
80 lines
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import os
import mock
from django.core.management import call_command, get_commands, load_command_class
from hobo.environment.models import Variable
from hobo.multitenant.middleware import TenantMiddleware
from tenant_schemas.utils import tenant_context
def assert_deployed(domain):
tenant = TenantMiddleware.get_tenant_by_hostname(domain)
tenant_hobo_json = os.path.join(tenant.get_directory(), 'hobo.json')
assert os.path.exists(tenant_hobo_json)
def test_import_template(mocked_get_commands, mocked_call_command, db):
"""check 'hobo-deploy' result in '$ chrono-manage import_template' call
$ chrono-manage hobo_deploy env.json # simulate this bash query
this test must be the first one executed else 'get_commands' fails to be mocked
command = load_command_class('hobo.agent.common', 'hobo_deploy')
domain = 'chrono.dev.publik.love'
def my_call_command(command, parameter):
if command == 'import_template':
my_call_command.import_template_was_called = True
call_command(command, parameter)
mocked_get_commands.return_value = ['import_template']
mocked_call_command.side_effect = my_call_command
my_call_command.import_template_was_called = False
command.handle('https://%s/' % domain, 'tests_schemas/env.json')
# assert the 'import_template' command was called
assert my_call_command.import_template_was_called is True
def test_deploy_on_common_agent(db):
"""deploy basic case (for chrono here):
$ chrono-manage hobo_deploy env.json # simulate this bash query
command = load_command_class('hobo.agent.common', 'hobo_deploy')
domain = 'chrono.dev.publik.love'
command.handle('https://%s/' % domain, 'tests_schemas/env.json')
def test_deploy_specifics_on_hobo_agent(db):
"""overloaded case for hobo:
$ hobo-manage hobo-deploy env.json # simulate this bash query
command = load_command_class('hobo.agent.hobo', 'hobo_deploy')
domain = 'hobo.dev.publik.love'
command.handle('https://%s/' % domain, 'tests_schemas/env.json')
# reach deploy_specifics() in hobo/agent/hobo/management/commands/hobo_deploy.py
tenant = TenantMiddleware.get_tenant_by_hostname(domain)
with tenant_context(tenant):
assert Variable.objects.get(name='ou-label').value == 'HOBO'
# fails to simulate call from authentic2 agent, that overload deploy_specifics()
# $ authentic-multitenant-manage hobo-deploy
# here, because this agent need to import authentic2 modules
# fails to simulate call from bijoe agent, that overload deploy_specifics()
# $ bijoe-mange hobo-deploy
# here, because this code is not implemented here