
547 lines
21 KiB

""" unit tests (mainly for code coverage)
import StringIO
import os
import sys
import json
import pytest
from mock import call, patch, Mock
from requests import Response, exceptions
from hobo.agent.common.management.commands.hobo_deploy import (
replace_file, Command, CommandError)
from hobo.agent.hobo.management.commands.hobo_deploy import Command as HoboCommand
from hobo.environment.models import Variable, Combo, Hobo, Wcs
from hobo.multitenant.middleware import TenantNotFound
def fake_themes(settings, tmpdir):
"id": "alfortville",
"label": "Alfortville",
"variables": {
"css_variant": "alfortville",
"no_extra_js": false,
"theme_color": "#804697"
"overlay": "foobar"
"id": "publik",
"label": "Publik",
"variables": {
"css_variant": "publik",
"no_extra_js": false,
"theme_color": "#E80E89"
base_dir = str(tmpdir.mkdir('themes'))
settings.THEMES_DIRECTORY = base_dir
themes_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, 'publik-base')
with open(os.path.join(themes_dir, 'themes.json'), 'w') as handler:
# populate 'foobar' overlay
themes_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, 'foobar')
for part in ('static', 'templates'):
os.mkdir(os.path.join(themes_dir, part))
def test_replace_file(tmpdir):
path = str(tmpdir) + '/my_file.txt'
content = 'content of my new file'
replace_file(path, content)
with open(path, 'r') as handler:
assert handler.read() == content
content = 'new content for my file'
replace_file(path, content)
with open(path, 'r') as handler:
assert handler.read() == content
def test_handle_from_scratch():
"""API using JSON from file or from stdin"""
command = Command()
"services": [{
"service-id": "combo"
command.deploy = Mock()
EXPECTED = [call('https://combo.dev.publik.love/',
{'services': [{'service-id': 'combo'}]}, None)]
# handle from file
with patch('hobo.agent.common.management.commands.hobo_deploy.open') as mocked_open:
mocked_open.side_effect = [StringIO.StringIO(CONTENT)]
command.handle('https://combo.dev.publik.love/', 'envbof.json')
assert command.deploy.mock_calls == EXPECTED
# handle using a pipe
backup = sys.stdin
sys.stdin = StringIO.StringIO(CONTENT)
command.handle('https://combo.dev.publik.love/', '-')
sys.stdin = backup
assert command.deploy.mock_calls == EXPECTED
# JSON having syntax error
with patch('hobo.agent.common.management.commands.hobo_deploy.open') as mocked_open:
mocked_open.side_effect = [StringIO.StringIO('malformated JSON')]
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='No JSON object could be decoded'):
command.handle('https://combo.dev.publik.love/', 'env.json')
assert command.deploy.mock_calls == []
# missing args
with pytest.raises(CommandError, match='missing args'):
with pytest.raises(CommandError, match='missing args'):
def test_handle_redeploy_case(mocked_get_tenants):
"""API using JSON from previous one we put on tenant"""
command = Command()
command.deploy = Mock()
tenant = Mock()
# redeploy
ENVIRONMENT = {'services': [{'this': True,
'base_url': 'https://combo.dev.publik.love/',
'service-id': 'combo'}]}
tenant.get_hobo_json = Mock(return_value=ENVIRONMENT)
mocked_get_tenants.return_value = [tenant]
assert command.deploy.mock_calls == [ # ignore_timestamp is set to True
call('https://combo.dev.publik.love/', ENVIRONMENT, True)]
# redeploy having wrong JSON content: no 'base_url' entry
tenant.get_hobo_json = Mock(return_value=
{'services': [{'service-id': 'combo', 'this': True}]})
mocked_get_tenants.return_value = [tenant]
with pytest.raises(KeyError, match='base_url'):
assert command.deploy.mock_calls == []
# redeploy having wrong JSON content: 'this' entry not found
tenant.get_hobo_json = Mock(return_value={'services': [{'service-id': 'combo'}]})
mocked_get_tenants.return_value = [tenant]
assert command.deploy.mock_calls == []
# IOError
tenant.get_hobo_json = Mock(side_effect=IOError)
mocked_get_tenants.return_value = [tenant]
assert command.deploy.mock_calls == []
def test_deploy(mocked_get_tenant_by_hostname, tmpdir):
