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import pytest
import mock
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.management.base import CommandError
from django.test import override_settings
from hobo.agent.common.management.commands.import_template import Command
def test_import_template_default(get_commands, call_command, os_path_exists):
"""do import a template from default path"""
expected = [mock.call('import_site', '/var/lib/bobo/skeletons/import_me.json')]
get_commands.return_value = 'import_site'
call_command.return_value = mock.MagicMock()
os_path_exists.return_value = True
# simulate:
# $ XXX-manage import-template import_me
command = Command()
with override_settings(PROJECT_NAME='bobo'):
# assert 'import_site' command is run
assert call_command.mock_calls == expected
def test_import_template_basepath(get_commands, call_command, os_path_exists):
"""do import a template having basepath parameter provided"""
expected = [mock.call('import_site', '/tmp/import_me.json')]
get_commands.return_value = 'import_site'
call_command.return_value = mock.MagicMock()
os_path_exists.return_value = True
# simulate:
# $ XXX-manage import-template import_me --basepath /tmp
command = Command()
with override_settings(PROJECT_NAME='bobo'):
command.handle(template_name='import_me', basepath='/tmp')
# assert 'import_site' command is run
assert call_command.mock_calls == expected
def test_import_template_warning(get_commands, call_command, os_path_exists):
"""returns if template is not found"""
get_commands.return_value = 'import_site'
call_command.return_value = mock.MagicMock()
os_path_exists.return_value = False
# simulate:
# $ XXX-manage import-template import_me
command = Command()
with override_settings(PROJECT_NAME='bobo'):
# assert 'import_site' command is not run
assert call_command.mock_calls == []