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# -*- coding: iso-8859-15 -*-
# Glasnost
# By: Odile Bénassy <>
# Romain Chantereau <>
# Nicolas Clapiès <>
# Pierre-Antoine Dejace <>
# Thierry Dulieu <>
# Florent Monnier <>
# Cédric Musso <>
# Frédéric Péters <>
# Benjamin Poussin <>
# Emmanuel Raviart <>
# Sébastien Régnier <>
# Emmanuel Saracco <>
# Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 Easter-eggs & Emmanuel Raviart
# Copyright (C) 2002 Odile Bénassy, Code Lutin, Thierry Dulieu, Easter-eggs,
# Entr'ouvert, Frédéric Péters, Benjamin Poussin, Emmanuel Raviart,
# Emmanuel Saracco & Théridion
# Copyright (C) 2003 Odile Bénassy, Romain Chantereau, Nicolas Clapiès,
# Code Lutin, Pierre-Antoine Dejace, Thierry Dulieu, Easter-eggs,
# Entr'ouvert, Florent Monnier, Cédric Musso, Ouvaton, Frédéric Péters,
# Benjamin Poussin, Rodolphe Quiédeville, Emmanuel Raviart, Sébastien
# Régnier, Emmanuel Saracco, Théridion & Vecam
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
__doc__ = """Glasnost Elections Common Models"""
__version__ = '$Revision$'[11:-2]
import time
from ObjectsCommon import AdminCommon, ObjectCommon, ObjectsCommonMixin
class AdminElectionsCommon(AdminCommon):
serverRole = 'elections'
subjectFormat = 'spip'
subjectFormat_kind_balloonHelp = N_(
"The text format to use for the elections. "\
"[SPIP->syntax-spip] or [reStructredText->syntax-rst] syntax reference.")
subjectFormat_kind_isRequired = 1
subjectFormat_kind_label = N_('Text Format')
subjectFormat_kind_labels = {
'html': N_('HTML'),
'spip': N_('SPIP'),
'rst': N_('reStructured Text'),
subjectFormat_kind_values = [
subjectFormat_kindName = 'Choice'
class AbstractElectionCommon(ObjectCommon):
authorsSet = None
authorsSet_kindName = 'AuthorsSet'
ballotKind = 'voterChoice'
ballotKind_kind_balloonHelp = N_('Select the type of the ballots.')
ballotKind_kind_isRequired = 1
ballotKind_kind_values = [
ballotKind_kindName = 'Choice'
candidateIds = None
candidateIds_kind_importExport = 'from-server-only'
candidateIds_kind_itemKind_valueName = 'Id'
candidateIds_kindName = 'Sequence'
candidatesSet = None
candidatesSet_kind_balloonHelp = N_(
'Choose the candidates for this election.')
candidatesSet_kind_itemKind_valueName = 'Id'
candidatesSet_kind_minCount = 1
candidatesSet_kindName = 'Sequence'
creationTime = None
creationTime_kindName = 'CreationTime'
endTime = None
endTime_kind_balloonHelp = N_(
'The time after which it is not possible to vote for '\
'this election anymore. (You will have to change the '\
'state of the election to "closed" if you want the '\
'results to be displayed)')
endTime_kindName = 'Time'
isAlwaysRunning = 0
isAlwaysRunning_kind_balloonHelp = N_(
'The results of a never ending election are displayed '\
'right from the start. Otherwise, the state of the '\
'election must be "closed" for the results to be '\
isAlwaysRunning_kind_isRequired = 1
isAlwaysRunning_kindName = 'Boolean'
modificationTime = None
modificationTime_kindName = 'ModificationTime'
readersSet = None
readersSet_kindName = 'ReadersSet'
serverRole = 'elections'
state = 'draft'
state_kind_isRequired = 1
state_kind_values = [
state_kindName = 'Choice'
subject = None
class subject_kindClass:
_kindName = 'String'
isTranslatable = 1
isRequired = 1
label = N_('Subject')
widget_cols = 75
widget_colSpan = 2
widget_preview = 1
widget_rows = 4
widgetName = 'TextArea'
def getTextFormat(self, slot):
from import getProxyForServerRole
proxy = getProxyForServerRole('elections')
return proxy.getAdmin().subjectFormat
title = None
# title_kind_balloonHelp = N_('Enter the title of this election.')
title_kind_isRequired = 1
title_kindName = 'String'
voteKind = 'VoteRanking'
voteKind_kind_balloonHelp = N_(
'You must choose ranking with the Condorcet Method.')
