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# -*- coding: iso-8859-15 -*-
# Glasnost
# By: Odile Bénassy <>
# Romain Chantereau <>
# Nicolas Clapiès <>
# Pierre-Antoine Dejace <>
# Thierry Dulieu <>
# Florent Monnier <>
# Cédric Musso <>
# Frédéric Péters <>
# Benjamin Poussin <>
# Emmanuel Raviart <>
# Sébastien Régnier <>
# Emmanuel Saracco <>
# Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 Easter-eggs & Emmanuel Raviart
# Copyright (C) 2002 Odile Bénassy, Code Lutin, Thierry Dulieu, Easter-eggs,
# Entr'ouvert, Frédéric Péters, Benjamin Poussin, Emmanuel Raviart,
# Emmanuel Saracco & Théridion
# Copyright (C) 2003 Odile Bénassy, Romain Chantereau, Nicolas Clapiès,
# Code Lutin, Pierre-Antoine Dejace, Thierry Dulieu, Easter-eggs,
# Entr'ouvert, Florent Monnier, Cédric Musso, Ouvaton, Frédéric Péters,
# Benjamin Poussin, Rodolphe Quiédeville, Emmanuel Raviart, Sébastien
# Régnier, Emmanuel Saracco, Théridion & Vecam
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
__doc__ = """Glasnost Virtual Hosts Common Models"""
__version__ = '$Revision$'[11:-2]
import os
import sgmllib
from ObjectsCommon import AdminCommon, ObjectCommon, ObjectsCommonMixin
import system
import glasnost.common.context as context
import glasnost.common.tools_new as commonTools
class AdminVirtualHostsCommon(AdminCommon):
defaultVirtualHostId = None
defaultVirtualHostId_kind_balloonHelp = N_(
'Select the default virtual host to use on this server')
defaultVirtualHostId_kind_label = N_('Default Virtual Host')
defaultVirtualHostId_kind_serverRoles = ['virtualhosts']
defaultVirtualHostId_kindName = 'Id'
serverRole = 'virtualhosts'
def getOrderedLayoutSlotNames(self, parentSlot = None):
slotNames = AdminCommon.getOrderedLayoutSlotNames(
self, parentSlot = parentSlot)
slotNames += ['defaultVirtualHostId']
return slotNames
class VirtualHostInfoParser(sgmllib.SGMLParser):
inLabel = 0
label = None
def __init__(self, body):
def start_label(self, attrs):
if len(attrs) == 0:
self.inLabel = 1
self.label = ''
def end_label(self):
self.inLabel = 0
if self.label:
self.label = self.label.strip()
def handle_data(self, data):
if self.inLabel:
self.label += data
class ProfileParser(sgmllib.SGMLParser):
inDescription = 0
description = None
def __init__(self, body):
def start_description(self, attrs):
if len(attrs) == 0:
self.inDescription = 1
self.description = ''
def end_description(self):
self.inDescription = 0
if self.description:
self.description = self.description.strip()
def handle_data(self, data):
if self.inDescription:
self.description += data
class VirtualHostCommon(ObjectCommon):
"""Virtual host super class used to be inherited with a Mixin Class.
This is the definition of the attributes of a virtual host object.
This object is used by the VirtualHostProxy.
creationTime = None
creationTime_kindName = 'CreationTime'
customWebs = None
customWebs_kind_importExport = 'from-server-only'
customWebs_kind_keyKind_valueName = 'String'
customWebs_kind_valueKind_valueName = 'String'
customWebs_kind_stateInViewMode = 'hidden'
customWebs_kind_stateInEditMode = 'hidden'
customWebs_kindName = 'Mapping'
locales = None
locales_kind_itemKind_valueName = 'String'
locales_kind_importExport = 'from-server-only'
locales_kind_stateInViewMode = 'hidden'
locales_kind_stateInEditMode = 'hidden'
locales_kindName = 'Sequence'
defaultDispatcherId = None
defaultDispatcherId_kind_balloonHelp = N_(
'Enter the Glasnost dispatcher id for this virtual host '\
'(you may have to consult your administrator).')
defaultDispatcherId_kind_defaultValue = 'glasnost://localhost'
defaultDispatcherId_kind_isModifiable = 0
defaultDispatcherId_kind_isRequired = 1
defaultDispatcherId_kind_label = N_('Glasnost Dispatcher ID')
defaultDispatcherId_kind_stateInCreateMode = 'read-write'
defaultDispatcherId_kind_stateInEditMode = 'read-only'
defaultDispatcherId_kind_widget_size = 40
defaultDispatcherId_kind_widgetName = 'InputText'
defaultDispatcherId_kindName = 'DispatcherId'
hostName = None
hostName_kind_balloonHelp = N_('Enter the host name.')