command = Command()
command.deploy_specifics = Mock()
tenant = Mock()
tenant.get_directory = Mock(return_value=str(tmpdir))
base_url = 'https://combo.dev.publik.love/'
tenant_hobo_json = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'hobo.json')
ENVIRONMENT = {'services': [{'service-id': 'combo', 'base_url': base_url}],
'timestamp': '001'}
def assert_deployed():
assert mocked_get_tenant_by_hostname.mock_calls[0] == call('combo.dev.publik.love')
assert command.deploy_specifics.mock_calls == [
call({'services': [{'base_url': 'https://combo.dev.publik.love/',
'service-id': 'combo',
'this': True,}],
'timestamp': '001'},
with open(tenant_hobo_json, 'r') as handler: # hobo.json file
content = json.load(handler)
assert ENVIRONMENT['services'][0]['this'] is True # new entry added
assert json.dumps(content, sort_keys=True), json.dumps(ENVIRONMENT, sort_keys=True)
# create tenant first
mocked_get_tenant_by_hostname.side_effect = [TenantNotFound, tenant]
with patch('hobo.agent.common.management.commands.hobo_deploy.call_command'
) as mocked_call_command:
command.deploy(base_url, ENVIRONMENT, None)
assert mocked_call_command.mock_calls == [
call('create_tenant', 'combo.dev.publik.love')]
# already there (timestamp do not change)
mocked_get_tenant_by_hostname.side_effect = [tenant]
command.deploy(base_url, ENVIRONMENT, None)
assert command.deploy_specifics.mock_calls == []
# force re-deploy
mocked_get_tenant_by_hostname.side_effect = [tenant]
command.deploy(base_url, ENVIRONMENT, True)
# early exit, we don't redeploy secondary services
env = dict(ENVIRONMENT)
env['services'][0]['secondary'] = True
command.deploy(base_url, env, None)
assert command.deploy_specifics.mock_calls == []
def test_deploy_specific():
"""stupid test"""
command = Command()
command.generate_saml_keys = Mock()
command.configure_service_provider = Mock()
command.configure_theme = Mock()
command.configure_template = Mock()
command.deploy_specifics('my_hobo_env', 'my_tenant')
assert command.generate_saml_keys.mock_calls == [call('my_tenant', prefix='sp-')]
assert command.configure_service_provider.mock_calls == [call('my_hobo_env', 'my_tenant')]
assert command.configure_theme.mock_calls == [call('my_hobo_env', 'my_tenant')]
assert command.configure_template.mock_calls == [call('my_hobo_env', 'my_tenant')]
def test_generate_saml_keys(tmpdir):
"""create an RSA key and its x509 certificate"""
command = Command()
tenant = Mock()
tenant.get_directory = Mock(return_value=str(tmpdir))
tenant.domain_url = 'combo.dev.publik.love'
with open('%s/saml.key' % str(tmpdir), 'r') as handler:
key = handler.read()
with open('%s/saml.crt' % str(tmpdir), 'r') as handler:
crt = handler.read()
# if files exist don't regenerate them
with open('%s/saml.key' % str(tmpdir), 'r') as handler:
assert key == handler.read()
with open('%s/saml.crt' % str(tmpdir), 'r') as handler:
assert crt == handler.read()
def test_configure_service_provider(mocked_get, tmpdir):
"""create TENANT/idp-metadata-ID.xml file"""
command = Command()
tenant = Mock()
tenant.get_directory = Mock(return_value=str(tmpdir))
response1 = Response()
response1._content = 'my saml idp metadata (1)'
response1.status_code = 200
response2 = Response()
response2._content = 'my saml idp metadata (2)'
response2.status_code = 200
tenant_idp_metadata = '%s/idp-metadata-%s.xml' % (str(tmpdir), '1')
ENVIRONMENT = {'services': [
{'service-id': 'combo',
'saml-idp-metadata-url': 'https://combo.dev.publik.love/accounts/mellon/metadata/',
'id': 1},
{'service-id': 'wcs',
'saml-idp-metadata-url': 'https://wcs.dev.publik.love/saml/metadata',
'id': 1},
# normal case (stop when configuration on a service success for this tenant)
mocked_get.side_effect = [response1]
command.configure_service_provider(ENVIRONMENT, tenant)
with open(tenant_idp_metadata, 'r') as handler:
assert handler.read() == 'my saml idp metadata (1)'
# no 'idp_url' JSON entry
env = {'services': [{'service-id': 'combo', 'id': 1}]}
command.configure_service_provider(env, tenant)
