SERVER_DOWN:
raise IdentityStoreException('LDAP server is down')
except IndexError:
identity = self.get_identity(uid)
# Workaroung in order to keep the password clear in memory.
identity.accounts[0].password = account.password
return identity
authentic.identities.stores['ifef'] = IdentitiesStoreIFEF