hostName_kind_isRequired = 1
hostName_kind_isTranslatable = 0
hostName_kind_label = N_('Web Host Name')
hostName_kind_widget_size = 40
hostName_kind_widgetName = 'Url'
hostName_kindName = 'String'
modificationTime = None
modificationTime_kindName = 'ModificationTime'
profiles = None
class profiles_kindClass:
_kindName = 'Sequence'
defaultValue = ['basic', 'cms', 'vote']
minCount = 1
label = N_('Usage Profiles')
class itemKind_valueClass:
_kindName = 'Choice'
def getLabels(self, slot):
profilesPath = os.path.join(commonTools.configDir, 'profiles')
profiles = self.getValues(slot)
labels = {}
for p in profiles:
pFileName = os.path.join(profilesPath, p + '.xml')
label = ProfileParser(open(pFileName).read()).description
labels[p] = label
return labels
def getSortedValues(self, slot):
# puts 'basic' first
values = self.getValues(slot)
values.insert(0, 'basic')
return values
def getValues(self, slot):
profilesPath = os.path.join(commonTools.configDir, 'profiles')
profiles = os.listdir(profilesPath)
values = [x[:-4] for x in profiles if x.endswith('.xml')]
return values
widgetName = 'MultiCheck'
readersSet = None
# FIXME: Which of the following lines is correct?
readersSet_defaultValue = [system.generalPublicId]
# readersSet_kind_itemKind_value_defaultValue = system.generalPublicId
readersSet_kindName = 'ReadersSet'
serverRole = 'virtualhosts'
templateDirectoryName = 'glasnost2'
class templateDirectoryName_kindClass:
_kindName = 'Choice'
balloonHelp = N_('Select the template (skin) to use for this host.')
isRequired = 1
defaultValue = 'glasnost2'
label = N_('Template')
def getValues(self, slot):
templatesDirectoryPath = context.getVar('templatesDirectoryPath')
dirs = os.listdir(templatesDirectoryPath)
values = []
for d in dirs:
infosName = os.path.join(templatesDirectoryPath, d, 'infos.xml')
if os.path.exists(infosName):
return values
def getLabels(self, slot):
templatesDirectoryPath = context.getVar('templatesDirectoryPath')
dirs = self.getValues(slot)
labels = {}
for d in dirs:
infosName = os.path.join(templatesDirectoryPath, d, 'infos.xml')
label = VirtualHostInfoParser(open(infosName).read()).label
labels[d] = label
return labels
title = None
title_kind_balloonHelp = N_('Enter the title of this virtual host.')
title_kind_isRequired = 1
title_kind_label = N_('Title')
title_kind_widget_size = 40
title_kindName = 'String'
writersSet = None
writersSet_kindName = 'WritersSet'
def getLabel(self):
"""Return the virtual host title name string.
Return the title strin attribute.
If the title string is None, an empty string is returned.
label = self.getTitle()
if label is None:
return ''
return label
def getOrderedLayoutSlotNames(self, parentSlot = None):
"""Return the layout slots names sequences.
The layout slots names of the parent are taken, and to them, the
class slot names are added.
Keyword argument
The slot where the object is instanciated.
Return the slot names sequence, minimum slot names are the current
object slots.
slotNames = ObjectCommon.getOrderedLayoutSlotNames(
self, parentSlot = parentSlot)
slotNames += [
'title', 'defaultDispatcherId', 'hostName',
'templateDirectoryName', 'creationTime', 'modificationTime',
'writersSet', 'readersSet']
return slotNames
def getTitle(self):
"""Return the title attribute."""
return self.title
class VirtualHostsCommonMixin(ObjectsCommonMixin):
"""Abstract class designed to be inherited with another class.
The product of a multiple inheritance is a fonctionnal Virtual host
All methods can be overriden or extended, in fact, this class define their
default behavior.
The class name string used for administrative purposes.
The illustrating string explaining what do a new object creation.
The objects are the objects handled by the subclass (not the class
The handled object class name string.
The 'gettextized' handled object class name string.
The capitalized 'gettextized' handled object class name string.
The 'gettextized' functionnal class name string (Usually the class name
without the type (proxy or server, etc...)).
The capitalized 'gettextized' class name string (Usually the class name
without the type (proxy or server, etc...)).
The class server role string.
adminClassName = 'AdminVirtualHosts'
newObjectNameCapitalized = N_('New Virtual Host')
objectClassName = 'VirtualHost'
objectName = N_('virtual host')
objectNameCapitalized = N_('Virtual Host')
objectsName = N_('virtual hosts')
objectsNameCapitalized = N_('Virtual Hosts')
serverRole = 'virtualhosts'