with pytest.raises(IOError, match='No such file or directory'):
open(tenant_idp_metadata, 'r')
# idp not available
response1.status_code = 500
mocked_get.side_effect = [exceptions.RequestException, response1]
command.configure_service_provider(ENVIRONMENT, tenant)
with pytest.raises(IOError, match='No such file or directory'):
open(tenant_idp_metadata, 'r')
# case when idp is becoming available
mocked_get.side_effect = [response1, response2]
command.configure_service_provider(ENVIRONMENT, tenant)
with open(tenant_idp_metadata, 'r') as handler:
assert handler.read() == 'my saml idp metadata (2)'
def test_get_theme(fake_themes):
"""return the service's theme"""
COMBO = {'service-id': 'combo'}
WCS = {'service-id': 'hobo', 'variables': {'theme': 'alfortville'}}
HOBO = {'service-id': 'hobo', 'variables': {'theme': 'unknown_theme'}}
ENVIRONMENT = {'services': [COMBO, WCS, HOBO], 'variables': {'theme': 'publik'}}
command = Command()
# main case
command.me = COMBO
assert command.get_theme(ENVIRONMENT)['id'] == 'publik'
# service having theme overloaded
command.me = WCS
assert command.get_theme(ENVIRONMENT)['id'] == 'alfortville'
# theme not specified
command.me = COMBO
assert command.get_theme({'services': [COMBO, WCS, HOBO]}) is None
# unknown theme
command.me = HOBO
assert command.get_theme(ENVIRONMENT) is None
def test_configure_theme(fake_themes, tmpdir):
"""make symlink for TENANT/theme
and TENANT/static, TENANT/templates on overlay
COMBO = {'service-id': 'combo'}
WCS = {'service-id': 'hobo', 'variables': {'theme': 'alfortville'}} # overlay on fixture
HOBO = {'service-id': 'hobo', 'variables': {'theme': 'unknown_theme'}}
ENVIRONMENT = {'services': [COMBO, WCS, HOBO], 'variables': {'theme': 'publik'}}
command = Command()
command.me = COMBO
tenant = Mock()
tenant.get_directory = Mock(return_value=str(tmpdir))
theme_path = '%s/theme' % str(tmpdir)
static_path = '%s/static' % str(tmpdir)
templates_path = '%s/templates' % str(tmpdir)
# main case: (remove 'static' and/or 'templates' links and empty directories too)
os.symlink(str(tmpdir), templates_path)
command.configure_theme(ENVIRONMENT, tenant)
assert os.path.islink(theme_path)
assert os.path.exists(static_path) is False
assert os.path.exists(templates_path) is False
# overlay provided: build links to the 'overlay' directory
os.symlink(str(tmpdir), static_path)
command.me = WCS
command.configure_theme(ENVIRONMENT, tenant)
assert os.readlink(static_path) == '%s/themes/foobar/static' % str(tmpdir)
assert os.readlink(templates_path) == '%s/themes/foobar/templates' % str(tmpdir)
# retrieve on error (if server hangs during 'atomic_symlink')
os.symlink(str(tmpdir), theme_path + '.tmp')
command.configure_theme(ENVIRONMENT, tenant)
assert os.path.islink(theme_path)
assert os.path.islink(static_path) # to compare with result we get bellow
# do not 'overlay' non-empty 'static' and/or 'templates' true directories
os.mkdir(os.path.join(static_path, 'some_dir'))
command.configure_theme(ENVIRONMENT, tenant)
assert os.path.isdir(static_path)
# no theme provided
command.me = HOBO
command.configure_theme(ENVIRONMENT, tenant)
assert os.path.exists(theme_path) is False
def test_configure_template(mocked_call_command, mocked_tenant_context,
command = Command()
tenant = Mock()
ENVIRONMENT = {'services': [{'service-id': 'combo',
'template_name': 'my_template',
'this': True}]}
# import_template.py located into hobo/agent/common: always belongs to command object
# TODO: dead condition
mocked_get_commands.return_value = ['import_template', '...']
# main case
command.configure_template(ENVIRONMENT, tenant)
assert mocked_call_command.mock_calls == [call('import_template', 'my_template')]
# no template_name entry provided
del ENVIRONMENT['services'][0]['template_name']
command.configure_template(ENVIRONMENT, tenant)
assert mocked_call_command.mock_calls == []
def test_hobo_deploy_specifics_alone(mocked_tenant_context, mocked_super, db):
"""build database content used later to generate hobo.json.