voteKind_kind_isRequired = 1
voteKind_kind_values = [
voteKind_kindName = 'Choice'
votersSet = None
votersSet_kind_balloonHelp = N_(
'Choose the persons or groups who will vote for this election.')
votersSet_kind_minCount = 1
votersSet_kindName = 'UsersSet'
voteTokens = None
voteTokens_kind_importExport = 'from-server-only'
# A new election has not voteTokens.
# voteTokens_kind_isRequired = 1
voteTokens_kind_itemKind_valueName = 'Token'
voteTokens_kindName = 'Sequence'
weightingsGradeId = None
weightingsGradeId_kind_serverRoles = ['grades']
weightingsGradeId_kindName = 'Id'
winnerIds = None
winnerIds_kind_importExport = 'from-server-only'
winnerIds_kind_itemKind_valueName = 'Id'
winnerIds_kindName = 'Sequence'
winnersCount = 1
winnersCount_kind_balloonHelp = N_(
'Enter the number of winners this election should have.')
winnersCount_kind_isRequired = 1
winnersCount_kindName = 'Integer'
winnersGroupId = None
winnersGroupId_kind_serverRoles = ['groups']
winnersGroupId_kindName = 'Id'
writersSet = None
writersSet_kindName = 'WritersSet'
def canCache(self):
return 0
def canCompute(self):
return self.state == 'closed' \
or self.state == 'running' and self.isAlwaysRunning \
and (self.endTime is None or self.endTime <= time.time())
def getLabel(self):
label = self.getTitle()
if label is None:
return ''
return label
def getOrderedLayoutSlotNames(self, parentSlot = None):
slotNames = ObjectCommon.getOrderedLayoutSlotNames(
self, parentSlot = parentSlot)
slotNames += [
'title', 'subject', 'creationTime', 'modificationTime', 'endTime',
'method', 'voteKind', 'isAlwaysRunning', 'ballotKind', 'state',
'authorsSet', 'writersSet', 'readersSet', 'votersSet',
'weightingsGradeId', 'candidatesSet', 'winnersCount',
'winnersGroupId', 'winnerIds']
return slotNames
def getTitle(self):
return self.title
def getVoterIds(self, virtualServerId = None):
from glasnost.proxy.GroupsProxy import getSetContainedIds
return getSetContainedIds(self.votersSet, ['identities'])
def newVote(self):
from glasnost.proxy.VotesProxy import votesProxy
vote = getattr(votesProxy, self.voteKind)()
if self.ballotKind != 'voter-choice':
vote.ballotKind = self.ballotKind
return vote
class ElectionAverageCommon(AbstractElectionCommon):
ratings = None
ratings_kind_importExport = 'from-server-only'
ratings_kind_keyKind_valueName = 'Id'
ratings_kind_valueKind_valueName = 'Float'
ratings_kindName = 'Mapping'
voteKind = 'VoteRating'
winnersGradeId = None
winnersGradeId_kind_serverRoles = ['grades']
winnersGradeId_kindName = 'Id'
class ElectionCondorcetCommon(AbstractElectionCommon):
pairwiseMatrix = None
pairwiseMatrix_kind_importExport = 'from-server-only'
pairwiseMatrix_kindName = 'PairwiseMatrix'
ratings = None
ratings_kind_importExport = 'from-server-only'
ratings_kind_keyKind_valueName = 'Id'
ratings_kind_valueKind_valueName = 'Rating'
ratings_kindName = 'Mapping'
voteKind = 'VoteRanking'
class ElectionsCommonMixin(ObjectsCommonMixin):
adminClassName = 'AdminElections'
newObjectNameCapitalized = N_('New Election')
objectClassName = 'AbstractElection'
objectName = N_('election')
objectNameCapitalized = N_('Election')
objectsName = N_('elections')
objectsNameCapitalized = N_('Elections')
serverRole = 'elections'