tests using tenants are located into tests_multipublik/test_multipublik.py
command = HoboCommand()
ENVIRONMENT = {'services': [{'service-id': 'hobo',
'slug': 'hobo',
'title': 'Hobo',
'base_url': 'https://hobo.dev.publik.love/',
'this': True},
{'service-id': 'combo',
'slug': 'portal',
'title': 'Compte citoyen',
'base_url': 'https://combo.dev.publik.love/'},
{'service-id': 'wcs',
'slug': 'eservices',
'title': 'D\u00e9marches',
'base_url': 'wcs.dev.publik.love'},
{'service-id': 'wrong id',
'base_url': 'https://wrong.dev.publik.love/'}]}
command.deploy_specifics(ENVIRONMENT, 'tenant')
assert mocked_super.mock_calls == [call(ENVIRONMENT, 'tenant')]
assert len(Hobo.objects.all()) == 0
assert len(Combo.objects.all()) == 1
assert len(Wcs.objects.all()) == 1
combo = Combo.objects.all()[0]
assert combo.base_url == 'https://combo.dev.publik.love/'
assert combo.slug == '_interco_portal'
# define global variables (twice)
ou_label = Variable.objects.get(name='ou-label')
ou_slug = Variable.objects.get(name='ou-slug')
assert ou_label.value == 'Hobo'
assert ou_slug.value == 'hobo'
assert ou_label.service_pk is None
assert ou_slug.service_pk is None
def test_hobo_deploy_specifics_primary(mocked_tenant_context, mocked_super, db):
"""first deployement: do nothing for secondary hobo-services
same behaviour as previous 'alone' test
command = HoboCommand()
wcs_url = 'https://wcs.dev.publik.love/'
ENVIRONMENT = {'services': [{'service-id': 'hobo',
'slug': 'hobo',
'title': 'Hobo primary',
'base_url': 'https://hobo1.dev.publik.love/',
'this': True},
{'service-id': 'combo',
'slug': 'portal',
'title': 'Compte citoyen',
'base_url': 'https://combo.dev.publik.love/'},
{'service-id': 'wcs',
'slug': 'eservices',
'title': 'skipped as url already in use',
'base_url': wcs_url},
{'service-id': 'hobo',
'slug': 'hobo',
'title': 'Hobo secondary',
'base_url': 'https://hobo2.dev.publik.love/',
'secondary': True}]}
# make the wcs service already deployed
Wcs.objects.get_or_create(base_url=wcs_url, secondary=False)
command.deploy_specifics(ENVIRONMENT, 'tenant')
assert mocked_super.mock_calls == [call(ENVIRONMENT, 'tenant')]
assert len(Hobo.objects.all()) == 0
assert len(Combo.objects.all()) == 1
assert len(Wcs.objects.all()) == 1 # the wcs service already set upper
combo = Combo.objects.all()[0]
assert combo.base_url == 'https://combo.dev.publik.love/'
assert combo.slug == '_interco_portal'
# define global variables
ou_label = Variable.objects.get(name='ou-label')
ou_slug = Variable.objects.get(name='ou-slug')
assert ou_label.value == 'Hobo primary'
assert ou_slug.value == 'hobo'
assert ou_label.service_pk is None
assert ou_slug.service_pk is None
def test_hobo_deploy_specifics_secondary(mocked_tenant_context, mocked_super, db):
"""next deployements: skip generic tasks and add 'ou' variables
command = HoboCommand()
ENVIRONMENT = {'services': [{'service-id': 'hobo',
'slug': 'hobo',
'title': 'Hobo primary',
'base_url': 'https://hobo1.dev.publik.love/'},
{'service-id': 'combo',
'slug': 'portal',
'title': 'Compte citoyen',
'base_url': 'https://combo.dev.publik.love/'},
{'service-id': 'hobo',
'slug': 'hobo',
'title': 'Hobo secondary',
'base_url': 'https://hobo2.dev.publik.love/',
'secondary': True,
'this': True}],
'variables': {'ou-label': 'my ou-label',
'ou-slug': 'my ou-slug'}}
# assert primary hobo is wanted
command.deploy_specifics(ENVIRONMENT, 'tenant')
assert len(Combo.objects.all()) == 0
# make primary hobo already deployed
Hobo.objects.get_or_create(base_url='hobo1.dev.publik.love', secondary=False)
command.deploy_specifics(ENVIRONMENT, 'tenant')
assert mocked_super.mock_calls == []
assert len(Hobo.objects.all()) == 1 # primary hobo set upper
assert len(Combo.objects.all()) == 1
combo = Combo.objects.all()[0]
assert combo.base_url == 'https://combo.dev.publik.love/'
assert combo.slug == '_my ou-slug_portal'
# variables are added to the services
ou_label = Variable.objects.get(name='ou-label')
ou_slug = Variable.objects.get(name='ou-slug')
assert ou_label.value == 'my ou-label'
assert ou_slug.value == 'my ou-slug'
assert ou_label.service_pk == combo.id
assert ou_slug.service_pk == combo.id
# Can't write test_authentic2_deploy_specifics as cannot import A2Command here:
#from hobo.agent.authentic2.management.commands.hobo_deploy import Command as A2Command
# -> tests_authentic/test_hobo_deploy.py